How to automate data ingestion with logstash pipelines? - logstash

I'm using ELK in order to ingest, store and visualize data, no fancy things..
Everything is working fine but each time I have new data to ingest I have to execute manually the command /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f mypipeline.conf
I was wondering how to automate this last step in order to ingest the data in elastisearch each time new data arrive in the inut folder defined in my pipeline conf file?
I'm using the input plugin :
file {
path => "/path/to/myfiles*.csv"
start_position => beginning
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
I guess I'm missing an important option that would allow to check if new files are present or not..
"discover_interval" or "stat_interval" ? or the sincedb-path ??

The setting you are looking for is discover_interval Reference Here
discover_interval controls the number of seconds between times that Logstash re-evaluates the path to check for new files, it is by default set to 15 seconds. If Logstash is running, then placing a file into the proper directory and waiting 20 seconds should show data from that file in elastic.
If this doesn't seem to be the case, try setting the value manually to something like discover_interval => 10. Setting this too low could generate a lot of unnecessary overhead for your process.

found it .. just put the pipeline.conf files in the /etc/logstash/conf.d directory , at start all files in this directory will be loaded and executed.


Generate auto increment sequence in logstash

I am pushing logs to Elastic Search from Logstash and then i need to get back the logs in the order they were written. Sorting by time stamp does not help because there could me multiple log statements in the same time. I followed the solution in Include monotonically increasing value in logstash field? and it worked perfectly in my windows system.
But when the code was moved to the linux production environment, logstash is not starting up. Failing with the below error
reason=>"Couldn't find any filter plugin named 'seq'. Are you sure
this is correct? Trying to load the seq filter plugin resulted in this
error: no such file to load -- logstash/filters/seq", :level=>:error}
Check if the seq.rb file is in the filter folder.
Also check if the line ending of your seq.rb are linux. If you transferred the file from a windows machine to a linux, the problem might come from here.

Configure Logstash to wait before parsing a file

I wonder if you can configure logstash in the following way:
Background Info:
Every day I get a xml file pushed to my server, which should be parsed.
To indicate a complete file transfer afterwards I get an empty .ctl (custom file) transfered to the same folder.
The files both have the following name schema 'feedback_{year}{yearday}_UTC{hoursminutesseconds}_51.{extention}' (e.g. feedback_16002_UTC235953_51.xml). So they have the same file name but one is with .xml and the other is a .ctl file.
Is there a way to configure logstash to wait parsing the xml file until the according .ctl file is present?
Is there maybe a way to archiev that with filebeat?
It would also be enough to be able to configure logstash in a way that it will wait x minutes before starting to process a new file, if that is easier.
Thanks for any help in advance
Your problem is that you don't want to start the parser before the file transfer hasn't been completed. So, why don't push the data to a file (file-complete.xml) when you find your flag file (empty.ctl)?
Here is the possible logic for a script and runs using crontab:
if empty.ctl exists:
Clear file-complete.xml
Add the content of file.xml to file-complete.xml.
Remove empty.ctl
This way, you'd need to parse the data from file-complete.xml. I think is simpler to debug and configure.
Hope it helps,

In logstash, do I need separate file inputs for logically different application logs?

(Logstash 1.4.2 on Windows)
In our system, a "product" is a high level grouping of related web applications. Each web application is configured to write a dedicated log file, named after the application name (eg MyProduct.ApplicationA.log and MyProduct.ApplicationB.log). All web applications for a given product write their log files to the same folder (c:\Logs\MyProduct\; c:\Logs\MyOtherProduct).
I need to set up logstash to monitor all log files for all applications for all products. I had hoped to use:
input {
file {
path => "c:/Logs/**/*.log"
exclude => ["Info.*", "Warn.*", "Error.*"]
sincedb_path => "c:/logstash/.sincedb"
sincedb_write_interval => 1
On first run, I can see lots of output going to stdout output, which I presume is what the docs refer to as "first contact".
Once all the log files (from more than one application) have been initially parsed, if applications generate log entries, they appears to be picked up and output. All is well.
However, if I restart logstash, ALL the logfiles seem to be parsed again - as if sincedb is not honoured. I have looked at the other SO questions detailing similar experience of duplicates and reparsing (eg logstash + elasticsearch : reloads the same data), however I believe that I have extra information that may indicate that I am actually using the file input incorrectly.
If I instead setup multiple file inputs like so:
file {
path => "c:/Logs/MyProduct/MyProduct.ApplicationA.log"
exclude => ["Info.*", "Warn.*", "Error.*"]
sincedb_path => "c:/logstash/.sincedb_A"
sincedb_write_interval => 1
file {
path => "c:/Logs/MyProduct/MyProduct.ApplicationB.log"
exclude => ["Info.*", "Warn.*", "Error.*"]
sincedb_path => "c:/logstash/.sincedb_B"
sincedb_write_interval => 1
Then restarts of logstash do not reparse existing files and do honour the sincedb for the logical grouping. This leads me to believe that perhaps I have been thinking about the file input in the wrong way: will I have to configure an individual file inputs for each application?
(Looking at the content of sincedb, there is only ever a single line eg
0 0 2 661042
and it becomes obvious that multiple files cannot be tracked)
Am I missing something that would allow me to have a generic globular style global declaration, without needing to do individual per-application configuration?
Looks like you're running into a known sincedb bug on Windows
Your workaround of adding a file {} block with separate sincedb_path for each file is probably the best solution until the bug is fixed.

Logstash file input plugin

Currently I am using file input plugin to go over my log archive but file input plugin is not the right solution for me because file input plugin inherently expects that file is stream of events and not as a static file. Now, this is causing a great deal of problem for me because my log archive has a 100,000 + log files and I logstash opens a handle on all these files which are never going to change.
I am facing following problems
1) Logstash fails with problem mentioned in SO
2) With those many open file handles log archival storage is getting very slow.
Does anybody know a way to let logstash know that treat files statically or once a file is processed do not keep file handle on it.
In logstash Jira bug, I was told to write my own plugin with some other suggestions which won't help me much.
Logstash file input can process static file. You need to add this configuration
file {
path => "/your/logs/path"
start_position => "beginning"
After adding the start_position, logstash reads the file from the beginning. Please refer here for more information. Remember that this option only modifies “first contact” situations where a file is new and not seen before. If a file has already been seen before, this option has no effect. Otherwise you have set your sincedb_path to /dev/null .
For the first question, I have answer in the comment. Please try to add the maximum file opened.
For my suggestion, You can try to write a script copy the log file to the logstash monitor path and move it out constantly. You have to estimate the time that logstash process a log file.
look out for this also turn on -v and --debug for logstash
:message=>"_discover_file: /datafiles/server.log:
**skipping because it was last modified more than 86400.0 seconds ago**",
:level=>:debug, :file=>"filewatch/watch.rb", :line=>"330",
solution is to touch the file or change the ignore_older setting

Old logs are not imported into ES by logstash

When I start logstash, the old logs are not imported into ES.
Only the new request logs are recorded in ES.
Now I've see this in the doc.
Even if I set the start_position=>"beginning", old logs are not inserted.
This only happens when I run logstash on linux.
If I run it with the same config, old logs are imported.
I don't even need to set start_position=>"beginning" on windows.
Any idea about this ?
When you read an input log to Logstash, Logstash will keep an record about the position it read on this file, that's call sincedb.
Where to write the sincedb database (keeps track of the current position of monitored log files).
The default will write sincedb files to some path matching "$HOME/.sincedb*"
So, if you want to import old log files, you must delete all the .sincedb* at your $HOME.
Then, you need to set
at your configuration file.
Hope this can help you.
Please see this line also.
This option only modifies "first contact" situations where a file is new and not seen before. If a file has already been seen before, this option has no effect.
