Connecting to Remote Spark Cluster for TitanDB SparkGraphComputer - apache-spark

I am attempting to leverage a Hadoop Spark Cluster in order to batch load a graph into Titan using the SparkGraphComputer and BulkLoaderVertex program, as specified here. This requires setting the spark configuration in a properties file, telling Titan where Spark is located, where to read the graph input from, where to store its output, etc.
The problem is that all of the examples seem to specify a local spark cluster through the option:
I, however, want to run this job on a remote Spark cluster which is on the same VNet as the VM where the titan instance is hosted. From what I have read, it seems that this can be accomplished by setting
This is giving me the error that all Spark masters are unresponsive, which disallows me from sending the job to the spark cluster to distribute the batch loading computations.
For reference, I am using Titan 1.0.0 and a Spark 1.6.4 cluster, which are both hosted on the same VNet. Spark is being managed by yarn, which also may be contributing to this difficulty.
Any sort of help/reference would be appreciated. I am sure that I have the correct IP for the spark master, and that I am using the right gremlin commands to accomplish bulk loading through the SparkGraphComputer. What I am not sure about is how to properly configure the Hadoop properties file in order to get Titan to communicate with a remote Spark cluster over a VNet.


Run parallel jobs on-prem dynamic spark clusters

I am new to spark, And we have a requirement to set up a dynamic spark cluster to run multiple jobs. by referring to some articles, we can achieve this by using EMR (Amazon) service.
Is there any way to the same setup that can be done locally?
Once Spark clusters are available with services running on different ports on different servers, how to point mist to new spark cluster for each job.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can use a Standalone cluster that Spark provides where you can set up Spark Cluster (master nodes and slave nodes). There are also docker containers that can be used to achieve that. Take a look here.
Other options it will be to take and deploy locally Hadoop ecosystems, like MapR, Hortonworks, Cloudera.

Does Spark 2.4.4 support forwarding Delegation Tokens when master is k8s?

I'm currently in the process of setting up a Kerberized environment for submitting Spark Jobs using Livy in Kubernetes.
What I've achieved so far:
Running Kerberized HDFS Cluster
Livy using SPNEGO
Livy submitting Jobs to k8s and spawning Spark executors
KNIME is able to interact with Namenode and Datanodes from outside the k8s Cluster
To achieve this I used the following Versions for the involved components:
Spark 2.4.4
Livy 0.5.0 (The currently only supported version by KNIME)
Namenode and Datanode 2.8.1
Kubernetes 1.14.3
What I'm currently struggling with:
Accessing HDFS from the Spark executors
The error message I'm currently getting, when trying to access HDFS from the executor is the following: Client cannot authenticate via:[TOKEN, KERBEROS]; Host Details : local host is: "livy-session-0-1575455179568-exec-1/"; destination host is: "hdfs-namenode-0.hdfs-namenode.hdfs.svc.cluster.local":8020;
The following is the current state:
KNIME connects to HDFS after having successfully challenged against the KDC (using Keytab + Principal) --> Working
KNIME puts staging jars to HDFS --> Working
KNIME requests new Session from Livy (SPNEGO challenge) --> Working
Livy submits Spark Job with k8s master / spawns executors --> Working
KNIME submits tasks to Livy which should be executed by the executors --> Basically working
When trying to access HDFS to read a file the error mentioned before occurs --> The problem
Since KNIME is placing jar files on HDFS which have to be included in the dependencies for the Spark Jobs it is important to be able to access HDFS. (KNIME requires this to be able to retrieve preview data from DataSets for example)
I tried to find a solution to this but unfortunately, haven't found any useful resources yet.
I had a look at the code an checked UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getTokens().
But that collection seems to be empty. That's why I assume that there are not Delegation Tokens available.
Has anybody ever achieved running something like this and can help me with this?
Thank you all in advance!
For everybody struggeling with this:
It took a while to find the reason on why this is not working, but basically it is related to Spark's Kubernetes implementation as of 2.4.4.
There is no override defined for CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend's fetchHadoopDelegationTokens in KubernetesClusterSchedulerBackend.
There has been the pull request which will solve this by passing secrets to executors containing the delegation tokens.
It was already pulled into master and is available in Spark 3.0.0-preview but is not, at least not yet, available in the Spark 2.4 branch.

How to connect to spark (CDH-5.8 docker vms at remote)? Do I need to map port 7077 at container?

Currently, I can access the HDFS from inside my application, but I'd also like to - instead of running my local spark - to use Cloudera's spark as it is enabled in Cloudera Manager.
Righ now I have the HDFS defined at core-site.xml, and I run my app as (--master) YARN. Thus I don't need to set the machine address to my HDFS files. In this way, my SPARK job runs locally and not in the "cluster." I don't want that for now. When I try to set --master to [namenode]:[port] it does not connect. I wonder if I'm directing to the correct port, or if I have to map this port at docker container. Or if I'm missing something about Yarn setup.
Additionally, I've been testing SnappyData (Inc) solution as a Spark SQL in-memory database. So my goal is to run snappy JVMs locally, but redirecting spark jobs to the VM cluster. The whole idea here is to test some performance against some Hadoop implementation. This solution is not a final product (if snappy is local, and spark is "really" remote, I believe it won't be efficient - but in this scenario, I would bring snappy JVMs to the same cluster..)
Thanks in advance!

Setup and configuration of Titan for a Spark cluster and Cassandra

There are already several questions on the aurelius mailing list as well as here on stackoverflow about specific problems with configuring Titan to get it working with Spark. But what is missing in my opinion is a high-level description of a simple setup that uses Titan and Spark.
What I am looking for is a somewhat minimal setup that uses recommended settings. For example for Cassandra, the replication factor should be 3 and a dedicated datacenter should be used for analytics.
From the information I found in the documentation of Spark, Titan, and Cassandra, such a minimal setup could look like this:
Real-time processing DC: 3 Nodes with Titan + Cassandra (RF: 3)
Analytics DC: 1 Spark master + 3 Spark slaves with Cassandra (RF: 3)
Some questions I have about that setup and Titan + Spark in general:
Is that setup correct?
Should Titan also be installed on the 3 Spark slave nodes and / or the Spark master?
Is there another setup that you would use instead?
Will the Spark slaves only read data from the analytics DC and ideally even from Cassandra on the same node?
Maybe someone can even share a config file that supports such a setup (or a better one).
So I just tried it out and set up a simple Spark cluster to work with Titan (and Cassandra as the storage backend) and here is what I came up with:
High-Level Overview
I just concentrate on the analytics side of the cluster here, so I let out the real-time processing nodes.
Spark consists of one (or more) master and multiple slaves (workers). Since the slaves do the actual processing, they need to access the data they work on. Therefore Cassandra is installed on the workers and holds the graph data from Titan.
Jobs are sent from Titan nodes to the spark master who distributes them to his workers. Therefore, Titan basically only communicates with the Spark master.
The HDFS is only needed because TinkerPop stores intermediate results in it. Note, that this changed in TinkerPop 3.2.0.
I just followed a tutorial I found here. There are only two things to keep in mind here for Titan:
Choose a compatible version, for Titan 1.0.0, this is 1.2.1.
TaskTrackers and JobTrackers from Hadoop are not needed, as we only want the HDFS and not MapReduce.
Again, the version has to be compatible, which is also 1.2.1 for Titan 1.0.0. Installation basically means extracting the archive with a compiled version. In the end, you can configure Spark to use your HDFS by exporting the HADOOP_CONF_DIR which should point to the conf directory of Hadoop.
Configuration of Titan
You also need a HADOOP_CONF_DIR on the Titan node from which you want to start OLAP jobs. It needs to contain a core-site.xml file that specifies the NameNode:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<description>The name of the default file system. A URI whose
scheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation. The
uri's scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl) naming
the FileSystem implementation class. The uri's authority is used to
determine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem.</description>
Add the HADOOP_CONF_DIR to your CLASSPATH and TinkerPop should be able to access the HDFS. The TinkerPop documentation contains more information about that and how to check whether HDFS is configured correctly.
Finally, a config file that worked for me:
# Hadoop Graph Configuration
# Titan Cassandra InputFormat configuration
# Apache Cassandra InputFormat configuration
# SparkGraphComputer Configuration
This leads to the following answers:
Is that setup correct?
It seems to be. At least it works with this setup.
Should Titan also be installed on the 3 Spark slave nodes and / or the Spark master?
Since it isn't required, I wouldn't do that as I prefer a separation of Spark and Titan servers which the user can access.
Is there another setup that you would use instead?
I would be happy to hear from someone else who has a different setup.
Will the Spark slaves only read data from the analytics DC and ideally even from Cassandra on the same node?
Since the Cassandra nodes (from the analytics DC) are explicitly configured, the Spark slaves shouldn't be able to pull data from completely different nodes. But I am still not sure about the second part. Maybe someone else can provide more insight here?

Datastax Spark Sql Thriftserver with Spark Application

I have an analytics node running, with Spark Sql Thriftserver running on it. Now I can't run another Spark Application with spark-submit.
It says it doesn't have resources. How to configure the dse node, to be able to run both?
The SparkSqlThriftServer is a Spark application like any other. This means it requests and reserves all resources in the cluster by default.
There are two options if you want to run multiple applications at the same time:
Allocate only part of your resources to each application.
This is done by setting spark.cores.max to a smaller value than the max resources in your cluster.
See Spark Docs
Dynamic Allocation
Which allows applications to change the amount of resources they use depending on how much work they are trying to do.
See Spark Docs
