Hide a function parameter in Haskell? - haskell

I need to backup some data to access it later.
At the interface level, I have two functions:
put: backs up data and returns a backup_Id.
get: retrieves data given a backup_Id.
My current code requires me to supply these two functions with the backup parameter.
import Data.Maybe
data Data = Data String deriving Show
type Backup = [(String,Data)]
put :: Backup -> String -> IO Backup
put boilerPlate a =
do let id = "id" ++ show(length (boilerPlate))
putStrLn $ id ++": " ++ a
return ((id,(Data a)):boilerPlate)
get :: Backup -> String -> Maybe Data
get boilerPlate id = lookup id (boilerPlate)
It works OK.
In the following sample, two values are backed up. The second one is retrieved.
main :: IO ()
main = do
let bp0 = []
bp1 <- put bp0 "a"
bp2 <- put bp1 "b"
let result = get bp2 "id1"
putStrLn $ "Looking for id1: " ++ show (fromJust(result))
But I need to simplify the signatures of put and get by getting rid of all the backup parameters.
I need something that looks like this:
main = do
put "a"
put "b"
let result = get "id1"
What is the simplest way to achieve this?

Here's an example using StateT. Note that the function names are changed because State and StateT already have get and put functions.
module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
data Data = Data String deriving Show
type Backup = [(String,Data)]
save :: String -> StateT Backup IO ()
save a = do
backup <- get
let id = "id" ++ ((show . length) backup)
liftIO $ putStrLn $ id ++ ": " ++ a
put ((id, Data a):backup)
retrieve :: String -> StateT Backup IO (Maybe Data)
retrieve id = do
backup <- get
return $ lookup id backup
run :: IO (Maybe Data)
run = flip evalStateT [] $ do
save "a"
save "b"
retrieve "id1"
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- run
print result
The State monad threads a 'mutable' value through a computation. StateT combines State with other monads; in this case, allowing the use of IO.
As dfeuer mentioned, it is possible to make save and retrieve a bit more general with these types:
save :: (MonadState Backup m, MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
retrieve :: (MonadState Backup m, MonadIO m) => String -> m (Maybe Data)
(This also requires {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}) The advantage of this approach is that it allows our functions to work with any monad that provides the Backup state and IO. In particular, we can add effects to the monad and the functions will still work.
All this monad / monad transformer stuff can be pretty confusing at first, but it's actually pretty elegant once you get used to it. The advantage is that you can easily see what kind of effects are required in each function. That being said, I don't want you to think that there are things that Haskell can't do, so here's another way to achieve your goal which does away with the state monad in favor of a mutable reference.
module Main where
import Data.IORef
data Data = Data String deriving Show
type Backup = [(String,Data)]
mkSave :: IORef Backup -> String -> IO ()
mkSave r a = do
backup <- readIORef r
let id = "id" ++ ((show . length) backup)
putStrLn $ id ++ ": " ++ a
writeIORef r ((id, Data a):backup)
mkRetrieve :: IORef Backup -> String -> IO (Maybe Data)
mkRetrieve r id = do
backup <- readIORef r
return $ lookup id backup
main :: IO ()
main = do
ref <- newIORef []
let save = mkSave ref
retrieve = mkRetrieve ref
save "a"
save "b"
result <- retrieve "id0"
print result
Just be warned that this isn't usually the recommended approach.


QuickCheck sequential Map key generation

I am trying to test a logic of custom data type. It receives a Map Int String as a parameter and then I need to add an element into the Map inside the object.
Type declaration and insertion function look like this:
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Control.Monad.State
import System.Random
type StrMap = M.IntMap String
type MType = State StdGen
data MyType = MyType {
uuid :: UUID,
strs :: StrMap
} deriving (Show)
create :: StrMap -> MType MyType
create pm = do
state <- get
let (uuid, newState) = random state
put newState
return $ MyType uuid pm
strsSize :: MyType -> Int
strsSize e = M.size $ strs e
addStr :: MyType -> String -> MyType
addStr e p = e { strs = M.insert (strsSize e) p $ strs e }
It is important to have sequential keys in the Map, so having [0, 1, 3] is not acceptable.
I was trying to test it using HSpec with QuickCheck:
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Creation and update" $ do
QuickCheck.prop "Check map addition" $ do
\xs str -> monadicIO $ do
state <- run(getStdGen)
let (result, newState) = runState (create xs) state
run(setStdGen newState)
let result' = addStr result str
assert $ (strsSize result) + 1 == strsSize result' -- fails here
The problem is that QuickCheck generates random keys and I am not sure how do I force it to generate a sequential keys for the Map. The problem with absense of the sequense is that function addStr may override values in case of repetetive keys, which is not desirable behavior.
Thanks for all the help! After a long discussion and some kind of a thinking I ended up with the following solution:
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Creation and update" $ do
QuickCheck.prop "Check map addition" $ do
\xs str -> not (null xs) Property.==> monadicIO $ do
state <- run(getStdGen)
let mp = M.fromList $ zip [0..(length xs)] xs
let (result, newState) = runState (create mp) state
run(setStdGen newState)
let result' = addStr result str
assert $ (strsSize result) + 1 == strsSize result'
Basically, I had to generate some random set of strings and them convert in into a map manually. It is probably not the most elegant solution, but it works as needed.
Instead of using QuickCheck to generate arbitrary data that satisfies some complex invariant, which can be difficult, you can use QuickCheck to generate fully arbitrary data from which you can then construct data that satisfies the invariant (by some method external to the system being tested which you trust to be correct).
The invariant in this case is given as "keys must be contiguous", but is actually "keys must be contiguous and start from 0". This is sufficient, but more than necessary. The minimal invariant required by addStr is "the map must not contain a key that is the size of the map", since that is the key we intend to insert. By simplifying the constraint, we also make it easier to satisfy: we can generate an arbitrary map (which may contain the bad key) and then delete the bad key, giving a satisfactory map.
I'll also note that the UUID (and thus the mechanism for generating it, which requires State and perhaps IO) is irrelevant to the property being tested. This means we can construct the MyType with any UUID we have lying around (like the nil UUID provided by the package) and avoid the monadic stuff:
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Creation and update" $ do
QuickCheck.prop "Check map addition" $ do
\strmap -> -- we don't actually care what the String being inserted is for this test
let myType = MyType UUID.nil (M.delete (M.size strmap) strmap) -- Enforce the invariant
in assert $ strsSize (addStr myType "") = strsSize myType + 1
If you wanted to, you could also make an instance of Arbitrary for MyType that does something like this, or something that satisfies the stronger invariant (which may be required for other tests). I'll leave that as an exercise for you, but feel free to ask more questions if you get stuck trying it.

Haskell UUID generation

I am new to Haskell and need help. I am trying to build a new data type that has to be somehow unique, so I decided to use UUID as a unique identifier:
data MyType = MyType {
uuid :: UUID,
elements :: AnotherType
in this way, I can do following:
instance Eq MyType where
x == y = uuid x == uuid y
x /= y = not (x == y)
The problem is that all known (to me) UUID generators produce IO UUID, but I need to use it in a pure code as mentioned above. Could you please suggest if there is any way to extract UUID out of IO UUID, or maybe be there is a better way to do what I need in Haskell? Thanks.
Thanks for all the great suggestions and the code example. From what is posted here I can say you cannot break a referential transparency, but there are smart ways how to solve the problem without breaking it and, probably the most optimal one, is listed in the answer below.
There is also one alternative approach that I was able to explore myself based on provided recommendations with the usage of State Monad:
type M = State StdGen
type AnotherType = String
data MyType = MyType {
uuid :: UUID,
elements :: AnotherType
} deriving (Show)
mytype :: AnotherType -> M MyType
mytype x = do
gen <- get
let (val, gen') = random gen
put gen'
return $ MyType val x
main :: IO ()
main = do
state <- getStdGen
let (result, newState) = runState (mytype "Foo") state
putStrLn $ show result
let (result', newState') = runState (mytype "Bar") newState
setStdGen newState'
putStrLn $ show result'
Not sure if it is the most elegant implementation, but it works.
If you're looking at the functions in the uuid package, then UUID has a Random instance. This means that it's possible to generate a sequence of random UUIDs in pure code using standard functions from System.Random using a seed:
import System.Random
import Data.UUID
someUUIDs :: [UUID]
someUUIDs =
let seed = 123
g0 = mkStdGen seed -- RNG from seed
(u1, g1) = random g0
(u2, g2) = random g1
(u3, g3) = random g2
in [u1,u2,u3]
Note that someUUIDs creates the same three "unique" UUIDs every time it's called because the seed is hard-coded.
As with all pure Haskell code, unless you cheat (using unsafe functions), you can't expect to generate a sequence of actually unique UUIDs without explicitly passing some state (in this case, a StdGen RNG) between calls to random.
The usual solution to avoid the ugly boilerplate of passing the generator around is to run at least part of your code within a monad that can maintain the needed state. Some people like to use the MonadRandom package, though you can also use the regular State monad with a StdGen somewhere in the state. The main advantages of MonadRandom over State is that you get some dedicated syntax (getRandom) and can create a monad stack that includes both RandomT and StateT so you can separate your RNG state from the rest of your application state.
Using MonadRandom, you might write an application like:
import Control.Monad.Random.Strict
import System.Random
import Data.UUID
-- monad for the application
type M = Rand StdGen
-- get a generator and run the application in "M"
main :: IO ()
main = do
g <- getStdGen -- get a timestamp-seeded generator
let log = evalRand app g -- run the (pure) application in the monad
putStr log
-- the "pure" application, running in monad "M"
app :: M String
app = do
foo <- myType "foo"
bar <- myType "bar"
-- do some processing
return $ unlines ["Results:", show foo, show bar]
type AnotherType = String
data MyType = MyType {
uuid :: UUID,
elements :: AnotherType
} deriving (Show)
-- smart constructor for MyType with unique UUID
myType :: AnotherType -> M MyType
myType x = MyType <$> getRandom <*> pure x
Note that substantial parts of the application will need to be written in monadic syntax and run in the application M monad. This isn't a big restriction -- most non-trivial applications are going to be written in some monad.

Refactoring Haskell when adding IO

I have a concern regarding how far the introduction of IO trickles through a program. Say a function deep within my program is altered to include some IO; how do I isolate this change to not have to also change every function in the path to IO as well?
For instance, in a simplified example:
a :: String -> String
a s = (b s) ++ "!"
b :: String -> String
b s = '!':(fetch s)
fetch :: String -> String
fetch s = reverse s
main = putStrLn $ a "hello"
(fetch here could more realistically be reading a value from a static Map to give as its result)
But say if due to some business logic change, I needed to lookup the value returned by fetch in some database (which I can exemplify here with a call to getLine):
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
So my question is, how to prevent having to rewrite every function call in this chain?
a :: String -> IO String
a s = fmap (\x -> x ++ "!") (b s)
b :: String -> IO String
b s = fmap (\x -> '!':x) (fetch s)
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
main = a "hello" >>= putStrLn
I can see that refactoring this would be much simpler if the functions themselves did not depend on each other. That is fine for a simple example:
a :: String -> String
a s = s ++ "!"
b :: String -> String
b s = '!':s
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
doit :: String -> IO String
doit s = fmap (a . b) (fetch s)
main = doit "hello" >>= putStrLn
but I don't know if that is necessarily practical in more complicated programs.
The only way I've found thus far to really isolate an IO addition like this is to use unsafePerformIO, but, by its very name, I don't want to do that if I can help it. Is there some other way to isolate this change? If the refactoring is substantial, I would start to feel inclined to avoid having to do it (especially under deadlines, etc).
Thanks for any advice!
Here are a few methods I use.
Reduce dependencies on effects by inverting control. (One of the methods you described in your question.) That is, execute the effects outside and pass the results (or functions with those results partially applied) into pure code. Instead of having main → a → b → fetch, have main → fetch and then main → a → b:
a :: String -> String
a f = b f ++ "!"
b :: String -> String
b f = '!' : f
fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
main = do
f <- fetch "hello"
putStrLn $ a f
For more complex cases of this, where you need to thread an argument to do this sort of “dependency injection” through many levels, Reader/ReaderT lets you abstract over the boilerplate.
Write pure code that you expect might need effects in monadic style from the start. (Polymorphic over the choice of monad.) Then if you do eventually need effects in that code, you don’t need to change the implementation, only the signature.
a :: (Monad m) => String -> m String
a s = (++ "!") <$> b s
b :: (Monad m) => String -> m String
b s = ('!' :) <$> fetch s
fetch :: (Monad m) => String -> m String
fetch s = pure (reverse s)
Since this code works for any m with a Monad instance (or in fact just Applicative), you can run it directly in IO, or purely with the “dummy” monad Identity:
main = putStrLn =<< a "hello"
main = putStrLn $ runIdentity $ a "hello"
Then as you need more effects, you can use “mtl style” (as #dfeuer’s answer describes) to enable effects on an as-needed basis, or if you’re using the same monad stack everywhere, just replace m with that concrete type, e.g.:
newtype Fetch a = Fetch { unFetch :: IO a }
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
a :: String -> Fetch String
a s = pure (b s ++ "!")
b :: String -> Fetch String
b s = ('!' :) <$> fetch s
fetch :: String -> Fetch String
fetch s = do
x <- liftIO getLine
return $ s ++ x
main = putStrLn =<< unFetch (a "hello")
The advantage of mtl style is that you can have multiple different implementations of your effects. That makes things like testing & mocking easy, since you can reuse the logic but run it with different “handlers” for production & testing. In fact, you can get even more flexibility (at the cost of some runtime performance) using an algebraic effects library such as freer-effects, which not only lets the caller change how each effect is handled, but also the order in which they’re handled.
Roll up your sleeves and do the refactoring. The compiler will tell you everywhere that needs to be updated anyway. After enough times doing this, you’ll naturally end up recognising when you’re writing code that will require this refactoring later, so you’ll consider effects from the beginning and not run into the problem.
You’re quite right to doubt unsafePerformIO! It’s not just unsafe because it breaks referential transparency, it’s unsafe because it can break type, memory, and concurrency safety as well—you can use it to coerce any type to any other, cause a segfault, or cause deadlocks and concurrency errors that would ordinarily be impossible. You’re telling the compiler that some code is pure, so it’s going to assume it can do all the transformations it does with pure code—such as duplicating, reordering, or even dropping it, which may completely change the correctness and performance of your code.
The main legitimate use cases for unsafePerformIO are things like using the FFI to wrap foreign code (that you know is pure), or doing GHC-specific performance hacks; stay away from it otherwise, since it’s not meant as an “escape hatch” for ordinary code.
First off, the refactoring doesn't tend to be as bad as you might imagine. Once you make the first change, the type checker will point you to the next few, and so on. But suppose you have a reason to suspect from the start that you might need some extra capability to make a function go. A common way to do this (called mtl-style, after the monad transformer library) is to express your needs in a constraint.
class Monad m => MonadFetch m where
fetch :: String -> m String
a :: MonadFetch m => String -> m String
a s = fmap (\x -> x ++ "!") (b s)
b :: MonadFetch m => String -> m String
b s = fmap (\x -> '!':x) (fetch s)
instance MonadFetch IO where
-- fetch :: String -> IO String
fetch s = do
x <- getLine
return $ s ++ x
instance MonadFetch Identity where
-- fetch :: String -> Identity String
fetch = Identity . reverse
You're no longer tied to a particular monad: you just need one that can fetch. Code operating on an arbitrary MonadFetch instance is pure, except that it can fetch.

Distributed Process in monad transformer

Im toying with implementing a gossip based cluster membership backend for the so called cloud-haskell or is it Distributed.Process.. anyway Im trying to get away with handeling state without ioref or MVars and instead using a state transformer and putting the Process monad on the bottom, like so:
type ClusterT = StateT ClusterState
type Cluster a = ClusterT Process a
This works fairly well using Control.Distributed.Process.Lifted (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/distributed-process-lifted) allowing you to do something like this:
mystatefulcomp :: Cluster ()
mystatefulcomp = do
msg <- expect :: Cluster String
old_state <- get
say $ "My old state was " ++ (show old_state)
put $ modifyState curr_state msg
main = do
Right transport <- createTransport '' '3000' (\n -> ('', n) defaultTCPParameters
node <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable
runProcess node (evalStateT mystatefulcomp initialstate)
where initialstate = ClusterState.empty
this works resonably well and allows me to structure my program fairly well, i can keep my state functional and thread it along in the Cluster monad.
This all break tho when i try to use receiveWait and match to receive messages.
lets rewrite statefulcomp to do something else using receiveWait
doSomethingWithString :: String -> Cluster ()
doSomethingWithString str = do
s < get
put $ modifyState s str
mystatefulcomp :: Cluster ()
mystatefulcomp = do
old_state <- get
receiveWait [ match doSomthingWithString ]
new_state <- get
say $ "old state " ++ (show old_state) ++ " new " ++ (show new_state)
This wont work since the match function is of type (a -> Process b) -> Match b but we want it to be of type (a -> Cluster b) -> Match b. And here is where i get out on thin ice. As i understand Control.Distributed.Process.Lifted rexposes Control.Distributed.Process functions lifted into the tansformer stack allowing you to use functions like expect and say but does not rexposes match, matchIf and so on..
Im really struggeling with this trying to find a work around or a way of re implementing match and its friends to the form of MonadProcess m => (a -> m b) -> Match b.
Any insights is apriciated.
So after som fiddeling about I came up with the following
doSomethingWithString :: String -> Cluster ()
doSomethingWithString str = do
s < get
put $ modifyState s str
doSomethingWithInt :: Int -> Cluster ()
mystatefulcomp :: Cluster ()
mystatefulcomp = do
old_state <- get
id =<< receiveWait [ match $ return . doSomethingWithString
, match $ return . doSomethingWithInt ]
new_state <- get
say $ "old state " ++ (show old_state) ++ " new " ++ (show new_state)
This works fairly well but I am still curious about how good of a design this is
As Michael Snoyman points out in a series of blog posts (that's 5 links), wrapping StateT around IO is a bad idea. You just stumbled over one instance where that surfaces.
mystatefulcomp :: Cluster ()
mystatefulcomp = do
old_state <- get
receiveWait [ match doSomethingWithString ]
new_state <- get
The problem is what ends up in new_state if doSomethingWithString throws an error. The old_state? Some intermediate state from doSomethingWithString before the exception? You see, the very fact that we are wondering makes this approach no less bad than just storing the state in an IORef or MVar.
Apart from questionable semantics, this can't even be implemented without distributed-process being rewritten to use MonadBaseControl everywhere. This is exactly why distributed-process-lifted fails to deliver, because it just wraps around the primitives from distributed-process.
So, what I would do here instead is to pass around a data Config = Config { clusterState :: MVar ClusterState } environment (Oh look, Process does that, too!). Possibly with ReaderT which interacts with IO in a sane way, plus you can easily lift any number of nested occurences of Process to ReaderT Config Process yourself.
Repeating the message of Michael's blog posts: StateT isn't bad in general (in a pure transformer stack, that is), just for cases where we wrap IO in some way. I encourage you to read those posts, they were very inspiring for me, so here they are again:

Get value from IO rather than the computation itself

Being quite new to Haskell, I'm currently trying to improve my skills by writing an interpreter for a simple imperative toy language.
One of the expressions in this language is input, which reads a single integer from standard input. However, when I assign the value of this expression to a variable and then use this variable later, it seems ot me that I actually stored the computation of reading a value rather the read value itself. This means that e.g. the statements
x = input;
y = x + x;
will cause the interpreter to invoke the input procedure three times rather than one.
Internally in the evaluator module, I use a Map to store the values of variables. Because I need to deal with IO, this gets wrapped in an IO monad, as immortalized in the following minimal example:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type State = Map.Map String Int
type Op = Int -> Int -> Int
input :: String -> IO State -> IO State
input x state = do line <- getLine
st <- state
return $ Map.insert x (read line) st
get :: String -> IO State -> IO Int
get x state = do st <- state
return $ case Map.lookup x st of
Just i -> i
eval :: String -> Op -> String -> IO State -> IO Int
eval l op r state = do i <- get l state
j <- get r state
return $ op i j
main :: IO ()
main = do let state = return Map.empty
let state' = input "x" state
val <- eval "x" (+) "x" state'
putStrLn . show $ val
The second line in the main function simulates the assignment of x, while the third line simulates the evaluation of the binary + operator.
My question is: How do I get around this, such that the code above only inputs once? I suspect that it is the IO-wrapping that causes the problem, but as we're dealing with IO I see no way out of that..?
Remember that IO State is not an actual state, but instead the specification for an IO machine which eventually produces a State. Let's consider input as an IO-machine transformer
input :: String -> IO State -> IO State
input x state = do line <- getLine
st <- state
return $ Map.insert x (read line) st
Here, provided a machine for producing a state, we create a bigger machine which takes that passed state and adding a read from an input line. Again, to be clear, input name st is an IO-machine which is a slight modification of the IO-machine st.
Let's now examine get
get :: String -> IO State -> IO Int
get x state = do st <- state
return $ case Map.lookup x st of
Just i -> i
Here we have another IO-machine transformer. Given a name and an IO-machine which produces a State, get will produce an IO-machine which returns a number. Note again that get name st is fixed to always use the state produced by the (fixed, input) IO-machine st.
Let's combine these pieces in eval
eval :: String -> Op -> String -> IO State -> IO Int
eval l op r state = do i <- get l state
j <- get r state
return $ op i j
Here we call get l and get r each on the same IO-machine state and thus produce two (completely independent) IO-machines get l state and get r state. We then evaluate their IO effects one after another and return the op-combination of their results.
Let's examine the kinds of IO-machines built in main. In the first line we produce a trivial IO-machine, called state, written return Map.empty. This IO-machine, each time it's run, performs no side effects in order to return a fresh, blank Map.Map.
In the second line, we produce a new kind of IO-machine called state'. This IO-machine is based off of the state IO-machine, but it also requests an input line. Thus, to be clear, each time state' runs, a fresh Map.Map is generated and then an input line is read to read some Int, stored at "x".
It should be clear where this is going, but now when we examine the third line we see that we pass state', the IO-machine, into eval. Previously we stated that eval runs its input IO-machine twice, once for each name, and then combines the results. By this point it should be clear what's happening.
All together, we build a certain kind of machine which draws input and reads it as an integer, assigning it to a name in a blank Map.Map. We then build this IO-machine into a larger one which uses the first IO-machine twice, in two separate invocations, in order to collect data and combine it with an Op.
Finally, we run this eval machine using do notation (the (<-) arrow indicates running the machine). Clearly it should collect two separate lines.
So what do we really want to do? Well, we need to simulate ambient state in the IO monad, not just pass around Map.Maps. This is easy to do by using an IORef.
import Data.IORef
input :: IORef State -> String -> IO ()
input ref name = do
line <- getLine
modifyIORef ref (Map.insert name (read line))
eval :: IORef State -> Op -> String -> String -> IO Int
eval ref op l r = do
stateSnapshot <- readIORef ref
let Just i = Map.lookup l stateSnapshot
Just j = Map.lookup l stateSnapshot
return (op i j)
main = do
st <- newIORef Map.empty -- create a blank state, embedded into IO, not a value
input st "x" -- request input *once*
val <- eval st (+) "x" "x" -- compute the op
putStrLn . show $ val
It's fine to wrap your actions such as getLine in IO, but to me it looks like your problem is that you're trying to pass your state in the IO monad. Instead, I think this is probably time you get introduced to monad transformers and how they'll let you layer the IO and State monads to get the functionality of both in one.
Monad transformers are a pretty complex topic and it'll take a while to get to where you're comfortable with them (I'm still learning new things all the time about them), but they're a very useful tool when you need to layer multiple monads. You'll need the mtl library to follow this example.
First, imports
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.State
Then types
type Op = Int -> Int -> Int
-- Renamed to not conflict with Control.Monad.State.State
type AppState = Map.Map String Int
type Interpreter a = StateT AppState IO a
Here Interpreter is the Monad in which we'll build our interpreter. We also need a way to run the interpreter
-- A utility function for kicking off an interpreter
runInterpreter :: Interpreter a -> IO a
runInterpreter interp = evalStateT interp Map.empty
I figured defaulting to Map.empty was sufficient.
Now, we can build our interpreter actions in our new monad. First we start with input. Instead of returning our new state, we just modify what is current in our map:
input :: String -> Interpreter ()
input x = do
-- IO actions have to be passed to liftIO
line <- liftIO getLine
-- modify is a member of the MonadState typeclass, which StateT implements
modify (Map.insert x (read line))
I had to rename get so that it didn't conflict with get from Control.Monad.State, but it does basically the same thing as before, it just takes our map and looks up that variable in it.
-- Had to rename to not conflict with Control.Monad.State.get
-- Also returns Maybe Int because it's safer
getVar :: String -> Interpreter (Maybe Int)
getVar x = do
-- get is a member of MonadState
vars <- get
return $ Map.lookup x vars
-- or
-- get x = fmap (Map.lookup x) get
Next, eval now just looks up each variable in our map, then uses liftM2 to keep the return value as Maybe Int. I prefer the safety of Maybe, but you can rewrite it if you prefer
eval :: String -> Op -> String -> Interpreter (Maybe Int)
eval l op r = do
i <- getVar l
j <- getVar r
-- liftM2 op :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
return $ liftM2 op i j
Finally, we write our sample program. It stores user input to the variable "x", adds it to itself, and prints out the result.
-- Now we can write our actions in our own monad
program :: Interpreter ()
program = do
input "x"
y <- eval "x" (+) "x"
case y of
Just y' -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "y = " ++ show y'
Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Error!"
-- main is kept very simple
main :: IO ()
main = runInterpreter program
The basic idea is that there is a "base" monad, here IO, and these actions are "lifted" up to the "parent" monad, here StateT AppState. There is a typeclass implementation for the different state operations get, put, and modify in the MonadState typeclass, which StateT implements, and in order to lift IO actions there's a pre-made liftIO function that "lifts" IO actions to the parent monad. Now we don't have to worry about passing around our state explicitly, we can still perform IO, and it has even simplified the code!
I would recommend reading the Real World Haskell chapter on monad transformers to get a better feel for them. There are other useful ones as well, such as ErrorT for handling errors, ReaderT for static configuration, WriterT for aggregating results (usually used for logging), and many others. These can be layered into what is called a transformer stack, and it's not too difficult to make your own either.
Instead of passing an IO State, you can pass State and then use higher-level functions to deal with IO. You can go further and make get and eval free from side-effects:
input :: String -> State -> IO State
input x state = do
line <- getLine
return $ Map.insert x (read line) state
get :: String -> State -> Int
get x state = case Map.lookup x state of
Just i -> i
eval :: String -> Op -> String -> State -> Int
eval l op r state = let i = get l state
j = get r state
in op i j
main :: IO ()
main = do
let state = Map.empty
state' <- input "x" state
let val = eval "x" (+) "x" state'
putStrLn . show $ val
If you're actually building an interpreter, you'll presumably have a list of instructions to execute at some point.
This is my rough translation of your code (although I'm only a beginner myself)
import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert, (!))
import Control.Monad (foldM)
type ValMap = Map String Int
instrRead :: String -> ValMap -> IO ValMap
instrRead varname mem = do
putStr "Enter an int: "
line <- getLine
let intval = (read line)::Int
return $ insert varname intval mem
instrAdd :: String -> String -> String -> ValMap -> IO ValMap
instrAdd varname l r mem = do
return $ insert varname result mem
where result = (mem ! l) + (mem ! r)
apply :: ValMap -> (ValMap -> IO ValMap) -> IO ValMap
apply mem instr = instr mem
main = do
let mem0 = empty
let instructions = [ instrRead "x", instrAdd "y" "x" "x" ]
final <- foldM apply mem0 instructions
print (final ! "y")
putStrLn "done"
The foldM applies a function (apply) to a start value (mem0) and a list (instructions) but does so within a monad.
