Unable to start WAS 8.5.5 from RSA 8.5, times out - rational-rsa

I am trying to start WAS v8.5.5.4 from RSA v8.5, it seems that the server is started successfully, because I can see in the console "server server1 open for e-business" also I can see the java.exe process in the task manager, and I am able to run the administrative console from the browser.
BUT, from RSA it keeps on the starting status with (23%) till it times out and then it changes from Starting, to Stopping, to Stopped.
I tried re-installing the RSA, re-installing WAS, creating new profiles, ...everything but no help.
Can anyone help me on this please? This is really a nightmare now


node-opcua-samples - simple_client.js does not connect to simple_server.js

i'm trying to gain deeper knowledge of using opc. So i installed node js and then node-opcua-samples via npm.
Afterwards i went to powershell, changed cwd to the bin directory of node-opcua-samples and started simple_server.js with
node simple_server.js
The server is starting and prints
server now waiting for connections. CTRL+C to stop
to the console. Then it prints
contacting discovery server backoff opc.tcp://localhost:4840 attempt # 0 retrying in 2 seconds
server registration is still pending (is Local Discovery Server up and running ?)
From the output i expect to be able to connect to the running server, even though it shows the warning concerning the discovery server. Am i right?
The next step is to start simple_client.js in a second powershell by changeing the cwd to the bin directory of node-opcua-samples and then use
node simple_client.js >endpointUrl printed by server<
At this point i'm expecting the client to connect to the started server and complete the test cases build in. But the client seemingly is not able to connect to the server and prints
backoff attempt # 0 retrying in 2 seconds
Following the hint given inside of simple_client.js and running simple_client_ts.ts with ts-node results in the same behavior.
So where is my mistake?
Any hints or questions will be appreciated.
Systemdetails for reproduction:
Windows 10
Node Version 12.13.0
node-opcua-samples Version 2.5.7
Ok, i solved the problem....
Instead of using the endpointUrl printed by the server, i had to start the client with the endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:26543. The used port is the default port set in simple_server.js.
The warning about the discovery server vanished after setting registerServerMethod in simple_server.js from RegisterServerMethod.LDS to RegisterServerMethod.HIDDEN.
Best regards

Nodejs application session is not alive after closing putty terminal even after using nohup command in manage hosting server

I have an application running on a managed server. I deployed the application after many hurdles but now the problem is that the application process is killed once i close the putty terminal.
I was suggested to use the following command to run the process in background, but this command is not doing any help?
nohup npm start --production &
I have googled and people have suggested to use screen, but i want to avoid using it because installing new packages brings new challenges to my app (i am new to nodejs deployment)
My Question : What is the problem in nohup command ?
My nohup.out file :
Warning: connect.session() MemoryStore is not designed for a production environment, as it will leak memory, and will not scale
past a single process. connected as id 2515208
OK so i used screen. It was pre installed on server , i just need to use it by calling a couple of commands.
Its easy to use and my application is working fine till now.
But still i want to know what nohup does ? because it was useless for me.

Warning! Could not stop Node.js application?

i'm using openshift to host my discord bot. the bot was not responding to commands so i went to the .rhcloud.com witch was takeing way to long to lode so i whent into my dashbord and clicked restart and it gave me this error
Stopping Node.js application...
Warning! Could not stop Node.js application!
Failed to execute: 'control restart' for /var/lib/openshift/57af65500c1e669c9f000142/nodejs
i've tried to ssh into the server and tried to do it manually but the server just hangs when i do gear restart even when i have ran killall node and then gear start it still just hangs
I was getting 'Could not stop...' error, force stopping app helped.
rhc app-force-stop <app-name>
rhc app-start <app-name>
Though stil have no clue why app went to hung state.

Deluge Windows Service

I am trying to run the DelugeD.exe as a windows service. After installing Deluge and creating the services using NSSM, I try to start the service and get the following error:
Windows could not start the Deluged service on Local Computer. The service did not return an error. This could be and internal Windows error or and internal service error. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
I have created the Deluge-web-debug.exe as a Windows Service and it successfully starts. When I browse to http://localhost:8112 the web client appears, however the Connection Manager shows the Deluged daemon has not started.
No error, no logs, what could be the cause?
I thought I would start from scratch, reinstall deluge for windows, and try again. After this it still failed.
Using nssm, the error was:
deluged: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to START control.
This placed the service in a perpetual Paused state.
Finally, I decided to tear down the services using nssm remove, kill any running deluge processes, then delete the Config folder where deluged was pointing.
I am certain deleting the Config folder and all files was what solved the problem, and now it starts successfully.
I think I just solved this one by checking the "Allow service to interact with desktop" box under the LogOn tab for both the Deluge daemon and the WebUI services I created with nssm:
"Allow service to interact with desktop" in services.msc

View crash log for node server running on CentOS 6

My server runs on CentOS 6 and I'm using node supervisor to run it. It crashed today and I'd like to see a log of what happened (I was ssh'd into the server in OSX terminal, it was showing nice informative logs from my node/express setup but while my laptop was asleep it crashed and I couldn't see any logs or crash information.
I'm totally new to linux/running a remote Node process, is there anywhere a log might be stored so I can see what went wrong?
