Azure Wrong URL - azure

I have set up a website in azure that was working fine at
but now it seems to load the wrong website. it is instead leading me to which of course is a different website but loads the correct URL
Does anyone who is savvy with azure know whats going on?

Here are some options for you.
Turn off one site and try accessing the other one. And then try it the other way around.
Delete one site or both sites and recreate them and redeploy your code.
Contact Azure support:


Website hosting service problem with loading

I have a website that I have hosted for a while now... It seemed to work fine, but now it just shows a blank page when I visit it.
Could this be a hosting error? If not what else?
Your question really needs more details for anyone to be able to give you any help.
I this page just a static HTML file, or is it a database-driven site (WordPress or Drupal for example).
Have you checked the error logs for your hosting provider and have you tried contacting your hosting provider to see what they say. website developed using kentico cms causing "www" prefix issue

We are facing a weird issue specific only on one website even though we are hosting more than 150 websites on same server using Kentico CMS 11.
We have turned on "www" prefix settings from Kentico -> Urls & SEO for all the websites and all these sites are working without any issue.
But there is a specific website on which all the requests are getting redirected to home page if try to access with "www" prefix.
I have tried checking at code level and could not find any issue. If it would be code issue then it should appear for other websites as well.
We are using Azure app service for hosting our application so I have checked in application insight as well and could not get any lead as all the request which are logged for this specific websites are of home page.
Please help me in understanding if I need to see through this issue at some other place. I have checked with Client's IS team and they could not find any DNS settings difference when compared to other websites which are working fine.
Please check the web.config file of this site. It may contain a wrong URL redirect associated with "www" so that probably this redirect just cuts all the path from URL.

not able to access mywebsite in webbrowser

my website opens with IP address till friday it was working fine..after wards not able view the site in webbrowser...what could be the problem ? how can we solve it?
My server with this IP is working and can able to view the updated data in database ..but not able to view, or open the page of website.before the website under IIS configuration was stooped and now started again..still no couldnt view Login page at all.My application was developed in classic asp long back.Kindly give me any suggestion to this...its very urgent...
I tried browsing the website in IIS manger(server) .It showing page cannot be displayed.
Thanks in advance.
First, Don't Panic. Staying calm can avoid further damage.
While it's hard to tell what could be the problem, the first thing you can do is to "ping" the domain from terminal.Can you login remotely? "wget" (on linux) will download the files from website, and could help you see if the files on the site are still accessible. Check from different browsers or machines, if possible. I'm no expert in asp or IIS, so won't advice on that front. But once I had faced the same situation with my website. So I just called up the hosting service provider, and it turned out it was their problem, and they brought the server online. If it's okay from their end, you might have changed some configurations in your server or application or there might be some up-gradation changing parameters, or even an accidental deletion/ moving/ renaming of files. Just try to remember what are the things you did with your server and application, before it went down, and also ask your server administrator. That will surely help you understand the problem better, if not help to solve it right away.
Good Luck.

Azure based Umbraco site - when logging in, I get logged back out immediately

I have recently installed a website project on Azure and that was relatively easy to do thanks to great docs online. We are having a problem with the back office (admin) login though, it's a bit strange, as it didn't happen straight away, I shall elaborate....
When I go to it takes me to the login page, which seems fine.
(The url at this point becomes
I then login, which works and it starts to display the admin panels but then bounces back to the login and the URL becomes
I am running this on Azure using the Accelerator, latest version of Umbraco and using SQL CE 4.0 rather than SQL Server.
has anyone seen this before?
Please let me know if you need more information, I shall respond :-)
Thanks in advance
It sounds like it may be a Session error. This is a problem for Azure and Umbraco because Azure uses round robin load balancing.
The normal way of setting up an Umbraco site using the accelerator would be to have a separate session DB where the shared session state is stored.
Make sure you are using this accelerator for Umbraco on Azure as it's the latest and best.
We have several large production sites using this and I can confirm they all work fine (including the backend editing environment).
Things to watch out for are that you need to follow the instructions closely as they are easy to get wrong :-)
Make sure you don't have dashes in your db names as this makes things go wrong as well.
Finally if you are using more than one web role the Umbraco preview can sometimes yellow screen, as the preview XML may not be on the server that gets to the preview request. This is again because of the round robin load balancing.

IIS Issue? Site not coming up all of a sudden

So I have a site setup on a server. It has been working for ever. All of a sudden it stops working. I tried going to it even by IP. It just says, "Under Construction..
Under Construction
The site you are trying to view does not currently have a default page. It may be in the process of being upgraded and configured..."
I check to make sure it was pointing at the right virtual dir and that the default page was set in the documents list. The default page does exist in the dir too....
Nothing has been changed via code. Nothing has been altered on the server. I have a bunch of other sites running on the same server and they are all coming up. Just wondering if there was something that may have happened or overlooked. Any thoughts or ideas?
Thanks a million.
Double check your bindings are set correctly. Perhaps a new site was created which conflicts with the bindings of your site?
Make sure .net is set to the right version. I've seen where pages are not served up when the web is set to 1.1 on a 2.0 site.
Also does the site work locally on the box? Have you ruled out firewall issues / changes or other network related elements.
It sounds like your request is being handled by another IIS site. Make sure that the host header is set correctly.
With your comment, the "Bad Request" error means that the default web site was handling the request. There are a couple of things you can check:
If this is not the site that you expected to serve your app, then you still have a website identity issue.
If your app is hosted on the default web site, then make sure that the default document is set correctly.
Also make sure that you don't have a file named "app_offline.htm" in your app's root.
Well we rebooted the server and now it works again. I guess I should have tried that in the first place. It was just odd that all the otehr sites were working. Anyway thanks for suggestions everyone.
