Making new checker visible in the Clang's Static Analyzer - clang-static-analyzer

I have included the following code in llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ file under
let ParentPackage = CoreAlpha in{
def SimpleFunc: Checker<"SimpleFunc">,
HelpText<"Simple Function Checking">,
But when I am checking its presence after successful compilation by typing the following command, the checker is not visible.
clang -cc1 -analyzer-checker-help
I don't know what's the reason, hope someone could help me regarding this.

I can't say much without looking at source file,but I can think of two possibilities. First, you might be missing something like
void ento::registerSimpleFunc(CheckerManager &mgr) {
in the SimpleFunc.cpp as this is what will register the checker.
Secondly, you might have forgotten to add SimpleFunc.cpp in the CMakeLists.txt so that SimpleFunc.cpp gets compiled and registered.


Processing insists pause() is not a function, when it very much is

Aite, [first poster here, pls don't bash]
So, I'm using the sound library, which I of course remembered to import, and works just fine, proof being given by the fact that all the other functions I used work as expected and give no problems neither in editor nor in execution.
Except, of course, for this little bugger of a pause() function, which I wrote as per below using no different a syntax from all the other functions, only to find out Processing isn't very keen on accepting its existence.
Problem shows both using 3.3.6 and 3.5.
Oh, and also, apparently isPlaying() returns an int, what's up with that?
If, as I'd suspect, that single line below won't be enough code to couple with the info to get to the bottom of it, here's a Dropbox link to the code (since it uses a bunch of files) so you can test it yourself.
It kinda won't work if you try to run it as is tho because it messes up when trying to load all the songs (in the last line of setup), yeah I kinda need some help with that too... works fine if you only load the first one tho!
(Please, don't expect clear, extensively commented coding. I started working on this way before I learnt that was a thing. Deeply sorry. Of course, you can ask away about anything baffling you)
What did I try, er, writing it well???
I used .play(), .stop(), the volume ones, and they all, as per stated, work fine.
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile[] songs= new SoundFile[1];
void setup(){
songs[0]=new SoundFile(this,"Small Bump.mp3");
void draw(){
void keyPressed(){
if (songs[0].isPlaying()==1)songs[0].pause();
When I copy your code into my Processing editor, I get a couple errors:
songs[0]="Small Bump.mp3";
The sounds array holds instances of SoundFile, but you're trying to store a String value here. Maybe you're looking for the SoundFile constructor?
if (songs[0].isPlaying()==1)
The isPlaying() function returns a boolean value, but you're comparing it to an int value.
You haven't declared this i variable anywhere. Probably meant for this to be a 0.
If I fix all of these errors, then your code compiles fine.
You might want to take a look at the reference for the Sound library here.
The Sound library I had installed was 1.3.2, or something of the likes.
All the references I'd read were for 2.0+.
Having updated that through the "add library" menu, all was solved.

How to force linking of a symbol from a particular library?

When linking an executable on Linux i get an 'undefined reference' error like this:
undefined reference to `symbol#SOMELIB_1.0'
I do not have a control of 'SOMELIB', but I do have the symbol symbol in one of my own shared libraries. I'm absolutely sure that the symbol#SOMELIB_1.0 is the same (provides exactly the same functionality) that the symbol in my library, actually even the source code is almost the same.
How to force/alias the symbol#SOMELIB_1.0 to be linked from my library, not from SOMELIB_1.0 ?
I was thinking about some kind of symbol versioning tricks in linker script, but I could not find any solution or even clues.
Thanks in advance.
After loooong fight (and search) I found a solution here.
To summarize: I needed two symbols. In my source code I put something like this:
__asm__(".symver symbol1, symbol1#SOMELIB_1.0");
void symbol1(void)
__asm__(".symver symbol2, symbol2#SOMELIB_1.0");
void symbol2(void)
Then I needed a liker script containing:
To link "" I needed to pass additional argument: -Wl,

fatal error LNK1179: invalid or corrupt file: duplicate COMDAT '_IID_IXMLDOMImplementation'

I am getting this single error when I am linking my project,
COMMUNICATION.obj : fatal error LNK1179: invalid or corrupt file:
duplicate COMDAT '_IID_IXMLDOMImplementation'
What is the source of the problem?
This is a tricky one.
The issue is that the symbol(s)-generated is too-long, and an ambiguity exists:
void MyVeryLongFunctionNameUnique_0(void);
void MyVeryLongFunctionNameUnique_1(void);
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// (example max-symbol-length-seen-by-linker)
In this case, the linker "sees" these two functions as the "same", because the part that makes them "unique" is longer-than-the-max-symbol length.
This can happen in at least three cases:
Your symbol names are "too-long" to be considered unique to the linker, but may have been fine for the compiler (such as when you expand-out from many nested templates)
You did some "trickery" that is invalid C++, and it passed the compiler, but you now have an invalid *.obj, and it chokes the linker.
You specified duplicate "unnamed" classes/structs, and the linker cannot resolve them.
===[UPDATE]===, It's not your fault, it's an internal problem with the compiler and/or linker (see below for possible work-arounds).
Depending on the issue (above), you can "increase" your symbol-length (by limiting-your-decrease-of-symbol-length), or fix your code to make it valid (unambiguous) C++.
This error is (minimally) described by Microsoft at:
NOTE: This max-symbol-length can be set with the /H option, see:
RECOMMEND: Check to see if /H is used on your command-line. If it is, delete it (do not specify max-symbol-length, it will default to 2,047, the /H can only DECREASE this length, not increase it).
However, you probably triggered it through the /Gy option (function-level-linking), which was probably implied through one of /Z7, /Zi, or /ZI:
One MSDN thread that talks about this issue is:
This thread suggests that it's possible to trigger this issue with "invalid-C++-code-that-compiles" (you get your *.obj), but that invalid-*.obj chokes the linker (this example attempts to use main as both a function and as a template):
I should have said this before, because I suspected, but I now have more information: It might not be your fault, there seems to be an issue in the compiler and/or linker that triggers this error. This is despite the fact that the only common denominator in all your failed relationships is you.
Recall that the "above-list" applies (it MIGHT be your fault). However, in the case where, "it's not your fault", here's the current-running-list (I'm confident this list is NOT complete).
There is an internal error/corruption in your *.ilk file (intermediate-link-file). Delete it and rebuild.
You have /INCREMENTAL turned on for linking, but somehow that incremental-linking is not working for your project, so you should turn it off and rebuild (Project-Properties=>Configuration Properties=>Linker=>General=>Enable Incremental Linking [set to "No" (/INCREMENTAL:NO)]
There's a problem with "Optimization" for "COMDAT Folding" in your use. Your can "Remove Redundant COMDATs" by going to Project Proerties=>Configuration Properties=>Linker=>Optimization=>Enable COMDAT Folding, set to "Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:ICF)
Here's an interesting thread from a guy who sometimes can link, and sometimes not, by commenting in/out a couple lines of code. It's not the code that is the problem -- he just cannot link consistently, and it looks like the compiler and/or linker has an internal problem under some obscure use case:
Other observations from a non-trivial web search:
this problem appears to be non-rare
it seems to be related to some form of template<> use
others seem to see this problem with "Release" build when it did not have this problem with "Debug" build (but it is also seen on the "Debug" build in many cases)
if the link "fails" on one machine, it may "succeed" on another build machine (not sure why, a "clean-build" appears to have no effect)
if you comment in/out a particularly significant couple-lines-of-code, and finish your build, and keep doing this until all the code is un-commented again, your link may succeed (this appears to be repeatable)
if you get this error with MSVC2008, and you port your code to MSVC2010, you will still get this error
If you have other observations on this error, please list them below (as other answers, or as comments below this answer). I have a similar problem, and it's not my fault, and none of these work-arounds worked for me (although they did appear to work for others in their projects in some cases).
I'm adding a bounty because this is driving me nuts.
(sigh), Here's more things to try (which apparently work for others, but did not work for me):
this guy changed his compile settings, and it worked (from thread at
Project->Settings->C++ tab, Debug cathegory: Inline function expansion: change from 'None' to 'Only _inline'.
the above thread references another thread where the had to re-install MSVC
it is possibly related to linking modules with "subtle-differences" in possibly-incompatible compiler and/or link switches. Check that all the "contributing libs" are built with the exact same switches
Here's some more symptoms/observations on this error/bug:
list(s) for above issues still apply
the issue seems to "start-showing-up" with MSVC2005, and continues with the same behavior for MSVC2008 and MSVC2010 (error still occurs after porting code to newer compilers)
restarting IDE, rebooting machine doesn't seem to work for anybody
one guy said an explicit "clean" followed by a recompile worked for him, but many others say it did not work for them
is often related to "incremental linking" (e.g., turn it off)
Status: No joy.
Super-wacky-makes-no-sense fix to successfully link discovered!
This is a variation on (above), where you "fiddle-with-the-code-until-the-compiler-and/or-linker-behaves". NOT GOOD that one might need to do this.
Specific single linker-error (LNK1179) was for MyMainBody<>():
#include "MyClassA.hpp"
#include "MyClassB.hpp"
#include "MyClassC.hpp"
#include "MyClassD.hpp"
#include "MyMainBody.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Use a function template for the "main-body",
// implementation is "mostly-simple", instantiates
// some local "MyClass" instances, they reference
// each other, and do some initialization,
// (~50 lines of code)
// !!! LNK1179 for `MyMainBody<>()`, mangled name is ~236 chars
return MyMainBody<MyClassA,MyClassB,MyClassC,MyClassD>(argc,argv);
Convert MyMainBody<>() from a "template<>" to an explicit function, LINK SUCCESS.
THIS FIX SUX, as I need the EXACT-SAME-CODE for other types in other utilities, and the MyMainBody<>() implementation is non-trivial (but mostly simple) instantiations-and-setups that must be done in a specific way, in a specific order.
But hey, it's a temporary work-around for now: Confirmed on MSVC2008 and MSVC2010 compilers (same LNK1179 error for each, successful link on each after applying the work-around).
THIS IS A COMPILER AND/OR LINKER ERROR, as the code is "simple/proper-C++" (not even C++11).
So, I'm happy (that I got a link after suffering full-time for 2+weeks). But, disappointed (that the compiler and/or linker has a STUPID GLARING PROBLEM with linking a SIMPLE TEMPLATE<> in this use-case that I couldn't figure out how to address).
FURTHER, the "Bounty Ended", but nobody else wanted to take this on (no other answers?), so looks like "+100" goes to nobody. (heavy-sigh)
This question has a lot of answers but none of them quite capture what was happening in my codebase, and what I suspect the OP was seeing back in 2012 when this question was asked.
The Problem
The COMDAT error on an IID_* type is easy to accidentally reproduce by using the #import directive with both the rename_namespace and named_guids attributes.
If two #imported type libraries contain the same interface, as is likely the case for OP's IXMLDOMImplementation, then the generated .tlh files will declare IID_IXMLDOMImplementation in both namespaces, leading to the duplicate.
For example, the code generated for:
#import <foo.tlb> rename_namespace("FOO") named_guids;
#import <bar.tlb> rename_namespace("BAR") named_guids;
...could be simplified into something like this:
namespace FOO {
extern "C" __declspec(selectany) const GUID IID_IFOOBAR = {0};
namespace BAR {
extern "C" __declspec(selectany) const GUID IID_IFOOBAR = {0};
Here's a simple RexTester reproduction of the problem:
The named_guids attribute causes the IID_* to be generated and the rename_namespace attribute wraps it in the namespace.
Unfortunately, in this case, extern "C" does not seem to work as expected when it appears inside a C++ namespace. This causes the compiler to generate multiple definitions for IID_FOOBAR in the same .obj file.
DUMPBIN /SYMBOLS or a hex editor confirms the duplicate symbols.
The linker sees these multiple definitions and issues a duplicate COMDAT diagnostic.
A Solution
Knowing that rename_namespace doesn't play well with named_guids, the obvious solution is to simply not use them together. It's probably easiest to remove the named_guids attribute and instead use the _uuidof() operator.
After removing named_guids from #import directives and touching up the code, replacing all uses of FOO::IID_IFooBar with _uuidof(FOO::IFooBar), my COM-heavy codebase is back to building again.
This issue is reported as a bug in some specific versions of Visual Studio 2017. Try patching 15.9.1 or later to fix this issue
Reported Issue in VS 15.8 Preview 4
Resolved patchs in VS 15.9 Preview 2
I encountered this problem whilst porting some code (1) from MSVC to GCC. To get the build to link on GCC, I had to provide empty implementations for some specialised templated functions (2), and this resulted in LNK1179 on MSVC. I was able to resolve by inlining the functions (3), i.e.
template<> template<> void LongName1<LongName2>::FunctionName(boost::library::type1 & a, const unsigned int b);
template<> template<> void LongName1<LongName2>::FunctionName(boost::library::type1 & a, const unsigned int b) {};
template<> template<> inline void LongName1<LongName2>::FunctionName(boost::library::type1 & a, const unsigned int b) {};
I had to do
c++ -> code generation -> enable function - level linking -> no
Hopefully my lame workaround will help someone: I make sure to manually delete ALL .obj AND intermediate build files (including at least .pch, .pdb, .tlog, .lastbuildstate and anything else just hanging out looking suspicious) and rebuild from scratch.
I suggest without evidence that having some files left over from a previous build tends to cause the problem to happen more frequently. In my specific build system, I delete and recreate the .vcxproj and .sln files from scratch as well.
My own personal suspicion is that some kind of race condition exists in the build/link process between the time that intermediate files are read and the time they are written in a large project. Again, I have no evidence this is true, but this is my only guess that seems to fit all the known facts of the bug.
I wrote Outlook addins years ago and I was asked to write another. Right off the bat, I ran into this problem and through a little process of elimination, I fixed mine.
It turns out that when you choose an extensibity project(I hand coded mine back in the day), it creates and save 2 objects that I was unaware of: DTE and DTE80. To create the interfaces that manipulate these objects, they import directly from the DLLs in stdafx.h. Being that I'm working on Outlook, I also needed to import a couple of interfaces: Office and Outlook.
So, seeing as this error popped up almost immediately after writing my first tidbits of code, I started over, and added one thing at a time. The project blew chunks in the described way right after I added:
//Added mvc
//The following #import imports MSO based on it's LIBID
#import "libid:2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52" version("2.2") lcid("0") rename_namespace("Office") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
using namespace Office;
//The following #import imports Outoloks Object lib based on it's LIBID
#import "libid:00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" rename_namespace("Outlook") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
using namespace Outlook;
So, seeing as I had no intention of figuring out the DTE stuff, I just commented out them and anything having to do with them:
//The following #import imports VS Command Bars based on it's LIBID
// #import "libid:1CBA492E-7263-47BB-87FE-639000619B15" version("8.0") lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
//The following #import imports DTE based on it's LIBID
// #import "libid:80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2" version("8.0") lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
//The following #import imports DTE80 based on it's LIBID
// #import "libid:1A31287A-4D7D-413e-8E32-3B374931BD89" version("8.0") lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
After wandering around fixing the compile errors, it compiled and linked just fine. I'm not suggesting this will work for everybody, but it worked for me. Good luck to any who pass by here....
I got this error and was really confused about it. Ended commenting out everything in the referenced cpp and reintroduce things in small batches until the file was back in the same state as when I started. And I don't get the error anymore. To me this points to this in my case being a bug in the compiler but since I can't reproduce it anymore I can't get help further than that.
I'm on:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019
Version 16.11.3

How do you tell Valgrind to completely suppress a particular .so file?

I'm trying to use Valgrind on a program that I'm working on, but Valgrind generates a bunch of errors for one of the libraries that I'm using. I'd like to be able to tell it to suppress all errors which involve that library. The closest rule that I can come up with for the suppression file is
rule name
This doesn't entirely do the job, however. I have to create one of these for every suppression type that comes up (Cond, Value4, Param, etc), and it seems to still miss some errors which have the library in the stack trace.
Is there a way to give Valgrind a single suppression rule to make it completely ignore a particular library? And even if there is no way to make such a rule which covers all suppression types, is there at least a way to create a rule which ignores all errors of a particular suppression type from a particular library?
For most of the suppression types, you omit the wildcard, like so:
Note that you must list each type of error separately, you can't wildcard them. You must also list the entire pathname of the library (as shown by valgrind, with any "decorations" like version numbers).
Also, leaks are handled differently -- for those you need something that looks like this:
It appears that it is necessary to include a separate suppression record for each type of error (Cond, Value4, Param, etc). But based on my testing with valgrind-3.6.0.SVN-Debian, I believe you can use the following simplified form for each type of error...
The three dots are called frame-level wildcards in the Valgrind docs. These match zero or more frames in the call stack. In other words, you use these when it doesn't matter who called into the library, or what functions the library subsequently calls.
Sometimes errors include "obj:" frames and sometimes they only use "fun:" frames. This is based, in general, on whether or not that function is included in the library's symbol table. If the goal is to exclude the entire library, it may work best if the library does not include symbols so that you can exclude based on the library filename instead of having to create separate suppressions for each function call within the library. Hopefully, Valgrind is clever enough to suppress errors based on library filename even when it does know the function name, but I haven't verified this.
If you do need to add suppressions based on individual functions within the library, you should be able to use the same form...
Note: You can include --gen-suppressions=all on the valgrind command-line in order to see the exact form and names (including any C++ mangling) required to suppress each error. You can use that output as a template for your suppression records -- in which you would usually want to replace most lines with ... in order to simplify the process of suppressing all errors that might occur in association with a specific library or function call.
Note: <insert_a_suppression_name_here> is a placeholder in which you can type whatever descriptive text that you want. It is required to not be blank.
nobar's answer almost worked for me, but I was getting a syntax error:
==15566== FATAL: in suppressions file "suppresion.error.txt" near line 4:
==15566== bad or missing extra suppression info
==15566== exiting now.
For system calls, I needed to add an extra line as the docs state:
Param errors have a mandatory extra information line at this point,
which is the name of the offending system call parameter.
So I ended up with this and it worked:

Link libraries with dependencies in Visual C++ without getting LNK4006

I have a set of statically-compiled libraries, with fairly deep-running dependencies between the libraries. For example, the executable X uses libraries A and B, A uses library C, and B uses libraries C and D:
X -> A
A -> C
X -> B
B -> C
B -> D
When I link X with A and B, I don't want to get errors if C and D were not also added to the list of libraries—the fact that A and B use these libraries internally is an implementation detail that X should not need to know about. Also, when new dependencies are added anywhere in the dependency tree, the project file of any program that uses A or B would have to be reconfigured. For a deep dependency tree, the list of required libraries can become really long and hard to maintain.
So, I am using the "Additional Dependencies" setting of the Librarian section in the A project, adding C.lib. And in the same section of B's project, I add C.lib and D.lib. The effect of this is that the librarian bundles C.lib into A.lib, and C.lib and D.lib into B.lib.
When I link X, however, both A.lib and B.lib contain their own copy of C.lib. This leads to tons of warnings along the lines of
A.lib(c.obj) : warning LNK4006 "symbol" (_symbol) already defined in B.lib(c.obj); second definition ignored.
How can I accomplish this without getting warnings? Is there a way to simply disable the warning, or is there a better way?
EDIT: I have seen more than one answer suggesting that, for the lack of a better alternative, I simply disable the warning. Well, this is part of the problem: I don't even know how to disable it!
As far as I know you can't disable linker warnings.
However, you can ignore some of them, using command line parameter of linker eg. /ignore:4006
Put it in your project properties under linker->command line setting (don't remember exact location).
Also read this:
Link /ignore
MSDN Forum - hiding LNK warnings
Update If you can build all involved project in single solution, try this:
Put all project in one sln.
Remove all references to static libraries from projects' linker or librarian properties.
There is "Project Dependencies..." option in context menu for each project in Solution Explorer. Use it to define dependencies between project.
It should work. It doesn't invalidate anything I said before, the basic model of building C/C++ programs stays the same. VS (at least 2005 and newer) is simply smart enough to add all needed static libraries to linker command line. You can see it in project properties.
Of course this method won't help if you need to use already compiled static libraries. Then you need to add them all to exe or dll project that directly or indirectly uses them.
I don't think you can do anything about that. You should remove references to other static libs from static libs projects and add all needed static libs projects as dependences of exe or dll projects. You will just have to live with fact that any project that includes A.lib or B.lib also needs to include C.lib.
As an alternative you can turn your libraries into dlls which provide a richer model.
Statically compiled libraries simply aren't real libraries with dependency information, etc, like dlls. See how, when you build them, you don't really need to provide libraries they depend on? Headers are all that's needed. See? You can't even really say static libraries depend on something.
Static library is just an archive of compiled and not yet linked object code. It's not consistent whole. Each object file is compiled separately and remains separate entity inside the library. Linking happens when you build exe or dll. That's when you need to provide all object code. That's when all the symbol and dependency resolving happens.
If you add other static libraries to static library dependencies, librarian will simply copy all code together. Then, when building exe, linker will give you lots of warnings about duplicate symbols. You might be able to block those warnings (I don't know how) but be careful. It may conceal real problems like real duplicate symbols with differing definitions. And if you have static data defined in libraries, it probably won't work anyway.
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 9.00.x (link.exe) knows argument /ignore:4006
You could create one library which contains A, B, C & D and then link X against that.
Since it's a library, only object modules which are actually referenced will get linked into the final executable.
Note that one way of getting this warning is to define a member function in a header without the inline statement:
// Foo.h
class Foo
void someFunction();
void Foo:someFunction() // Warning! - should be "inline void Foo::someFunction()"
// do stuff
The problem is you are not localizing library C's symbols. So you have a ODR violation when you link in A and B. You need to have a way to make these private. By default all symbols are exported. One way to do this is to have a special linker definition file for both A and B that explicitly mention which files need to be exported.
[1] ODR = One Definition Rule.
I think the best course of action here will be to ignore/disable the linker warnings(LNK4006) since C.lib needs to be part of both A.Lib and B.lib and A.Lib does not need to know that B.lib itself uses C.Lib.
This may not fix your link error, but it might help with your dependency tree issue.
What I do, is just use a #pragma to include a lib in the .cpp file that needs it. For example:
#pragma comment(lib:"wsock32")
Like I said, I'm not sure it would keep the symbols in that object file, I'd have to whip up an example to try it out.
Poor flodin seems frustrated that nobody will explain how to disable the linker warnings. Well, I've had a similar problem, and for years I have simply lived with the fact that several hundred warnings were displayed. Now, however, thanks to the info from Link /ignore, I figured out how to disable the linker warnings.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008. In Project -> Settings -> Configuration Properties -> Librarian -> Command Line -> Additional Options, I added "/ignore:4006" (without the quotes). Now my warnings are gone!
