mock-kue. How do I use it in test mode only - node.js

Trying to do BDD on my latest node project and am trying to use the mock-kue module. In the example on the README page the developer never shows where the mock-kue is being required. I can doe a
var kue = require('kue')
But I want this to only be in affect when Im running specs/tests and for it to use the normal one when running in production/development. How would I do this.


docker httpd/Apache - adding new node,js modules

I'm new to the web developing stuff and currently watching on udemy a 70h course.
I like to practice new learned stuff in real world applications. Therefore I've setted up an httpd container ( with a bootstrap template in it (
My question: how do I add new node.js modules to this template? I want to add a module to connect the website to my postgres database.
The volume I made for the httpd container is as follows: /usr/local/apache2/sb/src/:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
In this directory I have installed the postgres module via npm and wrote a simple javascript code in index.js. If I call index.js via node index.js from the terminal it works fine. If I try to call it from the website it doesnt work. I know I missed something important to get this module work but I can't figure it out.
It was a really simple example of using extern modules in node.js shown in udemy. I've tried to use this example in my website.
var superhero = require('superheroes');
var hero = superhero.random();
function testCall(){
// alert("just a test!");
In index.html I call the "testCall" function as follows
<body id="page-top" onload="testCall()">
This part works well, If I put a simple string as alert, for instance "alert("just a test!");"
I want to build a dashboard to display some values stored in postgres

Using music21j in node js, not in browser

I'm attempting to run music21j in node js ( repo link , npm link ).
I get ReferenceError: self is not defined
When trying to simply initialize music21j:
const music21 = require('music21j');
const n = new music21.note.Note('F#');
Does this mean it's not possible to run outside of the browser, or am I somehow initializing to the wrong environment?
The github documentation states
...or use it in your javascript/typescript project
, hence my confusion.
From the github repo:
At present it's not possible to run outside of the browser. :-( But we're working on removing certain JQuery patches that should make it easier to do. You may however need to use ES6-style imports.

How to configure Cucumber and Capybara to use the Rack::Test driver?

I am a newbie to Capybara.
Here is my configuration within file env.rb
Capybara.configure do |config|
config.run_server = false
#config.default_driver = :selenium
config.default_driver = :rack_test
config.app_host = 'point to my localhost port 3000'
Everything runs just fine if I set default_driver to :selenium. But I need to set the driver to :rack_test, so that when running cucumber command, it will not open the web browser.
Many thanks,
P/S If you are an expert, please show me the learning path, I'm not expecting someone showing them selves.
I presume you want to test against a test server controlled by capybara (which is the normal way to do it), rather than testing against your dev instance (the one at localhost:3000) or a staging server or something.
First, configure capybara to run your Rails app. The usual way to do this is to add the cucumber-rails gem to your Gemfile and require 'cucumber/rails' in your env.rb. You can also set up capybara to run Rails (or any Rack app) manually.
Having done that, capybara will do what you want (use the Rack::Test driver) by default. Remove the configuration that you showed from your env.rb and Cucumber/capybara will work the way you want.
If you also want some scenarios to use Javascript, tag those scenarios with #javascript and add
Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium
to your env.rb. Capybara will continue to use its Rack::Test driver for scenarios without the tag, and will use its Selenium driver for scenarios with the tag.
Thank you Dave for helping me during the time. Briefly, in order for running "cucumber" without triggering to open a web-browser (which is rack-test), here is the configuration:
1> File env.rb.
require 'cucumber/rails'
Only 1 line above is enough.
2> File .feature
Feature: Post a new Product
Feature: Post a new Product
Scenario: Open new product page
Given I open new product site
When I input new product
Then I should see the product created confirmed
By the way, we don't need "Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium" within file env.rb.
There's still so many tricky things I need to learn about capybara and cucumber

sendgrid make test throws errors

I'm running node on my vps server. node is at my root, my app.js with node_modules (express, are in /home/vps/public_html/
when following github readme for setting up sendgrid i run into trouble:
config.js is not live by the sounds of it as when I run sendgrids simple code example if i
a.) refer to config.js by doing:
var sendgrid=new SendGrid(user,key);
node kills its self because user is not defined.
b.) bypass config.js by doing:
var sendgrid=new SendGrid({user:'my_user_name',key:'my_password'});
I get console.log(message) of [ 'Permission denied, wrong credentials' ]
here is another image this one is of my public_html structure:
does any one know how to activate this config.js?
Should I have installed node.js into my public_html in the beginning?
So, there are a few things wrong here:
1) We have a typo in the README (which has now been updated)
tl;dr - you should type npm test not make test
Essentially, you're typing make test and make is coming back and saying "Hey, there's no rule for test in the cwd. It doesn't look like there's anything for me to do. Bye!". If you look carefully, there is no Makefile in the node library, so there's obviously not going to be any rules. So make definitely won't work in this case. What the README should have said is npm test. NPM is the package manager for node and it has a helper method test which runs all the tests for a given module.
Also, just to be clear - when you're typing npm test, all you are doing is running the tests for the library. Really this should only be necessary if you're adding features or fixing bugs on the library itself. If you're trying to use the library to send email, you should read the section titled "Usage".
2) You have a typo in your code (which is why the other sample didn't work)
Your code looks like this:
var sendgrid = new SendGrid({user:'my_user_name', key:'my_password'});
The code sample that we provide looks like this:
var sendgrid = new SendGrid(user, key);
Notice the difference? You're passing in a javascript object and we're expecting two discrete string values instead. The library is interpreting that as your username is "{user:'my_user_name', key:'my_password'}" with no password (because you didn't provide a second parameter). Instead you should do the following:
var sendgrid = new SendGrid("my_user_name", "my_password");

Output to Chrome console from Node.js

I'm looking for a way to output Node variables directly into the google chrome browser console. The same way a console.log() works on the client side. Something like this for php. This would greatly speed up development.
Since the old answer (written in september 2014) refers to an older version of node-inspector, my instructions are not relevant anymore in 2017. Also, the documentation has gotten a lot better, so I have updated my original answer:
node-inspector is what you need.
It opens up an instance of Chrome with its developer tools for debugging.
It's also easy to use:
1. Install
$ npm install -g node-inspector
2. Start
$ node-debug app.js
You might want to try NodeMonkey -
I know it's an old question but came on top of my Google search so maybe somebody will find my answer useful.
So you can use node --inspect-brk index.js
Now, all you have to do is basically just type chrome://inspect in your Chrome address bar and click Open dedicated DevTools for Node
In DevTools, now connected to Node, you’ll have all the Chrome DevTools features you’re used to:
Complete breakpoint debugging, stepping w/ blackboxing
Source maps for transpiled code
LiveEdit: JavaScript hot-swap evaluation w/ V8
Console evaluation with ES6 feature/object support and custom object formatting
Sampling JavaScript profiler w/ flamechart
Heap snapshot inspection, heap allocation timeline, allocation profiling
Asynchronous stacks for native promises
Hope that helped.
The closest thing to this I've seen is Node JS console object debug inspector
See this post for usage and potential issues:
For users with nodejs on linux via ssh-shell (putty):
Problem with nodejs on linux-ssh-shell is, that you have no browser connected.
I tried all this solutions, but didnt get it to work.
So i worked out a solution with firebase (, because my project uses firebase.
If you are familiar with firebase, than this is a great way. If not, firebase is worth using in combination with nodejs - and its free!
In the server-side-script (started with node) use a own function log():
// server-side:
// using new firebase v3 !
var fbRootRef = firebase.database();
var fbConsoleRef = fbRootRef.ref("/console");
var log = function(args) {
fbConsoleRef.set({'obj': args});
// inside your server-code:
On client-side you create a firebase-reference on this console-object:
// client side:
fbRootRef.child('/console').on('value', function(d) {
var v = d.val();
Now everything logged on server-side with the log() - function is transferred in realtime to the firebase-database and from there triggering the client-console-reference and logged into the browsers console.
If anyone needs help, i will explain in more detail and could give a more extended version of this logging with types (console./log/warn/info), grouping with title-info (i.e. server says: (filename + line).
Setting up firebase for your project is done in max 30 minutes, inserting the console-function in 30 minutes. I think its worth the time!
You can use bonsole, a simple way to log something in browser. Even in Linux, you can go to the LAN's ip to check it.
The most simple way with least dependencies is using a WebSocket connection to send the messages to the browser. Any WebSocket example you can find on the internet will suffice to accomplish this. Everything else requires to be heavily integrated into the host system and wouldn't work if you want to actually run this on a remote server. You can also send commands to the server directly from the browser console this way.
