How to assert array values in groovy using script assertion - groovy

I am writing a script assertion to see if a element value contains in the array list and if it does, it passes.
When I print the element:Number, I get like an example [1,2,3,3] as array. If Number contains say 3, script has to pass.
I have written below code which is failing, probably because the written value is an array list, how to assert an array value?
def response = messageExchange.getResponseContent()
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(response)
def invoiceNumber= xml.'**'.findAll { == 'Number'} "$invoiceNumber"
assert invoiceNumber.contains(1)

The problem is that invoiceNumber is a Collection of groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild elements instead of Integer elements. This is why the contains(3) comparison never returns true.
You've to convert array of groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild to array of integers before the contains(), you can do it using the spread dot operator an NodeChild.toInteger(), so your script must be:
def response = messageExchange.getResponseContent()
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(response)
def invoiceNumber= xml.'**'.findAll { == 'Number'} "$invoiceNumber"
// convert the array to array of integers
invoiceNumber = invoiceNumber*.toInteger()
// now you can perform the assert correctly
assert invoiceNumber .contains(3)
Hope it helps,


Groovy JsonSlurper - How to check for null value vs missing field?

I am parsing a JSON string with Groovy's JsonSlurper. I want to find out how to (1) check if a field is missing from the string OR (2) if its value is set to null. This is my code:
def JsonSlurper jSlurp = new JsonSlurper()
def obj = jSlurp.parseText(myJsonString)
assert obj.myField == null
Unfortunately, this does not tell me if the field is missing or if its present with a value of null. How do I figure that out?
def obj = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText('{"a":null, "b":1}')
assert obj.containsKey('a')==true
assert obj.a==null
assert obj.containsKey('c')==false
assert obj.c==null

Need to remove unwanted symbols from value using replaceAll method

I am getting the value of a field as ["value"]
I want to print only the value removing the [ "from the result value.
That looks like a JSON array of Strings? No idea, as you don't provide any context, but you could do:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def valueField = '["value"]'
def result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(valueField).head()
println result
Prints value
The following script should be what you need
def str = '["value"]'

SOAPUI Square brackets around my actual results causing assert to fail

I am writing a Groovy script assertion which is verifying a value from a previous JDBC response step against a value contained in a SOAP response.
When I run my scripts I can see that both values are coming back the same but the actual result value (from the SOAP response) is surrounded by square brackets which in turn makes the assert fail. I'm guessing this is something to do with one being a string and one not?
How do I either strip out the square brackets from actual result or get them added to the expected result value to ensure the assert passes?
Below is my assert script.
Expected result is 001
Actual result is [001]
def groovyUtils = new context )
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( messageExchange.responseContent )
def pxml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(context.response)
//grab the expected result from jdbc response
def expectedCodes = context.expand( '${JDBC Request#ResponseAsXml#//*:TW304_PRODHIST.PRODUCT_1}' )
//grab the actual result from the SOAP response
def actualCodes = pxml.'**'.findAll{ == 'CurrHospProductCode'}*.text()
assert expectedCodes == actualCodes expectedCodes actualCodes
Because you are expecting a single value as expected where as you are getting an array with single element in it.
You can do it as below if that is right :
assert expectedCodes == actualCodes[0]
On a side note, you may have to check carefully are you really expecting single value only or if there is possible to get list of values.
EDIT: based on your script.
findAll gives you list as result. If you are expecting single element in the xml, then you can change it to find and then you actual code should work as it is.

How to pick up child element of specific parent element in Script Assertion?

I have the following XML example which shows there are multiple occurrences of node 'ProductCode' which fall under both nodes 'PrevHospProduct' and also under 'PrevExtrasProducts'.
For this test I am only interested in the values in 'ProductCode' which are a child of 'PrevHospProduct'. I am not interested in any of the values under 'PrevExtrasProducts'.
I have the following Groovy Script Assertion in SoapUI to pick up values in 'ProductCode' but the test is failing as the actual results are also returning 'D00', '900' and '00A' from the examples response. I only want the expected results to pick values 'D00', '900'.
def expectedCodes = ['D00','900']
def pxml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(context.response)
def actualCodes = pxml.'**'.findAll{ == 'ProductCode' }*.text() as List
assert expectedCodes.sort() == actualCodes.sort()
First need to find the parent node i.e., PrevHospProduct and then get the ProductCode.
Here is the script assertion:
def expectedCodes = ['D00','900']
def pxml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(context.response)
def actualCodes = pxml.'**'.findAll{ == 'PrevHospProduct'}*.ProductCode*.text() as List actualCodes
assert expectedCodes.sort() == actualCodes.sort()

Sorting arrays in Groovy

I'm trying to compare two arrays in groovy. My attempts so far have yielded a mixed response and therefore I'm turning to the collective for advice.
In the following code I'm taking 2 REST responses, parsing them and placing everything under the Invoice node into an array. I then further qualify my array so I have a list of InvoiceIDs and then try to compare the results of the two responses to ensure they are the same.
When I compare the array of InvoiceIDs (Guids) they match - this is not what I expect as the invoice order is currently different between my my 2 response sources.
When I sort the arrays of Invoices IDs the results differ.
I'm suspecting my code is faulty, but have spent an hour rattling through it, to no avail.
Any advice on sorting arrays in groovy or on the code below would be most appreciated:
gu = new context )
def xmlSlurper = new groovy.util.XmlSlurper()
// Setting up the response parameters
def responseSTAGE = xmlSlurper.parseText(context.expand('${GET Invoices - STAGE#Response}'));
def responseSTAGE2 = xmlSlurper.parseText(context.expand('${GET Invoices - STAGE2#Response}'));
responseInvoicesSTAGE = responseSTAGE.Invoices
responseInvoicesSTAGE2 = responseSTAGE2.Invoices
def arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE = []
def arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2 = []
def counter = 0
for (invoice in responseInvoicesSTAGE.Invoice) {
arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE[counter] = responseInvoicesSTAGE.Invoice[counter].InvoiceID
// counter+" STAGE"+arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE[counter]
arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2[counter] = responseInvoicesSTAGE2.Invoice[counter].InvoiceID
// counter+" STAGE2"+arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2[counter]
} arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2
def sortedSTAGE = arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE.sort()
def sortedSTAGE2 = arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2.sort() sortedSTAGE
As an aside, can't you replace:
def arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE = []
def arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2 = []
def counter = 0
for (invoice in responseInvoicesSTAGE.Invoice) {
arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE[counter] = responseInvoicesSTAGE.Invoice[counter].InvoiceID
// counter+" STAGE"+arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE[counter]
arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2[counter] = responseInvoicesSTAGE2.Invoice[counter].InvoiceID
// counter+" STAGE2"+arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2[counter]
def arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE = responseInvoicesSTAGE.Invoice*.InvoiceID
def arrayOfInvoicesSTAGE2 = responseInvoicesSTAGE2.Invoice*.InvoiceID
Two arrays are considered equal in Groovy if they have they have the same number of elements and each element in the same position are equal. You can verify this by running the following code in the Groovy console
Integer[] foo = [1,2,3,4]
Integer[] bar = [4,3,2,1]
assert foo != bar
assert foo == bar
