How to efficiently update the API when Swagger spec file is updated? (express, nodejs) - node.js

I'm trying to setup a nodejs-express boilerplate for my new project, and this time I want to try doc-driven flow. I've checked couples of packages like swagger-node, swaggerize-express ...etc. They all provide great functionalities.
However, I don't see anything that could support incremental scaffolding when the Swagger file is updated. That means when the spec changes I have to manually check the diff and manually add/modify the new specs. That doesn't sound cool.
Does anyone could share something that is more reasonable? Thanks!!!
After trying some frameworks, I decided to use swagger-express-middleware. This framework offers a convenient way to automatically check routes/parameters for your service.

You can use tools like swagger-maven-plugin to incrementally rebuild your server code, which means reading from your api definition and updating/building code as necessary. There are SAAS products like SwaggerHub which enable this as well, by merging code and pushing to git.


How to create low code based workflow setup in nodejs?

I want to create a workflow automation where an activity comes in and user can setup a multilevel workflow.
For frontend i am using
How to structure things in nodejs backend. Things like database, accessing control flow statements, statements which requires crons.
You also may want to have a look at node-red.
It's an open-source product that does exactly that.
There's a set of built-in nodes.
You can develop your own nodes, or import 3rd party ones. Which are stored in NPM.
You can also just create a node with javascript or typescript code in it, on the fly.
You should check Flumejs:
Also you should see this code sandbox example. Try to read the code
and all the dependencies:
I hope you find this helpful.

How add a new extention?

I have a simple project of viewer on NodeJs: with some basic exstention. I want to know how can I add the new extention from to my project?
ForgeFader is based on React and uses ES6 syntax, One way to get started will be taking a look at the React Boiler plates we have in order for you to start getting familiar with it.
After you are able to use this, you will be able to start checking the extension code in order to be able to use it in your project, It will require some work on your side, unfortunately this is not a plug and play extension like the ones used in the basic NodeJs tutorial.
Jeremy has done a great work documenting all his steps in the readme of the Fader repo you already have, I would suggest going over it.

Any tool to go from java code to jHipster templates?

Since the generated java code doesn't fit all my needs, I would need to modify the templates (mainly in server). Small modifications are pretty straightforward but I was wondering if there is some tool to go from existing java code to this template.
We did modules for this use case, and I even did some specific ones for some clients. So this would be my favorite solution.
Then, I clearly see in our stats that many people are forking JHipster and modifying it - this is probably easier at first sight, but of course you'll have trouble when we release new versions, as you will have to sync your code with each new release.

JHipster, Customization of generated code

i'm newbie in JHipster and i'm trying to figure this, when i create a new entity JHipster generates several files, angular, html and java classes, now if i want a common code for all this generated code i must edit each time that i use the yeoman generator? what i want is:
Custom Index template, and pages, is secure to edit them?.
Customize the entity tables, entity forms using angular, maybe extending yeoman generators
Customize generate java classes, maybe i think using AOP
So i need to edit each time for each generated code? and is a good practice this or what i want? for clarify more i want to use a Custom Bootstrap/angular Dashboard template like Minovate, i see how to customize bootstrap in the documentation but not about what i'm asking for, Thanks.
JHipster is just a code generator, once generated the code is yours.
For angular screens I would say do as much as you can in CSS/SASS.
But it's very likely that you will need to build some screen mixing several entities and change the structure of entity screens.
So you should rather consider them as a starting point and do your own stuff in another folder so that it does not get overwritten by next re-generations.
This way you can still update your entity definitions in .jhipster folder and re-run yo jhispter:entity <entity name> on the entities you modified.
Customising java Entities is usually much simpler and you can easiliy achieve this by merging generated code with git and defining your service classes.
AOP seems overkill here.
Extending a yeoman generator is a lot of work.
I suggest to use some VSC (git, subversion or whatever you like) have a branch dedicated to plain jhipster generated code and another one where you make customization.
Eventually regenerate on jhipster branch and merge back on yours.
You should at least reduce manual intervention.

Hapi Swagger skip certain endpoints

Since the npm module hapi-swagger doesn't support file upload endpoints I need a way to skip certain endpoints in my tests.
I've checked the docs and there's no beforeEach or any way to check which endpoint is which during the test runs.
Currently I've just got my environment set to TEST and have an if in the target handler but that's messy and complicated.
Is there any way to skip endpoints?
I am not quite sure of what you are trying to achieve above. The use of tags can create groups of endpoints. Its often used for pre-release or beta groupings. This maybe of use to you.
The latest version of hapi-swagger now also supports basic file uplaods, so you maybe able skip this issue.
Both tags and file uploads are cover in the project readme and code examples of there use can be found in the project.
