cyber-duck/laravel-excel file corrupt / invalid format - excel

I've spent hours finding out why the excel export with the package cyber-duck/laravel-excel export OK the excel when the datasource is a query, but when using a custom serialiser it simply stops formatting the excel correctly
No errors in code, super simple excel. Even trying the code posted in the documentation:
$serialiser = new CustomSerialiser();
$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->stream('filename.xlsx');
namespace App\Serialisers;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\SerialiserInterface;
class ExampleSerialiser implements SerialiserInterface
public function getData($data)
$row = [];
$row[] = $data->field1;
$row[] = $data->relationship->field2;
return $row;
public function getHeaderRow()
return [
'Field 1',
'Field 2 (from a relationship)'
Any thoughts?

What software do you use to open the file? Excel? OpenOffice?
If you open the test folder > Unit > ExporterTest.php, you should see a working example in test_can_use_a_custom_serialiser.
You can change row 155 to $exporter = $this->app->make('cyber-duck/exporter')->make('Excel');, row 160 to $reader = ReaderFactory::create(Type::XLSX); (otherwise it would use a CSV) and comment out line 174 to keep the file so you can open it after the test has running.
The ExampleSerialiser you posted needs to be modified to match your Eloquent model and relationships. Also, the example use an Eloquent version and you mentioned the query builder. If you want to use the Query builder version, you need to use loadQuery (I'll try to update the documentation next week to cover this user case). Feel free to drop me an email with your code so I can have a look and try to help out (It's a bit hard to understand the issue without seeing the actual implementation). You should find me on github, I'm one of the Cyber-Duck guys working on our projects.


Online Word breaks when inserting a content control

I have tested this with Script Lab ( and it seems saving a document (automatically) to One Drive breaks Word if the document has something in it inserted through an add in (reproduced with a different add in that uses the same piece of code).
This is the code for Script Lab:
var content = '<span>Hello, World!</span>';
async function run() { (context) {
var range = context.document.getSelection();
var cc = range.insertContentControl();
var ccRange = cc.insertHtml(content, 'replace');
cc.tag = 'citation';'end');
return context.sync();
The code above successfully inserts content to selection. However, if I wait for a couple of moments after inserting, Word breaks on saving and asks me to send an error report. Same code does not produce any errors on the desktop version of Word. Also, same piece of code has been used by our add in for months now without any issues until now.
Any ideas what is this about? Is there something wrong with the online version of Word or should the code for inserting be somehow updated?

ActionScript. Can't get data from local xls file

I want to get data from xls file with help of as3xls.
private var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
private var sheet:Sheet;
private var loadedFile:ByteArray;
private function sendLogistImport():void {
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileSelect);
function (e:Event):void {
loadedFile = as ByteArray;
var excelFile:ExcelFile = new ExcelFile();
sheet = excelFile.sheets[0];,0).value);
private function onFileSelect(e:Event):void {
But I get this error at the excelFile.loadFromByteArray(loadedFile);:
Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.
at flash.utils::ByteArray/readUTFBytes()
at com.as3xls.xls::ExcelFile/boundsheet()[/Users/manuelwudka-robles/Documents/Flex Builder 3/as3xls/com/as3xls/xls/]
at Function/
at com.as3xls.xls::ExcelFile/loadFromByteArray()[/Users/manuelwudka-robles/Documents/Flex Builder 3/as3xls/com/as3xls/xls/]
at Function/<anonymous>()[D:\]
This is my xls file's screenshot :
Here is my xls file:
Please tell me, where is my mistake?
I've tested it with various XLS formats, and it can't read any of them. Judging from the comments, the support for the various XLS formats is rather bad.
Try it with different XLS formats, maybe you find one that works, other than that I'm afraid I can't help you, fixing the problem in the library is a monstrous task, and I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole:
Also check out some of the forks around the net, like for example, they may have some fixes implemented that get you going.
And if nothing work for you, then I'd suggest to look for another library, and/or even use a totally different file format (like CSV) if that is an option.

return codes for Jira workflow script validators

I'm writing a workflow validator in Groovy to link two issues based on a custom field value input at case creation. It is required that the custom filed value to Jira issue link be unique. In other words, I need to ensure only one issue has a particular custom field value. If there is more than one issue that has the input custom field value, the validation should fail.
How or what do I return to cause a workflow validator to fail?
Example code:
// Set up jqlQueryParser object
jqlQueryParser = ComponentManager.getComponentInstanceOfType(JqlQueryParser.class) as JqlQueryParser
// Form the JQL query
query = jqlQueryParser.parseQuery('<my_jql_query>')
// Set up SearchService object used to query Jira
searchService = componentManager.getSearchService()
// Run the query to get all issues with Article number that match input
results =, query, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter())
// Throw a FATAL level log statement because we should never have more than one case associated with a given KB article
if (results.getIssues().size() > 1) {
for (r in results.getIssues()) {
log.fatal('Custom field has more than one Jira ssue associated with it. ' + r.getKey() + ' is one of the offending issues')
return "?????"
// Create link from new Improvement to parent issue
for (r in results) {
IssueLinkManager.createIssueLink(issue.getId(), r.getId(), 10201, 1, getJiraAuthenticationContext().getUser())
try something like
import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidInputException
invalidInputException = new InvalidInputException("Validation failure")
this is based of the groovy script runner. If it doesn't work for you, i would recommend you using some sort of framework to make scripting easier, I like using either groovy script runner , Jira Scripting Suite or Behaviours Plugin
. All of them really makes script writing easier and much more intuitive.

Custom field name mapping in expressionengine

I am making some changes to a site using ExpressionEngine, there is a concept I can't seem to quite understand and am probably coding workarounds that have pre-provided methods.
Specifically with channels and members, the original creator has added several custom fields. I am from a traditional database background where each column in a table has a specific meaningful name. I am also used to extending proprietary data by adding a related table joined with a unique key, again, field names in the related table are meaningful.
However, in EE, when you add custom fields, it creates them in the table as field_id_x and puts an entry into another table telling you what these are.
Now this is all nice from a UI point of view for giving power to an administrator but this is a total headache when writing any code.
Ok, there's template tags but I tend not to use them and they are no good in a database query anyway.
Is there a simple way to do a query on say the members table and then address m_field_1 as what its really called - in my case "addresslonglat".
There are dozens of these fields in the table I am working on and at the moment I am addressing them with fixed names like "m_field_id_73" which means nothing.
Anybody know of an easy way to bring the data and its field names together easily?
Ideally i'd like to do the following:
$result = $this->EE->db->query("select * from exp_member_data where member_id = 123")->row();
echo $result->addresslonglat;
Rather than
echo $result->m_field_id_73;
This should work for you:
$fields = $data = array();
$member_fields = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT m_field_id, m_field_name FROM exp_member_fields");
foreach($member_fields->result_array() as $row)
$fields['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']] = $row['m_field_name'];
$member_data = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_member_data WHERE member_id = 1")->row();
foreach($member_data as $k => $v)
if($k != 'member_id')
$data[$fields[$k]] = $v;
Then just use your new $data array.

Is there a way to get all embedded objects in .xlsx file using xssf event mdel api

Is there a way to get all embedded objects in .xlsx file using xssf event model api?
Usermodel has the method workbook.getallembedds...similarly is there anything in eventmodel?
This is an example in usermodel.I want to implement the same functionality using eventusermodel.Kindly help.
for (PackagePart pPart : workbook.getAllEmbedds()) {
String contentType = pPart.getContentType();
if (contentType.equals(------)
Instead of xssfworkbook(in usermodel), in the eventmodel code i have a containerObject of type OPCPackage.
#Gagravarr : Thanks for your reply. I tried using the method suggested by you...but im unable to get the contents of the embedded excel.Could you please help me find out where I am going wrong.Here is a part of the code:
ReadOnlySharedStringsTable strings = new ReadOnlySharedStringsTable(container);
XSSFReader xssfReader = new XSSFReader(container);
XSSFReader.SheetIterator iter = (XSSFReader.SheetIterator)xssfReader.getSheetsData();
for(PackageRelationship rel : iter.getSheetPart().getRelationshipsByType(XSSFRelation.OLEEMBEDDINGS.getRelation()))
for (PackagePart pPart :getAllEmbedds()) {
String contentType = pPart.getContentType();
// Excel Workbook - OpenXML file format
if (contentType.equals("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml")) {
OPCPackage excelObject =;
Your best bet is probably just to enumerate all the package parts, and find the ones that interest you from that
Alternately, the logic to identify embedded parts attached to a given sheet is pretty simple:
List<PackagePart> embedds = new LinkedList<PackagePart>();
// Get the embeddings for the workbook
for(PackageRelationship rel : sheet.getSheetPart().getRelationshipsByType(XSSFRelation.OLEEMBEDDINGS.getRelation()))
for(PackageRelationship rel : sheet.getSheetPart().getRelationshipsByType(XSSFRelation.PACKEMBEDDINGS.getRelation()))
return embedds;
Finally all I used was this!
ArrayList<PackagePart> parts = container.getParts();
for (PackagePart pPart :parts) {
String contentType = pPart.getContentType();
if (contentType.equals("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")) {
