ffmpeg leaves audio gap when concatening videos - audio

I am trying to cut a video in 2 parts then reassembling with ffmpeg but the final output has a small audio glitch right where the segments meet. I am using the following command to split the video 1.mp4 in 2 parts:
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:02 -async 1 1-1.mp4
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -ss 00:00:02 -t 00:00:02 -async 1 1-2.mp4
Once I have the 2 parts I am concatening them back together with:
ffmpeg -f concat -i files.txt -c copy output.mp4
files.txt is correctly listing both files. Can anyone point me to where the problem might be?

The glitch is likely due to the audio priming sample showing up in between.
Since you're re-encoding the segments, you can do this in one command:
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -filter_complex
-map "[v]" -map "[a]" output.mp4

I had the same problem for about 3 weeks.
just merge the mp3 files using sox
sox in1.mp3 in2.mp3 in3.mp3 out.mp3
When I used concat with FFMPEG it made 12.5ms (I saw them on using Audacity) audio gaps. (I don't know why)
Maybe for your case it'll be better to extract the audio and video to two separate files using ffmpeg, merge them (video using FFMPEG and audio using sox) then put the files together into one container (mp4) file


FFMPEG Audio stream/layer and SRT from one mkv to an other

I have an FFMPEG question for you!
I have 2 files(x265)
01.mkv with multiple audio steams and multiple subtitles (with exactly named layers)
02.mkv with multiple audio steams and multiple subtitles (with exactly named layers)
I would like to add specific audio layer(GER) and specific subtitle(GER)
from 02.mkv to 01 mkv at the same time if it is possible.
(The metadata positions almost always random in file 02.mkv so I can't say it is "-map 0:s:2 for ger subtitle"...)
I have already searched and tried multiple solutions ...
This kind of worked with multiple steps but loses audio and subtitle metadata(Title) during process.
German audio layer extract from 02.mkv to aac
ffmpeg -i 02.mkv -map 0:a:m:language:ger 02.aac
German subtitle layer extract from 02.mkv to srt
ffmpeg -i 02.mkv -map 0:s:m:language:ger 02.srt
Adding extracted audio to 01.mkv
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.aac -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy outputfinall_1.mkv
Adding extracted srt to 01.mkv none of this works
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.srt -c copy -c:s mov_text outputfinall_2a.mkv
BUG: Subtitle encoding currently only possible from text to text or bitmap to bitmap
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.srt -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy outputfinall_2b.mkv
works but does not show subtitles while playing only that is there.
Please if you can help I would like a less jumbled mess code for this problem.
With keeping the metadata (titles) of the moved audio stream and subtitle.
Thank you for your time!
Try this:
ffmpeg -i 01.mkv -i 02.mkv \
-map 0 -map 1:a:m:language:ger -map 1:s:m:language:ger \
-c copy outputfinall.mkv
I'm not sure what you mean by "metadata (titles)", posting the log of the above command with clarification will help understanding your situation.

Concat mp4 videos and merge their audios to the final output

I have several videos and photos and need to merge them with the cross-dissolve effect. The algorithm is next:
Create videos from images and add silent audio to them (so they will also have a sound stream):
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i anullsrc -loop 1 -i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.jpg -c:v libx264 -t 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=750:1280 /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.mp4
Combine all the videos and audios into one using this command:
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_68d437c0-f5e2-4651-b07e-91533480b6ef.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_48f3c111-610d-40c7-ac71-6ce2fbb16184.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_1593b5d8-7e16-417d-9372-2267581cd504.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_1ac7f6be-1b12-4e31-b904-1491cc9b9494.mp4
-i /tmp/media/import-2020-Aug-19-Wednesday-05-40-34/temp_ea5c93fd-d946-4742-b8f7-ea9ae4d43441.mp4
[A3][4:a]acrossfade=d=10:c1=tri:c2=tri[audio] "
-vsync 0 -map "[output]" -map "[audio]" /tmp/media/final/some_filename_d0d2aab0-792a-4540-b2d3-e64abe98bf5c.mp4
And all works pretty well, but if I have, for example:
Then the sound from the second video is mapping to the first picture and sound from the third video to second video. And the third video actually goes without sound.
It seems like it's happening because the silent sound of the first picture is pretty short. An I right?
If so, how can I increase its duration?
I would much appreciate any help with this!
Assuming 5 inputs of 10 seconds each, all with audio streams*, with ffmpeg 4.3 or newer, use the xfade and acrossfade filters.
-i in1.mp4
-i in2.mp4
-i in3.mp4
-i in4.mp4
-i in5.mp4
" [0][1]xfade=transition=fade:duration=2:offset=8[V01];
-vsync 0 -map "[video]" -map "[audio]" out.mp4
*if there's no existing audio stream, add one using the command in step 1.
If the existing audio stream of a file isn't 10 seconds long, use these filters on it before acrossfade.
and then use this filtered stream as input.

ffmpeg exported file is broken

I am using using ffmpeg to trim and join several audio files. The ouput audio file can be played as a normal file, but when I open it in some C# codes, exceptions are always throwing, says "MP3 Header is missing". I am new to ffmpeg and I googled for many times but seems no one is encountering this problem.
Here is my ffmpeg command to trim an audio file:
ffmpeg -i input_1.mp3 -ss 00:00:00.000 -to 00:00:01.000 -acodec libmp3lame 1.mp3
(The input audio format can be mp3/wma/wav/m4a/aac)
And the following is for joining all the audio files:
ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i list.txt -acodec libmp3lame join.mp3
The list.txt contents:
file C:\\1.mp3
file C:\\2.mp3
file C:\\3.mp3
Problem soved! Thanks to Gyan's comment under my question.
The main point:
Make sure all converted files have same sampling rate and channel count i.e. add -ar 44100 -ac 2
The above parameters did solve my problem.

How can i use ffmpeg to extract audio from an video every 5 seconds

I need to extract audio from live stream. I want to generate an audio file every 5s.
if i use the command
ffmpeg -i ***.flv -c:a aac -fs 128k output.aac
I can only get one file. but i want generate a file every 5s.
if i use the commmand
ffmpeg -i ***.mp4 -vf fps=1/5.0 E:\image%d.jpg
I got an image every 1s.
How can i do the same thing to extract audio.
Use the segment muxer:
ffmpeg -i input -map 0:a -f segment -segment_time 5 output_%03d.aac
Add -c copy and use a compatible output container format if you don't want to re-encode.

ffmpeg concat drops audio frames

I have an mp4 file and I want to take two sequential sections of the video out and render them as individual files, later recombining them back into the original video. For instance, with my video video.mp4, I can run
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 56 -t 4 out1.mp4
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 60 -t 4 out2.mp4
creating out1.mp4 which contains 00:00:56 to 00:01:00 of video.mp4, and out2.mp4 which contains 00:01:00 to 00:01:04. However, later I want to be able to recombine them again quickly (i.e., without reencoding), so I use the concat demuxer,
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i files.txt -c copy concat.mp4
where files.txt contains
file out1.mp4
file out2.mp4
which theoretically should give me back 00:00:56 to 00:01:04 of video.mp4, however there are always dropped audio frames where the concatenation occurs, creating a very unpleasant sound artifact, an audio blip, if you will.
I have tried using async and -af apad on initially creating the two sections of the video but I am still faced with the same problem, and have not found the solution elsewhere. I have experienced this issue in multiple different use cases, so hopefully this simple example will shed some light on the real problem.
I suggest you export segments to MOV with PCM audio, then concat those but with re-encoding audio.
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -c:a pcm_s16le -ss 56 -t 4 out1.mov
and then
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i files.txt -c:v copy concat.mp4
