new site on - azure

Is it now possible to create new site on domain in Azure?
I cannot now create new Mobile Service in Azure Portal (classic), I received the error:
Mobile Service is no longer accepting new subscriptions. Please use
Azure Mobile Apps instead.
But when I try to create Mobile App or App Service, I can create site only in domain.

You can't create new Mobile Service as the service is being deprecated. Mobile App is part of App Service that include Web App, Mobile App, Logic App and API App and this service only uses the domain.


How to change the URL of Web API service

An Azure App Service Web API using .NET Core was successfully deployed using the Visual Studio 2017 Publish function but now the URL needs to change. How can I do that?
You could map custom DNS name to Azure App Service
Go to the App Service blade.
On the blade, find the Custom domains or bind the SSL settings.
Then you could follow the Tutorial: Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service and the Tutorial: Bind an existing custom SSL certificate to Azure App Service.
As both API Apps and Web Apps share the same underlying infrastructure.
Hope it helps.

Can I create Azure MobileServiceClient instance with Azure Function App url instead of creating an Azure Mobile App?

My purpose is to build my mobile app backend serverless.
Now, when I try to create MobileServiceClient instance, it asks for an Azure Mobile App URI, can this URI be an Function App URI or it has to be only Mobile App?
You should be able to handle the mobile apps server logic with functions, though you'll be rolling all of this on your own.
One possibility: deploy a mobile app which uses the Azure Mobile Apps sdk at the root of your function app (they're both built on top of Web Apps). Then, use proxies / functions to handle any custom api calls from the mobile client so that you can convert over at your own pace.

How to find the IP address of the user who accessed my web application deployed using Azure App Service?

Recently, I deployed a web application using Azure App Service. It's in the free tier service plan. I would like to access the logs of this web application and the IP address of the users who accessed my web application. How to find this information?
You'll need to enable Application Insights and use Web server telemetry

Web page in Azure Mobile app

I have created a Mobile App in New Azure portal. It has many APIs available for mobile users and some API for admin. we are creating Admin page (HTML with jquery). Is it possible to host the Admin page in Mobile App or do i need to create separate web app in Azure portal ?
A mobile app is essentially a web app customized for mobile features. So, yes, this is possible.
Place your HTML page (ie: index.html) in wwwroot of the web app.

Azure Mobile App Service

I would like to create a mobile app with Xamarin Forms and would like to use the new Azure Mobile App PaaS service. This mobile app shall be available also to users which uses my services from a web site and not only from a mobile device.
In regards to Authentication how can I have a single authentication point available either from a web site as well as from the mobile app?
Does anyone have suggestions on how to design this architecture?
The Azure App Service, the Mobile Apps backend service is really just a Web API running in Web Apps (think web site + mobile goodness), with all features of App Service sharing the same authentication endpoint. This means that any authentication you setup for mobile device clients can also be used by a web site. This topic should point you in the right direction:
