no original function chain to wrap - node.js

What does this error mean?
I ran basic loopback application with apic loopback emptyapp
Then I added babel to use es6 and I get this error just before server listening at
Any advice on the error would be helpful

Yay hat the same Problem. Seems no original function chain to wrap has no real impact but get rid of the message by updating my modules


visual studio code - debugging with inspector protocol

I have been using VS code for a bit and suddenly, today, it starter to behave strangely when I debug...
in the debug condole it says
Debugging with inspector protocol because Node.js v8.9.1 was detected.
node --inspect-brk=3193 app.js
Debugger listening on ws://
and is keep stopping and looping on a specific function without me having put any breakpoint:
function createScript(code, options) {
return new Script(code, options);
I don't know if I have deleted or modified by mistake anything.....
interesting enough if I run the code in the console, it runs without trowing errors... while with the debug it seems I cannot finish the debugging (keep looping)...
I noticed in the debug console the message above.... not sure if that is normal....
any suggestion???
thanks all
Msg told you two things
First one is informational, tells you what protocol it's going with. Inspector is the latest and default protocol.
Second one looping on createScript is a problem. Is it from your own file or a package file?

How to debug mystery ENOTFOUND?

I am getting random restarts on a PM2 managed nodejs cluster. The only symptom I get on the error log is of the following pattern - an ENOTFOUND on dns.js.
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND walkinto.inhttp walkinto.inhttp:80
at errnoException (dns.js:28:10)
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:76:26)
Clearly the problem is a malformed server name - walkinto.inhttp is incorrect and it should be . The challenge is that this is not a host name hard coded in the code. There are many places in this fairly large code base that makes name resolution and it is of dynamic nature.
I have spent considerable time to pinpoint the root cause but so far have had no luck. I need help to print more log information from dns.js; probably a call stack 'may' would help to move forward.
Q1 : How to enable more detailed logging on nodejs core modules?
Q2 : What could cause a nodejs restart to happen for an ENOTFOUND? How to avoid a restart - This path is not desirable.
Q3: Are there any other smarter way to trouble shoot this problem?
Since there's no way for us to help you solve the issue without some code to go on, I'll answer your questions:
How to enable more detailed logging on nodejs core modules?
Run node with the inspect option and attach to the debugger with Chrome DevTools or another application. See these links:
What could cause a nodejs restart to happen for an ENOTFOUND? How to avoid a restart - This path is not desirable.
The Node runtime isn't restarting. The error you're seeing is generated from something similar to throw new Error(`getaddrinfo ${err}`), and any uncaught error from throw will crash the runtime.
The restart is happening because you run the app via PM2, and can be disabled by passing the --no-autorestart option to PM2. If you want to avoid the application from crashing, you should wrap whatever code that this could be generated from in a try/catch-block, and try to recover from the error.
Are there any other smarter way to trouble shoot this problem?
This is most likely not an issue with the dns stdlib module. If I understand correctly, you are performing name resolutions on dynamically generated data, and that is most likely your issue. Somewhere in the code you have one or more functions that are either not validating the generated data or are generating invalid data due to a bug. We can't help you solve that unfortunately, since you haven't provided any code to go on. Would be great if you could try to pinpoint what code might cause this and update the question with it.
I was getting this error in my request that was something like this:
var optionsSearch = {
host: '',
path: '_api/search/query?querytext="sharepoint"',
method: 'GET'
All did was removing the https:// leaving only and it was fixed.

NodeJS process 'uncaughtException' not working in some circumstances

I have a nodeJS project works fine in my local when using
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
console.log('*********some code*************');
This snippet of code gets called when any sync or any async Error happens.
But when I put my project to two the other Linux hosts:
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS,
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
One works fine, but the other never gets called when Error happens and project shutdown directly.
Any suggestions?
I would refer you to the Node.js documentation about using the uncaughtException event correctly.
The most important part is: "It is not safe to resume normal operation after 'uncaughtException'." The code sample you have here shows that you are logging something, but not exiting the process.
It is possible that on your other system that the process is dying due to the exception, perhaps because of a native module that is having a segmentation fault or other process-ending crash.
Consider catching your exceptions at the points where they occur, and using uncaughtException as an event of last resort for logging fatal errors, while handing off to process.exit(1) to end the process with an error code.

nodejs server gives bad request(400) errors. Why ?

I am using nodejs(0.12) and express (3.1.0).
My server keeps on running perfectly for some times but after some times, it start giving 400 (bad requests) and keep it giving 400 for next all requests
message: "Error: Bad Request
at SendStream.error (/var/www/storehippo/node_modules/express/node_modules/send/lib/send.js:145:16)
at SendStream.pipe (/var/www/storehippo/node_modules/express/node_modules/send/lib/send.js:298:31)
at Object.static (/var/www/storehippo/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/static.js:83:8)
at Object.handle (eval at eval at wrapHandle (/var/www/storehippo/node_modules/newrelic/lib/instrumentation/connect.js:1:0))
at /var/www/storehippo/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:199:15
at /var/www/storehippo/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:157:28
at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/storehippo/dist/dist_17-09-2016_10:20:03/app/index.js:252:5)
at Object.handle (eval at eval at wrapHandle (/var/www/storehippo/node_modules/newrelic/lib/instrumentation/connect.js:1:0))
at /var/www/storehippo/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:199:15
at /var/www/storehippo/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:157:28"
For fixing it, I have to restart my server and not able to find root cause of it.
How to find root cause and resolve it ?
First, you are using Node 0.12 - currently the LTS version (recommended for all uses) is 4.5.0 and the Current version is 6.6.0 (6.x will become LTS next month). You may consider upgrading Node because you are using a very outdated version. The maintainence period of 0.12 will end in few months and then it will no longer get any updates, see:
The Express module you use is also very outdated. The latest 3.x is I think 3.21.2 and the current version of Express is 4.14.0.
Now, if you want to find the problem then you should probably start from looking at the line 252 of /var/www/storehippo/dist/dist_17-09-2016_10:20:03/app/index.js because that seems to be the only line of your own code in that stack trace. The other lines seem to be all external modules, but it's also possible that the problem lies with one of those modules.
There may be a lot of reasons why your server behaves fine and then starts to misbehave - you may have some memory leak, some resources that are not freed and get exhausted after some time, you may change some state in your application that causes other requests to fail, etc.
Unfortunately you didn't include any info that would make it possible to help you with finding the problem.

Random 'ECONNABORTED' error when using sendFile in Express/Node

I have set a node server with Express middleware. I get the ECONNABORTED error randomly on some files when loading an HTML file which triggers about 10 other loads (js, css, etc.). The exact error is:
{ [Error: Request aborted] code: 'ECONNABORTED' }
Generated by this simplified code (after I tried to debug the issue):
res.sendFile(res.locals.physicalUrl,function (err) {
if (err)
Many posts talk about this error resulting from not specifying the full path name. That is not the situation here. I do specify the full path and indeed the error is randomly generated. There are times when the page and all its subsequent links load perfectly and there are times when they do not. I tried to flush the cache and did not find any pattern to connect it with this.
This specific error appears to be a a generic term for socket connection getting aborted and is discussed in the context of other applications like FTP.
Having realized that the node worker threads can be increased, I tried to do so using:
process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 20;
However, my understanding is that even absent this, at most the file transfer may have to wait for a worker thread to be free and not get aborted. I am not talking about big files here, all files are less than 1 MB.
I have a gut feeling that this has nothing to do with node directly.
Please point to any other possibilities (node or otherwise) to handle this error. Also, any other indirect solutions? Retrying a few times could be one but that would be clumsy. EDIT: No, I cannot retry. Headers are already sent with the error!
Many examples on the use of sendFile skip using the callback thereby giving the impression that it is a synchronous call. It is not. Do use the callback at all times, check for success and only then move on to the "next" middleware or take appropriate steps if the send fails for whatever reason. Not doing so can make it difficult to debug the consequences in an asynchronous environment.
Could it be possible that in some cases you terminate the connection by calling res.end before the asynchronous call to res.sendFile ends?
If that's not the case - can you pastebin more of your application code?
Uninstalling and Re-installing MongoDB solved this for me.
I was facing the same problem. It started happening when I had to force restart my laptop because it became unresponsive. On restarting, trying to connect to mongo server using nodejs, always threw ECONNABORTED error
