Getting emulated mobile view of a temporarily changed html page - google-chrome-extension

I am using a chrome extension to temporarily change layout of a Google search webpage. I am changing heading and description of the Advertisements displayed. This part works fine.
Next, I need to take screenshot of desktop, tablet and mobile views. getting desktop view is pretty straight. However, for tab/mobile view if I uses any of mobile emulator, or dev console, they refresh the html page before providing the mobile/tab emulation. This results in loosing the html page changes that were done by the chrome extension.
Is there are way to use mobile emulation without reloading/refreshing the page, so that the changes done in html are intact even in tables/mobile views.

I got the answer !
In Dev console, we have the option device toggle(Ctrl+Shift+M)
This way, temporary DOM changes done in desktop view were intact in mobile view as well.


Azure Static Website - Showing old content in Chrome

I created a Azure Static website and uploaded some test html to test it out. And it worked.
But now I have uploaded some different content and those changes are not showing in Chrome and other browsers except Internet Explorer.
I linked this with Custom domain as well.
This is what showing in chrome:
This is what showing in Internet Explorer:
I cleared cache in Chrome and tried installing Firefox newly as well. But still showing the old content.
Can any one please help?
Update: when I use the URL like then I can see the changes
Please try to use the feature Hard Reload or Empty Cache and Hard Reload of Chrome to reload your page, the step as below.
Press F12 in Chrome and Enabled the feature Disable cache
Click the right key of your mouse on the fresh button of Chrome, and then click the Hard Reload or Empty Cache and Hard Reload button, as the figure below.
Of couse, you can directly use the shortcut key:
For on Windows and Linux, Ctrl+Shift+R or Shift+F5. For on
MacOS, Cmd+Shift+R.
Please try to browse your website again in Chrome, as it is working for me as per your expectation.The way you see it working in Internet Explorer, its showing the same for me on Chrome and Firefox as well. ""
Please try to browse the application in "incognito window" i.e. private window.

What could cause err_connection_reset one one page, and only on mobile devices?

We have a ColdFusion Server running on top of IIS. All of our pages can be viewed in desktop or mobile mode, which just changes some CSS around but shows essentially the same page. We've run into an odd situation where on one particular page of the site:
It works fine on a PC viewing the page in desktop mode
It works fine on a PC viewing the page in mobile mode
It returns a err_connection_reset on any mobile device viewing the page in mobile mode
What could cause one particular page on a website to show up fine in desktop browsers but return an err_connection_reset on mobile browsers.
This page is not large, and is made up mostly of common components that are used on other pages which are working fine. No error appears in the server logs (our own, ColdFusions, or IIS').
Google keeps returning me pages about problems with Chrome's data saver mode on pages with 302 redirections. However, this page does not redirect, and we've experienced this on Chrome, Safari, and the Android browser, on both Android and iOS devices.

HTML Audio in IE

I am having an issue in IE 10 and IE 11 where if the audio device is disabled my website will not load. Looking at the console the load does not progress past loading the first audio item. I am using soundjs does anyone know if there is a way to detect if the hardware is disabled in the browser in order for me to add some kind of error message asking the user to please enable their sound device?
From the documentation
The function:
createInstance ( src [startTime=null] [duration=null] )
Works like this:
Creates a AbstractSoundInstance using the passed in src.
If the src does not have a supported extension or if there is no
available plugin, a default AbstractSoundInstance will be returned
that can be called safely but does nothing.
If you can test for the default AbstractSoundInstance, then you'll know when plugins are not available on the clients browser.
This looks like an issue with soundJS because when testing on the issue is re-created.
Head down to test the sounds and click to play.
Disable your machines sound bu right clicking in the tool bar and selecting disable.
Reload the page.
Now sounds do not load.
Side by side comparrison

restore from emulation on google chrome

I wanted to check how one of my local HTML page looks in different device. So, I launched the page in chrome and enabled in emulator. After that I was unable to see the page in normal full size mode. I have reset the emulator, changed screen resolution, re launched the browser, reset settings, deleted user data, renamed the page, moved the page into a different folder... nothing seems working. But the browser is showing other sites properly. What am I missing? How to reset the emulator to normal view?

Dreamweaver CS4 - How do you preview in Browser?

I'm new to Dreamweaver CS4 and making my first website. I've watched a lot of tutorials and they all just click the Preview in Browser button and they can see what their page looks like in Firefox/IE/etc.
But when I click Preview in Browser a new Firefox window opens up and it goes to my homepage and that's it.
What do I need to setup in order be able to preview in firefox?
I don't use Dreamweaver, although I have it as part of CS4. But I just now opened up the app, created a test HTML page, saved it, and hit F12 (Preview in Browser). And there was my test page. I honestly don't know what you could be doing wrong. I thought it might be that you didn't save your file, but you get a warning dialog if you try to preview without doing that.
After some playing around I fixed the problem myself.
First I had to go to manage site and edit the basic preferences on my website.
I had to make sure the 'URL to browse to the root of your site" is valid.
In my case it I had to add:
