The previous instances of usercontrol have the same values with last one. Why? - user-controls

In my application (winForm - using devexpress components), I have tabs with the same UserControl (with different values when Control Loading depending on User choice) into them.
My problem is that all userControl instances have the same values as the last instance.
Why this happening ?
Code in visual Rpg.
(when user clicks the button to create new user control)
BEGSR manageCreateNew
DCLSRPARM sender Type(*Object)
DCLSRPARM e Type(DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs)
DCLFLD appCode Type(*String)
DCLFLD fileStatusParm Type(*Boolean)
DCLFLD parmCompany Type(*Char) Len(3)
DCLFLD parmProtNo Type(*Zoned) Len(5,0)
DCLFLD parmProtYear Type(*Zoned) Len(2,0)
DCLFLD TabForm1 Type(KYKLADES_Menu_Protocol.ManageProtocol)
DCLFLD TabFormSupplier Type(KYKLADES_Menu_Supplier.SupplierForm)
DCLFLD infoBoxResult Type(DialogResult)
DCLFLD IsProjectSubHeaderOpen Type(*Boolean) Inz(*True)
DCLFLD supplierCodeParm Type(*String)
DCLFLD isView Type(*Boolean)
DCLFLD isOldVsl Type(*String) Inz(" ")
manageCreate = "Create" + appCode
IsProjectSubHeaderOpen = CheckIfProjectSubHeaderCOpen(IsProjectSubHeaderOpen)
if IsProjectSubHeaderOpen = *False
barbuttonItem_Save.Enabled = *True
barbuttonItem_Close.Enabled = *True
barButtonItem_New.Enabled = *False
barButtonItem_Edit.Enabled = *False
barButtonItem_Delete.Enabled = *False
appCode = %SubSt(tabControlSubCategory.SelectedTabPage.Tag.ToString().Trim(), 1, 3)
projectOption = %SubSt(tabControlSubCategory.SelectedTabPage.Tag.ToString().Trim(), 4, 3)
if projectOption = '005'
fileStatusParm = *True
selectionParm = *True
parmCompany = *Blanks
parmProtNo = *Zeros
parmProtYear = *Zeros
isView = *False
isSaved = *False
TabForm1 = *new KYKLADES_Menu_Protocol.ManageProtocol(fileStatusParm,parmCompany,parmProtNo,parmProtYear,isOldVsl,isView)
WITH TabForm1
.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
tabPageSubCategoryHeader = *new DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage()
WITH tabPageSubCategoryHeader
.ImageIndex = FileLibrary.APPIMG //Image
.Name = projectOption + "manageCreate"
.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
.Size = *new System.Drawing.Size(525I, 343I)
.Text = "Create Protocol"
.Tag = "manageCreate"
.Controls.Add(TabForm1 *As Control)
tagString = "Create"+appCode
It's my first time of using VS for your info. I think that when user change the tab (in this point) have to get the right instance of user control ? is this correct ?

i find the solution for my problem.
For your info iam using ASNA Visual RPG 14 for visual studio 2015.
The problem had to do with deceleration of object and the use of SHARED parameter.
From ASNA newsletter.
Terminology confusion
Be aware that AVR and VB use Shared to indicate that a variable is owned by a class, as opposed to non-shared members which are owned by class instances. AVR and VB also both use Static to indicate that a variable’s value persists across routine calls.


How can i add this other condition to this code?

i have this subroutine that i use to make labels. for some reason i cant just make another subroutine where instead of "CGI_SAMPLE_LABEL" it uses "YCI_SAMPLE_LABEL" because of other subroutines. any suggestions on how i can add this so that it chooses either one or the other. if tried using WHERE OR but that didn't work. i edited some of the tags because LIMS basic language is also like smalltalk.
pTableNameStr = "SAMPLE"
pLabelNameStr = "CGI_SAMPLE_LABEL"
NumSamples = Ubound(selectedObjects, 1)
FOR X = 1 TO NumSamples
SampleNumber = selectedObjects[x]
pKeyNameArr[1] = SampleNumber
pNumLabelsInt = 1
pLabelNameStr = "CGI_SAMPLE_LABEL"
pReasonStr = "Auto Label Generation"
pActivityStr = "Label printed for sample logged event"
NEXT 'Sample

How to give data dynamically in a dialog box using visual c++

How can I send data to a dialog box dynamically?
In a previous project I used edit boxes (e.g for 3 conductors) and gave those data separately for each conductor. Now I have to give them dynamically and I don't have standard number of conductors and I can't use edit box again.
Could you please give me an idea or a good link describing step by step how to create a table in a dialog box dynamically?
I have created a dialog box in which I insert data about conductors (resistivity, permeability, diameter etc (electric power systems Smile | :) )) in edit boxes but I have done it only for 3 conductors. I have to insert-edit the number of conductors and then edit their characteristics. But I can't use again edit boxes because this is static. I want something like a dynamic table which will have rows=number of conductors and columns about is characteristic (resistivity, permeability, diameter)and edit them in dialog box. I don't know how to upload my executable to male clear what I have done but here is a part of my code for the static case of three conductors Smile | :) I want another dynamic way to edit data :/
void CInputView::OnLinefeaturesFeatures()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CInputDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CFeaturesDialog DialogWindow;
DialogWindow.m_DialogCon = m_NumCond;
DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers = m_Layers;
DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability = m_AirPermeability;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity = m_AirConductivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity = m_AirPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1 = m_EarthPermeability1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1 = m_EarthConductivity1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1 = m_EarthPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth = m_depth;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2 = m_EarthPermeability2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2 = m_EarthConductivity2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2 = m_EarthPermittivity2;
DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency = m_frequency;
if (DialogWindow.DoModal() == IDOK)
m_NumCond = DialogWindow.m_DialogCon;
m_Layers = DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers;
m_AirPermeability = DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability;
m_AirConductivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity;
m_AirPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity;
m_EarthPermeability1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1;
m_EarthConductivity1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1;
m_EarthPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1;
m_depth = DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth;
m_EarthPermeability2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2;
m_EarthConductivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2;
m_EarthPermittivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2;
m_frequency = DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency;

Disable/enable an input field

Using this sample code, I am trying to enable/disable the field "arrdatfrom". However, once this text field has been DISABLED, i cannot get it to be re-ENABLED. The function below gets executed when the user clicks a "Refresh" button. I have built this little demo just to prove that I have tried many ways to do this. Any ideas?
function showBooking() {
var d = new Date()
formvals.arrdatefrom = document.getElementById("arrdatfrom").value
formvals.arrdatethru = document.getElementById("arrdatthru").value
formvals.depdatefrom = document.getElementById("depdatfrom").value
formvals.depdatethru = document.getElementById("depdatthru").value
formvals.bookname = document.getElementById("bookname").value
formvals.peakroomfrom = document.getElementById("peakroomfrom").value
formvals.peakroomthru = document.getElementById("peakroomthru").value
formvals.peakattendfrom = document.getElementById("peakattendfrom").value
formvals.peakattendthru = document.getElementById("peakattendthru").value
alert (' ngs.hta ready to enable')
document.getElementById("arrdatfrom").enabled = 'true'
alert ('ngs.hta in showBooking!! disable. ')
document.getElementById("arrdatfrom").disabled = 'true'
There is no property .enabled. To re-enable a disabled element, set .disabled = false.

Two Web Parts connection doesn't work when set programmatically

I've a SharePoint 2010 page with a list. The list has several items and a field named "Department" and must filter items based on user's department value retrieved from user profile.
To do this I've created a feature which upon activation adds UserContextFilterWebPart to the page and makes connection between UserContextFilterWebPart and XsltListViewWebPart. After the feature is activated I can see in the page design mode that connection is established but the list gets empty. Then I open web part's menu, choose "Connections" then "Send Filter Values To" and click "List1". When dialog appears I do nothing but only click "Finish" button and it begins to work fine. Can anybody please explain me why the connection begins to work only if I do that manual extra action? What must be done to fix?
I tried different way when List.Views[0].Query property is set to appropriate CAML query and it also works fine. But I'm told that it's not a good approach because of performance and parallel tasks issues. Is it really bad course of action?
Below is the code for 2 different approaches.
Thanks in advance!
1-s variant with UserContextFilterWebPart:
SPSite Site = new SPSite(URL);
SPWeb Web = Site.OpenWeb();
SPLimitedWebPartManager WPM = Web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(URL, PersonalizationScope.Shared);
XsltListViewWebPart List = WPM.WebParts[0] as XsltListViewWebPart;
UserContextFilterWebPart UCFWP = new UserContextFilterWebPart();
UCFWP.Title = "Current User Filter";
UCFWP.AllowEdit = true;
UCFWP.FilterName = "Current User";
UCFWP.SendEmptyWhenNoValues = true;
UCFWP.AllowClose = true;
UCFWP.ExportMode = WebPartExportMode.All;
UCFWP.AllowConnect = true;
UCFWP.AllowHide = true;
UCFWP.ProfilePropertyName = "Department";
UCFWP.ValueKind = UserContextFilterValueKind.ProfileValue;
UCFWP.ZoneID = "Main";
WPM.AddWebPart(UCFWP, UCFWP.ZoneID, 1);
ConsumerConnectionPointCollection consumerConnections = WPM.GetConsumerConnectionPoints(List);
ConsumerConnectionPoint addConsumerConnPoint = consumerConnections["DFWP Filter Consumer ID"];
ProviderConnectionPointCollection providerConnections = WPM.GetProviderConnectionPoints(UCFWP);
ProviderConnectionPoint addProviderConnPoint = providerConnections["ITransformableFilterValues"];
TransformableFilterValuesToParametersTransformer trans = new TransformableFilterValuesToParametersTransformer();
trans.ConsumerFieldNames = new string[] { "Department" };
trans.ProviderFieldNames = new string[] { "Department" };
SPWebPartConnection newConnection = WPM.SPConnectWebParts(UCFWP, addProviderConnPoint, List, addConsumerConnPoint, trans);
2-nd variant with CAML query (intended to be used not in a feature but in a web part):
SPSite Site = new SPSite(URL);
SPWeb Web = Site.OpenWeb();
SPLimitedWebPartManager WPM = Web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(URL, PersonalizationScope.Shared);
XsltListViewWebPart List = WPM.WebParts[0] as XsltListViewWebPart;
SPUser CurrentUser = Web.CurrentUser;
SPServiceContext context = SPServiceContext.GetContext(Site);
UserProfileManager upm = new UserProfileManager(context, false);
UserProfile up = upm.GetUserProfile(CurrentUser.RawSid);
String UserDepartment = up["Department"].Value.ToString();
SPView ListView = Web.Lists["List1"].Views[0];
ListView.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Department' /><Value Type='Text'>" + UserDepartment + "</Value></Eq></Where>";
I had a similar problem of connecting two web parts. I found the answer here:
Note that that post describes how to do it with two XsltListViewWebParts. In order to use it in your case I suggest that you:
Create the connection manually,
Use PowerShell to get a SPLimitedWebPartManager for the page,
Use the manager to iterate through the manager.SPWebPartConnections,
And find the ProviderConnectionPointID for your connection,
Use that ID in the code shown in the post.
Also remember to setup the transformer - you can find this also from the SPWebPartConnections.
Next time you activate your feature you should have a connection equal to the one you made by hand.

Setting DisplayMemberPath of ComboBox in code

In my WPF program I have:
string queryString = "Select AccountID, ProjectName from Foo where IsEnabled = 1";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, sConn1);
DataSet dsAccounts = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(dsAccounts, "Accounts");
cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
When my program runs and I dropdown the ComboBox all the rows are there but they display as blanks. When I click on a row, my SelectionChanged event handler properly identifies the selected row and picks up the proper values.
I believe my problem is with the DisplayMemberPath.
What am I doing wrong?
This is not an answer but rather a workaround. This works:
cbAccount.DataContext = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"];
//cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
By setting the DataContext reather than the ItemSource then the DisplayMemberPath is being set properly.
The question remains open, there must be a way to properly set the DisplayMemberPath when one has an ItemSource rather than a DataContext.
I believe the problem is that your table accounts is not serialized to objects.
If you use a list of accounts instead of your tables then it works perfect with the ItemsSource and DisplayMemeberPath.
