I am going through the tutorial at https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Monad_transformers
I wrote following piece of codes. One without and other with MonadTransformer instance :
-- Simple Get Password functions.
getPassphrase1 :: IO (Maybe String)
getPassphrase1 = do
password <- getLine
if isValid password
then return $ Just password
else return Nothing
askPassphrase1 :: IO ()
askPassphrase1 = do
putStrLn "Enter password < 8 , alpha, number and punctuation:"
p <- getPassphrase1
case p of
Nothing -> do -- Q1. ### How to implement this with `MonadTrans` ?
putStrLn "Invalid password. Enter again:"
Just password ->
putStrLn $ "Your password is " ++ password
-- The validation test could be anything we want it to be.
isValid :: String -> Bool
isValid s = length s >= 8
&& any isAlpha s
&& any isNumber s
&& any isPunctuation s
Another using MonadT which i wrote myself.
getPassphrase2 :: MaybeT IO String
getPassphrase2 = do
password <- lift getLine
guard $ isValid password
return password
askPassphrase2 :: MaybeT IO ()
askPassphrase2 = do
lift $ putStrLn "Enter password < 8 , alpha, number and punctuation:"
p <- getPassphrase2
-- Q1. How to print "Invalid password" ?
lift $ putStrLn $ "Your password is " ++ p
-- The validation test could be anything we want it to be.
isValid :: String -> Bool
isValid s = length s >= 8
&& any isAlpha s
&& any isNumber s
&& any isPunctuation s
main :: IO ()
main = do
a <- runMaybeT askPassphrase2
return ()
Both works.
But i am unable to understand how to add wrong password support in MonadTrans example. ?
Also, is main method ok.. or it can be written in a better way ?
guard is the not what you want in the MaybeT approach. To check for an invalid password and be able to provide your own processing in that case you would just use your original version of getPassphase and lift it into the the MaybeT IO monad:
getPassphease2 = do result <- lift $ getPassphrase1
case result of
Nothing -> lift $ putStrLn "bad password"
Just pw -> lift $ putStrLn "your password is: " ++ pw
The MaybeT IO monad is for giving IO-actions the capability to fail and having that failure automatically handled by the monad. If any step fails, control goes all the way back to the runMaybeT and runMaybeT returns Nothing. It's like throwing an exception.
The point of using MaybeT is that you do no have to explicitly check to see if a step has failed - that checking is performed by the MaybeT monad after each step is called. That means you can write code assuming that each preceding step has succeeded - i.e. as if you were on the "happy path". This also means that you can't do something different if the previous step failed.
One possibility using the MaybeT version of getPassphrase is this:
main = do result <- runMaybeT askPassphrase2
case result of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> putStrLn "Some failure happened... perhaps wrong password?"
The problem is that if runMaybeT returns Nothing it could mean that any step in askPassphrase failed, not just the guard.
Another way to use your MaybeT version of getPassphrase is to have askPassphrase run it with runMaybeT:
askPassphrase2 = do result <- lift $ runMaybeT getPassphrase2
case result of
Nothing -> lift $ putStrLn "bad password"
Just pw -> lift $ putStrLn $ "Your password is " ++ pw
Here we're using runMaybeT like a try-catch block.
In the below code, I am using >> to concatenate IO actions together. But AFAIU, m1>>m2 gets de-sugared to m1>>=(\_.m2) and thus it is executing the first IO action right when it is binding. I want all printing to happen in the main, i.e. print statements should not get interleaved with the input statements ("Enter Code"). Since do doesn't allow me to return any other monad than IO like [IO ()]. How can I have the desired printing effect?
f :: [Int] -> IO ()
f inventory = do
putStrLn "Enter Code\n"
x <- getLine
let idx = nameToIndex x
putStrLn "Quantity\n"
y <- getLine
putStrLn "More?\n"
c <- getChar
let q = (read y :: Int)
let curM = if inventory !! idx >= q then (putStrLn "sdaf\n") else (putStrLn "Overflow!\n")
if c == 'Y' then curM>>(f (update inventory idx)) else curM
main = f [1, 2]
I'm not 100% sure I understand the problem, but I think it goes like this: you'd like to do some interactions with the user, storing up information about the interaction, then display all the information at once at the end of the entire interaction.
Here's a very simplified version of your code, that skips all the business logic and just keeps asking the user if they want to continue.
prompt = do
putStrLn "Continue?"
s <- getLine
case s of
"y" -> putStrLn "Okay, let's continue." >> prompt
_ -> return ()
main = prompt
I think the effect you're asking for is to delay the display of "Okay, let's continue." until the user has stopped hitting "y". That's no problem. There's lots of ways you can do this. The most flexible is to have prompt return the action it wants to be executed after it completes:
prompt = do
putStrLn "Continue?"
s <- getLine
case s of
"y" -> do
act <- prompt
return (putStrLn "Okay, let's continue." >> act)
_ -> return (return ())
main = do
act <- prompt
(There are combinators that can make this code more compact, as well.) But I don't like this design; it makes it difficult to introspect on the result of prompt. A more specialized but also more maintainable approach is to return some data describing the interaction, which the caller can then turn into an IO action summarizing things. In this case, a list of strings seems like a suitable description.
prompt = do
putStrLn "Continue?"
s <- getLine
case s of
"y" -> do
results <- prompt
return ("Okay, let's continue." : results)
_ -> return []
main = do
results <- prompt
mapM_ putStrLn results
Hopefully this explanation is clear enough that you can combine this idea with your more complicated business logic.
I have revisited Haskell lateley and constructed a toy programming language parser/interpreter. Using Parsec for lexing and parsing and a separate interpreter. I'm running in to some issues with feeding the result from the parser to my interpreter and handle the potential error from both the interpreter and parser. I end up with something like this:
main = do
fname <- getArgs
input <- readFile (head fname)
case lparse (head fname) input of
Left msg -> putStrLn $ show msg
Right p -> case intrp p of
Left msg -> putStrLn $ show msg
Right r -> putStrLn $ show r
This dosn't look pretty at all. My problem is that lparse returns Either ParseError [(String, Stmt)] and itrp returns the type Either ItrpError Stmt so I'm having a real hard time feeding the Right result from the parser to the interpreter and at the same time bail and print the possible ParseError or IntrpError.
The closest to what i want is something like this
main = do
fname <- getArgs
input <- readFile (head fname)
let prog = lparse (head fname) input
(putStrLn . show) (intrp <$> prog)
But this will not surprisingly yield a nested Either and not print pretty either.
So are there any nice Haskell ideomatic way of doing this threading results from one computation to another and handling errors (Lefts) in a nice way without nesting cases?
adding types of lparse and itrp
lparse :: Text.Parsec.Pos.SourceName -> String -> Either Text.Parsec.Error.ParseError [([Char], Stmt)]
intrp :: [([Char], Stmt)] -> Either IntrpError Stmt
While not perfect, I'd create a helper function for embedding any Showable error from Either into MonadError:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.Except
strErr :: (MonadError String m, Show e) => Either e a -> m a
strErr = either (throwError . show) return
Then if you have a computation that can fail with errors, like
someFn :: ExceptT String IO ()
someFn = strErr (Left 42)
you can run it (printing errors to stdout) as
main :: IO ()
main = runExceptT someFn >>= either putStrLn return
In your case it'd be something like
main = either putStrLn return <=< runExceptT $ do
fname <- liftIO getArgs
input <- liftIO $ readFile (head fname)
prog <- strErr $ lparse (head fname) input
r <- strErr $ interp prog
print r
Well, if you want to chain successful computations, you can always use >>= to do that. For instance in your case:
lparse (head fname) input >>= intrp
And if you want to print out either your error message you can use the either class that takes two handler functions, one for the case when you have Left a (error in your case) and another for Right b (in your case a successful thing). An example:
either (putStrLn . show) (putStrLn . show) (lparse (head fname) input >>= intrp)
And if anything fails in your chain (any step of your monadic chain becomes Left a) it stops and can for instance print out the error message in the above case.
I have a task to implement a function that repeatly asks user for a password and says if it is not correct. If the password is OK, then it says "Storing in database and exits". I need to use ErrorT monad transformer to tell user, that his password is incorrect, so the basic behavior looks like this
GHCi>runErrorT askPassword'
Enter your new password:
Incorrect input: password is too short!
Incorrect input: password must contain some digits!
Incorrect input: password must contain some punctuations!
Storing in database...
askPassword' is like
data PwdError = PwdError String
type PwdErrorMonad = ErrorT PwdError IO
instance Error PwdError where
noMsg = PwdError "Unknown error"
strMsg s = PwdError s
instance Show PwdError where
show (PwdError s) = show s
askPassword' :: PwdErrorMonad ()
askPassword' = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Enter your new password:"
value <- msum $ repeat getValidPassword'
liftIO $ putStrLn "Storing in database..."
and getValidPassword looks like this:
getValidPassword' :: PwdErrorMonad String
getValidPassword' = do
s <- liftIO getLine
if length s < 8
then throwError $ PwdError "Incorrect input: password is too short!"
else if (not $ any isNumber s)
then throwError $ PwdError "Incorrect input: password must contain some digits!"
else if (not $ any isPunctuation s)
then throwError $ PwdError "Incorrect input: password must contain some punctuations!"
else return s
What am i missing here?
Thanks for help!
The ErrorT datatype records errors in the Left field, which holds exactly one error. It cannot save each error. If you want to just "throw an error", use the IO monad and use throw/catch from Control.Exception.
If you want to use your current code, try the following:
withErr :: MonadError e m => (e -> m ()) -> m a -> m a
withErr f ac = catchError ac (\e -> f e >> throwError e)
This function applies an additional function to the error before it is rethrown. In your case, you just want to print the error:
askPassword' :: PwdErrorMonad ()
askPassword' = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Enter your new password:"
_ <- msum $ repeat $ withErr (liftIO . print) getValidPassword'
liftIO $ putStrLn "Storing in database..."
Another approach is to use the mtl API to create a function which runs a function until it doesn't return an error.
try :: MonadError e m => (e -> m ()) -> m a -> m a
try h ac = go where go = catchError ac (\e -> h e >> go)
You can do anything with the errors, for example, collect them in a list:
recordErrors :: MonadError e m => m a -> m (a, [e])
recordErrors = runWriterT . try (tell . (:[])) . lift
However, what you want is to just print them:
askPassword' :: PwdErrorMonad ()
askPassword' = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Enter your new password:"
_ <- try (liftIO . print) getValidPassword'
liftIO $ putStrLn "Storing in database..."
Here is my new main with the error: parse error on input '->'
I commented where the error is. Could it be an indentation error somewhere?
main :: IO()
main = do
expression <- evaluate_input
putStrLn $ show $ compute expression
evaluate_input :: IO ()
evaluate_input = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
a:s -> return a
-> do putStrLn "Enter Expression or 'end' to exit calculator"
hFlush stdout
unless (expression -> "end") $ showExpr expression --error here
showExpr expression = do putStrLn $ evaluateExpr expression
evaluateExpr :: String -> String
evaluateExpr = show
Few problems with your code
until is not used correctly. I find it better to recurse when I have to repeat same action again and again. You can write the monadic version of until and use that.
It is better to use getArgs inside main once. You don't need to repeat it every time.
A corrected version is here. I haven't implemented all the functions so you still need to do the hard work of parsing and evaluating expressions.
import Control.Monad (unless)
main :: IO ()
main = evaluate
evaluate :: IO ()
evaluate = do
putStrLn "Enter Expression"
expr <- getLine
unless (expr == "end") $ showExpr expr
showExpr expr = do putStrLn $ evaluateExpr expr
evaluateExpr :: String -> String
evaluateExpr = show
Because I oversimplified in my other question before, I would like to give a more clear example here.
How can I handle situations where I have to check for certian conditions in a sequential way without nesting multiple cases? With "sequential way" I mean getting a value (e.g. from stdin), checking this value for a certain condition and depending on the outcome getting another value and so on.
sequen :: IO String
sequen = do
a <- getLine
case a of
"hi" -> do
putStrLn "hello!"
b <- getLine
case b of
"how are you?" -> do
putStrLn "fine, thanks"
return "nice conversation"
_ -> return "error 2"
_ -> return "error 1"
I know that there are better ways to write such a chat bot, it should just demonstrate the sequential nature of the problem. As you can see, with every nested case, the code also gets indented deeper.
Is there a way to better structure such code? I'm thinking of handling the "errors" on one place and describing the "success-path" without the error handling distributed all over it.
Of course. This is precisely what EitherT was made for. You can get it from Control.Monad.Trans.Either in the eitherT package.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
main = do
e <- runEitherT $ do
a <- lift getLine
case a of
"hi" -> lift $ putStrLn "hello!"
_ -> left 1
b <- lift getLine
case b of
"how are you?" -> lift $ putStrLn "fine, thanks!"
_ -> left 2
return "nice conversation"
case e of
Left n -> putStrLn $ "Error - Code: " ++ show n
Right str -> putStrLn $ "Success - String: " ++ str
EitherT aborts the current code block whenever it encounters a left statement, and people typically use this to indicate error conditions.
The inner block's type is EitherT Int IO String. When you runEitherT it, you get IO (Either Int String). The Left type corresponds to the case where it failed with a left and the Right value means it successfully reached the end of the block.
I wrote a series of posts a while back going over my own learnings of the Either & EitherT types. You can read it here: http://watchchrislearn.com/blog/2013/12/01/working-entirely-in-eithert/
I use the errors package to get a bunch of nice helpers around using EitherT (left and right functions for instance to return lifted versions of Left and Right).
By extracting your potential failure conditions into their own helpers, you can make the mainline of your code read totally sequentially, with no case statements checking results.
From that post, you can see how the runEitherT section is a sequential chunk of work, it just happens to have the failure mechanics of EitherT. Obviously this code is fairly contrived to show how MaybeT plays inside of EitherT as well. In real code it'd just be the story you were wanting to tell, with a single Left/Right at the end.
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- A type for my example functions to pass or fail on.
data Flag = Pass | Error
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Starting to do work:"
result <- runEitherT $ do
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the first input please:"
initialText <- lift getLine
x <- eitherFailure Error initialText
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the second input please:"
secondText <- lift getLine
y <- eitherFailure Pass (secondText ++ x)
noteT ("Failed the Maybe: " ++ y) $ maybeFailure Pass y
case result of
Left val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Failed\n " ++ val
Right val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Passed\n " ++ val
putStrLn "Ok, finished. Have a nice day"
eitherFailure :: Monad m => Flag -> String -> EitherT String m String
eitherFailure Pass val = right $ "-> Passed " ++ val
eitherFailure Error val = left $ "-> Failed " ++ val
maybeFailure :: Monad m => Flag -> String -> MaybeT m String
maybeFailure Pass val = just $ "-> Passed maybe " ++ val
maybeFailure Error _ = nothing
Since you are necessarily in the IO monad, you are better off using the IO monad's error handling capabilities instead of stacking an error monad on top of IO. It avoids all of the heavy lifting:
import Control.Monad ( unless )
import Control.Exception ( catch )
import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import System.IO.Error ( ioeGetErrorString )
main' = do
a <- getLine
unless (a == "hi") $ fail "error 1"
putStrLn "hello!"
b <- getLine
unless (b == "how are you?") $ fail "error 2"
putStrLn "fine, thanks"
return "nice conversation"
main = catch main' $ return . ioeGetErrorString
In this case, your errors are simply Strings, which are thrown by IO's fail, as a userError. If you want to throw some other type, you will need to use throwIO instead of fail.
At some point the EitherT package was deprecated (though transformers-either offers a similar API). Fortunately there's an alternative to EitherT that doesn't even require installing a separate package.
The standard Haskell installation comes with the Control.Monad.Trans.Except module (from the transformers package, which is bundled with GHC), which behaves almost identically to EitherT. The resulting code is almost identical to the code in Gabriella Gonzalez's answer, but using runExceptT instead of runEitherT and throwE instead of left.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
main = do
e <- runExceptT $ do
a <- lift getLine
case a of
"hi" -> lift $ putStrLn "hello!"
_ -> throwE 1
b <- lift getLine
case b of
"how are you?" -> lift $ putStrLn "fine, thanks!"
_ -> throwE 2
return "nice conversation"
case e of
Left n -> putStrLn $ "Error - Code: " ++ show n
Right str -> putStrLn $ "Success - String: " ++ str
(Note that the aforementioned transformers-either package is in fact a wrapper for ExceptT designed for providing compatibility with code that still uses EitherT.)
Warning: fellow Haskell newbie answering.
You can avoid this sort of staircasing with the Maybe monad. Good example at the start of this chapter
However, you'd want something similar with a monadic Either (presumably there is one) since you're returning error codes.
The basic idea being that once you've got a "Left 1" error you'll short-circuit any future steps (because of lazy evaluation).