How can I create a consolidated list of Office 365 tasks (Exchange, Sharepoint, and Groups) - sharepoint

It appears that office 365 has had the My Tasks page removed from the News Feed (previously at As a result there is no place to get a consolidated view of tasks. As of July, 2016 there are three types of Office 365 tasks:
Exchange / Outlook tasks. These are accessible via the interface using the Tasks tile that takes you to
Groups tasks that are reachable via the Planner tile at the URL You can view them grouped by Project (Group) or consolidated.
Sharepoint tasks that are reachable by going to an individual sharepoint site, finding the task list, and looking for tasks assigned to you. I understand that there is a way to "Connect with Outlook" but that does not show online, it seems to only show in desktop Outlook. The tasks are also undiscoverable in Delve.
I am attempting to find a way to create a consolidated view of all three types of tasks. The first two types are discoverable in the various Microsoft Graph and Office APIs:
Exchange / Outlook tasks can be queried via
Groups / Planner tasks are available via
Unfortunately, I cannot find an API that seems to make Sharepoint tasks available. There do seem to be some desktop DLLs available, but I'm not sure if they work with SharePoint online (maybe only on-premises?).
So, does anyone know of any way to get Sharepoint tasks assigned to a given user out of Office 365? Alternatively, is there a third-party application that can do this already?

Use the SharePoint Search REST API with
in the query.


Determine whether a list item is a parent or child task in a sharepoint task list and modify its appearance in a powerapp gallery as a result

I'm using PowerApps to build a project management reporting interface, and I'd like to indicate on the main list of tasks whether something is a main task with subtasks or a subtask. We are syncing a microsoft project file with a sharepoint task list, and the mobile interface provided by sharepoint is bad. I can't find a task item property that is accessible within a powerapps query that will indicate this
I've iterated through all of the task item properties that are apparently exposed to the list connector, and none of them seem to indicate when something is a subtask. isFolder always returns false, even on top level tasks, so it seems like that property isn't being used to track this.
I expect to be able to build a conditional so that when my gallery is populated I can indicate if something has subordinate subtasks, how many there are, and allow people to browse to them. No matter what I've tried so far the list appears to populate unsorted and without any distinction between master tasks and subtasks
Had a similar problem; the current connector to Project Online is very rudimentary. However, if you have access to Power BI you can use the ProjectData REST api to send an OData query to get everything you are looking for. Power BI is much better for reporting/browsing data, and if you need to edit the SharePoint list you can embed PowerApps within a Power BI report.
Have also looked at using PowerApps to edit MS Project tasks, but as you noticed the connector is not fully functional. I think this may be by design; even the REST APIs do not allow for setting baselines, you have to open the file in MS Project Pro to have full access.

Using Workflow to Copy Calendar Items Between Sites in Site Collection

I am having problems figuring out a calendar workflow and am beginning to think what I need cannot be done w/out using .NET. I want to copy calendar items up and down between sites.
The site collection structure is Office-->Division-->Branch. There are 5 divisions under the office and multiple branches under each division. Each is a separate site with its own own calendar.
I want to populate a calendar on one site and have the item pushed up or down the site chain to another site calendar. So I need to be able to promote calendar events up AND down between calendars on different sites within the same site collection. Also, I don’t need the whole item copied. I need all fields except one because each site has its own set of check box values for one of the fields.
All my research has indicated this can’t be done without programming and I do not have Visual Studio. I have heard BCS may be a solution but am not sure that we have it. We are using SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Server but many things are not available to me such as Data Sources. One recommendation I got was to have one site (office) and put everything below it as site pages. So divisions and branches would just be pages, not separate sites. However, this seems like it would get out of hand quickly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So it looks like my site structure is not optimal as SharePoint lists and libraries do not easily flow between sites. I will need to change the structure so all the divisions and branches are site pages, not sites. This way everything will live in the same site and it will be much easier to move data around via workflow.
In this case, I won't need to move any data between calendars because now I can use one calendar for the office, divisions and branches and create different views to show the required data.

Sharepoint 2010 - How to create a reports with multiple filters, such as a user usage report

I am looking at creating some reports using the available analytics in SharePoint 2010. I have admin rights for the site and it's sub-sites.
Looking at the available options, there are useful reports that you can use:
Top pages
Top vistors
Number of daily unique visitors
These are all useful, however I need more. What I need to be able to do is:
1) Create user based report that details all the URL's that a visitor has accessed.
2) Create a report that shows top pages visited, but have the abailable to remove certain users (the admin users that are on there all the time, which doesn't provide a true reflection of the figures)
Looking at this, in the analyze tab > change settings, there is only really one option within the filter, like 'visitor contains'. I was hoping that there would be multiple filters that I could apply?
Is there a way I can the above 2 options in SharePoint 2010 via the 'Site Collection Web Analytics reports'?
SharePoint 2010 analytics is a bit limited.
It will collect lot's of information, but there is no out of the box functionality to display/analyze all the data.
You'd either create your own solution or look for a 3rd parity.
A good starting point is CardioLog, it has a free version and might provide you with some insights on what SharePoint 2010 analytics should look like.

Create Dynamic TFS Query in SharePoint Portal

We have recently moved our project over to TFS 2010 for CM control and issue tracking. For the most part we have been happy with the move. However, we have found that we need a way to allow users (notably our help desk) to write dynamic queries against our Product Backlog. The Query Results Web Part works fine for displaying information like Outstanding Work Items and Recent Issues, but our users need the ability to query for specific information that can change from support call to support call. Is there a way to allow a user to create a custom, dynamic query in TFS? If not are there any 3rd party tools that integrate with SharePoint that would allow this?
TFS 2010 has a web based user interface called Web Access. Users can create and view their own queries from there with the queries part of te app; they can also search for work items by words contained in their titles
By default, there is typically a link on the upper-left to it from the SharePoint site that TFS 2010 creates. If the link is not there you can access it directly its (default) URL: [http://address-of-your-TFS-server:8080/tfs/web]
I decided to use the Page Viewer Web Part to embed the actual query form from the Team Web Access to the Project Portal. Everything seems to work great when doing that. The only downside is you get a 'Nag Dialog' whenever you leave the page.

Sharepoint WebParts

I just finished my first web Part for Sharepoint WSS 3.0 and I'm very excited.
What it does is that just makes a connection to the TFS (team foundation) to get the OPEN and FIXED bugs by Sprint (We actually use SCRUM agile Process). Then takes both values (open & fixed) and puts them in a sharepoint list. A chart is fed with that list (using codeplex's web parts).
In the other side the web part retrieves information about the current team names from the Project Server, it follows the same procedure but it just feeds a Sharepoint list.
Any recommendations on performance or anything else would be much appreciated.
PD. i will set this as a community wiki 'cause there is no correct or wrong answer, just waiting for your feedback =D.
I'm a bit confused... Your webpart populates the list with values from TFS?
If you use a webpart, the list is populated only when someone visits the page and EVERYTIME someone visits the page.
Wouldn't you want to populate your SharePoint list using a console application or a SharePoint timer job that runs every so often?
To go a step further. Use federated search. In SharePoint (MOSS) you can specify locations (content sources) for the search service to index. This data will then be queryable in your sites. Using either custom scopes / customized search queries you can retieve data and then filter / display it on your sites.
