tar exclude error-output on specific paths - linux

Is it possible to ignore error-messages like: /etc/some-tool/some-log: file changed as we read it on the same way you can use exclude to exclude files?
I'm using tar to do system-backups, redirecting stdout and stderr into log-files. I Got some direcotires which contain log-files. Simply don't want to have the same error-lines (like shown above) every day in my result file.
So far couldn't find a command on man tar which could help me.

I wrote a script which analyzes the output log and decides if it's an error or not. Ignoring warnings on a global scope is not what I was looking for. Took me some time but it's the safest method imo.


Empty log files daily using cron task

I want to empty (not delete) log files daily at a particular time. something like
echo "" > /home/user/dir/log/*.log
but it returns
-bash: /home/user/dir/log/*.log: ambiguous redirect
is there any way to achieve this?
You can't redirect to more than one file, but you can tee to multiple files.
tee /home/user/dir/log/*.log </dev/null
The redirect from /dev/null also avoids writing an empty line to the beginning of each file, which was another bug in your attempt. (Perhaps specify nullglob to avoid creating a file with the name *.log if the wildcard doesn't match any existing files, though.)
However, a much better solution is probably to use the utility logrotate which is installed out of the box on every Debian (and thus also Ubuntu, Mint, etc) installation. It runs nightly by default, and can be configured by dropping a file in its configuration directory. It lets you compress the previous version of a log file instead of just overwrite, and takes care to preserve ownership and permissions etc.

bash filename completion hangs because it is searching in unrelated directories for unrelated files

When I type
(module load /scratch/userName/productName/modules/d
followed by a tab in order to get
(module load /scratch/userName/productName/modules/debug
bash hangs for some time and does not accept input.
If I use strace to debug this, I can see that bash is calling stat() on more than 5000 (unrelated) files in 800 (unrelated) directories.
Could anybody explain this to me? Or even better, explain how to tell bash to only search in the specified directory?
The modules directory exists and contains only two normal files (debug and release). All of the parent directories are normal directories.
I guess this has something to do with bash ability to forward filename completion to the client being used. In this case this is module but I've also seen it for git.
Somebody somewhere registered some bash function to perform filename completion for the client module. In order to disable this I added the following line into my ~/.bashrc:
complete -o default module
Thanks to
for the hint!

Find out the path to the original file of a hard link

Now, I get the feeling that some people will think that there was no original file of a hard link, but I would strongly disagree because of the following experiment I did.
Let's create a file with the content pwd and make a hard link to a subfolder:
echo "pwd" > original
mkdir subfolder
cp -l original subfolder/hardlink
Now let's see what the files output if I run it with shell:
sh original
sh subfolder/hardlink
The output is the same, even though the file hardlink is in a subfolder!
Sorry, for the long intro, but I wanted to make sure that nobody says that my following question is irrelevent.
So my question now is: If the content of the original file was not conveniently pwd, how do I find out the path to the original file from a hard link file?
I know that linux programs seem to know the path somehow, but not the filename, because some programs returned error messages that <path to original file>/hardlinkname was not found. But how do they do that?
Thanks in advance for an answer!
Edit: Btw, I fixed the error messages mentioned above by naming the hard links the same as the original file.
But how do they do that?
By looking for the same inode value. Here's one way you can list files with the same inode:
find /home -xdev -samefile original
replace /home with any other starting directory for find to start searching.
how do I find out the path to the original file from a hard link file?
For hard links there are no multiple files, just one file (inode) with multiple (file) names.
is there no other way to find the hard links of an inode than searching through folders?
ln, ls, find, and stat are the common ways of discovering and querying the filesystem for inodes. Then depending on what next you want to accomplish, many file, directory, archiving, and searching commands recognize inode values. Some may require a special -inum or --follow or equivalent option to specify inodes.
The find example I gave above is just one such usage. Another is to combine with xargs to operate on all the found files. Here's one way to delete them all:
find /home -xdev -samefile original | xargs rm
Look under --help for other standard os commands. Most Linux distributions also come with help files that explain inodes and which tools work with inodes.
pwd is the present working directory, so of course, the output should be the same, since you didnt cd't into your subfolder.
Sorry to say, but there is no "original" file if you create other hardlinks. If you want to get other hardlinks of a file, look at How to find all hard links to a given file? for example.
Agree with #Emacs User. Your example of pwd is irrelevant and confused you.
There is no concept of original file for hard-links. The file names just act as a reference count to the content on the disk pointed by the i-node (see 'ls -li original subfolder/hardlink'). So even if you delete the original file hardlink still points to the same content.
It is impossible to find out as all hard links are treated the same way pointing to one inode.

need to include a new file with 'diff' utility as a patch

When doing "diff -bBupwr" of two directories, dir and dir.orig to capture the differences, the util doesn't include files that exist only in dir, it only reports that e.g. dir/app.c exists only in dir/, but I would like it to be added in a resulting diff file, so that it could be applied as a patch.
I checked 'man diff' but no clues was found. I'd appreciate helpful advises for this. Thanks.
Use the option -N. The man page says:
-N, --new-file
treat absent files as empty

Can you use tar to apply a patch to an existing web application?

Patches are frequently released for my CMS system. I want to be able to extract the tar file containing the patched files for the latest version directly over the full version on my development system. When I extract a tar file it puts it into a folder with the name of the tar file. That leaves me to manually copy each file over to the main directory. Is there a way to force the tar to extract the files into the current directory and overwrite any files that have the same filenames? Any directories that already exist should not be overwritten, but merged...
Is this possible? If so, what is the command?
Check out the --strip-components (or --strippath) argument to tar, might be what you're looking for.
EDIT: you might want to throw --keep-newer into the mix, so any locally modified files aren't overwritten. And I would suggest testing new releases on a development server, then using rsync or subversion to carry over the changes.
I tried getting --strip-components to work and, while I didn't try that hard, I didn't get it working. It kept flattening the directory structure. In searching, I came across the following command that seems to do exactly what I want:
pax -r -f patch.tar -s'/patch///'
It's not tar, but hey, it works... Replace the words "patch" with whatever your tar file name is.
The option '--strip-components' allows you to trim parts of the embedded filenames. With that it is possible to do what you want.
For more help check out http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_section/transform.html
I have just done:
tar -xzf patch.tar.gz
And it overwrites all the files that the patch contains.
I.e., if the patch was created for the contents of the app folder, I would extract it there. Results would be like this:
tar.gz contains: oldfolder/someoldfile.txt, oldfolder/newfolder/newfile.txt
before app looks like:
Afterwards, app looks like
And the "someoldfile.txt" is actually updated to what was in the tar.gz
Maybe this doesn't work with regular tar, only tar.gz. But I doubt it. I think it should work for everything, as long as user has write permissions.
