Instagram rate-limit header with no predictable value - instagram

According to documentation:
The rate-limit control works under a "time-sliding" window, the question is:
What's the frequency of increasing for the remaining calls HTTP header (x-ratelimit-remaining) seconds? minutes?, an hour?
Reading the docs. "5000/hr per token for Live apps" (our company App went Live already), I assumed a frequency limiter, being calculated each second or minute, but after several days trying different strategies the value doesnt seem to have any deductible behaviour.
Possible answers (depending how it is coded) could be:
(a sliding window like a frequency limiter)
it increases 1 credit each 720 ms (3600'(1hr) / 5000 (remaining calls)) without a request until reaching 5000, it decays to 0 otherwise.
If we do 1 req. at the correct frequency, we should never lose 5000 calls., So we could spend them strategically: dispersed, cluttered, traffic-adapted.
(a limited sink recharging each hour)
with 5000 remaining, it decays 1 credit per request -no matter the frequency-, after 1 hour passed since that 1st request: it goes back to 5000
it renews to 5000 each 1 hour counting since the token was used to do the 1st request.
it decays 1 credit per request, and it goes to 5000 in a time fixed hour, like at 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00...
I'm using jInstagram 1.1.7.

After a lot of testing....
I have some temporary conclusions...
Starting from 5000, if you fetch at uniform rate (720ms/req) you will reach 500 like at the minute 50, then instagram will begin to give you credit in portions lesser than 500. So at the minute 60 you'll have 150 remaining calls left, and instagram will give you another credit portion, generally reaching 500 avg. and going down again of course...
If you stop consuming, like 30 minutes aprox. You will acquire again 5000 credits.
Also they give you 5000 remaining calls, they seem to have counters indexed by IP, if you make the request from different IPs with the same credential, they'll act like ignoring the others.
Besides that, instagram have many errors keeping a consistent value for the x-ratelimit-remaining HTTP header they respond on every HTTP request.
It looks related to some overriding, and some kind of race between the servers replicating the last value.
Shame on you instagram, I spent a lot of time adapting my cool throttling algorithm to your buggy behaviour, assuming you had good engineering down there !
Please fix them so we can play fair with you instead of playing hide and seek, stealth tricks..


Chrome Lighthouse comma and full stop in performance option

I have a few questions regarding the report of lighthouse (see screenshot below)
The first is a culture think: i assume the value 11.930 ms stands for 11 seconds and 930 ms. Is this the case?
The second is the Delayed Paint compared to the size. The third entry (7.22 KB) delays the paint by 3,101 ms the fourth entry delays the paint by 1,226 ms although the javascript file is more than three times the size 24.03 KB versus 7.22 KB. Does anybody know what might be the cause?
Screenshot of Lighthouse
This is an extract of a lighthouse report. In the screenshot of google-chrome-lighthouse you can see that a few metrics are written with a comma 11,222 ms and others with a full stop 7.410 ms
Thank you for discovering quite a bug! An issue has been filed in the Lighthouse GitHub repo.
To explain what's likely going on, it looks like this report was generated with the CLI (or at least a locale that is different from the one that it is being displayed in). Some numbers (such as the ones in the table) are converted to strings ahead of time while others are converted at display time in the browser. The browser numbers are respecting your OS/user-selected locale while the pre-stringified numbers are not.
To answer your questions...
Yes, the value it's reporting is 11930 milliseconds or 11 seconds and 930 milliseconds (11,930 ms en-US or 11.930 ms de-DE).
The delayed paint metric is reporting to you how many milliseconds after the load started the asset finished loading. There are multiple factors that influence this number including when the asset was discovered by the browser, queuing time, server response time, network variability, and payload size. The small script that delayed paint longer likely had a lower priority or was added to your page later than the larger script was and thus was pushed out farther.

What does BandwidthIn and BandwidthOut graph represent for a service?

I have a service and its bandwidth graph looks like this
What does it represent.? I am using tutum which shows me these graphs.!
Should I worry about it.? Please Explain! Any help is appreciated.!
Bandwidth is the the amount of data sent (Out) or received (In) in a period of time. Mbps stands for Mega bits per seconds, i.e., how many bits did you send or receive during that past whole second.
I am sure you heard about xxx Mpbs from your internet provider, in which case, it correspond to the maximum speed you can have, but you are not required to use the whole bandwidth all the time.
Same thing on Tutum, depending on your hosting provider / instance type you will also have a maximum Mbps bandwidth, but at any given t time, you are using YY Mbps out of your XX Mpbs maximum.
As the graph increase, it simply means that you send/receive more data, which can mean that you have a higher traffic or you are doing some kind of networking activity.

explain me a difference of how MRTG measures incoming data

Everyone knows that MRTG needs at least one value to be passed on it's input.
In per-target options MRTG has 'gauge', 'absolute' and default (with no options) behavior of 'what to do with incoming data'. Or, how to count it.
Lets look at the elementary, yet popular example :
We pass cumulative data from network interface statistics of 'how much packets were recieved by the interface'.
We take it from '/proc/net/dev' or look at 'ifconfig' output for certain network interface. The number of recieved bytes is increasing every time. Its cumulative.
So as i can imagine there could be two types of possible statistics:
1. How fast this value changes upon the time interval. In oher words - activity.
2. Simple, as-is growing graphic that just draw every new value per every minute (or any other time interwal)
First graphic will be saltatory (activity). Second will just grow up every time.
I read twice rrdtool's and MRTG's docs and can't understand which option mentioned above counts what.
I suppose (i am not sure) that 'gauge' draw values as is, without any differentiation calculations (good for measuring how much memory or cpu is used every 5 minutes). And default or 'absolute' behavior tryes to calculate the speed between nearby measures, but what's the differencr between last two?
Can you, guys, explain in a simple manner which behavior stands after which option of three options possible?
Thanks in advance.
MRTG assumes that everything is being measured as a rate (even if it isnt a rate)
Type 'gauge' assumes that you have already calculated the rate; thus, the provided value is stored as-is (after Data Normalisation). This is appropriate for things like CPU usage.
Type 'absolute' assumes the value passed is the count since the last update. Thus, the value is divided by the number of seconds since the last update to get a rate in thingies per second. This is rarely used, and only for certain unusual data sources that reset their value on being read - eg, a script that counts the number of lines in a log file, then truncates the log file.
Type 'counter' (the default) assumes the value passed is a constantly growing count, possibly that wraps around at 16 or 64 bits. The difference between the value and its previous value is divided by the number of seconds since the last update to get a rate in thingies per second. If it sees the value decrease, it will assume a counter wraparound at 16 or 64 bit. This is appropriate for something like network traffic counters, which is why it is the default behaviour (MRTG was originally written for network traffic graphs)
Type 'derive' is like 'counter', but will allow the counter to decrease (resulting in a negative rate). This is not possible directly in MRTG but you can manually create the necessary RRD if you want.
All types subsequently perform Data Normalisation to adjust the timestamp to a multiple of the Interval. This will be more noticeable for Gauge types where the value is small than for counter types where the value is large.
For information on this, see Alex van der Bogaerdt's excellent tutorial

Ideal timeout period for dns lookup

In my rails app i do a nslookup using a ruby library resolv. If the site like is entered its talking too long to resolve. in some instance like 20 sec.(mostly for non-existent sites) Because it cause the application to slowdown.
So i though of introducing a timeout period for the dns lookup.
What will be the ideal timeout period for the dns lookup so that resolution of actual site doesnt fail. will something like 10 sec will be fine?
There's no IETF mandated value, although ยง6.1.3.3 of RFC 1123 suggests a value not less than 5 seconds.
Perl's Net::DNS and the command line dig utility do default to 5 seconds between retries. Some versions of the Microsoft resolver appear to default to 3 seconds.
You can run some tests among the users to find out the right number compromising responsiveness / performance.
Also you can adjust that timeout dinamically depending on the network traffic.
For example, for every sucessful resolv, you save how much time it took you to resolv it. And every hour (for example) you can calculate an average and set double of its value as timeout (Remember that "average" is, roughly speaking, "the middle"). This way if your latency is high at some point, it autoadjust itself to increase the timeout period.

Average internet delay

Just wondering, what is the average packet transmission delay between two hosts over the internet (ignoring packet loss and retransmission).
Now, hang a second before you write that it's too genenral and depends on too many factors (Location of the two hosts, network workload at a specific time, just to name a few), i'm aware of that.
Yet, that's why i'm asking what might be the AVERAGE delay. There must be some record for that.
Maybe it's appropriate to ask for seperate countrywide/continentwide/intercontinental average values, too. Whatever makes sense.
However you ask it, this question is WAAAYYYY too general. Ping times can give you a reasonable approximation, though. My avg to a google host:
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/med = 20/23/37/21
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/med = 19/23/38/23
Baidu (China):
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/med = 269/272/275/272
Pair (Pittsburgh):
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/med = 63/66/73/67
Google and Y! are using content-distribution networks, so I am most likely hitting servers very nearby. Baidu is across the world from me. Pair is across the country. These are all from a relatively fast connection.
I'd expect a dialup user to see figures that are approximately 100-200 ms higher (depending on network activity at the time). Similarly, my figures would increase significantly if my network were heavily loaded (its not at the moment).
Does that help at all?
You may find the discussion of this stuff at this page interesting. The author argues that traffic is traveling at about half the speed of light (the speed of light being the best you can possibly do for traffic speed, assuming various scientists are right.
