Google apps sso into office 365 - azure

I am trying to let my google apps users login into office365 using google apps credentials but I am unable to find setup page on microsoft azure ad or office 365 account I followed instructions but could not find instructions on Office 365 side. Does any one know where to find the setting page.

I've been battling this for a couple of days now.
The key is: you must use PowerShell to do the AzureAD settings:
Install AzureAD plugin for Powershell as described in the lower part of the page here:
Then this guys instructions helped me greatly:
I'm at a point where I get redirected from to Google's login page as soon as I type my email address with our company domain. but then the login fails (but it worked 1 single time oddly enough). Let me know if you get any further!


Azure AD - Sign-in using email as an alternate ID

I realize this is probably a "noob" question but I am trying to follow this guide to enable our users to sign in to Microsoft Azure AD using their email address instead of their UPN.
Some background: Our org uses a UPN scheme that is different from a users email address. Our UPN's follow the format while user's email is This enables us to have unique UPN's no matter how big our org scales. I am new to Azure AD but I've managed to integrate most of our 3rd party systems with Azure.
The problem: I mapped the user email field as the UPN for one of our services (Apple Business Manager) and now when a user tries to sign in to their Apple ID, it tries to sign them into Azure with instead of Azure UPN Because we have not enabled Microsoft's Sign-in using email as an alternate ID feature, the sign in window tries to sign them into an account that doesn't exist.
What I've tried: I know the simple solution would be to just change the mapping in Apple Business Manager to use the users true UPN from Azure but most of our sign-in's now use the users email so I really don't want to create confusion. I have tried to follow the guide mentioned above, which I assume is referring to using PowerShell in Azure and not your on-prem AD DS service (but it does not specify). Every time I attempt to follow the guide, I get an error message on step 3 in PowerShell that says Get-AzureADPolicy: The term 'Get-AzureADPolicy' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
I have tried reading though various online forms but am yet to encounter anyone who is encountering this error for this specific use case. No other online documentation has helped me resolve the problem. In my mind, it is probably user error and limited experience with Azure and PowerShell cloud.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am happy to provide more information as needed.
Get-AzureADPolicy is under Azure Active Directory PowerShell 2.0-preview.
You need to install the preview release using:
Install-module AzureADPreview
Don't forget to import it:
Import-Module AzureADPreview
Note that you cannot install both the preview version and the GA version on the same computer at the same time.
Reference here. If it still doesn't work, running UnInstall-Module AzureAD before you install preview version may be helpful.

How do you Authenticate a Logic app microsoft.web/connections connection with code

I have a logic app with an Office 365 connection. Of course I can authenticate this in the portal manually but I would have to do this every time I deploy from my deployment automation pipeline.
I have found a post of this but it is no longer available:
Authenticating office365 logic app connector with PS
The link that is no longer available
Here is what I mean in the portal:
Any idea how I automate this with say Powershell or az clie or something else?
This question was answered by Microsoft:
Issue description:
You are unable to change the user name for the Office 365 API connection
Scope definition:
To provide assistance on the above issue with Office 365 API connection
Troubleshooting steps:
I tried the repro of the scenario and tried the below options
Used incognito window- did not help
Tried creating a new API connection with the new user- did not help
Logged out of the office 365 suite- did not help
Logged in to the machine with the new account- it worked
Based on the observations, I had discussions with the experts, and it seems the connector currently can only take windows AD authentication and hence the issue.
Product group has this feature update in the backlog and would be updating the connector in coming days, we do not have an ETA yet on this.
Workaround option:
Use portal from a server which doesn’t need domain user login. Login
to the server with non-domain user
Use Mozilla Firefox browser- this
has worked for few customers.

Is there any Node js or REST API to create new users in office 365.

I have purchased office 365 essentials plan. I have got an admin account. Office provides user interface to add new users under this main admin account.
What I need is I want a Node js or REST API to create users on this account. I have googled well, can't met anything like this. Anyone can provide any samples on this. Any help would be appreciable.
Office 365 Users are hosted in the background by Azure Active Directory. I believe you should be able to create new accounts for your Office 365 programmatically using the Azure Active Directory Graph API, or probably even better, using the Microsoft Graph API.
Check out the documentation here:
You should be able to get a jump-start using our public samples located here:
I hope this helps!

Can't associate Office 365 with Azure subscription

For my company, I have an Office 365 E3 subscription (not trial).
My office 365 account is also global admin.
Now I would like to use Office 365 API. According to the getting started tutorial I was told to associate Azure with Office 365.
So I when go to Office 365 Admin panel then click to Azure AD. I end up with Azure Sign up screen however the screen is empty. What am I missing?
It may not be a development question, but as there is no O365 forum, an answer can still be provided, which this site is all about.
You need to go on this website and register to access your Azure AD. It takes few minutes to proceed.
there's a new getting-started flow that might make this easier in the future, in case others hit this as well on
The problem appears to be my browser is blocking third party cookies . When I turned that option, it worked.

Login issue into Microsoft azure account

I have a ID through which i have created a account in microsoft Azure 90 days free trial account.
I am not able to login microsoft axure portal through ID. It is showing me error as "Sorry, we can't sign you in here with your #MICROSOFT.COM account."
Please can someone help here ?
There are couple of things you can try as below:
Use In-Private Browsing with IE9/10 and see if you can enter your credentials
With #1 try to use the URL redirecting to domain ID
If you have other live account already included as co-admin or service administrator with your Azure Subscription please use that live account instead.
Finally if none of above option work, it is possible that your problem is related with lingering ordid issue. What you can do is contact Microsoft Support directly and ask them to route your issue to Windows Azure Support. This is only specific to Windows Azure Portal login issues.
Create a new account with an other email address. You can have a free trial per email address.
