OutputCache exclude Layout in Mvc 4 - layout

Could anyone help figure out how exactly to exclude the Layout from OutputCaching of the whole page.
Currently I am working on an existing project. In the home/index, I am going to use Output Cache but in its index.cshtml there is a Layout="~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml". In this _layout.cshtml, it handles member information. My question is, how to only disable cache of this _layout.cshtml. I have done lots of research about Donut, childaction, ..., but still confused. Please help. Many thanks.

Donut Caching and Donut Hole does similar thing, just try this example http://www.dotnet-tricks.com/Tutorial/mvc/ODJa210113-Donut-Caching-and-Donut-Hole-Caching-with-Asp.Net-MVC-4.html


Typo3 missing all the styles(css/js) after upgraded from 6.2.X to the 7.6.10

I just upgraded the Typo3 from 6.2.26 to 7.6.10, but the styles at the front page are all missing. Just the content and data from the DB shown on it. I guess maybe it was the loss of.
So, if there somebody met this question too, share your ideas with me. Looking for your advice, many thanks.
First you should check if your JS/CSS files are present in the source code of your page. If they are, there are two possibilities, imo:
your html is cached but the cache files were deleted/moved. Solution: clean your cache (the best is to clean it from the install tool -> "Important actions")
Your baseURL/absRefPrefix is broken. I would advice to use config.absRefPrefix instead of baseURL (https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Setup/Config/Index.html)

Starting on AutoMapper

I found Automapper quite interesting from the concept. I however am trying to burn (or heat up) my fingers on it. Can somebody help me to start on this? I am yet to understand where from I can start for this. I shall like to write some code from scratch (and not use a sample of others) and then do it. A step by step hand-holding will be the most welcome help.
As Darin said, the first place to go is the home page of AutoMapper and the documentation. If you need something like a How To, I would suggest you this article: http://jasona.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/getting-started-with-automapper/ and here is an example how to map view models in ASp.Net MVC -> http://www.bengtbe.com/blog/post/2009/04/14/Using-AutoMapper-to-map-view-models-in-ASPNET-MVC.aspx
Hope that helps you a little bit ;-9

How to insert a widget inside forum inself in vbulletin?

You know, the publishing suite offers other content than forum. for example blogs and also some custom content
i know how to add articles/widgets to the page itself, but how do i add such a thing into a forum secion?
for example, on the left column i would have forums and on the right column i would have some news reader widget
could someone help?
Maybe it is enough for you to enable the "forum sidebar" in the admincp.
admincp->Settings->Options->Forum Sidebar and Block Options->Enable Forum Sidebar=YES.
Now you can add custom blocks with HTML and PHP.
For vBulletin 3.x, the solution is to edit the appropriate templates (FORUMDISPLAY, SHOWTHREAD, etc). I can't be much more specific than that, I'm afraid, since the exact details will vary depending on what kind of modifications you've already made to your templates and the exact details of the widgets you wish to insert.

FlashChartHelper for OpenFlashChart2 in CakePHP: blank charts

So I have recently started playing with Ubuntu, PHP, and CakePHP and have been pretty happy with the LAMP stack. Except now I'm trying to build a simple web page that can display collected data in a graph. Apparently OpenFlashChart2 with the FlashChartHelper plugin is pretty good, but I cannot get it to actually display a graph. I got the "hello world" sample described in the OpenFlashChart2 documentation to work, but when I try the FlashChartHelper samples I just get a blank spot where my graph is supposed to be. There is no error message, just... nothing. I verified that all the files are installed as listed on the page, and I made sure to define $helpers in my controller
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Flash','FlashChart');
Could it be a pathing issue? My webroot is /var/www/, but I unzipped cake into /var/www/www2/ . The rest of my site, including entering data, works just fine.
Has anyone else seen this before? What did you do to resolve the issue? Failing that, can you recommend another graphing library? Specifically, I need to render a scatter graph. I have a collection of data points that are collected at irregular intervals. Either suggestions on fixing FlashChartHelper or another library would be appreciated
I would perhaps take a look at this resource:
It seems to have everything you need?

How to handle alternative themes for visual impaired users

Has anyone got an thoughts on how to handle theming a WSS site for a single user who is visually impaired ... she uses high contrast settings for Word, etc.
But still leave the usual theme for everyone else
That second link on choppen's answer is one of the craziest/most clever workarounds I've ever seen haha.
By all means if you don't have much programming knowledge, use that idea.
Onto coding, you have different ways to achieve that, but without going into features and overriding sharepoint's render engine / site definitions, HttpModules and MasterPages sound more reasonable for this, MasterPages are even easier.
Have your code hooked in the Page_Load of the MasterPage and check if the SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName is your user and then append to the head object a secondary theme link: <link href="/highcontrast.css" etc />
Remember if you put .NET code in the MasterPage you need to allow it on the web.config with the PageParsePaths. With a HttpModule override the Page_PreInit event in the Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute and you should be good.
These posts may give you some ideas:
If the layout is done through css create a custom stylesheet for her and configure her browser to use that sheet for the specific sharepoint site. The following link may help.
