In XCode Swift project - Material Icons not showing in app - cosmicmind

Screen capture of Material styled screen
I need help configuring Material with my Swift project.
As you can see I am able import Material into my project, however the buttons (except for the switchControl) are not appearing. The assets can be seen in the project's Media Library.
I don't know how to test my integration. I'm looking at the MaterialIcon.swift file because I don't think that the path to resources is correct.
I've compared my build to the examples provided by CM and I need help.

If you are using CocoaPods to setup your project, which I think you are based on your issue. You have two options:
Clean the build folder and delete the UserDerived directory, as well, ensure you are using 1.0* of CocoaPods.
Copy the Assets catalog into your application.
All the best :)

Make sure that you are giving the elements a size also.
Let Button = FabButton()
Button.setButtonTitle(title: "Button", forState: .Noarmal)


rid3, shadow-cljs & drag; different behavior in dev and prod

I'm creating an application which can be used to make an overview of your IT-Landscape. Currently it can show a table with the interfaces in your environment and their connected applications. It is also capable of creating an SVG image from this data. The data it self can be added via API calls.
I started with a project via:
leiningen new luminus versiontracker +h2 +shadow-cljs +kee-frame +swagger +(some other)
To be able to generate the SVG file with drag-and-drop support I added rid3 to the project .clj file.
When I run the application in development mode:
lein repl
lein shadow-cljs watch app
I can drag any item in the SVG file that is generated. I can click on a circle and drag it to any place I want.
However when I create the 'production' version with:
lein uberjar
and then run this application using:
java -Dconf=config.edn -jar versiontracker.jar
Dragging an object is not working properly. The whole SVG is selected instead of a single object within the SVG image; which result in strange drag-and-drop behavior.
Looking at the event through the console window I can see different behavior.
In the development environment if I grab a circle (which has the drag function attached) the srcElement in the sourceEvent is the text that is displayed on top of this circle. Although not the circle is selected dragging works as expected. The selected item follows the mouse while dragging.
In the 'production' environment if I grab a circle the srcElement in the sourceEvent is the complete svg; which result in strange drag-and-drop behavior. The selected item does not follow the mouse but the items do start moving around in an unpredictable way.
Go to Version Tracker download the release with tag V0.3.0 for the production version (there is also an H2 database with some sample data) and compare it to the development version by checking out the project.
Any help is appreciated
Your error description is a bit lacking and the project is far too complex to quickly reproduce.
Do you get any externs inference warnings when building? Do you get any errors/warnings in the Browser console with a production build?
The most likely cause here is externs. Meaning that property names such as in this (set! (.-fx d) (.-x event)) may end up getting renamed or stripped. As such it would break any behavior that relies in picking the correct names. See the documentation for further info on the subject. It might be enough to add a couple ^js hints in the proper places.
You are also using a rather old shadow-cljs version (current as of today is 2.16.10). So you need to opt-in to get externs inference warnings via :compiler-options {:infer-externs :auto} in your build config. The newer versions have this enabled by default.

Parcel - add svg sprite

Colleagues, I'm trying Parcel as an alternative to webpack project builder and I like it, but there are two BUTs that I still can't beat (here are links to starting builds - build on Parcel
and build on webpack):
1) In the assembly under the webpack, I used svg-sprite-loader to create svg sprites, which adds immediately after opening body svg with symbols like this:
there is no such plugin in the parcel assembly, I tried to install parcel-plugin-svg-sprite, but it does not compile a separate sprite (at least I did not find such a solution in the documentation).
As a result, for now, I am inserting svg in the way described in the parcel documentation (I use a pug in the project):
use (href = "../../ icons / facebook.svg")
but in this case, I only get an empty space ((
2) When building a project, i get one folder with a lot of files, which is not very convenient, in the documentation I found that i can use the -d flag to set a name for the folder in which building the project, but did not find how to separate html/css/js/imgs by folders.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I don't think that there is yet a plugin for parcel2 that will allow you to easily create svg sprites. The parcel-plugin-svg-sprite package you mentioned is for parcel 1, so it is not expected to work. (In general, you can expect parcel 2 plugins to conform to this naming scheme - packages that start with parcel-plugin are probably for parcel 1).
As a workaround, the easiest way to use svgs in a pug template built with parcel would be to use an <img> or an <object> tag with a src property, e.g:
Doing it this way, where the svg file is "external" has a few limitations(discussed in the docs), notably there will be an extra round trip to download each svg (this would be good for caching, but bad if there were hundreds of svgs on your site). Also, you can't style the svg with css from the surrounding document.
You can avoid the first limitation (extra server round trip) by using css background-image/background property with a data URL (see docs)
.pug file
.(s)css file
.icon-test {
background-image: url('data-url:../../icons/facebook.svg'); ​
​(In react-based projects there is a way to avoid both these limitations and get parcel to inject the SVG as inline JSX through the #parcel/transformer-react-svg plugin (see docs), but I'm not aware of a similar plugin (yet) for pug templates.)
You can control the structure of the output files in parcel's dist folder by writing a custom namer plugin. I explained how to do this in this answer.
The plugin developer for the first parcel made the build for the parcel v2, and I say thank you! Here is the plugin, tested it with html and pug, everything works!

Vaadin - SVG Generator, any alternative?

I have been working with Vaadin charts during this week and I found a problem that I cannot solve. I need to send several charts to a PDF generation (using iTextpdf) and I could do it using SVGGenerator. The main problem is I cannot use this solution because the final laptop doesn't allow any installation, and Phantomjs is required for SVG Generator (no add-on can be installed neither). I tried to find a different solution to convert the chart content into file or buffer that I can manage, but I think I have been reading so much posts and I am not able to distinguish the solution.
So, I will try to clarify basic questions first:
a) Is it possible to manage SVG Generator without any installation in the laptop?
b) If not, is there a different way to convert a chart into an object which class could be managed to insert it into a PDF?
I can assure you I tried to read all documentation in this forum and official Vaadin forum related to this topic but I couldn't find any solution. I don't want to seem lazy, I only want to avoid spending more time and clarify the maining pre-conditions to solve this issue.
thanks in advance for your time and help.
Kind regards,
You can take a screenshot of your chart and append it to pdf:
Screenshot screenshot = new Screenshot();
//when complete
screenshot.addScreenshotListener(new ScreenshotListener() {
public void screenshotComplete(ScreenshotImage image) {
//do something
//take screenshot
You will not be able to render a Vaadin Chart without a web browser engine of some kind. That's what PhantomJS provides. If you have a full-blown web browser at your disposal, though, you can grab the SVG markup manually from there; it's just a bit more difficult to automate. This works in Chrome:
Open your Charts app in the browser
Open the JavaScript console (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + J)
Type something like this: copy(document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].outerHTML)
Paste the contents of your clipboard to a new text file and save it as an SVG.
You don't need to install phantomjs, just bundle its binary along with your web application (Reference). I did the same thing with my Amazon AWS deployment and it works just fine.

Enabling Resource Aggregation with Bootstrap 3

I'm using Bootstrap files within my application and I want to enable "Use runtime optimized JavaScript and CSS resources".
the problem I have is once enabled; glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot, glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg and glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff cannot be found:
I know for Bootstrap 2.3 we could use a Theme that loads a .CSS file that changes relative locations as described here
So, what should I do to handle relative locations with Bootstrap 3?
You have to tweak the path to the web font resoureces in the Bootstrap CSS files.
Delete the part with "../" and replace it with the relative path to the font files within your project structure, e.g.
Then aggregation will load the fonts correctly.
This does not answer your question but if you want to use Bootstrap 3 you'd be MUCH better off using the Boostrap4Xpages project on It will perform better and the resource aggregation will work better. It's easy to install and use but it is a plugin on the sever so that needs to be done. It's not self contained to the NSF. Try and move to this if at all possible.
Regarding the actual question. I'm not sure I know the answer specifically. I do know that using relative links can sometimes be a problem if the browser's URL doesn't have the page.xsp portion. So it works on the page.xsp and NOT the default launch XPage where the URL ends with the database.nsf. What I've done in the past there is set the application to launch to something like "start.xsp" and in that page in beforePageLoad to a redirect to "home.xsp". This forces the browser url to always show the page name and made life a little easier when dealing with adding projects to WebContent.

Iphone route-me application issue

I am using route-me MapView for displaying offline map. It works well in the sample. I followed the Embedding guides and added the MapView.XCodeProj to my Xcode project it compiles successfully. But in my viewcontroller if i add RMMapView view as a subview to main view. It gives an error as "RMMapView refrence not found"
Need a bit more information, the exact error output would be helpful, but it sounds like you are missing the libraries. Make sure that libMapView.a has been added to Target->Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries.
You might want to double check every step of the embedding guides.
-- Randy
