How-To Configure Virtual Network Gateway in AZURE - azure

I am using AZURE and have created several webapps and one Virtual Machine. I need all of them to be part of a virtual network so that cookies/and other packets transferred between them work properly. I created the VM and the network at the same time. But when I try to add networking to the webapps it shows the network but says that it does not have a gateway.
I don't know how to add a gateway to that VPN or how to make it work. Can anyone please help me?

You have to configure point to site in your virtual network before you can connect a web application to your vnet. Basically, you need to create a gateway and then configure point to site.
Since you already have a virtual network, follow steps 4 and 5 only:
Create a VNet with a Site-to-Site VPN connection using the Azure Portal
Later, configure P2S:
Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a virtual network using PowerShell
If everything goes right, you will be able to select the VNET in your app settings instead of a greyed item.
I wrote about this process a while ago and you can find my notes here.


Azure App Service integrate to accessible only via vnet gateway VPN

Im Trying to Create a web application that can only accessible via vnet or only network connected to vnet VPN.
I setup vnet and create a Gateway that has point-to-site configured.
I setup the Web Service and on the network side i allow the gateway to access the Web.
Then i connect to vpn on my local machine but still not able to access the web app.
what i did wrong?
Please check when you create webapp . Under basic configuration sku and Size is not Standard S1 because its not working on standard S1.
Check its if its Standard S1 then its not working.
Steps to create.
Create Vnet and under vnet go to subnet. create two more sub net, first subnet and second Gateway subnet.
Create App service plan. make sourer not select Standard S1
Create web app.
At this time its access to publicly.
Under left hand side panel select Networking.
Open private endpoint connections.
after approved click go to app service and click on URL. at this time its not accessible to publicly.
Create a VM, under networking section select virtual network those created.
Go to resource and connect to this VM.
Connect and open web application. its run fine on VM.
More information read these document Use Azure Private Endpoints to Restrict Public Access to WebApps by Neeraj Kumar.

Is it possible for a Azure Container App to access on-prem network share using a UNC path?

Hey all I've been trying to look into whether this is possible or not.
I was working with Infra-Engineering to setup a VNet with peering to the on-prem network. Everything was smooth sailing until we found out that the Azure Sandbox for Function Apps blocks the SMB ports. I saw a reply on this thread:
that if we use a Container App that we would not have this restriction. Can anyone corroborate this? I just want to get some insight before committing to trying this out.
In short - you need a VPN/Express Route connection to on premise, the container app needs to be in a VNet peered with the VPN VNet (if separated), a DNS server able to resolve on-premises DNS records, if there are firewalls, NSGs involved you will also need access rules there, and obviously the IP address ranges need to be routed (BGP or Static) and should not overlap

Azure Web app connect to VM service on private network

I've created windows server virtual machine with active directory controller and my web app is communicating with it on public ip successfully (by ldap), but when i try connect to ldap on private ip (virtual network) it does not respond
to my Web app i have set VNet Configuration
my virtual machine network tab:
But it does not work when i try to connect to ldap://
What should i do?
I can't even test my connection between webapp (by tcpping) and vm neither on public and private ip
i couldn't add to my webapp vnet integration on because there was written that this subnet is already in use (or sth like that)
what should i type when i do vnet integration?
VNet Integration with Azure web app is required a dedicated unused subnet for the network connection. The subnet should be a subnet where no other resources like Azure VM located.
Your configuration is correct. You could follow these troubleshooting steps to verify if the VNet integration is working well. You can test via port 3389 on Azure VM. In my case, there is not a DC deployed on Azure VM.
However, please note that
There are some things that VNet Integration doesn't support, like:
Mounting a drive.
Active Directory integration.
Thus, I suppose Idap does not work with VNet Integration.
i've created second virtual network, and integrated web app with it...
next i have connected my second virtual network to first and... everything works great, ping's are < 1 ms...
that's a bit embarassing that it did not work when both web app and virtual machine were in one virtual network and i don't know why

Disable VPN gateway in Azure classic VM virtual network

While trying Azure VM migration from ASM to ARM, I realized that "Configure point-to-site connectivity" is checked (so we can say VPN gateway is configured) to the network settings even though I does not have any connection to the VPN gateway.
The network is in use description is displayed in old portal and it still remains after deallocating the VM. Unchecking then save action gives failure as expected by using PowerShell command and Portal.
How to disable this setting? Do I have to recreate VM?
Have you created the VPN gateway on the VNET? If yes, you need to delete the gateway first.
You are able to delete the gateway via portal or powershell.
To get the GatewayId, please run the command Get-AzureVirtualNetworkGateway.
Then we are able to delete the gateway with command Remove-AzureVirtualNetworkGateway -GatewayId your_gateway_id

Connecting Windows Azure to On-Premise Active Directory

I am trying to connect my Windows Azure Virtual machines to my On Premise network. I have established a site to site VPN tunnel, and have created the appropriate subnets and placed a virtual machine in one of the subnets that isn't the gateway subnet.
My on premise test network is 192.168.9.x/24 my Azure Network is 10.4.x.x/16 with a subnet for DMZ - 10.4.2.x/24 and ServerNetwork at 10.4.3.x/24.
I have confirmed that the tunnel is up and running both on the Windows Azure side, as well as on my Cisco ASA 5505.
I want my servers to be able to communicate across the tunnel, however currently they cannot see each other. I am missing something, I tried static routes between the two servers, and have not had any success. Has anyone gotten this to work? If so what did you do on the networking side of the config to make it work?
Windows Azure Virtual Network enables you to create secure site-to-site connectivity, as well as protected private virtual networks in the cloud.
You can specify the address space that will be used for both your virtual network and the virtual network gateway.
Additionally, new name resolution features allow you to connect directly to role instances and virtual machines by hostname.
These features allow you to use Windows Azure as you would a branch office, or as a protected private virtual network in the cloud.
You can read more about it here:
Here is a lab exercise to walk you through the process:
