Starting on AutoMapper - automapper

I found Automapper quite interesting from the concept. I however am trying to burn (or heat up) my fingers on it. Can somebody help me to start on this? I am yet to understand where from I can start for this. I shall like to write some code from scratch (and not use a sample of others) and then do it. A step by step hand-holding will be the most welcome help.

As Darin said, the first place to go is the home page of AutoMapper and the documentation. If you need something like a How To, I would suggest you this article: and here is an example how to map view models in ASp.Net MVC ->
Hope that helps you a little bit ;-9


Has someone already used the XsdTypeImporterTask from XsdBuildTask.dll in MSBuild?

I used to convert XSD files to CS files using the XSD.exe program.
I made a custom MSBuild Task to do that and it works quite well.
Now, I try to find an MSBuild Task to do it because I don't want to maintain my custom task anymore.
I found the XsdTypeImporterTask from the assembly XsdBuildTask.dll which seems to do that, according to the MSDN documentation.
However, that documentation is really poor and I didn't succeed to make it work, not even to import it in MSBuild :'(
I tried to Google and to StackOverflow this but didn't find anything about that.
Does someone on Earth use this Task?
Can someone help me using this Task?
Thanks a lot!
Well, after succeeding to use it, I can say that someone used it: me.
This page helped me understand how to use it.
It works very well!

Make Spheres on a Canvas3D 'clickable'

I've got a Canvas3D which holds a couple Spheres. Is there a way to detect when the user clicks on a sphere?
In Java3D this is known as "Picking" you should read the section on the Java3D API Tutorial if you haven't already. Here is the section on Interacting with objects, you're looking for page 35 by the way:
Heres the entire tutorial:
Hopefully this answer didn't come too late! I just started Java3D myself, hope this helped!

WEPopOver and MonoTouch (MonoDevelop)

I have been trying to develop in MonoDevelop for about a week now, my boss asked me to get WEPopOver working on a particular project. I have seen the github documentation and looked at examples, but can't seem to get a working model for MonoDevelop.
Can ANYONE give me an example of how to use this WEPopOver in MonoDevelop?
thank you in advance!
Did you see/try the sample solution that comes with the bindings ?
If so then you'll need to be more explicit (edit your question) about what you want to do with it.

how to use mjsip with j2me

I want to make voip applicaton in j2me.I surfed about mjsip2ME. I want to use mjsip with my application. Can any one suggest me for how to do this ?
There's a tutorial, but it is kinda incomplete at the moment, as it does not contain source code, and some sections are labeled "TO DO". However, it contains the list of methodw, with descriptions and a quick, general help.
There's also some info on the web not on the official site, but I hope you're not afraid of chinese :/

Form validation in addition to YUI

I'm in the process of adding some much needed client side form validation to a website I'm working on. We're currently using YUI. YUI doesn't have any form validation built in as I can see(prove me wrong).
I googled it
It's not important that it's a YUI-extension as long as it plays along with YUI in a civilized manner.
What should I go for? Anyone out there with experience and an opinion?
There's a module in the gallery:
I haven't used it, but it looks pretty good to me.
Looks like we'll go for
Lightweight and standalone. Will not interfere with YUI.
