Octave 4.0.1 octave forge dicom package fatal error on install openSUSE linux - linux

I am using:
linux openSUSE Tumbleweed
I have recently gotten into using linux for my research in university. For this research, I have been trying to install the dicom package into octave from the octave forge. When I submit the code pkg install -forge dicom into octave, I get fatal error: gdcm-2.0/gdcmReader.h: No such file or directory causing the installation to fail.
I have searched around for fixes to this problem which appears to have happened to several people in the past (see Dependency library not recognized during installation octave forge dicom package in debian linux). However, since I am new to linux, I really don't understand what these users have done to solve their problem. Additionally, both octave and gdcm have updated since these posts. I also, have not been able to find an updated version of the dicom package while I have been trying to troubleshoot this. If anyone has any input on this I would greatly appreciate it.
Below is what I am seeing in the command window log.
>> pkg install -forge dicom
dicomread.cpp:27:38: fatal error: gdcm-2.0/gdcmImageReader.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [Makefile:44: dicomread.oct] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
dicominfo.cpp:45:33: fatal error: gdcm-2.0/gdcmReader.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
dicomlookup.cpp:23:31: fatal error: gdcm-2.0/gdcmDict.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [Makefile:51: dicominfo.o] Error 1
dicomdict.cpp:30:31: fatal error: gdcm-2.0/gdcmDict.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [Makefile:60: dicomlookup.o] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:57: dicomdict.o] Error 1
make: Entering directory '/tmp/oct-5jTUbJ/dicom/src'
mkoctfile -c -g dicominfo.cpp
mkoctfile -c -g dicomdict.cpp
mkoctfile -L/usr/local/lib -lgdcmcharls -lgdcmjpeg8 -lgdcmjpeg12 -lgdcmjpeg16 -lgdcmCommon -lgdcmDICT -lgdcmDSED -lgdcmIOD -lgdcmMSFF -g dicomread.cpp
mkoctfile -c -g dicomlookup.cpp
make: Leaving directory '/tmp/oct-5jTUbJ/dicom/src'
pkg: error running `make' for the dicom package.
error: called from 'configure_make' in file /usr/share/octave/4.0.1/m/pkg/private/configure_make.m near line 96, column 9

This is due to the dicom package being very outdated (2011).
Recently, a number of researchers have updated the package to use the latest version of gdcm and removed some of the hardcodings that made installing gdcm beyond 2.0 uncompatable with the dicom library.
A thread on this is available here
In short, their instructions are to use a repo of an updated version of dicom package installed. This assumes that gdcm has been installed with headers (i.e built from source).
hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/octave/dicom
cd dicom
make install


Yum reports an error:CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum.conf

My environment: python3.8, gcc12.2, cmake4.3. I want to compile and install the glibc library. When I finish compiling and installing, my yum has an error
The following is the error content:
CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum.conf
But I obviously have /etc/yum.conf, but I still get an error
I hope to know why and get a solution, thank you
I downloaded and compiled glibc, and the installation was successful, but there was an error message after installation
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Execution of gcc failed!
The script has found some problems with your installation!
Please read the FAQ and the README file and check the following:
- Did you change the gcc specs file (necessary after upgrading from
Linux libc5)?
- Are there any symbolic links of the form libXXX.so to old libraries?
Links like libm.so -> libm.so.5 (where libm.so.5 is an old library) are wrong,
libm.so should point to the newly installed glibc file - and there should be
only one such link (check e.g. /lib and /usr/lib)
You should restart this script from your build directory after you've
fixed all problems!
Btw. the script doesn't work if you're installing GNU libc not as your
primary library!
make[1]: *** [Makefile:111: install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/glibc-2.29'
make: *** [Makefile:12:install] 错误 2
But I found on the net that this error doesn't affect anything

How to fix error "'recipe for target "doc/automake-1.14.1' failed" while building Xenomai

I am building Xenomai 2 on a Kernel version 3 with buildroot. Buildroot ist done. Now I am trying to compile it with the "make" command. When I try to compile with the "make" command it appears a failure: recipe for target 'doc/automake-1.14.1' failed. Any help how I can solve that problem?
Ubuntu already has automake version 1.15.1. So I don't really know why it is making the 1.14.1 version while building. Can I change that somewhere?
I have also tried to install the 1.14.1 version but that did not work because it did not find that version, although I have downloaded it...
Here is the cmd-window output:
GEN doc/automake-1.14.1
help2man: can't get `--help' info from automake-1.14
Try `--no-discard-stderr' if option outputs to stderr
Makefile:3707: recipe for target 'doc/automake-1.14.1' failed
make[1]: *** [doc/automake-1.14.1] Error 255
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/daniel/Desktop/ccode/Daniel/buildroot-2014.08/output/build/host-automake-1.14.1'
package/pkg-generic.mk:177: recipe for target '/home/daniel/Desktop/ccode/Daniel/buildroot-2014.08/output/build/host-automake-1.14.1/.stamp_built' failed
make: *** [/home/daniel/Desktop/ccode/Daniel/buildroot-2014.08/output/build/host-automake-1.14.1/.stamp_built] Error 2
This issue was fixed on September 11, 2014 by commit 2020ddbd0f2c32863e6be69a235852a088744c28. Please use an up-to-date version of Buildroot.

Cannot generate ORC metadata for CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=y

I’m big enthusiast of Manjaro since 2015 but today I got a problem that I couldn’t resolve on my own. After big updates done few days ago (by update manager) I have a problem with compiling Kernel Drivers on kernel 4.15.18-1. After call make I got error:
make -C /usr/lib/modules/4.15.18-1-MANJARO/build M=/run/media/mati/common/hello_world modules
make[1]: Wejście do katalogu '/usr/lib/modules/4.15.18-1-MANJARO/build'
**Makefile:974: *** "Cannot generate ORC metadata for CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=y, please install libelf-dev, libelf-devel or elfutils-libelf-devel". Stop.**
make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu '/usr/lib/modules/4.15.18-1-MANJARO/build'
make: *** [Makefile:4: all] Błąd 2
The problem is that I cannot install mentioned libraries and command: pacman -Q libelf
libelf 0.170-1
i have no idea what happend, I tried another kernels (I have few versions installed) but each has problems (e.g. the newest, experimental 4.17 has problem with asm goto of gcc compiler). I started learning Linux Kernel Drivers programming but now I can’t learn because of these compilation problems … anyone can help me ?
(Hope my english is understanable).
Greetings !
I got this error while setting up VirtualBox in my Fedora OS 29, I issued the following command and this issue got resolved.
sudo dnf install elfutils-libelf-devel
Are you able to install these packages on your system?
May require dependencies such as: zlib-devel
For me I had to install elfutils-devel first then install eflutils and eflutils-libelf-devel. libelf-dev and libelf-devel could not be found but when I ran /sbin/vboxconfig again this time it did not error out. I ran the check, "systemctl status vboxdrv" and this time it showed Active: as Active (exited) and I was able to spin up the VM.

tcl8.5.10 make fail error, Network Simulator2 v2.35 (Cygwin v1.7.32) in Windows 8

during installation of NS2 v2.35 (Cygwin v1.7.32) in Windows 8 i keep getting this error message:
Package gcc4 is not present on your system.
Please install it using Cygwin's setup.exe
before trying to install the ns-2 distribution.
I tried downloading the gcc4 package from the setup but it does not show that it has a gcc4 package. So, i downloaded it from internet but the file was empty!!! If i ignore the warning for gcc4 and continue with the installation then i got the following error.
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.8.1/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: final l ink failed: Invalid operation
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:569: recipe for target `tclsh.exe' failed
make: *** [tclsh.exe] Error 1
tcl8.5.10 make failed! Exiting ...
For problems with Tcl/Tk see http://www.scriptics.com
Somebody please help me!!!
Latest gcc ,i.e., 4.8 not compatible, Go for older versions of gcc like 4.7

I cannot find file spawn.h in cygwin

I install cygwin 1.7.10 on windows 7.
I want to install gearmand-0.28,when during the make,it can't find spawn.h.
The error is:
./libtest/cmdline.h:24:19: fatal error: spawn.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:4157: recipe for target `libtest/libtest_libtest_la-binaries.lo' failed
make[1]: *** [libtest/libtest_libtest_la-binaries.lo] Error 1
make[1]: 离开目录“/home/power/gearmand-0.28”
Makefile:2072: recipe for target `all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
Which package I need install?
Looks like it's an issue with some versions of gearman with Cygwin. I finally managed to install gearmand, but an old version: 0.14. (see https://launchpad.net/gearmand/+download )
My environment: Cygwin 1.7.13-1, Windows 7 64-bit.
Don't forget to install boost, gcc, make, libuuid1-devel and libiconv. You can download & install them with Cygwin (setup.exe)
