How to install Parse Server on Heroku? - node.js

How can Parse Server be installed on Heroku using the parse-server repository and not the parse-server-example repository?
I cloned parse-server locally and was trying to modify the start script in package.json but without success. I still want to use an index.js file like in parse-serverexample to configure the server.


How do I host Laravel and Inertiajs (React) app in cPanel?

I built a laravel with inertiajs App, Now I'm going to deploy my app to some host.
I tried Siteground to deploy it but it doesn't support NPM!
Now I'm trying to do it with cpannel, Here is my file structure:
And I already connect SSH terminal. there is no issue with laravel installation, but when I do npm install I'm getting -bash: npm: command not found
Can you help me with some example please!
In production you don't need to install node modules if you have a production version of your (React app)
i usually use Reactjs in frontend so the process is
yarn build
take the build version of your app and add it to the root of your server
for Laravel
git clone ******
cp .env.example .env
edit the .env data to match your production data
run composer install
run php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
point your server to the public folder with symbolic link for example
your app should now be live.

Install React JS on Cent OS

I am very very new to React JS and have tried to install it on my VPS server that is running Cent OS.
Node.js seems to be working,
I have build a React project using the following code as a root level user on SSH:
npx create-react-app my-react-project
cd my-react-project
npm start
but when trying to view in browser I get a blank page (instead of react js default template)?
I see many people install this locally but I haven't found any examples on a hosted VPS, is this something I am doing wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
if you have ssh access to your VPS, the rest is pretty the same as your local environment.
You can copy/paste your project to your CentOS host and use the following commands in order to run it:
cd your_project_folder_which_includes_package_json_file
npm install
npm start
Also, if you are using this server as a production host, You should consider getting a production build of your React app on your local env by running npm run build and then publishing the build folder on your server and serving it using a static file server or using a reverse-proxy such as Nginx as a static server.
Actually this page in React documentation does a good job in explaining the details of deploying a React app, I encourage you to take a look at it.

Deploy react redux starter kit on Heroku

I downloaded the starter kit for react and redux. It's really nice and works fine in localhost with the command npm run dev but I'm not able to deploy it on the server.
First, I use the command npm run deploy which clean and compile my src folder in the dist folder. Then, I deploy the server on Heroku. Once all is built, the server run npm start which execute the command babel-node bin/server. This command is not recognized by the heroku server.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me to debug this. I tried to clone again the repo, then :
npm install
npm run deploy
Publish on Heroku and I have the same error without changing anything on the code.
The reason it doesn't work on heroku is because there isn't any production server ready in this project for your deployment as specified here :
When you run the npm run deploy command, all the front-end code is compiled in the /dist folder.
In order to deploy it on heroku you need to :
Create a very simple http server always serving the file index.html. Here is the main part using Express or Koa
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/dist/index.html'));
Modifying the npm start script in order to target this new production ready server.

Local or Private NPM module when deploying to Heroku

I have a node app that has a local npm module npm link ./local and I'm trying to deploy the app to heroku. Heroku runs npm install when I deploy, but npm link's aren't saved in package.json so my local module is missing.
I'm new to heroku and Procfiles, I'd like to run a script or just run npm link ./local before on the heroku box.
Alternatively I could put the module on github as a private repository and link it from there. But as far as I know Heroku isn't able to download private repo. Can I give Heroku access to my github repository via keys so that it could download it?
I'd love for somekind of solution! Anything!
I think you need yo put modules in node_modules folder and push that to heroku
Procfiles are easy to maintain and heroku will read that
I have sample Procfile like
web: bin/hubot -a campfire
Even heroku also says that best is to include node_modules into repo so you can just include your local packages into that.
See more here Heroku Node Deploy

How can I install nodejs modules to appfog

Normally in local, I use cmd, command line to install any nodejs module using "npm install testing or connect or etc.."
But I decided to use appfog as server and I add nodejs to my project on appfg but probably I am gonna need some nodejs modules like testing, connect, request etc..
The problem is I couldnt found tool like cmd on appfog or any way to add nodejs modules.
How can I do this?
Basically, you just need to install the dependencies in your local environment and everything should be just fine. Simply specify all of your dependencies in your package.json file, run a typical npm install, and if the modules are properly installed in your local environment then they will be pushed to AppFog when you run af update.
You just have to develop your application on your local machine with all the required dependencies in the json package and modules in the Node.JS. And if your application is working properly at that time on your local machine then you can push all that application data to the AppFog using command line interface. Simply use the command af update <your app name> Then start the application and you will see that everything is working properly.
