How could I determine number of iterations untill convergence of iterative solvers in Math.NET? -

I am using last version of Math.NET.
I tried "residualStopCriterion._lastIteration" but it only works in debug mode since it's a non-public member. I need to save this values in a file.


Auto count subproblems in Excel Solver

When using Excel solver there are options to terminate optimisation after a max number of subproblems, or a set period of time without improvement in the objective function output. Presumably, if using the latter, running the optimisation on a system with greater computing power, a greater number of sub-problems will be tested before timing out and therefore the possibility of a "more optimal" solution exists.
This got me wondering if there was a way of automatically recording the number of subproblems for each optimisation run. I could then use stats based on this data to set a max sub problem limit as an alternative to time without improvement - that way if i run the model on a less powerful system, i can be sure that i am going to get similar results (there is no point in setting the max subproblem limit to say 10, if the optimal solution is found after 300 sub problems on average).
The question is, does anybody know how to automatically record the number of subproblems for each model run? I run my model on a loop via a macro.
Many thanks in advance.

How to parallelize execution of a custom function formula while keeping the Google Sheet shareable and permissionless?

I have a Google Sheet with a custom function formula that: takes in a matrix and two vectors from a spreadsheet, does some lengthy matrix-vector calculations (>30 sec, so above the quota), before outputting the result as a bunch of rows. It is single-threaded, since that's what Google Apps Script (GAS) natively is, but I want to parallelize the calculation using a multi-threading workaround, so it speeds it up drastically.
Requirements (1-3):
UX: It should run the calculations automatically and reactively as a custom function formula, which implies that the user doesn't have to manually start it by clicking a run button or similar. Like my single-threaded version currently does.
Parallelizable: It should ideally spawn ~30 threads/processes, so that instead of taking >30 seconds as it now does (which makes it time out due to Google's quota limit), it should take ~1 second. (I know GAS is single-threaded, but there are workarounds, referenced below).
Shareability: I should ideally be able to share the Sheet with other people, so they can "Make a copy" of it, and the script will still run the calculations for them:
3.1 Permissionless: Without me having to manually hand out individual permissions to users (permissionless). For instance whenever someone "Makes a copy" and "Execute the app as user accessing the web app". My rudimentary testing suggest that this is possible.
3.2 Non-intrusive: Without users of the spreadsheet having to give intrusive authorizations like "Give this spreadsheet/script/app access to your entire Google Drive or Gmail account?". Users having to give an non-intrusive authorization to a script/webapp can be acceptable, as long as requirement 3.1 is still maintained.
3.3 UX: Without forcing users to view a HTML sidebar in the spreadsheet.
I have already read this excellent related answer by #TheMaster which outlines some potential ways of solving parallelization in Google Apps script in general. Workaround #3 and workaround #4 UrlFetchApp.fetchAll (both using a Google Web App) looks most promising. But some details are unknown to me, such as if they can adhere to requirements 1 and 3 with its sub-requirements.
I can conceive of an other potential naïve workaround which would be to split the function up into several custom functions formulas and do the parallelization (by some kind of Map/Reduce) inside the spreadsheet itself (storing intermediary results back into the spreadsheet, and having custom function formulas work on that as reducers). But that's undesired, and probably unfeasible, in my case.
I'm very confident my function is parallelizable using some kind of Map/Reduce process. The function is currently optimized by doing all the calculations in-memory, without touching the spreadsheet in-between steps, before finally outputting the result to the spreadsheet. The details of it is quite intricate and well over 100 lines, so I don't want to overload you with more (and potentially confusing) information which doesn't really affect the general applicability of this case. For the context of this question you may assume that my function is parallelizable (and map-reduce'able), or consider any function you already know that would be. What's interesting is what's generally possible to achieve with parallelizationin Google Apps Script, while also maintaining the highest level of shareability and UX. I'll update this question with more details if needed.
Update 2020-06-19:
To be more clear, I do not rule out Google Web App workarounds entirely, as I haven't got experience with their practical limitations to know for sure if they can solve the problem within the requirements. I have updated the sub-requirements 3.1 and 3.2 to reflect this. I also added sub-req 3.3, to be clearer on the intent. I also removed req 4, since it was largely overlapping with req 1.
I also edited the question and removed the related sub-questions, so it is more focused on the single main HOWTO-question in the title. The requirements in my question should provide a clear objective standard for which answers would be considered best.
I realise the question might entail a search for the Holy Grail of Google Sheet multithreading workarounds, as #TheMaster has pointed out in private. Ideally, Google would provide one or more features to support multithreading, map-reduce, or more permissionless sharing. But until then I would really like to know what is the optimal workaround within the current constraints we have. I would hope this question is relevant to others as well, even considering the tight requirements.
If you publish a web-app with "anyone, even anonymous", execute as "Me", then the custom function can use UrlFetchApp.fetchAllAuthorization not needed to post to that web-app. This will run in parallelproof. This solves all the three requirements.
Caveat here is: If multiple people use the sheet, and the custom function will have to post to the "same" webapp (that you published to execute as you) for processing, Google will limit simultaneous executionsquota limit:30.
To workaround this, You can ask people using your sheet to publish their own web-apps. They'll have to do this once at the beginning and no authorization is needed.
If not, you'll need to host a custom server for the load or something like google-cloud-functions might help
I ended up using the naïve workaround that I mentioned in my post:
I can conceive of an other potential naïve workaround which would be
to split the function up into several custom functions formulas and do
the parallelization (by some kind of Map/Reduce) inside the
spreadsheet itself (storing intermediary results back into the
spreadsheet, and having custom function formulas work on that as
reducers). But that's undesired, and probably unfeasible, in my case.
I initially disregarded it because it involves having an extra sheet tab with calculations which was not ideal. But when I reflected on it after investigating alternative solutions, it actually solves all the stated requirements in the most non-intrusive manner. Since it doesn't require anything extra from users the spreadsheet is shared with. It also stays 'within' Google Sheets as far as possible (no semi- or fully external Web App needed), doing the parallelization by relying on the native parallelization of concurrently executing spreadsheet cells, where results can be chained, and appear to the user like using regular formulas (no extra menu item or run-this-script-buttons necessary).
So I implemented MapReduce in Google Sheets using custom functions each operating on a slice of the interval I wanted to calculate. The reason I was able to do that, in my case, was that the input to my calculation was divisible into intervals that could each be calculated separately, and then joined later.**
Each parallel custom function then takes in one interval, calculates that, and outputs the results back to the sheet (I recommend to output as rows instead of columns, since columns are capped at 18 278 columns max. See this excellent post on Google Spreadsheet limitations.) I did run into the only 40,000 new rows at a time limitation, but was able to perform some reducing on each interval, so that they only output a very limited amount of rows to the spreadsheet. That was the parallelization; the Map part of MapReduce. Then I had a separate custom function which did the Reduce part, namely: dynamically target*** the spreadsheet output area of the separately calculated custom functions, and take in their results, once available, and join them together while further reducing them (to find the best performing results), to return the final result.
The interesting part was that I thought I would hit the only 30 simultaneous execution quota limit of Google Sheets. But I was able to parallelize up to 64 independently and seemingly concurrently executing custom functions. It may be that Google puts these into a queue if they exceed 30 concurrent executions, and only actually process 30 of them at any given time (please comment if you know). But anyhow, the parallelization benefit/speedup was huge, and seemingly nearly infinitely scalable. But with some caveats:
You have to define the number of parallelised custom functions up front, manually. So the parallelization doesn't infinitely auto-scale according to demand****. This is important because of the counter-intuitive result that in some cases using less parallelization actually executes faster. In my case, the result set from a very small interval could be exceedingly large, while if the interval had been larger then a lot of the results would have been ruled out underway in the algorithm in that parallelised custom function (i.e. the Map also did some reduction).
In rare cases (with huge inputs), the Reducer function will output a result before all of the parallel (Map) functions have completed (since some of them seemingly take too long). So you seemingly have a complete result set, but then a few seconds later it will re-update when the last parallel function returns its result. This is not ideal, so to be notified of this I implemented a function to tell me if the result was valid. I put it in the cell above the Reduce function (and colored the text red). B6 is the number of intervals (here 4), and the other cell references go to the cell with the custom function for each interval: =didAnyExecutedIntervalFail($B$6,S13,AB13,AK13,AT13)
function didAnyExecutedIntervalFail(intervalsExecuted, ...intervalOutputs) {
const errorValues = new Set(["#NULL!", "#DIV/0!", "#VALUE!", "#REF!", "#NAME?", "#NUM!", "#N/A","#ERROR!", "#"]);
// We go through only the outputs for intervals which were included in the parallel execution.
for(let i=0; i < intervalsExecuted; i++) {
if (errorValues.has(intervalOutputs[i]))
return "Result below is not valid (due to errors in one or more of the intervals), even though it looks like a proper result!";
The parallel custom functions are limited by Google quota of max 30 sec execution time for any custom function. So if they take too long to calculate, they still might time out (causing the issue mentioned in the previous point). The way to alleviate this timeout is to parallelise more, dividing into more intervals, so that each parallel custom function runs below 30 second.
The output of it all is limited by Google Sheet limitations. Specifically max 5M cells in a spreadsheet. So you may need to perform some reduction on the size of the results calculated in each parallel custom function, before returning its result to the spreadsheet. So that they each are below 40 000 rows, otherwise you'll receive the dreaded "Results too large" error). Furthermore, depending on the size the result of each parallel custom function, it would also limit how many custom functions you could have at the same time, as they and their result cells take space in the spreadsheet. But if each of them take in total, say 50 cells (including a very small output), then you could still parallelize pretty much (5M / 50 = 100 000 parallel functions) within a single sheet. But you also need some space for whatever you want to do with those results. And the 5M cells limit is for the whole Spreadsheet in total, not just for one of its sheet tabs, apparently.
** For those interested: I basically wanted to calculate all combinations of a sequence of bits (by brute force), so the function was 2^n where n was the number of bits. The initial range of combinations was from 1 to 2^n, so it could be divided into intervals of combinations, for example, if dividing into two intervals, it would be one from 1 to X and then one from X+1 to 2^n.
*** For those interested: I used a separate sheet formula to dynamically determine the range for the output of one of the intervals, based on the presence of rows with content. It was in a separate cell for each interval. For the first interval it was in cell S11 and the formula looked like this:
=ADDRESS(ROW(S13),COLUMN(S13),4)&":"&ADDRESS(COUNTA(S13:S)+ROWS(S1:S12),COLUMN(Z13),4) and it would output S13:Z15 which is the dynamically calculated output range, which only counts those rows with content (using COUNTA(S13:S)), thus avoiding to have a statically determined range. Since with a normal static range the size of the output would have to be known in advance, which it wasn't, or it would possibly either not include all of the output, or a lot of empty rows (and you don't want the Reducer to iterate over a lot of essentially empty data structures). Then I would input that range into the Reduce function by using INDIRECT(S$11). So that's how you get the results, from one of the intervals processed by a parallelized custom function, into the main Reducer function.
**** Though you could make it auto-scale up to some pre-defined amount of parallelised custom functions. You could use some preconfigured thresholds, and divide into, say, 16 intervals in some cases, but in other cases automatically divide into 64 intervals (preconfigured, based on experience). You'd then just stop / short-circuit the custom functions which shouldn't participate, based on if the number of that parallelised custom function exceeds the number of intervals you want to divide into and process. On the first line in the parallelised custom function: if (calcIntervalNr > intervals) return;. Though you would have to set up all the parallel custom functions in advance, which can be tedious (remember you have to account for the output area of each, and are limited by the max cell limit of 5M cells in Google Sheets).

Aggregate multiple perf profiles

I'm working on a managed runtime. A code change went in which resulted in a regression in the rate at which the JIT compiler processes compilations. (That is, the act of compiling is slower, the resulting code being generated is unaffected.) This was observed using our standard benchmark.
I'm trying to nail down the mechanics underlying this regression. I have been looking at pairs of profiles created from single runs of the benchmark. For each pair, the first profile is generated with a build without the change, the second is generated with a build with is identical to the first, modulo the regression-causing change.
I'm finding that there aren't enough samples to make useful determinations when using a profile for a single run. I would like to collect multiple profiles for both before and after (generally k for each of before and after), and merge them together to generate a smoother view of what's going on.
Is there a way to do this?

Test multiple algorithms in one experiment

Is there any way to test multiple algorithms rather than doing it once for each and every algorithm; then checking the result? There are a lot of times where I don’t really know which one to use, so I would like to test multiple and get the result (error rate) fairly quick in Azure Machine Learning Studio.
You could connect the scores of multiple algorithms with an 'Evaluate Model' button to evaluate algorithms against each other.
Hope this helps.
The module you are looking for, is the one called “Cross-Validate Model”. It basically splits whatever comes in from the input-port (dataset) into 10 pieces, then reserves the last piece as the “answer”; and trains the nine other subset models and returns a set of accuracy statistics measured towards the last subset. What you would look at is the column called “Mean absolute error” which is the average error for the trained models. You can connect whatever algorithm you want to one of the ports, and subsequently you will receive the result for that algorithm in particular after you “right-click” the port which gives the score.
After that you can assess which algorithm did the best. And as a pro-tip; you could use the Filter-based-feature selection to actually see which column had a significant impact on the result.
You can check section 6.2.4 of hands-on-lab at GitHub which focuses on the evaluation of multiple algorithms etc.

How to test a program processing large amounts of data stored in an unpredictable format

What I have to do
I'm trying to manipulate some rather large amounts of data stored in Excel files (one of the workbooks has as much as 150 spreadsheets). The result of these manipulations may yield approximately 800.000 rows in a database table.
The problem
Data stored in the spreadsheets has unpredictable format. The company that generated these spreadsheets had no fixed/documented format for exporting these files, and sometimes erroneous data appear. For example most of the years are represented like "2009" but there are cases where a year is represented as "20". Other example, data is not really normalized in these files, so I use separators to split the values of certain cells. Sometimes these separators change.
There are things like these that I couldn't predict and I only discovered them only after running an already evolved version of my program over a pretty large part of the available data.
The question
How can one test the correctness of a program in such a situation? Or rather, how to achieve a pretty stable version of the product without running it over the whole available data?
Shall I take a defensive approach and throw exceptions whenever some kind of unexpected issue arises? Then the main loop of the program may catch and log them and continue with the available data? This would yield some processed data, but that means that on a subsequent iteration of the program I have to have checks for what's already inside the database from previous iterations (which I don't really like).
What's your opinion? How would you tackle this problem?
If there is no specification for what the format of the data is, then anything is acceptable.
If not, then there is either an explicit or implicit specification of the data. I would try and nail this down right now. If you can't get an explicit enough definition of the data to write your program so that it can be expected to run without error, then I would say you are taking a very large risk in causing some serious damage depending on how this data is being used.
You should write your program so that it either throws an exception or logs an error whenever running across data that does not meet the specification. Then, run the program on PART of the available data until it runs without exception. This can be viewed as a training set for the development of your program. Then, use some of the saved data to use as a TEST set. This will give you an estimate of how many exceptions/errors your program will generate in production.
Overfitting is a common machine learning concept, but it is useful to other tasks such as this - program development. It is surprising to me how developers can write a bunch of unit tests, code their application to perform well on it, and then expect similar or bug-free performance in production.
If you're not willing to take all these steps (i.e. run your code on essentially all of the data -- since the test set is also making use of the data) then I would say the task is too large to do.
As an aside, rather than creating a definition of a format that is very strange and peculiar to account for all the "errors" in the current data, you might want to create a new, normalized (in the sense these things are simplified away) specification for the data, and then write a "faulty document patcher" that can be run on faulty documents to fix the data.
If the application generating the data is still in production, then you might need to go to the developers of this application to get a buy in on the new spec. Once you have that, you can then start logging bugs against their application, so hopefully the faulty document patcher can be retired.
More likely, I'm guessing that the software developers are long gone, no one understands the code anymore, if it is even running at all.
How can one test the correctness of a program in such a situation? Or rather, how to achieve a pretty stable version of the product without running it over the whole available data?
For every single data type I would set reasonable constraints on the values that it is allowed to be.
If a cell violates these constraints then throw an exception containing the piece of data it failed on and its data type. If a piece of data violated its constraints you can modify the source to include the additional constraints required for that piece of data, and a conversion method to make it uniform.
To give an example on the date you gave, initially a date would have the constraint that it could be only four digits. When the program came across the "20" it would throw an exception.
Then you could go and allow two digit dates, and a method to convert the two-digit dates into a four digit one to allow further processing.
One question is, will you run your program more than once? From your question it sounds possible you only want to run it once, and then you will then work with the data in the database.
In which case you can be very defensive - throw exceptions whenever unexpected data appears. Run the program repeatedly on ever-larger sets of the data. Initially, solve any exceptions by altering the code, as it's a good rule of thumb that the exceptions you find first are going to be common. You might want to empty the output database between runs.
Later on, you will be finding rare exceptions that might only occur a couple of times in the input. Just solve these by hand and insert the corresponding rows in the database yourself. Or write another small program that reads your exception information and inserts the new rows, rather than running your whole big program again.
Typically for this sort of thing I do these as #MarkJ suggested, and I encode the whole thing in unit tests.
So I compose a small datafile that at first contains only a few rows of normal data. That's unit test number 1.
Then I take a quick visual scan of some of the data to spot any obvious exceptions. Unit tests 2 through n.
Finally, I write parser code until it passes all unit tests, and throws and logs exceptions for all un-managed data.
I then use these oddball bits of data to make new unit tests, and improve the parser until it can pass those too.
Although sometimes accommodating some really strange bit of data adds more parser complexity than it's worth, and I'll just log the exception, dump it, and move on. This is a matter of professional judgment.
How about processing every piece of data (so you don't have to check for dupes). Those that pass go into the database. The exceptions go into an exception file. The user can open the exception file and make corrections/modifications to the data. Then they can run your program on the exception file.
This will isolate unhandled data for the user to correct and prevent you from processing the same data twice (or more).
