Can't Copy & Paste in Eclipse 3.5 - eclipse-3.5

I recently updated my Eclipse to the latest release 3.5 and since then I have a very annoying problem with c&p using the shortcuts.
In an editor (xml, jsp, doesn't matter which one) I try to copy something and paste it somewhere else, nothing happens. When I cut out something and put it somewhere else I sometimes get something else (like a messed up part of my previous selection) or just some whitespaces. This gets even worse when I change lines in between.
First I thought that my keyboard is probably broken but it works just fine in other programs. Then I tried using the context menus' c&p and there it works. Yesterday I managed to get at least an error message when I tried to copy a file in the navigator from one project to another (the message was just "error using copy...bla". no details).
Does anyone else have this problem, or know how to solve it?
I am running on Kubuntu 9.04, and have quite some plugins installed (but only from the Galileo Updates Site), like Birt, Mylin, WST, or Subversive.

For my problem, I had to go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Typing, and uncheck "Update imports"

This must be related to the key mapping, since those shortcuts are defined according to context.
(Column "When", in Preferences / General / Keys)
Check if those shortcuts do not work for any editor (do they work for Java editor?)
If they work for some editor, not for other, then some plugin settings must have re-affected them to another command.

This is caused by various X clipboard managers doing weird things with the clipboard. (bug report).
In XFCE the clipman applet was rolled in XFCE 4.8, and will be the source of these problems.
To fix this in XFCE - kill xfce4-settings-helper. You will need to use Settings Manager -> Session and Startup -> Session to kill it, as otherwise it may restart automatically.
To prevent this starting next time, you will need to remove it from your startup/login programs in Settings Manager > Session and Startup > Application Autostart.

Problem was solved with newer Eclipse releases. I think >= 3.6. Depending on your distribution there may be a (back)port of this (not on my Xubuntu 11.04) within the repositories.
So a tarball installation of Eclipse 4.0 works perfectly for me. Cut&Paste works and I am lucky that my plugins are compatible to 4.0.
Unfortunately Sublime Text has the same problems.

I read somewhere that in KDE maybe Klipper / "Klipper on the panel" conflicts with eclipse copy action.
It's a tool for clipboard history. Try to remove that! It may solve your problem :-/
For me the xfce4-settings-helper killing worked.

You can cut&paste from the compare view. So simply compare the un-copyable file (e.g., local history) with a different version and Control-C what you need there.

In the *.java editor page, right click and select open in text editor. Past your snippet there. Your Snippet will show in the *.java page'

I use Eclipse Kepler for PHP development. It's dumb I know.
None of the solutions suggested here has solved this source of frustration.
I can confirm the copy function works whether shortcut keys are bound or not. As I can copy from eclipse and paste into any other application. Except eclipse.
My solution. Accidental discovery: Eclipse Kepler will allow you to paste outside the php open and close tags and allow you to click and drag the highlighted block of content into into position.
Acceptable solution for small bits of code. Horribly crippling for larger development environments.

For Xming, this resolved the problem for me. In XLaunch uncheck Clipboard (clipboard manager) in the "Specify parameter settings" GUI form.


Can I disable autocomplete with Alt+Tab on Qt Creator under Linux?

For the most part I very much like Qt Creator, but a few projects I'm working on require me to switch between my editor and my web browser for reference. Qt Creator is currently interpreting Alt+Tab to autocomplete, and then switching my window focus; this is a mild problem but it's really starting to get to me.
I've tried going to Tools→Options→Keyboard and searching for Alt+Tab, but found nothing. Is there a way to get it to selectively ignore the key combination without disabling autocomplete on the whole?
To complete the picture, I'm on Linux Mint 19.04 using XFCE desktop environment; or occasionally Maté. If I need to access something in system settings to do this I'm happy to; I just don't want to keep excessively second-guessing my code when I return to it.
Auto-complete is bound to Ctrl+Space by default, not Alt+Tab. In tools/options/keyboard, search for "CompleteThis" to see what it's bound to.
Maybe what you want is to disable auto-complete and use only manual-complete? That is, have the auto-complete list only show when you press ctrl+space, but never automatically. You can do that in options/text editor/completion.

Coqide Key Bindings Bug(?)

I'm having a bit of an odd problem... recently I've been having some odd situations arising whilst using CoqIDE, namely:
I can't type the letter "v" without holding down the windows/super key.
Pressing backspace moves the focus to the previous tab if multiple windows are open, I can't delete things with it. CTRL+backspace works for deleting chunks though.
The first of the two (may have) happened after I changed my keymap from US to GB but switching back and forth hasn't solved the problem.
Running ARCH linux, everything is up to date and no other applications are affected, I don't have sticky keys on.
Thanks for any suggestions!
EDIT: Tried a reinstall, didn't help...
Solved Edit: Yep, you're completely right I seem to have done some super-fast rebind without noticing. I also learnt that package manager will essentially never touch .config files as they're generated by the app and so aren't under the manager's jurisdiction. Solved!
CoqIDE key bindings and other preferences are stored in .coq/ or .config/coq. They are not deleted on uninstall and are shared if you have various versions of Coq installed at the same time (and this may be a problem).
If you are not worried about losing any specific preferences that you configured, I would advise to just delete this directory and let CoqIDE create it fresh again.
If you are worried, then just have a look at the files (quite long but also quite readable). For instance:
cat .config/coq/coqide.keys | grep "tab"
yields the following on my machine:
; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/View/Previous tab" "<Alt>Left")
; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/View/Next tab" "<Alt>Right")
PS: your problem might have arisen because key bindings are so easy to redefine in CoqIDE that you can do it without noticing: just open a menu (example: View), hover some option (for instance: Previous tab), type something on the keyboard (for instance v) and voilà v is now a shortcut for Previous tab.

Copy-paste is not working in Android Studio on Mac

I am facing a weird issue with Mac version of Android Studio (i.e., I am not able to copy (⌘ + C) and paste (⌘ + V) any text). I have no idea why it is behaving strange like this. My question may be silly, but I have been facing this issue since I started working from Windows to Mac. Any solutions and alternatives would be much helpful for me. I am completely stuck with this issue for the past two days.
There are several reasons why you could be experiencing this
You are using ClipMenu and Android studio doesn't like it
Your keybinding is messed up.
To solve keybinding issue press File -> Settings and check what the keybindings are, you have maybe changed it or imported settings from somebody else. See the image as a reference.
Note: the filter of copy, you need to do this for paste too.
To fix the issue with ClipMenu.
Right click on "Application/IntelliJ IDEA"
choose "Show Package Contents"
edit bin/
add this property ide.mac.useNativeClipboard=True
restart IntelliJ IDEA.
There is a YouTrack issue with further information
this worked for me
go to file menu and click on invalidate Caches/Restart ,after this confirm the dialog open .
Go to File-> Setting->Editor(Under IDE Settings)->Change value of maximum number of contents to keep in clipboard to 1(Under Limits section)
I have this issue due to PopClip I have to disable it to get the keyboard shortcuts working.
Check that your keymaps aren't messed up. Go to Android Studio > Preferences > Keymap > Main Menu > Edit. If copy and paste are set correctly there, then it must be something else in your system that's stopping it
I got this bug with my ClipMenu (on Mac) while set useNativeClipboard=true.
I solved the problem by using ClipMenu to paste file into Android Studio (show menu of ClipMenu, then select item)
In my case, the Ctrl c is occupied by other programs(my case is "Oulu Dictionary" program).
Try to check if other programs have global shortcut keys.
disable the plugin Ideavm if installed under settings>plugins>installed.

In jVI for Netbeans, the cursor won't appear

Depending on the font I use, I might see a quarter of a cursor (lower right rectangle not flashing) in the wrong place, or no cursor at all. Still, the line I'm on highlights and the column number is displayed in the lower right.
I've tried a mix of fixed-width fonts at a mix of sizes (11-14), including the default Monospace, MacVim's Menlo, the awful Courier, and another q-a site's suggested Consolas.
Any ideas how to get the cursor to show up would be great. Alternate ways to get Vi keybindings in NetBeans also acceptable, though it seems jVi is the most current / active effort.
NetBeans 7.1.2
Image showing no cursor with highlighting
Image showing actually two partial cursors, which I'd never seen before:
There is a problem with the Mac Retina, which is like this problem. The latest jVi release has a workaround, you need to turn on the option
Tools > Options > jViConfig > Platform > MacRetinaCursorXorBug
I had the same problem in Netbeans 8.0.2. Workaround for this is to disable following option:
Tools->Options->jVi config->platform->use modal frame
I found the solution here which solves other problems with cursor too. I hope this will help you.
ubuntu - 14.04
java 1.7.0_121
netbeans - 8.2
jvi - 1.5.4
i had the same issue and 'use model frame' was already enabled. Enabling 'MacRetinaCursorXorBug' fixed the issue. i have set the frequency of the cursor to 500 to be on the safer side.
Enabling the option MacRetinaCursorXorBug under Tools > Options > jViConfig > Platform was the only working solution for me among a bunch of other suggested workarounds. So it's important to mention that this setting could be required even on non Mac Systems.
(Tested on environment: Netbeans IDE 8.0.2, Ubuntu 15.04 with Kernel 3.19.0-16, XFCE-Desktop 4.12, VirtualBox 4.3.28)
Setting the blink rate to 500 as suggested by develucas fixed this for me on Ubuntu and Netbeans 8.1, though it still disappears whilst moving it reappears shortly after it becomes stationary, makes jvi useable again.

"Registering" GVim in Windows XP

This is probably bordering off-topic-ness here, but not a lot of people on SuperUser use GVim, as opposed to here, so I'm leaving it here.
The problem is simple - I'm using GVim 7.3. from, downloaded it in the form of archived binaries (the two archive files) like always and replaced the older version. However, I can't get Windows to recognize it and to associate a file extension to it.
From windows explorer go to, let's say, .py file, Open with ... / Browse / gvim.exe in its directory and ... nothing. Like it never happened.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this behaviour? It's mighty annoying to have to open every file from within Vim manually.
I think the default installer ("self-installing executable") from lets you register shell associations; this means you get an entry "open with vim" in every context menu from the explorer. Did you not use this file?
I'm looking at this page and I'm thinking about this download.
This doesn't answer your question, but it's a different way to edit with gvim from the context menu.
Create a .reg file with the contents below (adjusting your path to gvim.exe) and execute it. Then whenever you right-click on a file in explorer you will have an "Open with GVIM" option.
#="Open with GVIM"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with &GVim]
#="Open with GVIM"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with &GVim\command]
#="C:\\Vim\\gvim.exe \"%1\""
I gave up trying all kinds of tricks through the registry, but this solution works for me just fine. I might add, I'm having the same issue on Windows 7. Since Windows seems to be able to do the association with vim.exe just fine, and this is apparently tied to the file name, I moved vim.exe off as say vim.ex$ and made a copy of gvim.exe to vim.exe. Cheap and easy way around this goofy problem, and I can't say I ever use vim.exe on purpose.
