How to set up the apps key in conemu so it doesn't open the mintty menu - cygwin

I use Conemu and Cygwin at home and at work, and I was trying to get the keyboard and highlighting to behave the same way in both places, so I imported my home Conemu settings file into my work Conemu, and now I've lost my ability to use Apps+PgDn/PgUp to scroll the backbuffer. Instead, when I press the Apps key, the mintty menu pops up.
How do I get that back?

I finally figured out that the problem is mintty.exe. I think they changed it in Windows 10 so the Apps/Menu key makes the context menu pop up, and there doesn't seem to be any way to disable that. I'm using Windows 8 at work and Windows 10 at home, hence the disparity.
If you just set your task to run bash.exe, everything seem to work fine.
Now that I figured it out, I can see why running mintty.exe in ConEmu doesn't make much sense, since they're kind of competing products, both designed to be better alternatives to cmd.exe.
There are only a couple of differences:
bash.exe has no way to specify an icon, but that easily fixed by putting /icon "C:\cygwin\Cygwin-Terminal.ico" (or whatever your cygwin icon path is) in ConEmu's task parameters.
The color scheme is also different, but appending -new_console:P:"<Standard VGA>" to the task command makes it the same as mintty.exe's (I want ConEmu to run Far Manager with the <Solarized> color scheme).


vi not recognizing scrolling, scrolls terminal instead

I have an instance of vi on a remote server that is not behaving like it used to, and I'm not sure what made this happen.
On my local shell, (and the remote server before this started happening), if I scroll with my mouse/touchpad, it would navigate the cursor within vim. I have checked my .vimrc and there's nothing in it relating to the mouse, and I did not make any changes to it before this issue started.
The only thing I can think of is that a few weeks ago, I was trying to figure out how I could split two files in the same vi instance so I could yank from one file to another, and I tried some : commands that I didn't really understand (didn't get any productive results). And also, I ran tmux once, but I don't think there are any . files that are applying unwanted settings (not sure).
I can't find anything to check the vi settings being applied, but I know that my .vimrc is working, and it's not anything in there (if I comment everything out it still behaves this way).
I just want my vi to respond the same way.
Describing the problem more exactly:
If I scroll, the cursor doesn't move, instead it scrolls on the terminal window, and it shows the previous bash commands instead of scrolling the file being edited. If I navigate using vim keys, it still works.
Randomly, I discovered that it actually had to do with the a specific terminal instance that was causing the issue. Closed it, opened a new one, no issue now. If anyone has any insight on why this could've been, I'd love to know.
.vimrc applies to vim not vi, doesn't it ?
the problem of scrolling might come from your terminal emulator as well.
I usually use embedded terminal in VS code which is not ideal (since it's not made for administration ...) but it's practical with keybinds to jump from one window to another, copy paste ...
I know some colleagues who use, mobaXterm or mremoteNG on windows.
I know I should give a go to Terminator, but it's on linux only and I don't want to run a local vm just for that.

Can I disable autocomplete with Alt+Tab on Qt Creator under Linux?

For the most part I very much like Qt Creator, but a few projects I'm working on require me to switch between my editor and my web browser for reference. Qt Creator is currently interpreting Alt+Tab to autocomplete, and then switching my window focus; this is a mild problem but it's really starting to get to me.
I've tried going to Tools→Options→Keyboard and searching for Alt+Tab, but found nothing. Is there a way to get it to selectively ignore the key combination without disabling autocomplete on the whole?
To complete the picture, I'm on Linux Mint 19.04 using XFCE desktop environment; or occasionally Maté. If I need to access something in system settings to do this I'm happy to; I just don't want to keep excessively second-guessing my code when I return to it.
Auto-complete is bound to Ctrl+Space by default, not Alt+Tab. In tools/options/keyboard, search for "CompleteThis" to see what it's bound to.
Maybe what you want is to disable auto-complete and use only manual-complete? That is, have the auto-complete list only show when you press ctrl+space, but never automatically. You can do that in options/text editor/completion.

Focus follow mouse in vim

I am aware that the mousefocus option is only supposed to work in gVim. But I was wondering, if it's possible to have the console Vim switch to different windows in response to mouse clicks, would it be not possible to easily add following mouse movement to it, too?
I'm an xmonad user, I love the focus following the pointer feature, I do a lot of pdf viewing and browsing while writing in Vim, and I'd be so much happier if I didn't have to keep mentally switching back and forth between two different types of focus changing.
If that's completely not possible, I guess opening new Vim windows (as with :split) in new instances of the terminal is no easier to do?
It would not be at all simple to add this. Using the mouse within the terminal works by vim sending control codes to the terminal requesting that mouse actions be sent as part of the input stream. Terminals only report clicks not changes in the pointer position, so vim has no way of knowing where the mouse is.
With major changes it would likely be possible for a vim with X support to get pointer activity directly from the X server, but that would likely be reported by pixel rather than by character so further work would need to be done before it could determine which vim window is currently under the pointer.
set mouse=a
should do the trick but it will probably depend on your terminal emulator. See :help 'mouse'.
This works for Windows 7/Cygwin 32bit mintty/vim 7.3: (I DO NOT use gvim!)
Having installed this:, I can scroll the window under my cursor without having to have clicked to select a window, click-selecting of single vim-windows works, too. It does not pull the vim window to the foreground, if another window overlaps it, if that is what you desire. Still it can be scrolled without click-selecting it first.
Check if there exists a software paket for your distribution, that implements your desired mouse behavior on the OS level. When this works for my self-compiled vim in cygwin, it might very well work with console vim on linux, too.
This post here serves as evidence, that it is possible at all, that is the reason this was not made a comment. When I am on linux again I will investigate this further and update this post, but that might take a while.
On set mouse=a: The vim help states you a need a terminal capable of handling mouse inputs, further information can be found here. :help ttymouse might also be helpful, i.e. if you have a xterm-compliant console, but :help term is set to something else.
UPDATE: (Freshly installed Fedora 19 with packages, no self-compiled stuff.)
Fedora 19 + se mouse=a = scrolling in single console vim window with several buffers opened next to each other independently works, too. Window manager used is LXDE.

Cygwin non-US or indirect characters don't work in xterm on extra monitor

I have run into this freaky thing in two places now, on a Windows 7 and an XP machine.
I have a laptop with an extra monitor connected. I start up cygwin's x-server, using the start menu shortcut (Cygwin-X/XWin Server). I then start an xterm by right-click the X icon in the icon tray at the bottom right, and selecting Applications/xterm.
I get an xterm. In it I can type text, but depending on which monitor the xterm window resides, all characters that require two keypresses on my swedish keyboard (example: "~" requires me to first press alt+the key marked "^ ¨ ~" and then press space, rendering a single ~ on the screen) result in a space being printed.
If I move the xterm to the other monitor, I am suddenly able to type a ~ in the xterm. Move it back to the previous monitor, and I can't type ~ anymore.
Weird or what? This is the problem I have now, on my XP laptop. On my Windows7 laptop (same basic setup) I had the problem that I could only type stuff like åäö (not indirect/combined characters - I have keys marked å, ä and ö respectively on my keyboard) on one monitor, not the other.
I have messed around with different ways to start up the X Server, I think I am doing it the right way as I describe here.
My cygwin installation is maybe a year old on both machines. I would like to be able to find whatever setting causes this behaviour, so I can handle it should I come across similar problems in the future.
Any ideas?
Edit: some stuff that looked like html tags got mangled.
Since this seems to be a problem only with xterm, as a simple workaround I would suggest using some other terminal emulator instead of xterm. On Cygwin, a really nice substitute is mintty (available as a Cygwin package from within Cygwin setup). I stopped using xterm in favor of mintty some time ago because I found it to simply be an all-around more useful terminal emulator.
As a possible side benefit of using mintty, if xterm is the only X application you typically use, then you don't even need to run an X server any more because mintty is not an X application.

Can't Copy & Paste in Eclipse 3.5

I recently updated my Eclipse to the latest release 3.5 and since then I have a very annoying problem with c&p using the shortcuts.
In an editor (xml, jsp, doesn't matter which one) I try to copy something and paste it somewhere else, nothing happens. When I cut out something and put it somewhere else I sometimes get something else (like a messed up part of my previous selection) or just some whitespaces. This gets even worse when I change lines in between.
First I thought that my keyboard is probably broken but it works just fine in other programs. Then I tried using the context menus' c&p and there it works. Yesterday I managed to get at least an error message when I tried to copy a file in the navigator from one project to another (the message was just "error using copy...bla". no details).
Does anyone else have this problem, or know how to solve it?
I am running on Kubuntu 9.04, and have quite some plugins installed (but only from the Galileo Updates Site), like Birt, Mylin, WST, or Subversive.
For my problem, I had to go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Typing, and uncheck "Update imports"
This must be related to the key mapping, since those shortcuts are defined according to context.
(Column "When", in Preferences / General / Keys)
Check if those shortcuts do not work for any editor (do they work for Java editor?)
If they work for some editor, not for other, then some plugin settings must have re-affected them to another command.
This is caused by various X clipboard managers doing weird things with the clipboard. (bug report).
In XFCE the clipman applet was rolled in XFCE 4.8, and will be the source of these problems.
To fix this in XFCE - kill xfce4-settings-helper. You will need to use Settings Manager -> Session and Startup -> Session to kill it, as otherwise it may restart automatically.
To prevent this starting next time, you will need to remove it from your startup/login programs in Settings Manager > Session and Startup > Application Autostart.
Problem was solved with newer Eclipse releases. I think >= 3.6. Depending on your distribution there may be a (back)port of this (not on my Xubuntu 11.04) within the repositories.
So a tarball installation of Eclipse 4.0 works perfectly for me. Cut&Paste works and I am lucky that my plugins are compatible to 4.0.
Unfortunately Sublime Text has the same problems.
I read somewhere that in KDE maybe Klipper / "Klipper on the panel" conflicts with eclipse copy action.
It's a tool for clipboard history. Try to remove that! It may solve your problem :-/
For me the xfce4-settings-helper killing worked.
You can cut&paste from the compare view. So simply compare the un-copyable file (e.g., local history) with a different version and Control-C what you need there.
In the *.java editor page, right click and select open in text editor. Past your snippet there. Your Snippet will show in the *.java page'
I use Eclipse Kepler for PHP development. It's dumb I know.
None of the solutions suggested here has solved this source of frustration.
I can confirm the copy function works whether shortcut keys are bound or not. As I can copy from eclipse and paste into any other application. Except eclipse.
My solution. Accidental discovery: Eclipse Kepler will allow you to paste outside the php open and close tags and allow you to click and drag the highlighted block of content into into position.
Acceptable solution for small bits of code. Horribly crippling for larger development environments.
For Xming, this resolved the problem for me. In XLaunch uncheck Clipboard (clipboard manager) in the "Specify parameter settings" GUI form.
