Application execution monitoring for Spark job on yarn - apache-spark

I can see the application execution information in detail on the Web UI in Spark standalone mode, but when comes to yarn, it is gone. So, where can I see the execution information when job is ran on yarn?

You need to configure spark history server with yarn ,and then start it
in your spark-defaults.conf file add the following properties,
spark.eventLog.enabled true
spark.eventLog.dir hdfs://LOCATION/TO/SPARK/EVENT/LOG
spark.yarn.historyServer.address SPARK_HISTORY_SERVER_HOST
spark.history.ui.port SPARK_HISTORY_SERVER_PORT org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.history.YarnHistoryService
spark.history.fs.logDirectory hdfs://LOCATION/TO/SPARK/EVENT/LOG
and then start spark history server:
P.S. I assume that Spark is already configured with hadoop/yarn (so you have set the location of configuration files in

You can debug your application , but I guess there is no UI dedicated for that.


Which directory spark applications on yarn output their logs to? spark.eventLog.dir or var/log/ in each node?

I am building a log analysis planform to monitor spark jobs on a yarn cluster and I want to get a clear idea about spark/yarn logging.
I have searched a lot about this and these are the confusions I have.
The directory specified in spark.eventLog.dir or spark.history.fs.logDirectory get stored all the
application master logs and through in spark conf we can customize those logs ?
In default all data nodes output their executor logs to a folder in /var/log/. with log-aggregation enabled you can get those executer logs to the spark.eventLog.dir location as well?
I've managed to set up a 3 node virtual hadoop yarn cluster, spark installed in the master node. When I'm running spark in client mode I'm thinking this node becomes the application master node.
I'm a beginner to Big data and appreciate any effort to help me out with these confusions.
Spark log4j logging is written to the Yarn container stderr logs. The directory for these is controlled by yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs configuration parameter (default value on EMR is /var/log/hadoop-yarn/containers).
(spark.eventLog.dir is only used by the Spark History Server to display the Web UI after a job has finished. Here, Spark writes events that encode the information displayed in the UI to persisted storage).

Retain spark node history

How to retain spark worker and master node history such as completed applications , completed drivers in a cluster. When there is a restart all these history are lost. Is there any specific config to enable for maintaining the history.
Enabled spark event log in spark-defaults.conf
spark.eventLog.enabled true
spark.eventLog.dir file:////app/spark/logs/data/event_log_dir
But still unable to retain the history
There is inbox solution - Spark History Server
Spark UI is available only while application is running.
There is a Spark History Server tool, that allows you to see the UI after the application is finished.
More information is in Spark documentation:
Spark: Monitoring and Instrumentation - Viewing After the Fact

How to make sure Spark master node is using the worker nodes? (Google cluster)

I just created a Google Cloud cluster (1 master and 6 workers) and by default Spark is configured.
I have a pure python code that uses NLTK to build the dependency tree for each line from a text file. When I run this code on the master spark-submit I get the same execution time when I run it using my machine.
How to make sure that the master is using the workers in order to reduce the execution time ?
You can check the spark UI. If its running on top of yarn, please open the yarn UI and click on your application id which will open the spark UI. Check under the executors tab it will have the node ip address also.
could you please share your spark submit config.
Your command 'spark-submit' doesn't seem to send your job to YARN. To do such thing, you need to add the --master parameter. For example, a valid command to execute a job in YARN is:
./bin/spark-submit --master yarn python/ 1000
If you execute your job from the master, this execution will be straightforward. Anyway, check this link for another parameter that spark-submit accept.
For a Dataproc cluster (Hadoop Google cluster) you have two options to check the job history including the ones that are running:
By command line from the master: yarn application -list, this option sometimes needs additional configuration. If you have troubles, this link will be useful.
By UI. Dataproc enables you to access the Spark Web UI, it improves monitoring tasks. Check this link to learn how to access the Spark UI and other Dataproc UIs. In summary, you have to create a tunnel and configure your browser to use socks proxy.
Hope the information above help you.

How does Spark prepare executors on Hadoop YARN?

I'm trying to understand the details of how Spark prepares the executors. In order to do this I tried to debug org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend and invoked
It points out to the following directory:
Looking at the directory I found the following files:
The question is who delivers the files to each executor and then just runs CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend with the appropriate classpath? What are the scripts? Are they all YARN-autogenerated?
I looked at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit, but didn't find anything useful inside.'re asking for quite a lot of details on how Spark communicates with cluster managers while requesting resources. Let me give you some information. Keep asking if you want more...
You are using Hadoop YARN as the cluster manager for Spark applications. Let's focus on this particular cluster manager only (as there are others that Spark supports like Apache Mesos, Spark Standalone, DC/OS and soon Kubernetes that have their own ways to deal with Spark deployments).
By default, while submitting a Spark application using spark-submit, the Spark application (i.e. the SparkContext it uses actually) requests three YARN containers. One container is for that Spark application's ApplicationMaster that knows how to talk to YARN and request two other YARN containers for two Spark executors.
You could review the YARN official documentation's Apache Hadoop YARN and Hadoop: Writing YARN Applications to dig deeper into the YARN internals.
While submitting the Spark application, Spark's ApplicationMaster is submitted to YARN using the YARN "protocol" that requires that the request for the very first YARN container (container 0) uses ContainerLaunchContext that holds all the necessary launch details (see Client.createContainerLaunchContext).
who delivers the files to each executor
That's how YARN gets told how to launch the ApplicationMaster for the Spark application. While fulfilling the request for a ApplicationMaster container, YARN downloads necessary files which you found in the container's working space.
That's very internal to how any YARN application works on YARN and has (almost) nothing to do with Spark.
The code that's responsible for the communication is in Spark's Client, esp. Client.submitApplication.
and then just runs CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend with the appropriate classpath.
Quoting Mastering Apache Spark 2 gitbook:
CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend is a standalone application that is started in a resource container when (...) Spark on YARN’s ExecutorRunnable is started.
ExecutorRunnable is started when when Spark on YARN's YarnAllocator schedules it in allocated YARN resource containers.
What are the scripts? Are they all YARN-autogenerated?
Kind of.
Some are prepared by Spark as part of a Spark application submission while others are YARN-specific.
Enable DEBUG logging level in your Spark application and you'll see the file transfer.
You can find more information in the Spark official documentation's Running Spark on YARN and the Mastering Apache Spark 2 gitbook of mine.

Submitting Spark Job On Scheduler Pool

I am running a spark streaming job on cluster mode , i have created a pool with memory of 200GB(CDH). I wanted to run my spark streaming job on that pool, i tried setting
sc.setLocalProperty("spark.scheduler.pool", "pool")
in code but its not working and i also tried the
spark.scheduler.pool seems not working in spark streaming, whenever i run the job it goes in the default pool. What would be the possible issue? Is there any configuration i can add while submitting the job?
In yarn we can add the
--conf spark.yarn.queue="que_name"
to the spark-submit command . Then it will use that particular queue and its resources only.
I ran into this same issue with Spark 2.4. In my case, the problem was resolved by removing the default "spark.scheduler.pool" option in my Spark config.
I traced the issue to a bug in Spark - The problem is that if you set the config property "spark.scheduler.pool" in the base configuration, you can't then override it using setLocalProperty. Removing it from the base configuration made it work correctly. See the bug description for more detail.
