Azure secured connection for Load balancer? - azure

we are creating a virtual machines in resource manager portal with internet facing load balancer. In virtual machines we have more than 10 web application running in different ports. we have port mapping in load balancer to access application as public. Now our requirement is how can we make secured connection for all applications? can we make "https" for load balancer public IP?
please let me know if any possibilities to make secure connection for loadbalancer.

you can go with Azure application gateway to do the external SSL termination.Then setup an internal loadbalancer to do the routing.


Azure load balancer inside a subnet VPN gateway

I have two virtual machines in azure VNet (IP adresses and, and one machine connected to VNet via VPN Gateway (IP Is is possible to create a load balancing in internal load balancer to redirect UPD traffic to VPN connected machine?
Azure Load Balancer supports virtual machines or virtual machine scale sets as it's backend pool endpoints along with addition of instances via network interface or IP addresses. However, a backend pool configured by IP address has the following limitation:
The backend resources must be in the same virtual network as the load balancer.
Reference :
So, you cannot add a VPN connected on-premise machine in the backend pool of the load balancer. There is an active feature request for this and it is under review by the load balancer product group team. You can upvote this feature request in the below forum for future improvements:

Azure Public Load Balancer cannot access to backend pool VMs

I'm facing the Azure Public Load Balancer issue, cannot access the load balancer public IP use by port 80 but I can access to backend pool VM's port 80.
My Azure Public Load Balancer setting all following the Microsoft Azure Documentation.
The Backend Pool VMs also can access port 80 by VMs public IP.
There any troubleshoot for this situation?
If you are unable to connect to your VMs via the load balancer front end IP / port, it is usually an issue with your LB configuration, backend health, or a firewall / NSG blocking the connection.
Please refer the below troubleshooting docs to go through your configuration:
Your LB configuration will be setup using the Load Balancing Rules of your load balancer.
Azure Load Balancer will not route traffic to backends that are not reporting healthy via the Health Probes, so make sure your backend is healthy.
A Firewall or NSG can also block the connection, so make sure there are no firewalls in your environment/OS firewalls that block the traffic, and check your Network Security Groups (NSGs) on your Subnet / NICs of the VM are not blocking the load balancing probes (AllowAzureLoadBalancerInBound rule).
You can also run the automated troubleshooter for specific issues on your load balancer from the "Diagnose and solve problems" tab of your load balancer resource in Azure portal as shown in the below picture:

Azure Load Balancer to balance the load between multiple ports but in same VM (Backend Pool)

I have having a hard time find a solution for this.
I have an Azure Internal Load Balancer (level 4). And I have ONLY one Virtual Machine act as the backend pool for the said Load Balancer.
And fun part starts here, I have multiple Docker containers running on that Virtual Machine. Running Nginx Web servers on ports 8080 and 8081.
And now I want to balance the load between these two ports. Literally what I want is something like below in the photo:
So according to the photo, the request comes from and it should hit the Load Balancer, and then it should route the traffic to the only VM running multiple docker containers in multiple ports.
How can I achieve this behavior?
I have already setup A frontend configuration with private ip, a rule, backend pool
As per this article(, placing an Azure Load Balancer in front of container instances in a networked container group is not supported and similarly it is not possible to route the traffic on containers to their specific ports running on a single Virtual Machine. The above solution works on VM level not on container level.
The only workaround for this scenario would be to use Azure Application gateway as Microservice architecture is supported on App gateway. To probe on different ports, you need to configure multiple HTTP settings. Reference:
Azure Application Gateway is a web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage traffic to your web applications. And you can create an internal application gateway. To do that you can create an Application Gateway with both public and private frontend IP address and do not create any listeners for the public frontend IP address. Application Gateway will not listen to any traffic on the public IP address if no listeners are created for it.
Reference: ,

Azure load balancer inside a subnet

I have a VNET with a subnet, there are 3 VMs in the subnet, the VNET is connected via a VPN connection to an on-premises server. The on-premises server will send requests to an internal IP of the subnet.
What I'd like to do is host a load balancer with no public IP, but has an IP in the subnet range. The on-premises app would then talk to the single load balancer, which would in turn forward the request on to any of the servers hosting my app in the subnet.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible, or an alternative if possible.
I believe you are looking for an internal load balancer.
You can find documentation for that here:
Azure Internal Load Balancer (ILB) provides network load balancing between virtual machines that reside inside a cloud service or a virtual network with a regional scope.
Create a Load Balancer as usual, but specify Type: Internal.
Probably best to make it use a static IP address as well so it won't change.
Then you'll need to configure its back-end pool and health probe so it knows where to route traffic.

Difference in Load balancing on Azure LoadBancer and Application Gateway?

I have done Load balancing on Azure using Azure Load Balancing and Application Gateway for HTTPS traffic.
In Azure Load Balancer, we can do health check at port 443 while in Application Gateway there are options to upload SSL certs and for health check we can specify a file like index.html on which we can perform health check.
I know that Application Gateway is the right way, but what is the drawback of using Azure Load balancer.
Can someone explain me this.
Maybe the following table helps understanding the difference between Azure load balancer and Application Gateway:
