"RegisterPlugin" task was not found in CRM 2011 - dynamics-crm-2011

i am trying to deploy the crm project, I am getting following error.
'Error 105 The "RegisterPlugin" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin" directory. <file path\CRM\Microsoft.CrmDeveloperTools.CrmClient.targets 176 4 <path>.CrmPackage'
I have tried the solution https://community.dynamics.com/crm/b/crmbusiness/archive/2014/01/22/crm-2011-error-registering-plugins-and-or-workflows-the-resource-string-errorserializingregfile-for-the-registerplugin-task-cannot-be-found
but no luck. any other clue?
Thank you

That error means you have a MSBuild step to run "RegisterTask" task but that Task wasn't defined in the tasks file (path\CRM\Microsoft.CrmDeveloperTools.CrmClient.targets) (there should be some sort of which references "RegisterPlugin"), OR, the process can't read from that folder (permissions) or the folder doesn't exists.


Sencha Architect - Directory *** does not contain a valid framework

I installed and registered Sencha Architect However, after I created a new classic ExtJs 7.6.0 project, it doesn't initialize Cmd properly, and in the command output I see:
Exception in thread "Thread-15"
com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Directory C:\Users\costa\Documents\Architect\frameworks/ext76/ does not contain a valid framework.
at com.sencha.tools.server.service.tasks.DispatchTask.execute(DispatchTask.java:55)
at com.sencha.tools.server.service.tasks.BaseServiceTask$1.run(BaseServiceTask.java:42)
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$1.run(ThreadUtil.java:65)
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$2.run(ThreadUtil.java:162)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1589)
Caused by: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Directory C:\Users\costa\Documents\Architect\frameworks/ext76/ does not contain a valid framework.
at com.sencha.command.app.AppCommands$InitCommand.validateEnvironment(AppCommands.java:1874)
at com.sencha.command.app.AppCommands$InitCommand.execute(AppCommands.java:1750)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:578)
at com.sencha.util.MethodInvoker$Arguments.invoke(MethodInvoker.java:175)
at com.sencha.cli.Command.dispatch(Command.java:43)
at com.sencha.command.BasePluginCommands$BasePluginCommand.dispatch(BasePluginCommands.java:289)
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(Commands.java:64)
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(Commands.java:64)
at com.sencha.command.Sencha.dispatch(Sencha.java:80)
at com.sencha.cli.AbstractCommand.dispatch(AbstractCommand.java:124)
at com.sencha.tools.server.service.tasks.DispatchTask.execute(DispatchTask.java:52)
... 4 more
The Cmd base directory is set to: C:\Users\costa\bin\Sencha\Cmd which contains the subdirectory
Any idea on how to fix the exception? Time to open a ticket?
Edit: I've got the previous error on Windows 2016. I just gave SA for macosx a try. It has a different problem. I created a blank ExtJs 7.6.0 Modern project. When I save the project in the folder I get (I set the app name to App) :
/Users/costa/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ line 41: cordova: command not found
/Users/costa/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ line 41: phonegap: command not found
[INF] Initializing empty workspace at /Users/costa/Documents/development/javascript/TestAppModern01
[INF] Copying framework to /Users/costa/Documents/development/javascript/TestAppModern01/ext
[INF] Added framework ext to workspace.json
[ERR] The specified string cannot be converted into a valid namespace identifier
Exception in thread "Thread-61" com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Invalid namespace : App
at com.sencha.tools.server.service.tasks.DispatchTask.execute(DispatchTask.java:55)
at com.sencha.tools.server.service.tasks.BaseServiceTask$1.run(BaseServiceTask.java:42)
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$1.run(ThreadUtil.java:65)
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$2.run(ThreadUtil.java:162)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
Caused by: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Invalid namespace : App
at com.sencha.util.NameUtil.stringToNamespace(NameUtil.java:76)
at com.sencha.command.generator.GeneratorCommands$AppCommand.validateAppName(GeneratorCommands.java:680)
at com.sencha.command.generator.GeneratorCommands$AppCommand.execute(GeneratorCommands.java:420)
at com.sencha.command.app.AppCommands$InitCommand.execute(AppCommands.java:1819)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:568)
at com.sencha.util.MethodInvoker$Arguments.invoke(MethodInvoker.java:175)
at com.sencha.cli.Command.dispatch(Command.java:43)
at com.sencha.command.BasePluginCommands$BasePluginCommand.dispatch(BasePluginCommands.java:289)
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(Commands.java:64)
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(Commands.java:64)
at com.sencha.command.Sencha.dispatch(Sencha.java:80)
at com.sencha.cli.AbstractCommand.dispatch(AbstractCommand.java:124)
at com.sencha.tools.server.service.tasks.DispatchTask.execute(DispatchTask.java:52)
... 4 more
An identical error occurs when I save a classic project.
What am I missing? There seems to be something wrong overall with SA 4.3.2, or maybe it's missing something.
Both versions, windows & macosx, don't allow me to set Build Tools to Enabled. I click Save, I come back to the dialog and Build Tools is set to Disabled.
More than that, I downloaded ExtJs 7.6.0 and unzipped in a local folder, then in the above dialog I chose Complete or Custom Path, I entered the folder where I unzipped ExtJs, clicked Save, came back to the dialog and Build Tools is Disabled again.
Thank you
ok, I found a workaround for the first problem I had on windows. I installed Sencha Cmd from the installer - I don't know if that made a difference or not.
After creating the classic app, and saving it in SA, I went to the command line and I ran inside the project folder: C:\Users\costa\bin\Sencha\Cmd\\sencha.exe app init -n App -e ..\..\ext760 --classic
You'd have to adjust the parameters according to your needs. I re-opened the project in SA, and it got its brains back. In my case I used a workspace, and the folder for the workspace was 2 levels up from the project folder. I placed the 7.6.0 ExtJs files in the ext760 directory.
Update: I created a ticket with Sencha and they came back with the fix.
The framework code has been incorrectly installed by SA 4.3.2 in this folder: C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\Architect\frameworks\ext76\\commercial\ext-7.6.0. The solution is to copy the files in this folder one level up, i.e. in C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\Architect\frameworks\ext76\\commercial, and then it's going to work.

java.io.FileNotFoundException: Resource not found: /credentials.json on Java QuickStart for Classroom API

I have implemented the Java QuickStart for the Classroom API and am getting an error message "java.io.FileNotFoundException: Resource not found: /credentials.json" at run-time. I copied my credentials.json file to the Project res directory, but continue to get this error. Any suggestions?
I tried it in a different way than I found on other websites, and it worked for me.
replace below code:
InputStream in = GoogleSheetAPIHandler.class.getClass().getResourceAsStream(CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH);
With this code:
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH);
You need to import credential.json file into the src/main/resources folder in eclipse. You may be included in the project folder. But you need to import it into eclipse.
locate your credentials.json file in the folder.
click and drag it
drop it in src/main/resource and click ok.
After importing into eclipse it should show like the below image.
There are two steps needed to find the resource in Eclipse:
To have the file in the resources folder
Create the resource folder (if it does not exist): src/main/resouces
Add the credential file to the resource folder: src/main/resouces/credential.json
To have the resources folder in the Source Java Build Path
Go to Eclipse Path Source: Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Source (tab)
Add resources folder: Add Folder ... (button) > resources (check box) > OK (button)
The name of your file has to be credentials only, if you have credentials.json as the name of your file in your folder you will get this error.

Veracode through an error - ASPCONFIG: Could not autodiscover 'components.config'

I have a Veracode plugin in my VS 2013 Professional.
I have ucommerce.dll, Sitecore.Kernel and Sitecore.Analytics.dll
I set copy local true for all above dll files.
When i tried to pre-compile all the web project I'm getting a below error message
1>------ Pre-compile started: Project: XXXXX.Web.PQRPorta\ ------
1>Pre-compiling with command similar to the following:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe -p
"C:/XXXXX.Web.PQRPortal" -v "XXXXX.Web.PQRPortal/" -fixednames -f -c
-d "C:/SVN/trunk/Releases/SourceCode/Source/PrecompiledWeb/XXXXX.Web.PQRPortal"
1>error ASPCONFIG: Could not autodiscover 'components.config'. Make
sure it's present in the application folder
'C:\SVN\trunk\Releases\SourceCode\Source\XXXXX.Web.PQRPortal\' or in a
sub folder. Paths ignored
1>XXXXX.Web.PQRPortal\ - 1 error, 0 warnings
Is there any configuration missing?
I found the components.config file inside
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XXXX\Website\sitecore modules\Shell\uCommerce\Configuration
and I added the file inside the web project root directory and tried to precompile web project, now I’m getting different error error
ASPRUNTIME: Type is not resolved for member 'Castle.Windsor.Configuration.Interpreters.ConfigurationProcessingException,Cast‌​le.Windsor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc'.
any solution for it?
The components.config is a file uCommerce need.
The configuration file should be placed somewhere below the uCommerce folder. (not sure where depend on the version) It will automatically be picked up when the application starts up.

VS 2012 Publishing Profiles and Copy Files Using MSBuilld Commands

I've set up asp.net website on Azure with TFS online for source control using VS 2012. I'm trying to copy files using VS 2012 new publishings profiles and MSBuild. Reading this article Visual Studio 2012 Web Deployment Projects are Dead – Long Live Publishing Profiles, in which Doug says you can use build scripts in your publishing profile.
So I setup a test that works in my .csproj on my local build. I'm just simply copying the robots.txt file from the root directory to the css directory. Here is my test. I set my pubxml in the TFS Build Process template under process > 6. Publishing -- Azure Website, Web Deploy Pubish Profile.
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)robots.txt" DestinationFolder="$(ProjectDir)css\" />
I dropped this Code into my my pubxml file and I get a big nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible to copy files afterbuild on Azure?
Additional Information
The log file contains these lines so I'm sure the publishing profile is running.
Creating directory "C:\a\src\...\css".
Copying file from "C:\a\src\...\robots.txt" to "C:\a\src\...\css\robots.txt".
Here are the build steps that Azure's default build template uses:
So it looks like Azure packages all the files up during the "31. CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeploy" step. It would appear that running copy during the AfterBuild step is to late. I moved the Copy command to the target "BeforeBuild" but the files are still not ending up in the CopyAllFilesToOneFolderForMsdeploy step.
Thanks to Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi for his article How to compress CSS/JavaScript before publish/package for helping me solve this.
It's possible to copy directly Package Temp Directory. I ended up adding this target to my publishing profile (pubxml) file. After the "CopyAllFilesTOSingleFolderForMsdeploy" step finishes this step will run which will copy a file from one part of the solution into the destinationfolder you specify.
<Target Name="AdditionalFilesForPackage" AfterTargets="CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeploy">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)robots.txt" DestinationFolder="$(_PackageTempDir)\css\" />

Cruisecontrol.net with UCM Clearcase - How to?

I am trying to configure Cruisecontrol.net for UCM Clearcase for the first time. Following is the sourceControl tag in the ccnet.config file:
<sourcecontrol type="clearCase">
I constantly receive the following error:
ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control
operation failed: cleartool: Error: Not an object in a vob: "PATH TO
When I run cleartool from an arbitrary directory with the following parameters:
cleartool.exe lshist -r -nco -branch "123_India_Release" -since
05-Dec-2012.14:38:18 -fmt
I get the same error. But if I change the working directory to $(ViewDirectory) before running cleartool, it runs fine.
How should I make Cruisecontrol.net run cleartool.exe from the $(ViewDirectory)?
I have already tried adding <workingDirectory>$(ViewDirectory)</workingDirectory> tag before <executable>cleartool.exe</executable> but it did not work.
Any help would be appreciated.
As a workaround I have done the following:
<buildArgs>update -force</buildArgs>
I have added this to the tasks tag. I have configured an hourly trigger which does the following:
1) Update snapshot view
2) Build the VS 2010 solutions mentioned in the tasks tag.
The limitations are:
1) The trigger is hourly. I want it to be a commit based trigger.
2) This is a workaround
Further experimentation revealed that the ccnet.exe works fine. It does all that is needed. The issue is caused by the service ccservice.
I have stopped ccservice for now and started ccnet.exe. I plan to leave it running.
The View directory isn't enough: you must specify a vob.
See for instance:
"clearfsimport: Error: Not an object in a vob: "\"." (as an illustratio of that error message)
this thread (or this one): "You have to specify explicitly the VOB(s) to check for modification set"
The path should looks like:
If your $(ViewDirectory) already references Drive:\path\to\view, then you could use:
