UML: Building an SRS Class Diagram: Too complicated? - uml

I'm taking a UML class at my school, and my teacher wants us to do the basic, bare-minimum of the assignment, and will not answer any questions. That being said, the requirements of the system had use-cases of Registration, Student Record, Log-In, Course Record, and Class Record. All it really needs to do is the following:
A student will log into the system and the only thing they can do is
register. In the register page, it would list courses available, a
student would select one or many and then they would list the classes
available for each course. The student's records have to be checked
to verify that they meet the prerequisites.
A registrar can log into the system and they can not only register a student but also view and modify course records, class records, and student records.
Also, the classes can be either online or on-site and I'm wondering if that should be defined...
I can provide more detail if it's needed to understand.
Well, I think I took it too far, and I supposed I wanted opinions on how to go about determining the basic requirements.
I also have a couple questions:
Is a Log-In object required in an SRS? Or should it simply be assumed that the users have logged in?
Regarding cardinality and multiplicity, is it the same concept?
Looking at what I've made my multiplicities, did I make any remarkably obvious errors?
As far as making it less complex, would it make sense to only have: class-type, course, class, registration, student, and registrar?

A systems requirements specification is by far more complex than a simple diagram. There are many ways to accomplish a SRS, so your question is a candidate for being flagged off-topic as being too broad. Anyhow, here is what I did.
In a first step you need to group the requirements themselves. The first broad division is by separating functional and non-functional requirements. Non-functional are those requirements which can not be pinned to a single function. Eg. performance, legal, safety, security, you name it. Those are the categories you build first and eventually you have a set of them in the course of the SRS creation.
Grouping the functional requirements is a bit more tricky. You do that by synthesizing use cases. Each functional requirement needs to be realized by a single use case. You don't need to put in details for the use cases, but only a rough story. But once you have connected all functional requirements to use cases your SRS will be ready.
Note that the non-functional requirements are not yet related. This is because they have impact on a lot of functions and the system design in later phases. It's only necessary to have them clearly structured.
Another thing to note is, that requirements themselves should be traceable to their origin. That means you need a reference to the paper, meeting, phone call, personal talk, etc. from where you got it.
There are many, many details which make creation and maintenance of a SRS a science of it's own, but the above is your staring point.
A class diagram is not necessarily part of a SRS. It's part of a later design specification.
Now for your additional questions.
Log-in is no business object in no case. It is a constraint derived from a requirement "user must be logged in to..."
see cardinality vs multiplicity
I would simply leave away the .. notation. If left away it means just the same (unspecified). I'd remove the 'Log-in' word from credential manager since it will also handle log-out and much more. So the emphasis is not right. Else the class design is, as said, not really part of a SRS.


Should Multiple Actors share the same Goals in Actor-Goal list

Craig Larman states that creating an Actor[/User]-Goal list in form of some table/grid is a good technique for finding Use Cases during Requirements Analysis. (Applying UML and Patterns - P. 69 ff)
Some simple two-column table should be enough to provide a good Overview for this example; imagine following Actor-Goal List:
Actor Goal
Admin Create User
" Read User
" .. (full CRUD)
" CRUD Entry
" Assign Entry (to User)
" ..
User Create Entry
" .. (full CRUD)
" CRUD himself?
" ..
Admin can do what User can + more like managing the Users of the System under Development or assigning Entries to them.
Admin and User clearly are sharing some Goals(Can we use the term Use Case yet?).
Im not really sure where to go from here in terms of refining this Actor-Goal list.
My brain tells me that i can spare time and effort by reusing/abstraction here, so I will most likely end up with one common superclass implementing the CRUD Entry behaviour, where Admin is extending the functionality by the Manage Goals(CRUD User, assign, etc.).
But I know that this is rather a question of Design than Analysis.
I also know that I can write the Use Case for this in isolation: I dont have to state who exactly uses it, I just need to know that it's some entity which is adhering to the given contract[/interface].
When is the time to start thinking about abstraction?
Am I overcomplicating things by doing so right now?
Should We leave the Actor-Goal list like above and check it off as a "complete" Artifact?
Since the classical purpose of an Actor-Goal list is to provide some quick overview for our next Artifact - the Use Case Diagram - could we begin the transition right here?:
The Use Case Diagram makes the whole reusing part much more visible (at least to me). Would it be advisable to adopt the redundancy right now and take care of it during later stages (e.g. design)?
Appreciate your input!
EDIT: Also I'm not quite sure about the User CRUDing himself.. But lets keep things simple and stick to the main question.
It's an excellent idea to identify the candidate use cases in an actor-goal list, as you have described.
The issues when identifying use cases
In the real life, you'll quickly encounter consistency issues when elaborating the list during requirement elicitation :
some interviewed users/business experts will describe very detailed step by step goals (corresponding to system functions), whereas other will describe rather high level goals user goals. So you'll need a third column to identify the goal level of each use case.
terminology and user goals will not always be expressed in an homogeneous way. So cross checking, and renaming of use cases might be required. For example, I had a system where:
an admin claimed to manage authorizations, and a business user claimed to manage authorization. Was it the same use case ? No: it appeared that the first maintained assignment of authorizations in the system and the second was empowered to decide on authorizations assignment and request them from the admin.
a purchaser explained that for a purchase order someone has to register a good receipt before the invoice is paid. The warehouse clerk explained that at warehouse they manage stock movement. Latter, though, it appeared, that those movements where good receipts, good issues, and stock transfers.
So a fourth column for comments about main variants could help to keep the overview, and to spot hidden sharing potential.
There is generally a great deal of cross checking and harmonization to be done before sharing/reusing use cases. Reusing too quickly might end up loosing more time than expected.
The use case diagramming
I will now be very provocative: once you have the nice and consistent table with all the actors and use cases, what will be the benefit that you expect from a use case diagram ?
It is generally recommended not to abuse use case diagrams for functional decomposition (see also here). So the use case diagram will add little more to what you already have in the list.
In addition, <<Include>> , <<Extend>> and generalization relations should be used scarcely because they tend to quickly make the diagram difficult to understand.
Finally, does abstraction and reuse really happen at the level of the use case ? Is this relevant to the actors outside of the system ? If not, it's more about design and implementation details. So I'd suggest to consider these more in the class model that you will create (or derive) to implement the use cases.

UML Domain model - how to model multiple roles of association between two entities?

Suppose there is a scenario of Users having Tasks. Each User can either be a Watcher or Worker of a Task.
Furthermore, a Worker can file the hours he has worked on a given Task.
Would the following diagram be correct? I have looked around at domain models and I have not seen one with the two associations (works on, watches). Is it acceptable?
EDIT: What about this scenario? An User can make an Offer to another user. A possible way of modelling it is shown on the following diagram.
However, in that diagram it would seem possible for a user to make the offer to himself. Is it possible to model some constraints in, or is this handled further down the development line?
It is in principle correct, this is how you model multiple relationships between two classes.
As for the constraints, UML makes use of OCL (Object Constraint Language), so you can say that the associations are exclusive (xor - exclusive or).
Also note that it is generally a good idea to name the end roles of the associations.
Regarding one of the comments saying
There are no UML police to flag you down for being "unacceptable".
It is like saying: there's no code police to flag you down for writing shitty code.
You create diagrams to convey information (for school project anyway), if you diverge from standards or best practices you make it harder for other people to understand your diagrams.
And just like there are linters (jslint, ...) that check your code for common problems, for models there are model validations that do the same thing.
Also models, just like code, aren't set in stone so don't be afraid to modify them when you find a better way to express your domain.
As Jim aptly pointed out, you usually do stuff not as a User (or Person), but as a Role. E.g. when you are student and you are filling a form, nobody cares that you are human, but that you are a Student. Typically a Person will also have several different roles (you could be a Student and a TA, a Professor, etc.)
Separating it in this way makes the domain much clearer as you are concerned only with the Roles, and not the people implementing them.
On the first model, there's not much to add after Peter's excellent and very interesting answer.
However your second diagram (in the edit section) does seem to give a true and fair view of the narative. From the strict 1 to 1 relationships, I'd understand that every user makes exactly one offer to one other user, and every user receives exactly one offer from another user:
"A user can make an offer to another user" implies a cardinality of 0..1 or *, not 1.
From this we understand implicitly that not all users need to receive an offer, i.e. also a cardinality of 0..1 or *
This can be debated, but "an offer" doesn't in my opinion mean at "at most one offer", so the upper bounds of cardinality shouldn't be * and not 1 to show that every user may make several offers and receive several offers.
As you can see, you can add constraints to the schema to increase expressivity. This is done in an annotation between { } . But you can choose the most suitable syntax. Here an example with the full expressivity of natural language (as suggested by Martin Fowler in his "UML distilled") but you can of course use the more formal OCL, making it {self.offerer<>self.offeree}.
I see #Peter updated his answer before I could post this answer, but I will post this anyway to show you some other tricks.
In general, it is perfectly valid to have multiple associations between the same two classes. However, I don't think it's a good idea here.
You say you want to build a [problem] domain model. I'm glad to hear that! A problem domain model is very important, as I explain in the last paragraph here. One thing to point out is that you want to build a durable model that transcends a system you can conceive. In the problem domain, there is no "User". There are, however, Roles that People play. For example, you mentioned Watcher and Worker. Hopefully these are concepts your customer already has in the "meat world".
In the model you posted, you have no place to hang the hours worked or progress made. You might try an exercise. If you had no computer, how would your customer track these things? They often have (or had) a way, and it was probably pretty optimal for a manual system.
Here is how I would model my understanding of your problem domain:
Some things to note:
A Person plays any number of Roles.
A Role is with respect to exactly one Task and one Person. A Watcher watches exactly one Task, a Worker is assigned to exactly one Task, and any kind of Role is played by exactly one Person.
A Role is abstract, and its subclasses are {complete}, meaning there can be no valid instance of a Role without also being an instance of a subclass.
A Task is watched by any number of Watchers and may be assigned to one Worker at a time. There is a constraint saying {person is not a watcher}. (You can show the OCL for that, but few people will understand it.)
I have added a Progress concept as a way of logging progress on a Task. A Worker makes Progress on one Task. Each bit of Progress has a Description and a Duration. Note that I have not committed to any computational way of representing a Description or a Duration. The designer of a system for this will be free to derive a Duration from start and end times, or ask the user to self-report.

UML - Use Case Diagram choices

I have heard conflicting things about this and just wanted to clarify.
I have always thought that when constructing a Use Case Diagram, I only include the activities that will be carried out by the system. For example, if it were a bank atm, "User depositing money" would be included, as it involved the user interacting with the atm. However, "User is paid cash in hand from job" is not included in the diagram, even though it may bear relevance to a scenario or situation.
Thanks all
The fact that the user is paid in cash is in any way related to the information system which is a system involving people. The payment transaction has to be integrated with your project, at least on a conceptual point of view. In other words it should have a relationship of an unspecified kind with a use case, depending on the context.
I recognize my answer is quite messy: if you're already getting bored, jump directly to the solution section...
The use cases diagram
According to The UML User Guide:
A use case is a description of sequences of actions that a system performs that yield observable results to a particular actor.
The point is about modeling what is related to the system: your main problem is to consider the scope of your project.
Depending on the scope you identify, the use case you should consider would be something like Cash withdrawal: consider the observable results from the point of view of the actor. This part is highly subjective whether you consider the operation part of the system or not. I personally disagree with the other answers here.
A few words about being paid cash in hand. On a pure development process point of view, would it be normal to have a sharp idea how a user is being paid while modeling ? Still the scope question here: perhaps is it a strong constraint in your context.
Even when reverse-engineering, a use case is user-oriented, it has nothing to do with how things are done, but what is done: I think nothing to do with especially automating things, even when talking about a system. There is a subtle idea here: I consider an information system, a system involving people in the first place, not a completely automated system. Of course, purely automated systems can be modeled with UML, but most systems involve users.
The relationship between the use case itself and the information how the payment is done has not to be represented on the diagram figure. However, even if this is not in the use cases spirit, the way it is done could be written in a note if it is an important constraint the diagram reader should be informed of.
The solution
In my point of view, the right place to put that information in the use cases is not the diagram figure itself but in a use case description. Martin Fowler gives a few hints about this in UML distilled. You have a simple use case description example here. This is related to the way you are using UML and the way you wish to describe use cases (I personally share Martin Fowler's perception).
Perhaps you would prefer to represent this with a formalism specific to your modeling software, but I think this would not be a traditional way of using UML (appropriate for an Executable UML, not appropriate with blueprint or sketch).
It is not included because the "User is paid cash in hand from job" is outside the scope of a project and would not be needed for what you are trying to create.
Most often use cases are used at the functional/logical level of your model (MDA's PIM level). This means that it only describes those parts of the process that will be automated.
So unless your system has a feature that somehow records the fact that the user is paid in cash, that isn't part of the system under construction.
At the business/conceptual (MDA's CIM level) level however you model the whole processes, regardless of automation. So at this level it "User is paid in cash from job" would certainly be at its place.

How to improve my software analysis and UML skills [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am working on an open-source project which shows how to develop software iteratively using test-driven development and some ideas from domain-driven design. I know what I would do, however my formal skills (especially regarding UML) are a little bit rusty.
Below I am going to post my first steps with the diagrams and the explanations I would give to my readers.
I have the following questions:
The last step ends with the question But what will stich together these components?. How to show the reader the way in UML terms, while not skipping anything in the train of thought? What I plan to do is to let each component provide an Environment class. For the purpose of testing, a TestingEnvironment will gather all those environments and inject the right callbacks into the World. But which types of UML diagrams to use for showing my train of thought, and in which order? My problem is, somehow, that I know what I want to do, but I can't rationalize it to myself why I want to do it that way - I guess it has gotten a part of me to the point I don't make such decisions consciously any more.
What mistakes have I done so far, how to fix them, and most importantly: WHY?
Step 1
User Use Cases - Analysis
We are starting with an use case diagram (0001_user_commands_use_cases.pdf) as
part of the preliminary analysis stage. This diagram should only help us
understand what our client wants. These use cases may change over time, but
never the less, they help us understand the system we are going to develop.
Please follow the arrows while reading the following explanations.
The role the user plays when interacting first with our system will be Guest.
The Guest sends to the system some registration data, which we process.
In the diagram, we are describing what happens from a logistic point of view,
from the perspective of the client for which we write the application. We are
not referring yet to classes or objects, or the concrete workflow, which may
end up being quite different.
We are also not dealing with errors, because that would only add more
background noise to the idea - and because error handling does not add business
value to the system. Of course, a system has to be robust to errors, but keep
in mind that we're now just making the analysis - not the design of the system.
Logistically speaking, after the Guest has sent us the registration data, there
is a Registered User. A registered user can send us the login data, so that he
becomes an Authenticated User.
Following the diagram, we can see how only an Authenticated User can send to us
a request to log out of the system, thus becoming a Deauthenticated User.
Why a Deauthenticated User, and not a Guest back again? Basically, it comes
down to us not being able to foresee the future. We really have no idea how the
client will want us to extend the system - nor does he himself! Beside that,
the two roles, a Guest which we know nothing about, and a user which has just
deauthenticated, which we do know something about, are really different things.
Of course it may be that the Deauthenticated User will exist in our application
only for a very short period of time, or it may be that it's created for the
sole purpose of being destroyed back again, without being looked at by any
other subsystem of our ERP - but still I cannot stress it enough: logistically,
the role of a Deauthenticated User stands on its own.
The second diagram (0002_user_commands_use_cases.pdf) contains all the
information of the first diagram, with some added items. If you follow the
green arrows, you will see that the process is the same.
In the first diagram we notice how all three things done by the ERP system are
some kind of generalizations of a process. We have introduced this new generic
process in the second diagram as "Process Data".
Another element we have added in the second diagram is a generalization of the
three "Sending Data" elements. We are not sure how this will materialize in the
next stage (designing the system), but it looks like there's a generalization
there which may, in the end, make the system easier to maintain and extend.
We always seek new generalizations and abstractions because they have this nice
property of making the code maintainable and extendable.
In our design, the ERP will do one central thing, "Process Data", data which
will come in in a standardized way, represented in our second diagram by the
"Send Data" use case.
We don't know how we will design these things yet, until now we have only
thought about the logistics, since we are doing just the analysis.
In the next commit, we are going to look closer at the application domain, in
order to better see the relations between all these notions and to enable us to
come up with a cohesive design.
Step 2
A rough overview of the components in the context of the application domain
Before looking at the diagram, let me first explain the thoughts I had prior to
coming up with this diagram.
We are going to design an ERP. What is this all about, and where lies the
business value in it?
We are supposedly making the product for a company which makes money by sending
products back and forth. This is the core domain of the application.
The basic idea is that a product P is moved from point A to point B, and in
this process, the company makes money.
The application will allow the company to make money by both being good at
organizing the workflow, and by making an existing workflow cheaper.
Let's say a product can be delivered to point C by taking the route A -> B ->
C, or the route A -> D -> C. The ERP must be capable of deciding which one is
better (in terms of money or time), and must manage the workflow it chooses.
So the whole point is supporting the movement of products around. Around what?
Around the world.
For this reason, let's first draw our first component: the World.
In a real project, I would continue by adding a Product component. I've chosen
not to yet, because this project is an educational one in nature, and I wanted
to get across new ideas about the architecture. If I had focused on the
products, I think there would be too much noise for the type of audience this
project is aimed at, a noise which would make the process of creating the
architecture and the architecture itself harder to understand.
We will introduce a Product component later, when the reader will feel at ease
with the architecture which, at that point, he will feel familiar with.
Instead of focusing on Products, we are going to focus on Users. This is,
incidentally, also the subject of the use cases we have drawn in the previous
commit. I think that any reader can relate to the concept of User.
So let's draw that component, the User.
Architecturally speaking, it's not that much of a difference between an User
and a Product. Instead of having Products moving around, we will have (for
now), users who live in the World and take different roles while interacting
with our system.
In the previous commit, we have concluded that there would be a standard way of
passing in data from the User to the system.
In terms of DDD (Domain-Driven Design), the data that gets into the system is
packed up as a Command. Since it looks like a good name, let's make a port of
the World component called Command Hub which will be used to receive and
process Commands from the outside.
Conceptually, the Command Hub will provide a Command Interface which any other
component can implement in order to send commands to the Hub, if it needs to.
We also want to make the components decoupled and thus reusable in different
types of applications, or to be able to combine them. This is achieved by
making an event-driven architecture.
For this reason, let's give the World component an Event Hub, which will
provide an Event interface.
But what will stich together these components?
This question is so pressing, because it's so central to our architecture, that
we will have to further investigate it.
This is not an asnwer, just a comment that would not fit into the comment box
(1) if you want to "teach your readers" something you can't do yourself, it is strange approach. Show your readers the way which works for you. Show the way "your train of thoughs runs", show the the mental images you saw in your mind, paper/pencil/photo in whatever visualization language you use
(2) you're skipping the uml-diagrams: UML 2.5 Behavior Diagrams as not useful? Even the UML Interaction Overview Diagrams not useful?
(3) this question looks like too broad(long) perhaps opinion-based and perhaps off-topic much more suitable for
(4) for the recommended modeling workflow look at
(4.1) Cangnus's sequence diagramming comment in Stack Overflow: sequence diagram for books exchange
(4.2) BobRodes's use case scenario comment in Stack Overflow: Formal language for UML sequence diagrams
(4.3) Scott W. Ambler's Agile Modeling: Where Do I Start? for what when how and why Agile Modeling Best Practices
to name just a few
In conclusion of this my long comment, I don't see any mistakes you did. If this is description of how Test-driven Development and Domain-driven design works for you so well that you even use it subconsciously then it is just fine and ok. Being a good teach is not an easy task, good luck

Modelling a domain model [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a scenario which involves a vending machine and then asks us to create to "model the problem domain". I've covered modelling very loosely and was hoping someone would clear this up.
From research it looks like a problem domain is just a domain model which in turn is pretty much a UML Class Diagram.
The examples I've seen look they're almost database schemas with a customer entity, order entity etc etc.
I'm just not sure what the differences are exactly.
So I just wondered if I was on the right track and would anyone mind elaborating on this or perhaps pointing me towards a concise definition. Thanks.
The "problem domain" is just the stuff you're interested in. In your case, it's all the stuff a vending machine does, and who interacts with it.
It boils down to a collection of use cases, which can be diagrammed in a use case diagram. What does the vending machine do? It takes coins from a buyer (the actor), gives change ( make sure you understand "extension points"), spits out stuff (always, because we aren't in the real world), and so on. Then maybe you can get creative with a different actor. A maintenance person takes out money, adds change, fills up the machine, runs a diagnostic stack, whatever. Each one of these is a use case. Put them together into a use case diagram.
If you want to go into detail about what each use case does, then use an activity diagram. One for each use case.
Any system (software or not and modeled or not) has structural and behaviour aspects.
The structural aspects are non-time bound aspects of your system, such as which classes your system is made up of, their associations and dependencies, how they are divided into subsystems, etc. Most of these elements are often referred to as classifiers.
The behaviour aspects shows how these structural aspects collaborates together over time to achieve the goals of the system, such as methods, state machines, workflows, use case realisations, etc.
The structural and behaviour aspects are what you specify when you are writing your code or creating a model.
Objects, are by definition instances of classes. This means that objects are the "things" that actually exists when the system executes. Hence, you do not program an object; you program a class, which when executed, is instantiated into one or several objects.
However, in many modelling languages (but not common in programming languages), you can also model specifications of scenarios, which show specifications of objects and how they interact, for example in UML you may create an object diagram, showing one example of how the system of objects (i.e., instantiated classes) might be structured and collaborate during execution.
Now, a system always strives to a achieve one or several goals for it's surrounding. The surrounding is made up of persons and/or another systems (actors) interacting with the system. This "surrounding" or "background", on which the system is situated in and makes sense in, is often called the "domain".
These "actors" have a "problem" they would like that the system helps them to solve. When this problem is modelled, one calls that model the "problem domain model" for the system. It states the logical structural and behaviour aspects of the problem domain, without stating how it is going to be implemented in a specific implementation of a system. I.e., it is not referring to implementation aspects, like Java, SQL, primary keys, transactions, reflection, angular, etc; it is instead focusing on the core structures of the domain, like Orders, Parties, Contracts, Products, etc.
The problem domain model is one of the most important "contracts" between the system developers and the persons paying for the system or being owners and users of the system. It makes it possible for you all to understand the problem to be solved in the same way and are makes sure that you all are using the same concepts to reason about it. Since it, by definition, is not a technical artefact, you should describe it using as simple notation (but still stringent and crisp clear) as possible so that also non-software professionals could understand and agree on it. Class diagrams (stripped from all technical details) and use case diagrams are two notation techniques available. But also object diagrams and activity diagrams could come in handy.
If you are interested in this, I deliver a course in advanced concept domain modeling on Udemy. Here is link and 90%-off code:
