Spark Job-Server configuaration in StandAlone cluster - apache-spark

I am trying to set up a Spark JobServer (SJS) to execute jobs on a Standalone Spark cluster. I am trying to deploy SJS on one of the non-master nodes of SPARK cluster. I am not using the docker, but trying to do manually.
I am confused with the help documents in SJS github particulary the deployment section. Do I need to edit both local.conf and to run this?
Can someone point out the steps to set up the SJS in the spark cluster?
I created a new environment to deploy jobserver in one of the nodes of the cluster: Here are the details of it:
spark {
master = "local[1]"
webUrlPort = 8080
job-number-cpus = 2
jobserver {
port = 8090
bind-address = ""
jar-store-rootdir = /tmp/jobserver/jars
context-per-jvm = false
jobdao =
filedao {
rootdir = /tmp/spark-job-server/filedao/data
datadao {
rootdir = /tmp/spark-jobserver/upload
result-chunk-size = 1m
context-settings {
num-cpu-cores = 1
memory-per-node = 1G
home = "/home/spark/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6"

Why don't you set JOBSERVER_FG=1 and try running, this would run the process in foreground and should display the error to stderr.

Yes, you have edit both files adapting them for your cluster.
The deploy steps are explained below:
Copy config/ to <environment>.sh and edit as appropriate.
This file is mostly for environment variables that are used by the deployment script and by the script. The most important ones are: deploy host (it's the ip or hostname where the jobserver will be run), user and group of execution, JobServer memory (it will be the driver memory), spark version and spark home.
Copy config/shiro.ini.template to shiro.ini and edit as appropriate. NOTE: only required when authentication = on
If you are going to use shiro authentication, then you need this step.
Copy config/local.conf.template to <environment>.conf and edit as appropriate.
This is the main configuration file for JobServer and for the contexts that JobServer will create. The full list of the properties you can set in this file can be seen on this link.
bin/ <environment>
After editing the configuration files, you can deploy using this script. The parameter must be the name that you chose for your .conf and .sh files.
Once you run the script, JobServer will connect to the host entered in the .sh file and will create a new directory with some control files. Then, every time you need to change a configuration entry, you can do it directly on the remote machine: the .conf file will be there with the name you chose and the .sh file will be renamed to
Please note that, if you haven't configured an SSH key based connection between the machine where you run this script and the remote machine, you will be prompted for password during its execution.
If you have problems with the creation of directories on the remote machine, you can try and create them yourself with mkdir (they must match the INSTALL_DIR configuration entry of the .sh file) and change their owner user and group to match the ones entered in the .sh configuration file.
On the remote server, start it in the deployed directory with and stop it with
This is very informative. Once you have done all other steps, you can start JobServer service on the remote machine by running the script and you can stop it with


Spark InProcessLauncher not picking up Hadoop config

I'm trying to submit a cluster-mode spark 2 application from a Java Spring app using InProcessLauncher. I was previously using the SparkLauncher class, which worked, but it fires up a long-lived SparkSubmit java process for each job, which was eating up too many resources with lots of jobs in play.
My code sets sparkLauncher.setMaster("yarn") and sparkLauncher.setDeployMode("cluster")
I set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR env variable to the directory containing my config (yarn-site.xml etc) before starting my Spring app, and it logs that it is picking up this variable:
INFO System Environment - HADOOP_CONF_DIR = /etc/hadoop/conf
Yet when it comes to submitting, I see INFO o.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.RMProxy - Connecting to ResourceManager at / - i.e. it is using the default rather than the actual ResourceManager IP, and of course it fails. It seems not to be picking up the Hadoop config.
I can submit jobs from the same shell directly using spark-submit, and even by directly invoking java -cp /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/conf/:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/jars/*:/etc/hadoop/conf/ org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit .... So I'm not sure why my Spring App isn't picking up the same config.
I managed to get my app to pick up the hadoop config by adding the conf folders to the classpath. This is something spark-submit does for you when launching as a separate process, but doesn't happen when using InProcessLauncher.
Because my Spring Boot app is launched using -jar xxx.jar, I couldn't use -cp on the command line (cannot be combined with -jar), but had to add it to the manifest in the jar. I did this by adding the following to build.gradle (which is using the Spring Boot gradle plugin):
bootJar {
manifest {
attributes 'Class-Path': '/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/conf/ /etc/hadoop/conf/'

How PYSPARK environmental setup is executed by YARN in

While analyzing the yarn logs for a spark job, I got confused by some part of log.
I will point out those asks step by step here
When you will submit a spark job with spark-submit having --pyfiles and --files on cluster mode on YARN:
The config files passed in --files , executable python files passed in --pyfiles are getting uploaded into .sparkStaging directory created under user hadoop home directory.
Along with these files and from $SPARK_HOME/python/lib is also getting copied
into .sparkStaging directory created under user hadoop home directory
After this is getting triggered by yarn and this will export all env variables required.
If we have exported anything explicitly such as PYSPARK_PYTHON in .bash_profile or at the time of building the spark-submit job in a shell script or in , the default value will be replaced by the value which we
are providing
This PYSPARK_PYTHON is a path in my edge node.
Then how a container launched in another node will be able to use this python version ?
The default python version in data nodes of my cluster is 2.7.5.
So without setting this pyspark_python , containers are using 2.7.5.
But when I will set pyspark_python to 3.5.x , they are using what I have given.
It is defining PWD='/data/complete-path'
Where this PWD directory resides ?
This directory is getting cleaned up after job completion.
I have even tried to run the job in one session of putty
and kept the /data folder opened in another session of putty to see
if any directories are getting created on run time. but couldn't find any?
It is also setting the PYTHONPATH to $PWD/$PWD/
When ever I am doing a python specific operation
in spark code , its using PYSPARK_PYTHON. So for what purpose this PYTHONPATH is being used?
3.After this yarn is creating softlinks using ln -sf for all the files in step 1
soft links are created for for , py4j-<version>.zip,
all python files mentioned in step 1.
Now these links are again pointing to '/data/different_directories'
directory (which I am not sure where they are present).
I know soft links can be used for accessing remote nodes ,
but here why the soft links are created ?
Last but not the least , whether this will run for each container launch ?
Then how a container launched in another node will be able to use this python version ?
First of all, when we submit a Spark application, there are several ways to set the configurations for the Spark application.
Such as:
Setting spark-defaults.conf
Setting environment variables
Setting spark-submit options (spark-submit —help and —conf)
Setting a custom properties file (—properties-file)
Setting values in code (exposed in both SparkConf and SparkContext APIs)
Setting Hadoop configurations (HADOOP_CONF_DIR and spark.hadoop.*)
In my environment, the Hadoop configurations are placed in /etc/spark/conf/yarn-conf/, and the spark-defaults.conf and is in /etc/spark/conf/.
As the order of precedence for configurations, this is the order that Spark will use:
Properties set on SparkConf or SparkContext in code
Arguments passed to spark-submit, spark-shell, or pyspark at run time
Properties set in /etc/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf, a specified properties file
Environment variables exported or set in scripts
So broadly speaking:
For properties that apply to all jobs, use spark-defaults.conf,
for properties that are constant and specific to a single or a few applications use SparkConf or --properties-file,
for properties that change between runs use command line arguments.
Now, regarding the question:
In Cluster mode of Spark, the Spark driver is running in container in YARN, the Spark executors are running in container in YARN.
In Client mode of Spark, the Spark driver is running outside of the Hadoop cluster(out of YARN), and the executors are always in YARN.
So for your question, it is mostly relative with YARN.
When an application is submitted to YARN, first there will be an ApplicationMaster container, which nigotiates with NodeManager, and is responsible to control the application containers(in your case, they are Spark executors).
NodeManager will then create a local temporary directory for each of the Spark executors, to prepare to launch the containers(that's why the has such a name).
We can find the location of the local temporary directory is set by NodeManager's ${yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs} defined in yarn-site.xml.
And we can set yarn.nodemanager.delete.debug-delay-sec to 10 minutes and review the script.
In my environment, the ${yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs} is /yarn/nm, so in this directory, I can find the tempory directories of Spark executor containers, they looks like:
And in this directory, I can find the for this specific container and other stuffs for running this container.
Where this PWD directory resides ?
I think this is a special Environment Variable in Linux OS, so better not to modify it unless you know how it works percisely in your application.
As per above, if you export this PWD environment at the runtime, I think it is passed to Spark as same as any other Environment Variables.
I'm not sure how the PYSPARK_PYTHON Environment Variable is used in Spark's launch scripts chain, but here you can find the instruction in the official documentation, showing how to set Python binary executable while you are using spark-submit:
spark-submit --conf spark.pyspark.python=/<PATH>/<TO>/<FILE>
As for the last question, yes, YARN will create a temp dir for each of the containers, and the is included in the dir.

spark standalone on a cluster

i installed pre_built version of spark on each node of my cluster, (just download it then unzip it)
Question 1 :
Do i have to copy into conf directory the files slaves.template and then edit them to connect my machines to each other ? if yes how can i do it only by command
i lunched master on one remote machine (and when i wanted to access to spark web UI from my local machine using
IP_address:8080 or IP_address:4040
nothing has displayed on my browser, why and what i am missing ,?
if i have 6 nodes on my cluster and if i want to use only 4 for example, do i have to lunch the master , then lunch workers only in nodes that i want to use?
Answer 1 :
You need to rename files by removing .template from them as slaves &
Suppose there are two machines & and you want to run spark master on machine A and workers on both A & B then in slaves you should write all IPs on which workers will run:
sample slaves file
sample file
You can configure (just a script file) with more options available here
Answer 2 :
You can change your spark web UI port
by editing to include SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT=8081
Then you can acess spark web ui on
If you get Could not resolve hostname check my answer here.
Answer 3 :
You can change nodes on which worker will be running in slaves file.

How to enable Spark mesos docker executor?

I'm working on integration between Mesos & Spark. For now, I can start SlaveMesosDispatcher in a docker; and I like to also run Spark executor in Mesos docker. I do the following configuration for it, but I got an error; any suggestion?
Spark: conf/spark-defaults.conf
spark.mesos.executor.docker.image ubuntu
spark.mesos.executor.docker.volumes /usr/bin:/usr/bin,/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib,/usr/lib:/usr/lib,/lib:/lib,/home/test/workshop/spark:/root/spark
spark.mesos.executor.home /root/spark
#spark.executorEnv.SPARK_HOME /root/spark
spark.executorEnv.MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY /usr/local/lib
NOTE: The spark are installed in /home/test/workshop/spark, and all dependencies are installed.
After submit SparkPi to the dispatcher, the driver job is started but failed. The error messes is:
I1015 11:10:29.488456 18697 exec.cpp:134] Version: 0.26.0
I1015 11:10:29.506619 18699 exec.cpp:208] Executor registered on slave b7e24114-7585-40bc-879b-6a1188cb65b6-S1
WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities, memory limited without swap.
/bin/sh: 1: ./bin/spark-submit: not found
Does any know how to map/set spark home in docker for this case?
I think the issue you're seeing here is a result of the current working directory of the container isn't where Spark is installed. When you specify a docker image for Spark to use with Mesos, it expects the default working directory of the container to be inside $SPARK_HOME where it can find ./bin/spark-submit.
You can see that logic here.
It doesn't look like you're able to configure the working directory through Spark configuration itself, which means you'll need to build a custom image on top of ubuntu that simply does a WORKDIR /root/spark.

Spark is not started automatically on the AWS cluster - how to launch it?

A spark cluster has been launched using the ec2/spark-ec2 script from within the branch-1.4 codebase. I have logged onto it.
I can login to it - and it reflects 1 master, 2 slaves:
11:35:10/sparkup2 $ec2/spark-ec2 -i ~/.ssh/hwspark14.pem login hwspark14
Searching for existing cluster hwspark14 in region us-east-1...
Found 1 master, 2 slaves.
Logging into master
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Tue Jun 23 20:44:05 2015 from
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux AMI
Amazon Linux version 2015.03 is available.
But .. where are they?? The only java processes running are:
Hadoop: NameNode and SecondaryNode
Tachyon: Master and Worker
It is a surprise to me that the Spark Master and Workers are not started. When looking for the processes to start them manually it is not at all obvious where they are located.
Hints on
why spark did not start automatically
where the launch scripts live
would be appreciated. (In the meantime i will do an exhaustive
find / -name
And .. survey says:
root#ip-10-151-25-94 etc]$ find / -name
Which means to me that spark were not even installed??
Update I wonder: is this a bug in 1.4.0? I ran same set of commands in 1.3.1 and the spark cluster came up.
There was a bug in spark 1.4.0 provisioning script which is cloned from github repository by spark-ec2 ( with similar symptoms - apache spark haven't started. The reason was - provisioning script failed to download spark archive.
Check was spark downloaded and uncompressed on the master host ls -altr /root/spark there should be several directories there. From your description looks like /root/spark/sbin/ script is missing - which is missing there.
Also check the contents of the file cat /tmp/spark-ec2_spark.log it should has information about uncompressing step.
Another thing to try is to run spark-ec2 with other provisioning script branch by adding --spark-ec2-git-branch branch-1.4 into the spark-ec2 command line argument.
Also when you run spark-ec2 save all output and check is there something suspicious:
spark-ec2 <...args...> 2>&1 | tee start.log
