Duplicate protocol implementations in dependent projects - decimal

I have problems with consolidation of protocol implementation in my Elixir project. To be more specific I use Ecto and some simple project called Gold (doesn't matter much atm). The problem is, both of them (Ecto and Gold) use Poison to serialize Decimals (and implement proper Protocol).
Implementation for Ecto looks somewhat like this:
defimpl Poison.Encoder, for: Decimal do
def encode(decimal, _opts), do: <<?", Decimal.to_string(decimal)::binary, ?">>
During development there is a warning saying that the module is duplicated:
warning: redefining module Poison.Encoder.Decimal (current version loaded from /(...)/_build/dev/lib/gold/ebin/Elixir.Poison.Encoder.Decimal.beam)
But when I try to use for instance exrm to build a release, then I get errors saying that I have duplicate_modules
===> Provider (release) failed with: {error,
How should I deal with this? The case here is I actually use my own version of Gold, so I can tamper with it to fix it asap. I know I can just add Ecto to Gold as a dependency, but that seems a bit overkill to just implement one Protocol like this. Isn't there some kind of a macro to check if a module has already been implemented?

A quick fix could be to wrap Gold's implementation in a Code.ensure_loaded?/1
unless Code.ensure_loaded?(Ecto) do
defimpl Poison.Encoder, for: Decimal do
def encode(decimal, _opts), do: <<?", Decimal.to_string(decimal)::binary, ?">>
Its a little icky but then you don't have to add Ecto, but just check if something else already pulled it in


In Flow NPM packages, what's the proper way to suppress issues so user apps don't see errors?

If you use something like $FlowIssue it's not guaranteed to be in everyone's .flowconfig file. If you declare a library interface, that seems to only work for the given project, not in other projects that import your package (even if you provide the .flowconfig and interface files in your NPM package).
Here's the code I'm trying to suppress errors for in apps that use my package:
// $FlowIssue
const isSSRTest = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' // $FlowIssue
&& typeof CONFIG !== 'undefined' && CONFIG.isSSR
CONFIG is a global that exists when tests are run by Jest.
I previously had an interface declaration for CONFIG, but that wasn't honored in user applications--perhaps I'm missing a mechanism to make that work?? With this solution, at least there is a good chance that user's have the $FlowIssue suppression comment. It's still not good enough though.
What's the idiomatic solution here for packages built with Flow?
Declaring a global variable
This is the way to declare a global variable:
declare var CONFIG: any;. Instead of any you could/should use the actual type.
Error Suppression
With flow v0.33 they introduced this change:
suppress_comment now defaults to matching // $FlowFixMe if there are
no suppress_comments listed in a .flowconfig
This means that there is a greater chance of your error being suppressed if you use $FlowFixMe.
Differences in .flowconfig between your library and your consumers' code are a real issue, and there is no way to make it so that your code can be dropped into any other project and be sure it will typecheck. On top of that, even if you have identical .flowconfigs, you may be running different versions of Flow. Your code may typecheck in one version, but not in another, so it may be the case that consumers of your library will be pinned to a specific version of Flow if they want to avoid getting errors reported from your library.
Worse, if one library type checks only in one version of Flow, and another type checks only in another version, there may be no version of Flow that a consumer can choose in order to avoid errors.
The only way to solve this generally is to write library definition files and publish them to flow-typed. Unfortunately, this is currently a manual process because there is not yet any tooling that can take a project and generate library definitions for it. In the mean time, simply copying your source files to have the .js.flow extension before publishing will work in some cases, but it is not a general solution.
See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/43852211/901387

Need to change source code of an installed library

I am using Python3.4. I have installed a certain "itunespy" library from GitHub with pip, to work with iTunes API.
I can now access it from console by
import itunespy
Except the library is only searching the US store through iTunes Api, whereas I need to access the UK store. I looked into the code and found I only need to change two lines to fix my problem.
Please can you tell me how I can access and change the source code of an already installed library.
Thank you.
Fork the repository
Clone the forked repository
Make changes and push to your remote (origin, usually)
You may pip install from your fork
I took a look at source code, and:
a) you may obviously change your source code in locally-copied file
b) you may patch these constants in run-time, like adding this type of code to your main:
import itunespy
itunespy.base_search_url = "NEW_VALUE"
itunespy.base_lookup_url = "NEW_VALUE"
c) library API seems to provide country keyword argument, so you do not have to do any of these hacks mentioned above. Simply do:
itunespy.search_track('something', country='UK')
With this keyword argument, searches should work as expected without any modifications of source code.
you really want to change the sourcecode?
How about just change your implementation?
inherit from the class
override/overload their methods with your own
work with your inherited class and their methods
pro: if there are changes in the original library you will take them with you when you update (secure-patches etc.) but your overridden/overloaded methods are still the one you use.
otherwise if you really want to change the source code, take a branch from github and change the sourcecode as you need it like mentioned by dolftax

How to prevent dead-code removal of utility libraries in Haxe?

I've been tasked with creating conformance tests of user input, the task if fairly tricky and we need very high levels of reliability. The server runs on PHP, the client runs on JS, and I thought Haxe might reduce duplicative work.
However, I'm having trouble with deadcode removal. Since I am just creating helper functions (utilObject.isMeaningOfLife(42)) I don't have a main program that calls each one. I tried adding #:keep: to a utility class, but it was cut out anyway.
I tried to specify that utility class through the -main switch, but I had to add a dummy main() method and this doesn't scale beyond that single class.
You can force the inclusion of all the files defined in a given package and its sub packages to be included in the build using a compiler argument.
haxe --macro include('my.package') ..etc
This is a shortcut to the macro.Compiler.include function.
As you can see the signature of this function allows you to do it recursive and also exclude packages.
static include (pack:String, rec:Bool = true, ?ignore:Array<String>, ?classPaths:Array<String>):Void
I think you don't have to use #:keep in that case for each library class.
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, I hope it helps.
Otherwise this could be helpful checks:
Is it bad that the code is cut away if you don't use it?
It could also be the case some code is inlined in the final output?
Compile your code using the compiler flag -dce std as mentioned in comments.
If you use the static analyzer, don't use it.
Add #:keep and reference the class+function somewhere.
Otherwise provide minimal setup if you can reproduce.

thrift js:node - Cannot use reserved language keyword: "not"

When converting a thrift object for nodejs:
thrift -r --gen js:node state_service.thrift
The following error is thrown:
[ERROR: /state_service.thrift:33] (last token was 'not') Cannot use
reserved language keyword: "not"
The lines in the code around 33 are:
typedef bool Not
struct Exp {
1: string left
2: Not not
3: BinaryOp op
4: AnyValue right
I am using the most recent Thrift version 0.9.2
Try to change the not to something else, i think the problem is that 'not' may have another meaning in the language that you choose to generate.
2: Not not
The solution is to not use the reserved language keyword, as advised by the Thrift compiler. These keywords are reserved for a reason. Thrift is a cross-language tool, and not is indeed a keyword in some of them.
I don't want to change the processing code only because of a faulty js converter.
I beg to differ. Faulty is something that does not work, altough it should. Thrift clearly tells you that what you are about to try is illegal (as of today) and what the problem is.
To put it another way: With Linux, you can put uppercase and lowercase letters in a file name (actually you can put a whole bunch of strange things in, but I'll make it easy). So creating a FILE and a file in the same folder will work perfectly. If you now take your program and run it on Windows, relying on that behaviour, you will sooner or later run into trouble and may start to complain you "dont want to change your processing code only because of that faulty OS".
Note that complaining will not help you out of the pothole, altough the endorphines emitted during that process will make sure you have a fun time. The solution is of course to wait until Microsoft fixed their faulty OS, because you make the rules. Correct?
Of course not. So if you feel the implementation is wrong - fine! This is Open Source, and nobody claimed perfection. You are free to provide a patch, and we will happily review it. But please make sure you tested it with all 20+ languages currently supported by Thrift.

erlang -import not working

I have an erlang program, compiled with rebar, after the new debian release, it won't compile anymore, complaining about this:
bad import declaration
I don't know erlang, I am just trying to compile this thing.
Apparently something bad happened to -import recently http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2013-March/072932.html
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Well, -import(). is working but it does NOT do what you are expecting it to do. It does NOT "import" the module into your module, nor does it go out, find the module and get all the exported functions and allow you to use them without the module name. You use -import like this:
-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3]).
Then you can call the explicitly imported functions without module name and the compiler syntactically transforms the call by adding the module name. So the compiler will transform:
map(MyFun, List) ===> lists:map(MyFun, List)
Note that this is ALL it does. There are no checks for whether the module exists or if the function is exported, it is a pure naive syntactic transformation. All it gives you is slightly shorter code. For this reason it is seldom used most people advise not to use it.
Note also that the unit of code for all operations is the module so the compiler does not do any inter-module checking or optimisation at all. Everything between modules like checking a modules existence or which functions it exports is done at run-time when you call a function in the other module.
No, there is no easy way to fix this. The source code has to be updated, and every reference to imported functions prefixed with the module in question. For example, every call to format should be replaced with io_lib:format, though you'd have to know which function was imported from which module.
You could start by removing the -import directives. The compilation should then fail, complaining about undefined functions. That is where you need to provide the correct module name. Look at the documentation pages for io_lib, erl_scan and erl_parse to see which functions are in which module.
Your problem is that you were using the experimental -import(Mod) directive which is part of parameterized modules. These are gone in R16B and onwards.
I often advise against using import. It hurts quick searches and unique naming of foreign calls. Get an editor which can quickly expand names.
Start by looking at what is stored in the location $ERL_LIBS, typically this points to /usr/lib/erlang/lib.
