Windows 10 ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when enabling SSL - windows-10

My office just gave me a new machine with Windows 10 and both VS2013 and VS2015 installed. I transferred an existing VS2013 project to the machine, but when I attempt to run, I get a ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error in Chrome. There doesn't appear to be a Repair IIS Express application in Win10. I considered uninstalling IIS Express 10 and install 8, but I'd need to get permission for that and it wouldn't be an easy sell. What else can I look at?

I couldn't find a solution anywhere online that would help me out until I removed the bindings that I was trying to access via the IIS site bindings in IIS manager - see below :
This was the only binding I kept - I removed the other bindings which were pointed at the ports that I needed.


IIS Just in Time Popup

We had a classic ASP application that had to be migrated to a new Windows Server (Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter). IIS was already setup and we migrated the files configured the URL and DNS, as well as setting up the classic ASP components for IIS. The web application initially opens okay but the error below pops up on the server continually.
We checked the relevant site was configured to run 32bit and we ensured that in the sites "Debugging properties" the "Enable Server-side Debugging" was set to false. Also, all those testing the site we ensured in Internet Options >> Advanced the two values of "Disable script debugging" were checked. But this did not resolve the error. I believe we have all the necessary components setup in the server roles
I then followed this URL and deleted certain registry entries and restarted the server.
This seemed to take away the above error but then the relevant application pool continually stops. I checked the application logs and at each time the application pool stops there is an error stating below
Since creating this ticket I installed DebugDiag 2 and set up a rule for IIS "Crashing". Ran the application until the relevant IIS Application Pool stopped and examined the Dump files created by the rule. All of them appear to have one error concerning "VCRUNTIME140.dll". See image below.
I found that this was a common issue and related to Visual C++ Redistributable 2015. I looked at installed programs and there was versions 2010, 2013 and 2017 installed. Microsoft state that after version 2013 subsequent versions incorporate the last. So I installed the latest version of Visual C++ Redistributable and restarted the server. This made no difference. So I uninstalled the latest version and installed version 2015 and restarted but again the application pool still stops after several actions on the web application.
Does anyone know how do I resolve this please?

IIS Web Platform Installer Error: 'doctype' is an unexpected token. The expected token is 'DOCTYPE'. Line 1, position 3

I've just created a new IIS website on a Windows Server 2008 in order to use it to deploy a new website.
The website is still empty.
If I try to open IIS Web Platform Installer under Management Tools, I get stuck on the error:
'doctype' is an unexpected token. The expected token is 'DOCTYPE'.
Line 1, position 3.
After closing the error, the Web platform Installer closes.
Do anyone know how to solve it?
Let me know in the comments if you need any other info or technical data, I have really no idea on how can I troubleshoot this
I had the same issue. However, I cannot uninstall IIS completely as I have many sites on my IIS running.
What I did was, I tried to install an IIS module which was not there. for eg, I chose CORS module.
You can get it from here
Once I tried installing, WPI automatically uninstalled and reinstalled during the process and it resolved the issue.
Hope it helps!
As mentioned by #qbik Simply updating the Web platform installer fixed the issue. You can download the latest at this time from here.
Done, here's how I solved.
This issue seems to be strictly related to an old configuration of this server, so I had to manually reset it. If you face this issue, these following steps should work fine:
First of all, I had to remove the IIS role functionality from
Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Window Features on or
off > Roles.
Then, I restarted the server and added again the IIS role
functionality (make sure to check all of the asp net
After that, I restarted the server (again) and I have reinstalled: 1) DotNetCore.2.0.7-WindowsHosting (you've got to find the installer online, make sure to download the last version. 2.0.7 was the last when I made this question so on 25/05/2018) 2) Web platform Installer from here.
Executing web platform installer from all program inside start menu worked fine.
Hope it will be helpful
(See Also:
How to Install Web Platform Installer and Web Deployment)

Attempting to install NuGet server on iis 10 on w2016 yields 404 not found error

My environment:
Windows 10 Creator (1703 with current updates to this date)
Visual Studio 2017, Enterprise, 15.3 with most of the goodies turned on.
Windows 2016, again with all current updates.
iis 10 with WebDeploy installed (that's a whole other installation nightmare, suffice it to say that SO helped there and the answers are already out there so I won't go into it here). Turned on ASP.NET 4.6, otherwise mainly accepted the defaults.
My process:
As per the NuGet.Server documentation, create a new ASP.NET MVC project using the "Empty" template and download and install NuGet.Server as specified. I'm using .NET 4.7 as my framework.
Compile and configure as desired (at least ensure you have an api key in place).
Deploy to iis using the "Publish" | Web Deploy option
Try to get in touch with the NuGet.Server on the website and fail miserably!
My bindings are (yes, the server has a fixed IP address), port 80. The name of the site is AWENuGet and the desired url is
To be sure, all of this works just fine if you take the same project as described above, assign a local port number (creating the project will do that anyway) and then simply running the application in Visual Studio works just fine.
But, when I took that self-same project and simply deployed it to iis, miserable failure.
I tried to open the host file (Windows\System 32\drivers\etc) and added the following:
to said file and it still failed.
...and the answer, for me, was to take that same hosts file entry that I made on the server so that the server could see it and install it in my dev machine's hosts file and voila! NOW it works just fine.

IIS not working after upgrade to Windows 10 Pro from Windows 7 Unlimited

Today I upgraded my windows 7 ultimate to windows 10 pro. Every thing seems to work fine. But the localhost is now throwing error : HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
I checked IIS, it is running. I checked the version of IIS from IIS Manager, it is showing Version 10.0.10240.16384.
I test my sites on localhost.
Before upgrade, in windows 7 ultimate it was working fine. I also checked "Turn windows feature on or off" and found that IIS is installed properly.
Please guide me.
Thanks Joe Raio for providing the hint. I checked the event log and found that rewrite.dll was causing error. I uninstalled IIS URL rewrite extension and the problem is gone. Now everything is working as before, classic asp, php, everything.
Please try this solution
Go to the Application Pool ...
Advanced Settings ...
Process Model ...
Identity ...
Set it to "LocalSystem"

Debugger can't connect when starting local azure project

Ok, first of; here's what I did:
Install AZURE tools
Start Visual Studio - new Azure project
Add web role ( MVC 4 beta web role)
Hit F5 (debug)
It starts up the storage emulator and the compute emulator and starts to load in runtimes, and then I get a popup saying that the debugger couldn't connect.
Then after some googeling I'm suggested to try to run the application without running the debugger to see if I can acces the application. When I do I get this:
So I figure that IIS does not have permissions to access some file/directory. So I go to IIS and look up the application pool running the app, and it tells me that the identity in use is NetworkService, then I go give NetworkService full permissions to the entirety of the folder IIS has set for the application (which also happens to be the path to the project dir). Still I get the same error. Now I'm more or less out of ideas, but I try one last thing, which is to also give IUSR full permissions to the same dir, but this did not help either.
How can I go about resolving this problem? I haven't tried actually launching my project to Azure yet, cause if I can't even get it to work in development I don't see much point. Any and all help would be appreciated.
I ran into the same error today after uninstalling .NET 4.5/Visual Studio 11 Dev Preview, then installing ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta (this is before Feb 29th when the updated VS 2011 Preview drops).
Since I uninstalled .net 4.5, you just need to do an "aspnet_regiis -i" to ensure the .net framework (4.0) is set up with IIS 7.x this worked for me.
Edit: This will work if you uninstall/then manually install Visual Studio 2012 RTM as well.
I had a similar error yesterday. For me the problem was that the output of the build was empty in the target folder.
I tried to answer a similar question
Check %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\dftmp\IISConfiguratorLogs\IISConfigurator.log
file for the error messages. Mode details at
Make sure that the build output of your project is not empty. You can do this by going to IIS, find the site with the name similar to
'deployment16(6).WindowsAzureProject2.WebApplication3_IN_0', right
click --> Explore.... Make sure that this folder is not empty and
contains all the files required to start a web project successfully.
As for the Access Denied error:
it could be just an IIS default setting to disable browsing. To resolve that, just navigate to that web site in IIS, find Directory Browsing icon, and press Enable. You will at least see the files inside that directory.
Also try not only, buta specific document inside that folder, like
Take into account the fact that there's sometimes some mess with the ports. You see that in the error message it's port 82, but in your browser it's port 81. So make sure you're using the right port. Or, even better, in your service definition try to use some non-standard port for this to avoid remapping.
I've met the same issue. In the end, I had to reinstall IIS 7.
I got this exact same error and tried a re-install of IIS and the Azure SDK - nothing worked.
Eventually tracked it down to the "IIS URL Rewrite Module 2". I went to the Control Panel and chose Repair and it resolved it. If you have a section in your web.config then this might be the cause.
Follow step 11 from Worked for me on Windows 8 with Oct 2012 SDk when upgraded from 2011.
