Launching Windows 10 Maps Mobile not getting the parameter - win-universal-app

I'm having trouble with the Universal windows platform. I'm trying to launch maps with a paramter to get direction in the windows maps app.
My code works well on the desktop version, but when i try in mobile it's not getting the parameter, it's only launch the maps.
Is there any different how to use the Uri scheme launcher?
Here's my code:
var uri = new Uri(#"bingmaps:?rtp=~pos." + lat + "_" + lng + "_" + name);
var launcherOptions = new Windows.System.LauncherOptions();
launcherOptions.TargetApplicationPackageFamilyName = "Microsoft.WindowsMaps_8wekyb3d8bbwe";
var success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri, launcheroptions);
My reference is this:

I'm not sure if you misspelled the URI in your posted code. However, the URI you've posted is not right. The URI scheme of the Windows Maps app is
In your URI, you missed the ? character and in my test, using your URI can only launch the Map app both in desktop and mobile. Once I add the ? character, it works well both in desktop and mobile.

Its turn out that the var lat and lng on my uri is showing a wrong point because it is using comma, it should be using period.
i had to tweak it to change the comma.
lat.toString().Replace(',' , '.');


Nodejs URL path unquoting reserved characters in pathname (sometimes)

this is kinda weird (node repl v8.15.0):
let URL = require('url').URL
let {pathname} = new URL('')
console.log(pathname) // logs '/e30%3D/with%3F' <-- this looks right
then in my CloudFlare worker (using the service-worker-mock):
let URL = require('url').URL
let {pathname} = new URL('')
console.log(pathname) // logs '/e30=/abc%21%3Fdef' <-- `=` unquoted in path?
I'm guessing it's probably a different version of URL? Anyway I can control that?
Your expectation that the two URL implementations parse the same way is actually correct, if you open the inspector and run the second code it should encode the way you expect. Unfortunately, as Harris points out, the Workers URL implementation is buggy and difficult to fix. I'd recommend using some sort of URL polyfill in your code to encode URLs properly.

List&Label Webreporting: Export/Printing does not work on IIS Server

Hi and thank you in advance for any help,
I am trying to post a JSON-Object to an ASP.Net MVC-Server via JQuery/Ajax. The Controller method is supposed to take the JSON input and use it as a DataProvider for List&Label 22. The Report should then be generated and offered to the user as a PDF file for download.
Since I want the structure of the JSON Object to be generic, I don't want to create a specific model in ASP.Net for this request, but rather pass over the JSON object as a string (I know that I might run into some size restrictions, but I will worry about that later :) ).
Here is my POST request:
function getReport() {
//dummy data
data = { JsonVariable1: 1, JsonVariable2: "JsonVariable2" };
var dataSource = JSON.stringify(data);
type: "POST",
dataType: "text",
url: "#Url.Action("/JsonTest")",
data: "aDataSource=" + dataSource,
async: false,
success: function (result) {
And this is the Controller method:
public ActionResult JsonTest(string aDataSource) {
combit.ListLabel22.ListLabel vLL = new combit.ListLabel22.ListLabel();
JsonDataProvider vJsonProvider = new JsonDataProvider(aDataSource);
vLL.FileRepository = GetCurrentRepository();
vLL.AutoProjectFile = mReportRepositoryId;
vLL.DataSource = vJsonProvider;
vLL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportTarget, "PDF");
vLL.Print(); //This causes problem on published server
return Json("Success");
Locally, i.e. in my Visual Studio (2015) dev environment this works fine. However, when I publish the code to my IIS-Server, the POST-request doesn't terminate. I have found this line
to be the problem. If I comment out this line, the request terminates as expected. This line generates the report and exports it to a PDF which will in turn be offered to the user as a download.
I'm using IIS 8.5 and .NET-Framework 4.5 on a Machine running Windows Server 2012 R2. A Printer Driver is installed and the regular List&Label funcationality is working (e.g. starting the web designer, previewing reports via HTML, etc).
Does anyone have any idea what I am missing here? I am not a web developer, and I may also have forgotten to adjust some configurations on my IIS Server.
Just calling the Printmethod is not enough as you need to tell List & Label where to generate the report. I'd rather use the Export method (as it wires up a number of convenient things like muting the file dialogs) in this way:
string reportResult = "Report." + Guid.NewGuid() + ".pdf";
string outputFile = Server.MapPath("~/exports/") + reportResult;
ExportConfiguration exportConfiguration = new ExportConfiguration(LlExportTarget.Pdf, outputFile, mReportRepositoryId);
You should then find your PDF in the "exports" path of your web application on the server. To troubleshoot issues like this you can use the provided debugging tool Debwin4. It shows you all calls to the API and hints on missing options or input.

Embedded C Parse Server migration serverURL

I want to try to change embedded c linux ParseClient to point to my heroku hosted parser url but I couldn't find any command like Parse.serverURL = "" like iOS, Androind, and etc. in this example
In the latest version 1.0.4 of the sdk there is a new initialize method that also takes a serverUrl.
ParseClient parseInitializeWithServerURL(const char *applicationId, const char *clientKey, const char *serverURL);
It seems like everything should work, but the issue for this is still open on github so I'm not entirely sure. You can follow it here.

Get params using ExpressJS

I'd like to get a specific param using ExpressJS with "#" instead of "?" in the url...
My URL :
I'd like to get "access_token" and "req.params.access_token" doesn't work...
Short answer: you can't.
Longer answer: fragment identifiers (that's the part after the #) are supposed to be evaluated on the client and are not supposed to be sent to server. Your express app has no way of knowing them.
You could try to convert them to query parameters or path variables (i.e. by handling fragment identifier change in javascript) to make them visible server-side.

How to get attached file by URL from local CouchBase-Lite?

We are trying to get an image file that has been attached to a Doc in a local CouchBase-Lite.
I'd like to be able to get this files by using the same URL syntax used for the CouchDB Remote server. (Just point to local server instead of remote)(
I can seem to find how to do this.
Anyone know how? Thanks
Assuming that you are actually asking about Couchbase-Lite (aka TouchDB, ie. the embedded iOS/Android SDK) then you should look here (or the Android equivalent if that's what you're working on).
I'm not sure why you're also asking about URL syntax if that's what you're doing, so I'm not sure that is what you're doing, but hey - there's your answer. You can clarify if you were talking about something else.
This is not really an answer because I'm also looking for a solution to this. I am using CBL iOS and i want to get the local database URL to be able to get info from it.
This is what i have so far :
string[] paths = NSSearchPath.GetDirectories(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User);
var request = new NSMutableUrlRequest();
request.Url = new NSUrl(paths[0], false);
request.HttpMethod = "GET";
var data = NSUrlConnection.SendSynchronousRequest(request, out response, out error);
if(error != null)
Console.WriteLine("Error in SendRequest=" + error.LocalizedDescription);
throw new HttpRequestException(error);
And this prints out in the console : Error in SendRequest=The requested URL was not found on this server.
the URL is something like this :
