Apache Cassandra Several Partition Keys or Single Computed Key? - cassandra

I am fairly new to Apache Cassandra and one thing I am having a hard time understanding is whether I should have a table with several partition keys or a single computed key (computed in a application layer).
In my specific case I have 16 partition keys k1...k16 that make a single data element unique. With several partition keys I need to provide them in my select statement and I am okay with this, but are there any pros/cons of doing this in terms of storage and or performance?
The way I understand this is the storage might be more, but the partition keys are 'human readable' and potentially queryable by other clients of this data. I assume that cassandra computes some hash on my partition keys whether it's a single value or several.
My question is there storage/performance issues or any other considerations I should think about with having several partition keys or single application computed partition key?

You are correct, Cassandra converts a multi-part partition key into a single hash. So, I think any efficiencies gains from computing the hash in your application would be minimal at best.
Also, just in case you don't know this, keep in mind that the primary key is divided into the partition key and the clustering keys.


Partition key for Azure Cosmos DB collection

I am bit new to Azure Cosmos DB and trying to understand the concepts.
I want help to decide the the best possible partition key for DocumentDB collection. Please refer image below which have possible partitions using different partition keys.
As mentioned in the blog post here,
An ideal partition key is one that appears frequently as a filter in
your queries and has sufficient cardinality to ensure your solution is
From above line, I think, in my case, UserId can be used as partition key.
Can someone please suggest me which key is the best possible candidate for partition key?
From the 10 things to know about DocumentDB Partitioned Collections and micro official document , you could find lots of very good advice about choice of partitioning key, so I'm not going to repeat here.
The selection of partitioning keys depends on the data stored in the database and the frequent query filtering criteria.
It is often advised to partition on something like userid which is good if you have. Suppose your business logic has many queries for a given userid and want to look up no more than a few hundred entries. In such cases the data can be quickly extracted from a single partition without the overhead of having to collate data across partitions.
However, if you have millions of records for the user then partitioning on userid is perhaps the worst option as extracting large volumes of data from a single partition will soon exceed the overhead of collation. In such cases you want to distribute user data as evenly as possible over all partitions. You may need to find another column to be the partition key.
So , if the data volume is very large, I suggest that you do some simple tests based on your business logic and choose the best partitioning key for your performance. After all, the partitioning key cannot be changed once it is set up.
Hope it helps you.
It depends, but here are few things to consider:
The blog post you mentioned say:
Additionally, the storage size for documents belonging to the same partition key is limited to 10GB. An ideal partition key is one that appears frequently as a filter in your queries and has sufficient cardinality to ensure your solution is scalable.
Also, I really recommend to check this post and video, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/partition-data,
The choice of the partition key is an important decision that you have to make at design time. You must pick a property name that has a wide range of values and has even access patterns.
So make sure to choose a partition Key that has many values and meets those requirements.

Determining write nodes in Cassandra

I've just started reading about Cassandra and I can't quite understand how Cassandra manages to decide which nodes should it write the data to.
What I understand, is that Cassandra uses a part of primary key, specifically partition key, and partitioner to get a token by hashing the partition key, therefore a node/vnode to which that token is bound to.
Now let's say I have 2 nodes in my cluster, each has 256 vnodes on it + I'm not using any clustering keys, just a simple PK and a bunch of simple columns. Hashing partition key would clearly determine where the data should go. By this logic, there would be only 512 unique records available for storage.
Would be funny if true. So am I wrong at the partitioner part?
Consider the base case: just a single node, with a single token. Do you think it can story only one record? Of course not.
The hash determines which node the row will go to, true. But the primary key determines where in the node the row will be stored. And many distinct primary keys may result in the same hash, but they will all be stored separately by the node.

Cassandra: Data Type for Partition Key - Decimal or UUID

I want to describe the problem I am working on first:
Currently I try to find a strategy that would allow me to migrate data from an existing PostgreSQL database into a Cassandra cluster. The primary key in the PostgreSQL is a decimal value with 25 digits. When I migrate the data, it would be nice if I could keep the value of the current primary key in one way or another and use it to uniquely identify the data in Cassandra. This key should be used as the partition key in Cassandra (no other columns are involved in the table I am talking about). After doing some research, I found out that a good practise is to use UUIDs in Cassandra. So now I have two possible solutions to solve my problem:
I can either create a transformation rule, that would transfer my current decimal primary keys from the PostgrSQL database into UUIDs for Cassandra. Everytime someone requests to access some of the old data, I would have to reapply the transformation rule to the key and use the UUID to search for the data in Cassandra. The transformation would happen in an application server, that manages all communication with Cassandra (so no client will talk to Cassandra directly) New data added to Cassandra would of course be stored with an UUID.
The other solution, which I already have implemented in Java at the moment, is to use a decimal value as the partition key in Cassandra. Since it is possible, that multiple application servers will talk to Cassandra concurrently, my current approach is to generate a UUID in my application and transform it into a decimal value. Using this approach, I could simply reuse all the existing primary keys form PostgreSQL.
I cannot simply create new keys for the existing data, since other applications have stored their own references to the old primary key values and will therefore try to request data with those keys.
Now here is my question: Both approaches seem to work and end up with unique keys to identify my data. The distribution of data across all node should also be fine. But I wonder, if there is any benefit in using a UUID over a decimal value as partition key or visa versa. I don't know exactly what Cassandra does to determine the hash value of the partition key and therefore cannot determine if any data type is to be preferred. I am using the Murmur3Partitioner for Cassandra if that is relevant.
Does anyone have any experience with this issue?
Thanks in advance for answers.
There are two benefits of UUID's that I know of.
First, they can be generated independently with little chance of collisions. This is very useful in distributed systems since you often have multiple clients wanting to insert data with unique keys. In RDBMS we had the luxury of auto-incrementing fields to give uniqueness since that could easily be done atomically, but in a distributed database we don't have efficient global atomic locks to do that.
The second advantage is that UUID's are fairly efficient in terms of storage, and only require eight bytes.
As long as your old decimal values are unique, you should be able to use them as partition keys.

Cassandra: Controlling which node receives data

My understanding of Cassandra's recommended clustering approach is to ensure that each node in the cluster receives an equal distribution of data, by hashing a document's unique Id. My question is if there is a way to change this and define a custom key for "intelligently" routing a document to a specific node in the cluster?
In my scenario, I have data which relates to a specific entity (think client-project-task-item) Across all my data; I will have enough items to require some horizontal scaling; however, each search will always relate to a given client-project-task for which the data set is only a moderate size.
Is there a way to create this type of partitioning / routing (different names I've seen for the same thing) logic in Cassandra?
Thanks; Brent
Clustering approach in Cassandra is not just for an equal distribution of data. It also ensures that all read/write operations are distributed across the cluster to make these operations faster. In addition to this, most likely you will have replication factor greater than 1 to ensure data redundancy so that a node failure does not result in the data loss.
Back to your question and to your own answer. If you use the same partition key for the data, this guarantees that Cassandra partitioning will store the primary replica of the data on the same node, and even more, it will store them in the same partition, ("wide row" in an old way of naming).
I think - http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cql/3.0/share/glossary/gloss_partition_key.html - is the answer I'm looking for
The first column declared in the PRIMARY KEY definition, or in the case of a compound key, multiple columns can declare those columns that form the primary key.

How do you query cassandra for a set of keys?

Given a set of primary keys (including the partition and clustering keys), what is the more performant way to query those rows from cassandra?
I am trying to implement a method that, given a list of keys, will return a spark RDD for a couple of other columns in the CF. I've implemented a solution based on this question Distributed loading of a wide row into Spark from Cassandra but this returns an RDD with a partition for each key. If the list of keys is large this will be inefficient and cause too many connections to cassandra.
As such, I'm looking for an efficient way to query cassandra for a set of primary keys.
The fastest solution should be grouping them by partition key using IN operator (or > if possible) for clustering keys and then, if needed, splitting these "supersets" client side.
