How to change the URL of Web API service - azure-web-app-service

An Azure App Service Web API using .NET Core was successfully deployed using the Visual Studio 2017 Publish function but now the URL needs to change. How can I do that?

You could map custom DNS name to Azure App Service
Go to the App Service blade.
On the blade, find the Custom domains or bind the SSL settings.
Then you could follow the Tutorial: Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service and the Tutorial: Bind an existing custom SSL certificate to Azure App Service.
As both API Apps and Web Apps share the same underlying infrastructure.
Hope it helps.


Migration of On-Prem to Azure

I have a web application that is running on my localhost and i want to use azure app service or azure vm to launch it online. which is the best choice?
Solution to host webapplication
There are ways to deploy your application to Azure Cloud.
Method 1 : Azure App Service is fully managed platform for deploying application and scaling apps. it has built-in web hosting feature and supports multiple languages and frameworks.
Please follow the steps to deploy application to App Service.
1.Create sample web application using Visual Studio application.
Create a new project
Right click on created application and choose Publish
Note: Before publish application to Azure, login to visual studio with Azure Account.
Select target-Azure Cloud.
5.Select target platform windows or Linux.
Click on App Service (Windows) > Create new (window)" in App Service (Windows) >Create new.
Select your subscription, resource group & hosting plan.
Check the Application deployment status in visual studio account.
9.Test the application with Azure App service URL once deploy the application to Azure app service.
Go to Azure Portal > Azure App Service > overview > Url.
Application working with App service Url
Method 2: Azure VM
To deploy an application in an Azure VM with IIS, you can follow below steps:
Create an Azure VM with required configuration such as the operating system and size.
Azure Portal > Create > Select Server OS.
2.Use RDP to connect to the Azure VM.
You can use FTP to upload your code to the Azure VM.
Now, open the IIS Manager and create a new website in that IIS.
After that, you can configure the website to point to the location of your application code on the VM.
Finally, test your application.

Azure App Service hosting internal technology

When I host a .NET Core application in Azure App Service, it takes a web.config custom headers configuration, same as in IIS.
Which technology is used in the Azure App Service to host a .NET Core web application?
Thank you Lex Li for your suggestion posting it as answer to help other community members .
"Azure app service is just a name.
you can either host your web app on Windows (IIS) or Linux or on Docker, as you said web.config takes effect, you were using the Windows based App Service hosting plan."
According to that when we host our application in Azure app service there will be no change in our application .
Please refer the below links for more information :
MS DOC : Quickstart: Deploy an ASP.NET web app
MS DOC: ASP.NET Web Deployment using Visual Studio: Web.config File Transformations.
MS DOC : Troubleshoot ASP.NET Core on Azure App Service and IIS

How to wrap an WebApi project with azure API management?

I am having a Web API project in and this project is hosted on Azure web app services .Azure endpoint of the api works . How can i wrap this api under azure api management ?
Current setup web Api project > Hosted in azure web app services
I tried to add the api in API management via blank and open api specification.
I would expect the Azure API Management could connect to my web app service where my web api project is hosted.
Deploy your Web API to Azure App Service API App instead of App Service Web App. You will be able to import the API's directly from the UI. Here is the doc.
Alternative to Ketan's approach is to configure API manually using "Blank API" option. where you'll need to specify your App's base URL. You will be required later on to create all operations manually.

How to find the IP address of the user who accessed my web application deployed using Azure App Service?

Recently, I deployed a web application using Azure App Service. It's in the free tier service plan. I would like to access the logs of this web application and the IP address of the users who accessed my web application. How to find this information?
You'll need to enable Application Insights and use Web server telemetry

new site on

Is it now possible to create new site on domain in Azure?
I cannot now create new Mobile Service in Azure Portal (classic), I received the error:
Mobile Service is no longer accepting new subscriptions. Please use
Azure Mobile Apps instead.
But when I try to create Mobile App or App Service, I can create site only in domain.
You can't create new Mobile Service as the service is being deprecated. Mobile App is part of App Service that include Web App, Mobile App, Logic App and API App and this service only uses the domain.
