Customizing a jdbcChannelMessageStore in Spring Integration - spring-integration

I'm relatively new with SI (I say "relatively" because I did some work with SI version 0.6 to 1, but I had to stop then and I'm now on it again in 4.2.5) and for now I'm writing some prototypes for POCs. In one of then I configured a channel backed by a jdbcChannelMessageStore which I wanted to customize in a simple way. To change the column MESSAGE_BYTES from bytea to text.
So I changed the schema-postgresql.sql to include that change and hope that I could only rewrite the jdbc statement for the INSERT. However, even if the statement itself is easily changeable, setting the parameters is not, since it is buried inside a lambda inside the jdbcTemplate.update itself inside the addMessageToGroup method. So the only solution would be to override the entire addMessageToGroup method, which seems not a good solution at all, since it contains more logic than the simple jdbc insert.
So what ended up doing was what I commented on my code as // very big hack. I overriden the DefaultLobHandler to actually not use the lob at all but a setString(...) instead.
So, I have a question and a suggestion:
Is there a way customize the JdbcChannelMessageStore to have our own schema structure and/or our own statements, without using things like this "big hack"?
If there is no better way, can I suggest to at least put the prepared statement fields setters on it's own protected (or public) method, instead of a lambda inside the jdbcUpdate?
Thanks in advance.

We should probably make it easier to override that logic, perhaps by delegating to an overridable method.
Contributions are always welcome :).


Is there any difference for XPages urls using action=openDocument and action=readDocument?

Most times I've seen urls written to open an XPage in read-mode using action=openDocument, but occasionally, I've see action=readDocument used. Just curious if there are pros/cons in using one vs. the other.
I don't know of a difference. Honestly I never use these URL's anymore myself. So it's really not a big deal very likely.
Keep in mind, you don't need to use these at all of you don't want. You can pass your own parameter in the URL and then via SSJS access any parameters with the param object. You can also get the parameters in Java easily enough.
Just a thought.

How to get data from custom properties in UITestPropertyProvider

According to the code sample on MSDN ( any custom property data that you need to get out of your control should be in a semicolon delimited string in the AccessibleObject's Description property. This does not seem right to me at all. This seems like just a quick and dirty trick to get it working. What is the correct way to get the value of properties from custom controls? And if this actually is how you're supposed to do it, then how are you supposed to set those properties using the SetPropertyValue method? The example in the link above just throws a NotImplementedException in SetPropertyValue.
Since the IAccessible interface has only a limited number of properties the best solution is to cram any extra information into the Description property (that's what they do at the company I work at, and our developers don't work quick and dirty :) ). To modify the return value of this property you have to implement the Iaccessible interface on your control. Or, since you only want to modify the Description property you only need to modify that property and leave the rest to the proxy (I'm not sure how this works exactly but there are tutorials for it on MSDN).
The SetPropertyValue method in the UITestPropertyProvider is for the UItestControls. By overwriting it you can modify the way CUIT interacts with the control during playback. For example, if you overwrite SetPropertyValue for the Text property you can change the way CUIT types strings into the control.

Any way in Expression Engine to simulate Wordpress' shortcode functionality?

I'm relatively new to Expression Engine, and as I'm learning it I am seeing some stuff missing that WordPress has had for a while. A big one for me is shortcodes, since I will use these to allow CMS users to place more complex content in place with their other content.
I'm not seeing any real equivalent to this in EE, apart from a forthcoming plugin that's in private beta.
As an initial test I'm attempting to fake shortcodes by using delimited strings (e.g. #foo#) in the content field, then using a regex to pull those out and pass them to a function that can retrieve the content out of EE's database.
This brings me to a second question, which is that in looking at EE's API docs, there doesn't appear to be a simple means of retrieving the channel entries programmatically (thinking of something akin to WP's built-in get_posts function).
So my questions are:
a) Can this be done?
b) If so, is my method of approaching it reasonable? Or is there something stupidly obvious I'm missing in my approach?
To reiterate, my main objective here is to have some means of allowing people managing content to drop a code in place in their content that will be replaced with channel content.
Thanks for any advice or help you can give me.
Here's a simple example of the functionality you're looking for.
1) Start by installing Low Replace.
2) Create two Global Variables called gv_hello and gv_goodbye with the values "Hello" and "Goodbye" respectively.
3) Put this text into the body of an entry:
Nice to see you.
4) Put this into your template, wrapping the Low Replace tag around your body field.
5) It should output this into your browser:
Nice to see you.
Obviously, this is a really simple example. You can put full blown HTML into your global variable. For example, we've used that to render a complex, interactive graphic that isn't editable but can be easily dropped into a page by any editor.
Unfortunately, due to parse order issues, EE tags won't work inside Global Variables. If you need EE tags in your short code output, you'll need to use Low Variables addon instead of Global Variables.
Continued from the comment:
Do you have examples of the kind of shortcodes you want to support/include? Because i have doubts if controlling the page-layout from a text-field or wysiwyg-field is the way to go.
If you want editors to be able to adjust layout or show/hide extra parts on the page, giving them access to some extra fields in the channel, is (imo) much more manageable and future-proof. For instance some selectfields, a relationship (or playa) field, or a matrix, to let them choose which parts to include/exclude on a page, or which entry from another channel to pull content from.
As said in the comment: i totally understand if you want to replace some #foo# tags with images or data from another field (see other answers: nsm-transplant, low_replace). But, giving an editor access to shortcodes and picking them out, is like writing a template-engine to generate ee-template code for the ee-template-engine.
Using some custom fields to let editors pick and choose parts to embed is, i think, much more manageable.
That being said, you could make a plugin to parse the shortcodes from a textareas content, and then program a lot, to fetch data from other modules you want to support. For channel entries you could build out of the channel data library by objectiveHTML.
I hear you, I too miss shortcodes from WP -- though the reason they work so easily there is the ubiquity of the_content(). With the great flexibility of EE comes fewer blanket solutions.
I'd suggest looking at NSM Transplant. It should fit the bill for you.
There is also a plugin called Shortcode, which you can find here at
A quote from the page:
Shortcode aims to allow for more dynamic use of content by authors and
editors, allowing for injection of reusable bits of content or even
whole pieces of functionality into any field in EE

Any refreshable groovy classloader implement?

I am looking for a refreshable groovy classloader,I want to let groovy file change on fly,I know
GroovyScriptEngine do the thing,but if I have AClass.groovy and BClass.groovy, and I write in AClass:
Class pageClass = ClassUtils.forName("BClass", this.getClass().getClassLoader());
and auto reloading BClass is not work when BClass.groovy is not work.
I think the best solution is need a refreshable ClassLoader,but I can not find the exisiting implemention.
And I am not using spring-groovy and grails,I want a independent implemention.
Not exactly what you want I'm sure but if you want to do something ONLY with Groovy (no Spring or Grails) that allows you to change stuff and not have to restart your application, you might look at doing some initial work with Groovlets ->
This is only for servlet container work and probably won't be extremely useful as your application gets large but it would allow you to initially change things frequently and simply refresh with a call to the Groovlet.
If you did consider using Spring, scripted beans are 'refreshable' and you can implement that yourself using Java's dynamic language support but I'd suggest simply letting Spring do it for you.

can I use XmlSlurper directly on a w3c.dom.Node object

I am experimenting with GroovyWS in the hope of completely replacing Axis2 client code.
One of the Webservice operations I call returns fragments of XML, which I need to turn into Groovy Beans.
I am getting instances of coming out of the WebService call.
I can call new XmlSlurper().parseText(it as String) where it is the instance of ElementNSImpl.
However, of course this writes the Element out to a String before reparsing and slurping it. Is there a way to avoid this unnecessary step ?
Ultimately I want to turn the slurped object into a Groovy Bean; is there a better way to do this. I was wondering about DomToGroovy, but this still gives me a string that I then have run in a Groovy Shell.
I don't think XmlSlurper supports direct conversions like that, you'd probably have to write something yourself. Maybe if you dig in to the XmlSlurper source there will be a way to do it by extending and adding a new parse() method. Otherwise, unless you have major performance concerns, I'd say you're on the right track.
