How to configure Cucumber and Capybara to use the Rack::Test driver? - cucumber

I am a newbie to Capybara.
Here is my configuration within file env.rb
Capybara.configure do |config|
config.run_server = false
#config.default_driver = :selenium
config.default_driver = :rack_test
config.app_host = 'point to my localhost port 3000'
Everything runs just fine if I set default_driver to :selenium. But I need to set the driver to :rack_test, so that when running cucumber command, it will not open the web browser.
Many thanks,
P/S If you are an expert, please show me the learning path, I'm not expecting someone showing them selves.

I presume you want to test against a test server controlled by capybara (which is the normal way to do it), rather than testing against your dev instance (the one at localhost:3000) or a staging server or something.
First, configure capybara to run your Rails app. The usual way to do this is to add the cucumber-rails gem to your Gemfile and require 'cucumber/rails' in your env.rb. You can also set up capybara to run Rails (or any Rack app) manually.
Having done that, capybara will do what you want (use the Rack::Test driver) by default. Remove the configuration that you showed from your env.rb and Cucumber/capybara will work the way you want.
If you also want some scenarios to use Javascript, tag those scenarios with #javascript and add
Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium
to your env.rb. Capybara will continue to use its Rack::Test driver for scenarios without the tag, and will use its Selenium driver for scenarios with the tag.

Thank you Dave for helping me during the time. Briefly, in order for running "cucumber" without triggering to open a web-browser (which is rack-test), here is the configuration:
1> File env.rb.
require 'cucumber/rails'
Only 1 line above is enough.
2> File .feature
Feature: Post a new Product
Feature: Post a new Product
Scenario: Open new product page
Given I open new product site
When I input new product
Then I should see the product created confirmed
By the way, we don't need "Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium" within file env.rb.
There's still so many tricky things I need to learn about capybara and cucumber


mock-kue. How do I use it in test mode only

Trying to do BDD on my latest node project and am trying to use the mock-kue module. In the example on the README page the developer never shows where the mock-kue is being required. I can doe a
var kue = require('kue')
But I want this to only be in affect when Im running specs/tests and for it to use the normal one when running in production/development. How would I do this.

get a browser rendered html+javascript

I need a comandline tool (or Javascript/PHP, but i think commandline is the one way) for render and get the rendered content of URL, but the important its I need to renderer the Javascript not only the CSS/Html/images.
For example command like: "renderengine outputfile.html" and the content of the web (parsed html and javascript executed) isa saved in outputfile.html.
I need this because i need to take the result of a full javascript website like grooveshark, the site load all using javascript/ajax and the crawlers dont find nothing, only basic HTML empty template (because is loaded after using ajax/javscript)
Exists any browser engine for linux with support to Javascript (for example V8) that output the result for save in files?
Selenium : very complete solution with bindings in many languages
puppeteer : headless Chrome API, usable in NodeJS or as a command-line tool
HTtrack : command-line tool
Apache Notch & webmagic : open source Java web crawlers
pholcus : "distributed & high concurrency" web crawler written in Go
Xvfb a display server implementing the X11 display server protocol, without showing any screen output. I have used it successfully with Travis CI and Protractor as an example. Alternative: XDummy
PhantomJS (first suggested by nvuono) : can export the rendered page as non-HTML (pdf, png...). PhantomJS development is suspended until further notice (more details).
Closely related: SlimerJS, CasperJS
And there are many Python web scraping libraries:
Try phantomjs from and you can easily modify the included rasterize.js to export the rendered HTML. It's based on webkit and does full evaluation of your target site's javascript, allowing you to adjust timeouts or execute your own code first if you wish. I personally use it to save hardcopy HTML file version of fully-rendered knockout.js templates.
It executes javascript so I just did something like this and saved the console output to a file:
var markup = page.evaluate(function(){return document.documentElement.innerHTML;});

NodeJS: Express: node-blade: Live UI

I am using Node.JS/express and node-blade (npm blade) as the template engine.
I'm trying to take advantage of the fantastic Live-UI feature set in Blade, but can't seem to get the Live updating views working; i.e when rendering content into an element any changes to the Model after the initial render are not reflected in the view.
The client side isn't throwing any errors, and events such as {click} and {change} work in the templates, but the view won't update to any changes in the Model without re-rendering the template.
On the browser;
systemVM = new blade.Model({test: 'stackoverflow'});
$('#wrap').render('pub/login', systemVM);
In the template;
h1 Hello #{test}
Have also tried; (on the browser)
systemVM.observable.test = 'World';
And; (on the browser)
systemVM.observable.test = 'World';
And; (on the browser)
systemVM.observable.test = 'World';
Has anyone had experience getting this going?
It's also worth mentioning that the file 'plugins/deps/deps-utils.js' was missing from the build script for using Meteor's 'Spark' and while spark built without it and isn't throwing any errors, I can't help but think that might be the issue. Have tried building spark-standalone from historical git commits, but every time the build throws errors.
Any help would be really appreciated, this is driving me crazy!
Issues were resolved by the standalone Spark.js file found at (hope BMiner doesn't mind me posting this link)
Use this link: Un-official GitHub Repo

Update deployment via linux script in weblogic

What is the script to update deployment ( from GUI, we can do this update by unlock & save changes ) in linux. Is it possible to do this ? If not what is script to redeploy ?
As Kevin pointed out, WLST is the way to go. You should probably craft a script (named, for instance), with content like follows (import clauses were omitted for the sake of simplicity):
current_app_name = '[your current deployed app name]'
new_app_name = '[your new app name]'
target_name = '[WL managed server name (or AdminServer)]'
connect([username],[pwd],'t3://[admin server hostname/IP address]:[PORT]')
undeploy(current_app_name, timeout=60000);
war_path = '[path to war file]'
deploy(appName=new_app_name, path=war_path, targets=target_name);
And call it via something like:
Of course you can add parameters to your script, and a lot of logic which is relevant to your deployment. This is entirely up to you. The example above, though, should help you getting started.
In WebLogic you can use wlst to perform administrative tasks like managing deployments. If you google weblogic wlst, you will receive tons of information. wlst runs on the python language.
Assuming you are using weblogic 10 you can also "Record" your actions. This will save the actions into a python script which you can "replay" (execute) later.

How to use YUI 3 History standalone without the loader?

Using YUI scripts on our SSL page turned out to break the SSL connection because they dynamically load scripts from yahoo (combo) over a http connection.
As we only use the history manager of YUI 3, I wanted to host the code on our server. If I copy the code from It does not work anymore ("Y.History.getBookmarkedState is not a function" says firebug).
Does anyone know how to do that correctly?
You're loading the modules correctly, but you're trying to use the deprecated History API (from YUI <=3.1.x). In YUI 3.2.0, the History Utility was rewritten, and the API is not backwards-compatible.
You can still use the old API in 3.2.0 by loading the history-deprecated module instead of history. Alternatively (and preferably) you can migrate to the new API, which is simpler and more flexible than the old one. You'll find a migration guide in the History Utility documentation.
I guess you should check the API. I've checked the code from this combo and it really loads History and submodules.
YUI({ bootstrap: false }).use('history', function(Y) {
It shows outputs G(); Also I found getBookmarkedState declaration inside history-deprecated submodule so it seems like something new is used instead of this.
