SOAPUI Load Custom Properties from file using groovy - groovy

I am trying to write a groovy script which loads the custom properties for a test suite using information from a properties file.
The properties file has around 6 different attributes
I have had a look at quite a few different methods i.e Loading from Properties test step and trying to expand the properties with groovy, but have not been successful.
If anyone could advise on how to achieve this, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Here is the groovy script which reads a property file and set them at test suite level:
def props = new Properties()
//replace the path with your file name below. use / instead of \ as path separator even on windows platform.
new File("/absolute/path/of/").withInputStream { s ->
props.each {
context.testCase.testSuite.setPropertyValue(it.key, it.value)
The above script load test suite level for the current suite where the groovy script is present.

Unfortunately, in my case I want to have the properties in the same order as the input file, ie. sorted, and this methode does not work.
I wanted to load a 'Project properties' file containing sorted properties and each time I used this method it stored them unsorted.
I had to use a more straightforward method (see below). If anyone knows about a more elegant/practical way to do it, I'm interested
def filename = context.expand( '${#TestCase#filename}' )
def propertiesFile = new File(filename)
assert propertiesFile.exists(), "$filename does not exist"
project = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
//Remove properties
//load the properties of external file
propertiesFile.eachLine {
firstIndexOf = line.indexOf('=') // properties as set as key=value in the file
key = line.substring(0, firstIndexOf)
value = line.substring(firstIndexOf+1)
project.setPropertyValue(key, value)


cyber-duck/laravel-excel file corrupt / invalid format

I've spent hours finding out why the excel export with the package cyber-duck/laravel-excel export OK the excel when the datasource is a query, but when using a custom serialiser it simply stops formatting the excel correctly
No errors in code, super simple excel. Even trying the code posted in the documentation:
$serialiser = new CustomSerialiser();
$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->stream('filename.xlsx');
namespace App\Serialisers;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\SerialiserInterface;
class ExampleSerialiser implements SerialiserInterface
public function getData($data)
$row = [];
$row[] = $data->field1;
$row[] = $data->relationship->field2;
return $row;
public function getHeaderRow()
return [
'Field 1',
'Field 2 (from a relationship)'
Any thoughts?
What software do you use to open the file? Excel? OpenOffice?
If you open the test folder > Unit > ExporterTest.php, you should see a working example in test_can_use_a_custom_serialiser.
You can change row 155 to $exporter = $this->app->make('cyber-duck/exporter')->make('Excel');, row 160 to $reader = ReaderFactory::create(Type::XLSX); (otherwise it would use a CSV) and comment out line 174 to keep the file so you can open it after the test has running.
The ExampleSerialiser you posted needs to be modified to match your Eloquent model and relationships. Also, the example use an Eloquent version and you mentioned the query builder. If you want to use the Query builder version, you need to use loadQuery (I'll try to update the documentation next week to cover this user case). Feel free to drop me an email with your code so I can have a look and try to help out (It's a bit hard to understand the issue without seeing the actual implementation). You should find me on github, I'm one of the Cyber-Duck guys working on our projects.

how to self-discover variables within groovy script?

the scenario is, i can write groovy code that will be executed by a script engine within another application.
the only thing i know is the function name and it takes one argument, for example:
def runGroovyCode(name1) { ... }
is there a way to figure out from within the groovy code itself, what other variable or objects (other than the name1 passed in) that is available to be used by the groovy code?
hope i described this clearly. it's kind of like the groovy code self-discovering what external variables (data) are within it's scope.
basically, i need more data for my groovy code. and i need to confirm, if name1 is the only data i have, or maybe there are more variables available, but i don't know what their names are otherwise i cannot access them.
i need to find out what variables or objects are available in this scripting engine execution environment that my groovy code will be running within.
there is no further documentation. so basically, my groovy code is running in a black box.
You can have a look at groovy.lang.Script class. It has a property called binding which contains all the variables that have been passed to the script.
Here is an example
class Main {
def static SCRIPT = """
// binding var contains all the bindings of the script
println binding.variables
public static void main(String[] args) {
def factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
def engine = factory.getEngineByName("groovy");
engine.eval(SCRIPT, new SimpleBindings([param1: 1, param2: 2]));
[param1:1, param2:2, context:javax.script.SimpleScriptContext#2f7c2f4f,]

return codes for Jira workflow script validators

I'm writing a workflow validator in Groovy to link two issues based on a custom field value input at case creation. It is required that the custom filed value to Jira issue link be unique. In other words, I need to ensure only one issue has a particular custom field value. If there is more than one issue that has the input custom field value, the validation should fail.
How or what do I return to cause a workflow validator to fail?
Example code:
// Set up jqlQueryParser object
jqlQueryParser = ComponentManager.getComponentInstanceOfType(JqlQueryParser.class) as JqlQueryParser
// Form the JQL query
query = jqlQueryParser.parseQuery('<my_jql_query>')
// Set up SearchService object used to query Jira
searchService = componentManager.getSearchService()
// Run the query to get all issues with Article number that match input
results =, query, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter())
// Throw a FATAL level log statement because we should never have more than one case associated with a given KB article
if (results.getIssues().size() > 1) {
for (r in results.getIssues()) {
log.fatal('Custom field has more than one Jira ssue associated with it. ' + r.getKey() + ' is one of the offending issues')
return "?????"
// Create link from new Improvement to parent issue
for (r in results) {
IssueLinkManager.createIssueLink(issue.getId(), r.getId(), 10201, 1, getJiraAuthenticationContext().getUser())
try something like
import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidInputException
invalidInputException = new InvalidInputException("Validation failure")
this is based of the groovy script runner. If it doesn't work for you, i would recommend you using some sort of framework to make scripting easier, I like using either groovy script runner , Jira Scripting Suite or Behaviours Plugin
. All of them really makes script writing easier and much more intuitive.

How to get groovy to evaluate ${sth} when stored in string?

I'm getting a text which contains ${somethingElse} inside, but it's just a normal String.
I've got a class:
class Whatever {
def somethingElse = 5
void action(String sth) {
def test = []
test.testing = sth
assert test.testing == 5
Is it possible with groovy?
my scenario is: load xml file, which contains nodes with values pointing to some other values in my application. So let's say I've got shell.setVariable("current", myClass). And now, in my xml I want to be able to put ${current.someField} as a value.
The trouble is, that the value from xml is a string and I can't evaluate it easily.
I can't predict how these "values" will be created by user, I just give them ability to use few classes.
I cannot convert it when the xml file is loaded, it has to be "on demand", since I use it in specific cases and I want them to be able to use values at that moment in time, and not when xml file is loaded.
Any tips?
One thing you could do is:
class Whatever {
def somethingElse = 5
void action( String sth ) {
def result = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine().with {
createTemplate( sth ).make( ).toString()
assert result == "Number 5"
// Pass it a String
new Whatever().action( 'Number ${somethingElse}' )
At first, what we did, was used this format in xml:
and used replace closure to regexp and groovyShell.evaluate() the code.
Insane. It took a lot of time and a lot of memory.
In the end we changed the format to the original one and crated scripts for each string we wanted to be able to evaluate:
Script script = shell.parse("\""+stringToParse+"\"")
stringToParse = "Hello world # ${System.currentTimeMillis()}!!"
Then we were able to call as many times as we wanted and everything performed well.
It actually still does.

Reading/Editing XLIFF using C#

I need to parse an XLIFF file using C#, but I'm having some trouble. These files are fairly complex, containing a huge amount of nodes.
Basically, all I need to do is read the source node from each trans-unit node, do some processing on it, and insert the processed text into the corresponding target node (which will always be present, but empty).
An example of one of the nodes I need to parse would be (the whole file may contain 100s of these):
<trans-unit id="0000000002" datatype="text" restype="string">
<source>Windows Update is not installed</source>
<iws:segment-metadata tm_score="0.00" ws_word_count="6" max_segment_length="0">
<iws:status target_content="placeholders_only"/>
<iws:boundary-seg sequence="bs20721"/>
<iws:markup-seg sequence="0000000001">
The trans-unit nodes can be buried deep in the files, the header section contains a lot of data. I'd like to use LINQ to XML to read the data, but I'm not having any luck getting it to work. Here's my current code (just trying to read and output the source nodes from the file:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path);
Console.WriteLine("Before loop");
foreach (var transUnitNode in doc.Descendants("trans-unit"))
Console.WriteLine("In loop");
XElement sourceNode = transUnitNode.Element("source");
XElement targetNode = transUnitNode.Element("target");
Console.WriteLine("Source: " + sourceNode.Value);
I never see 'In loop' and I don't know why, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here, or suggest a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do here?
XNamespace df = doc.Root.Name.Namespace;
foreach (XElement transUnitNode in doc.Descendants(df + "trans-unit"))
XElement sourceNode = transUnitNode.Element(df + "source");
// and so one, use the df namespace object to qualify any elements names
See also
