It seems like VS and GTK are only needed to build node-canvas, which is required by konva.
Forgive me since I'm a complete newbie, but is there any other way of doing this without having to download and install a bunch of huge things that I'll never use for anything else? The whole process seems silly to me, since most browsers natively support HTML5 canvas these days.
You can use Konva in NodeJS environment. For that case node-canvas is required. So you have to install all dependencies for in.
Probably you do not need NodeJS. You can use browsers environments. For that case node-canvas is not required. DEMO
I found the answer, it's very simple that I missed it for a whole week!
Just do a npm install konva react-konva --save-dev, without installing node-canvas.
Before I imported konva at the start of my component file like this
import {Layer, Rect, Stage, Group} from 'react-konva';
But this is loaded before the DOM was created, so webpack couldn't resolve 'canvas', which resulted in a
Could not resolve module 'canvas'
I made it work by moving this down to either componentDidMount or render method:
render() {
const {Layer, Rect, Stage, Group} = require('react-konva');
return (
<div ref="containerDOM">
<Stage width={700} height={700}>
How can I use monaco in my electron app? out this example: What's the proper way to do that? i'm open to new suggestions. I throughout into building a micro frontends but it's not that nice in react/electron and in the end i would have to include the final index output file using iframe. I wish I could use something we do with dlls in desktop application. note: i'm new to react and electron, perdon mystakes that seems so simple.
Well, I tried to "merge" as needed both webpack configs. Is this the way to go? so far i couldn't make it. I added:
resolve: {
alias: {
'vscode': require.resolve('#codingame/monaco-languageclient/lib/vscode-compatibility')
but it cannot find the vscode module, i'm getting the error:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'vscode' in 'C:\Users\jjj\Desktop\merge\Newton\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common' even tho the package is installed.
I also tried to add "editor.worker": 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker.js' in the entry section but I got the error:
An unhandled error has occurred inside Forge:
Conflict: Multiple chunks emit assets to the same filename index.js (chunks 179 and 915)
Error: Conflict: Multiple chunks emit assets to the same filename index.js (chunks 179 and 915)
I did plan to -- assuming it's the proper way to go ---, once managed to fix this webpackes merge, I'd include the main file with the contents:
(self as any).MonacoEnvironment = {
getWorkerUrl: () => './editor.worker.bundle.js'
then have
<div id="container" style="width:800px;height:600px;border:1px solid grey"></div>
somewhere to show the editor and the <script src="main.bundle.js"></script> wouldn't be needed due to the fact it would be included in the webscript's output javascript bundle file, used elsewhere by the entire application.
Various errors may occur depending on the bundler configuration, so I made it simple example by referring to codes monaco-editor and monaco-languageclient. Both repositories work after build, so I separated the main process and renderer process folders to avoid overlapping outputs. Maybe this is related to Forge's error.
I created an Electron renderer code using monaco-languageclient's client code, and in the main process, run monaco-languageclient's server. Therefore, both processes must share the same web socket port. You can also erase the following lines and run LanguageServer externally.
Here is an example without the iframe.
I am using styled-components in a React project. When the components are rendered in the browser they are assigned a randomly generated classname, for example:
<div class="sc-KSdffgy oPwefl">
This class name does not help me identify from which component the <div> came from, so is there a way to do this easily?
P.s. currently I am adding attrs to my styled components so that I can recognise them in dev tools, for example:
const Foo = styled.div.attrs({
'data-id': 'foo'
That's exactly why we created our Babel plugin, when using it you'll get class names that include the name you gave your component:
<div class="Sidebar__Button-KSdffgy oPwefl">
On top of that we set the displayName of the generated component too, which means in your React DevTools you'll see the actual component name rather than just <div> or <Styled(Component)>.
To use the Babel plugin install it with npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-styled-components and then add it to your Babel configuration: (e.g. in your .babelrc)
plugins: ["styled-components"]
That's it! Happy debugging 😊
Note that if you're using create-react-app you cannot change the Babel configuration. I use and would recommend react-app-rewired to be able to change configurations without having to eject. We've also built react-app-rewire-styled-components which automatically integrates the styled-components Babel plugin for you!
For anyone using create-react-app, just substitute
import styled from "styled-components";
import styled from "styled-components/macro";
this will make your styled-component classes have the name of their component in them. And you'll be able to know which classes refer to which components just by looking at their class name ;)
For anyone using create-react-app, another option is to use the styled components babel macro
npm install --save babel-plugin-macros
Inside your component use import styled from 'styled-components/macro'; instead of import styled from 'styled-components';
You should now see the component name in your dev tools:
I was looking at doing the same and stumbled on the following as an alternative to attrs:
const Section = styled.div`
background-color: #06183d;
color: white;
padding: 16px;
margin-top: 16px;
border-radius: 5px;
Section.defaultProps = {
"data-id": "Section"
Use React.Component's defaultProps. It keeps the call to styled.div cleaner and should be easier to remove if needed.
Results in:
If you use ts-loader or awesome-typescript-loader there is typescript-plugin-styled-components.
I'm working on a UI component in VIM with TypeScript plugin that highlights the errors on the spot, so it's not something I get during the actual plugin installation into the app at this point (although I haven't tried yet).
declare module "card-view" {
import view = require("ui/core/view");
export class CardView extends view.View {
And I get this:
Cannot find module 'ui/core/view'.
I realize that ui/core/view is unavailable at this point, since it's a standalone plugin, but it will be available at runtime. Is there anything to be done to resolve the error? I must be missing some step that wasn't mentioned in the guide --
When I got to card-view-common.js implementation I hit another issue. TypeScript expects android and ios properties to be implemented, but since the class extends View (from ui/core/view) they are supposed to be implemented there. In other words, I believe I still need to somehow point to the existing core module, not sure how though.
Found it. I added a devDependency to package.json with tns-core-modules like below, ran npm install and then it began recognizing the module. Makes sense if you think about how it is supposed to compile the module during the development phase without installing in the real app, but may be worth mentioning in the guide anyway.
"devDependencies": {
"tns-core-modules": "^1.5.1"
'ui/core/view' (and the modules, distributed through the tns-core-modules package are declared as ambient external modules.
It could be that the vim plugin you use does not recognize ambient modules correctly.
Is it possible to run the TypeScript compiler in the browser for transpiling TS to JS 100% in the browser. The use case would be implementing an online TypeScript IDE that runs 100% client side and it has a "Play" button to execute the project. So I need to transpile the project to JavaScript in order for the browser to execute the code.
I presume it should be as simple as loading the relevant typescript JS files, creating an instance of the right class (compiler?) and calling a method or two.
What would be the means suitable to load the Compiler in the browser? Where is the TypeScript Compiler API Reference Documentation ? Where should I start digging in ?
This isn't asking for any specific tool, but ANY way to do this with this particular computer language, and thus is on topic.
You can use typescript-script :
However do not do this in production as it is going to be slow.
You can use webpack (or a similar module bundler) to load npm packages in the browser.
Transpiling ts to js is as simple as loading the typescriptServices.js file from typescript repo or npm, and using it's window.ts.transpile(tsCode)
<script src=""></script>
const tsCode = 'let num: number = 123;';
const jsCode = window.ts.transpile(tsCode);
var num = 123;
You can also pass the ts compiler options object as second argument to ts.transpile() to specify whether output js should be es2020, es5, es6, and other stuff, though for meaning of values you'll likely have to dive into the source code.
Since this question got re-opened (just as planned >:D), I'm also re-posting my comment here.
#basarat's solution was great; even though his lib is outdated and abandoned, it helped me a lot in writing another, self-sufficient modern lib with support for sub-dependencies: ts-browser
Usage: (given you use relative paths in all your ts files)
<!-- index.html -->
<script type="module">
import {loadModule} from '';
loadModule('./index.ts').then(indexModule => {
return indexModule.default(document.getElementById('composeCont'));
// index.ts
import {makePanel} from './utils/SomeDomMaker'; // will implicitly use file with .ts extension
export default (composeCont) => {
If I have a module that requires an application namespace, e.g.:
define(["app"], function(App){
... and the namespace requires libraries used by all of my modules, e.g.:
define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone"], function($, _, Backbone){
... then all of my modules have access to the libraries required by the namespace, i.e. I can use $, _, and Backbone.
I like this behavior because I can avoid being repetitious, but I suspect that I'm cheating somehow, and that I should require libraries in each module.
Can anyone set me straight here?
Yeah, that's kinda hacky. You only have access to jQuery, underscore and backbone because they're also defined onto the global scope. Backbone and undersocre aren't real AMD module, they have to use a shim config. jQuery declare himself on the global scope and as an AMD module so it works everywhere.
So, yes it work like that, but it's not optimal. Real AMD module (non-shimmed) won't work this way as they need to be passed in the define functions arguments, and you won't be able to pull only one module to test it in a separate environment, etc. This way, you cannot load different versions of a scripts to work with different module/app section/page.
The goal of AMD is to bring modularity to your code so every module declare it's own dependencies and will work out of the box it without relying on the global scope (which is a good thing to prevent name collision and conflict with third party/other dev working on the same project).
If you find it's redundant to redeclare everytime your base dependencie, create a boilerplate file that you just copy/paste when creating another module (it's better than nothing). And, maybe some command line tools can build AMD module wrapper for you.
Soooo, yes it works, but it won't scale if your project ever get bigger or need to be updated pieces by pieces.
Hope this help !
good news for the above answer: underscore 1.6.0 now is wrapped as a amd module :)
see "lib.chartjs" for exporting globals in not amd wrapped "shimmed" javascript libraries
paths: {
"moment": "PATH_TO/js/moment/2.5.0/moment.min",
"underscore": "PATH_TO/js/underscore/1.6.0/underscore",
"jquery": "PATH_TO/js/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min",
"lib.jssignals": "PATH_TO/js/jssignals/1.0.0-268/signals.min",
// WORKAROUND : jQuery plugins + shims
"lib.jquery.address": "PATH_TO/js/jqueryaddress/1.6/jquery-address"
"lib.chartjs": "PATH_TO/js/chartjs/0.2/Chart.min",
shim: {
"lib.jquery.address": {deps: ["jquery"]},
"lib.jquery.bootstrap": {deps: ["jquery"]},
"lib.chartjs": {deps: ["jquery"], exports: "Chart"},