| word|
| 1609|
| |
| the|
| sonnets|
| |
| by|
| william|
| |
| fg|
This is my data frame. How to remove the empty rows (to remove the rows that contain '') using the 'where' clause.
df.where(trim(df.word) == "").show()
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Any help is appreciated.
You can trim and check if result is empty:
>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import trim
>>> df.where(trim(df.word) != "")
Apart from where, you can also use filter to achieve this.
from pyspark.sql.functions import trim
df.filter(trim(df.word) != "").show()
df.where(trim(df.word) != "").show()
|serial_number| test_date| s3_path| table_csv_data |
| 1050D1B0|2019-05-07 15:41:11|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| 1050D1B0|2019-05-07 15:41:11|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| 1050D1BE|2019-05-08 09:26:55|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| A0123456|2019-07-25 06:54:28|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| A0123456|2019-07-22 21:07:21|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| A0123456|2019-07-22 21:07:21|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| A0123456|2019-07-25 00:19:52|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| A0123456|2019-07-24 22:24:40|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| A0123456|2019-09-12 22:15:19|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
| A0123456|2019-07-22 21:27:56|s3://test-bucket-...|col1,col2,col3,col4...|
sample table_csv_data column contains:
Trying to achieve the final dataframe as below, please help
|serial_number| test_date| timestamp| partition | offset | key | value |
| 1050D1B0|2019-05-07 15:41:11| 1625218801350 | 97 | 33009 | 2CKXTKAT_20210701193302_6400_UCMP | 458969040 |
| 1050D1B0|2019-05-07 15:41:11| 1625218801349 | 41 | 33018 | 3FGW9S6T_20210701193210_6400_UCMP | 17569160 |
I cannot think of an approach, kindly help with some suggestions.
As I alternative, I converted the sting csv data into list using csv_reader as well as below, but post that I have been blocked
[1625218801350, 97, 33009, 2CKXTKAT_20210701193302_6400_UCMP, 458969040]
[1625218801349, 41,33018, 3FGW9S6T_20210701193210_6400_UCMP, 17569160]]
You just need to use split :
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = df.withColumn("table_csv_data", F.split("table_csv_data", ",")).select(
... # Do the same for all the columns you need
I have dataframe like this:
| | envelopeid | message |
| 1 | d55edb65-dc77-41d0-bb53-43cf01376a04 | CMN.00002 |
| 2 | d55edb65-dc77-41d0-bb53-43cf01376a04 | CMN.00004 |
| 3 | d55edb65-dc77-41d0-bb53-43cf01376a04 | CMN.11001 |
| 4 | 5cb72b9c-adb8-4e1c-9296-db2080cb3b6d | CMN.00002 |
| 5 | 5cb72b9c-adb8-4e1c-9296-db2080cb3b6d | CMN.00001 |
| 6 | f4260b99-6579-4607-bfae-f601cc13ff0c | CMN.00202 |
| 7 | 8f673ae3-0293-4aca-ad6b-572f138515e6 | CMN.00002 |
| 8 | fee98470-aa8f-4ec5-8bcd-1683f85727c2 | TKP.00001 |
| 9 | 88926399-3697-4e15-8d25-6cb37a1d250e | CMN.00002 |
| 10| 88926399-3697-4e15-8d25-6cb37a1d250e | CMN.00004 |
I've grouped it with grouped = df.groupby('envelopeid')
And I need to remove all groups from the dataframe and stay only that groups that have messages (CMN.00002) or (CMN.00002 and CMN.00004) only.
Desired dataframe:
| | envelopeid | message |
| 7 | 8f673ae3-0293-4aca-ad6b-572f138515e6 | CMN.00002 |
| 9 | 88926399-3697-4e15-8d25-6cb37a1d250e | CMN.00002 |
| 10| 88926399-3697-4e15-8d25-6cb37a1d250e | CMN.00004 |
(grouped.message.transform(lambda x: x.eq('CMN.00001').any() or (x.eq('CMN.00002').any() and x.ne('CMN.00002' or 'CMN.00004').any()) or x.ne('CMN.00002').all()))
but it is not working properly
grouped = df.loc[df['message'].isin(['CMN.00002', 'CMN.00002', 'CMN.00004'])].groupby('envelopeid')
Try this: df[df.message== 'CMN.00002']
outdf = df.groupby('envelopeid').filter(lambda x: tuple(x.message)== ('CMN.00002',) or tuple(x.message)== ('CMN.00002','CMN.00004'))
So i figured it up.
resulting dataframe will got only groups that have only CMN.00002 message or CMN.00002 and CMN.00004. This is what I need.
I used filter instead of transform.
I am trying to sort the results of sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor's feature_importances_
I have the following function:
def get_feature_importances(cols, importances):
feats = {}
for feature, importance in zip(cols, importances):
feats[feature] = importance
importances = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(feats, orient='index').rename(columns={0: 'Gini-importance'})
return importances
I use it like so:
importances = get_feature_importances(X_test.columns, rf.feature_importances_)
And I get the following results:
| PART | 0.035034 |
| MONTH1 | 0.02507 |
| YEAR1 | 0.020075 |
| MONTH2 | 0.02321 |
| YEAR2 | 0.017861 |
| MONTH3 | 0.042606 |
| YEAR3 | 0.028508 |
| DAYS | 0.047603 |
| MEDIANDIFF | 0.037696 |
| F2 | 0.008783 |
| F1 | 0.015764 |
| F6 | 0.017933 |
| F4 | 0.017511 |
| F5 | 0.017799 |
| SS22 | 0.010521 |
| SS21 | 0.003896 |
| SS19 | 0.003894 |
| SS23 | 0.005249 |
| SS20 | 0.005127 |
| RR | 0.021626 |
| HI_HOURS | 0.067584 |
| OI_HOURS | 0.054369 |
| MI_HOURS | 0.062121 |
| PERFORMANCE_INDEX | 0.073884 |
| NUMPA | 0.022445 |
| BUMPA | 0.024192 |
| ELOH | 0.04386 |
| FFX1 | 0.128367 |
| FFX2 | 0.083839 |
I thought the line importances.sort_values(by='Gini-importance') would sort them. But it is not. Why is this not performing correctly?
importances.sort_values(by='Gini-importance') returns the sorted dataframe, which is overlooked by your function.
You want return importances.sort_values(by='Gini-importance').
Or you could make sort_values inplace:
importances.sort_values(by='Gini-importance', inplace=True)
return importances
Say I have a column in a SparkSQL DataFrame like this:
| word |
| chair |
| lamp |
| table |
I want to explode out all the prefixes like so:
| prefix |
| c |
| ch |
| cha |
| chai |
| chair |
| l |
| la |
| lam |
| lamp |
| t |
| ta |
| tab |
| tabl |
| table |
Is there a good way to do this WITHOUT using udfs, or functional programming methods such as flatMap in spark sql? (I'm talking about a solution using the codegen optimal functions in org.apache.spark.sql.functions._)
Technically it is possible but I doubt it will perform any better than a simple flatMap (if performance is the reason to avoid flatMap):
val df = Seq("chair", "lamp", "table").toDF("word")
df.withColumn("len", explode(sequence(lit(1), length($"word"))))
.select($"word".substr(lit(1), $"len") as "prefix")
| c|
| ch|
| cha|
| chai|
| chair|
| l|
| la|
| lam|
| lamp|
| t|
| ta|
| tab|
| tabl|
| table|
I have two dataframe to merge.When I run the program with the same input data and code,there will be two situations(First:Successful merge;Second:The data belongs to 'annotate' in merge data is NaN.)
raw_df2 = pd.merge(annotate,raw_df,on='gene',how='right').fillna("unkown")
Then I have a test:
count = 10001
while (count > 10000):
raw_df2 = pd.merge(annotate,raw_df,on='gene',how='right').fillna("unkown")
count = len(raw_df2[raw_df2["type"]=="unkown"])
If merge is faild,"raw_df" always is falied during the run.I must resubmit the script,and the result may be successful.
[First two columns are from 'annotate';Others are 'from raw_df']
The failed result:
| type | gene | locus | sample_1 | sample_2 | status | value_1 | value_2 |
| unknow | 0610040J01Rik | chr5:63812494-63899619 | Ctrl | SPION10 | OK | 2.02125 | 0.652688 |
| unknow | 1110008F13Rik | chr2:156863121-156887078 | Ctrl | SPION10 | OK | 87.7115 | 49.8795 |
The successful result:
| gene | type | locus | sample_1 | sample_2 | status | value_1 | value_2 |
| St18 | misc_RNA | chr1:6487230-6860940 | Ctrl | SPION10 | OK | 1.90988 | 3.91643 |
| Arid5a | misc_RNA | chr1:36307732-36324029 | Ctrl | SPION10 | OK | 1.33796 | 2.21057 |
| Carf | misc_RNA | chr1:60076867-60153953 | Ctrl | SPION10 | OK | 0.846988 | 1.47619 |
I have a solution,but I still don't know what cause the previous problem.
Set the column in two dataframe that I want to merge as the Index.Then use the index to merge two dataframe.
Run the script more than 10 times,the result is no longer wrong.
# the first dataframe
DataQiime = pd.read_csv(args.FileTranseq,header=None,sep=',') #
DataQiime_index = DataQiime.set_index('Feature.ID', inplace=False, drop=True)
# the second dataframe
DataTranseq = pd.read_table(args.FileQiime,header=0,sep='\t',encoding='utf-8') #
DataTranseq_index = DataTranseq.set_index('Feature.ID', inplace=False, drop=True)
# merge by index
DataMerge = pd.merge(DataQiime,DataTranseq,left_index=True,right_index=True,how="inner")