Disable/enable an input field - jscript

Using this sample code, I am trying to enable/disable the field "arrdatfrom". However, once this text field has been DISABLED, i cannot get it to be re-ENABLED. The function below gets executed when the user clicks a "Refresh" button. I have built this little demo just to prove that I have tried many ways to do this. Any ideas?
function showBooking() {
var d = new Date()
formvals.arrdatefrom = document.getElementById("arrdatfrom").value
formvals.arrdatethru = document.getElementById("arrdatthru").value
formvals.depdatefrom = document.getElementById("depdatfrom").value
formvals.depdatethru = document.getElementById("depdatthru").value
formvals.bookname = document.getElementById("bookname").value
formvals.peakroomfrom = document.getElementById("peakroomfrom").value
formvals.peakroomthru = document.getElementById("peakroomthru").value
formvals.peakattendfrom = document.getElementById("peakattendfrom").value
formvals.peakattendthru = document.getElementById("peakattendthru").value
alert (' ngs.hta ready to enable')
document.getElementById("arrdatfrom").enabled = 'true'
alert ('ngs.hta in showBooking!! disable. ')
document.getElementById("arrdatfrom").disabled = 'true'

There is no property .enabled. To re-enable a disabled element, set .disabled = false.


Change Item Price when Creating Purchase Order via PHP in Netsuite

I am attempting to create open purchase orders in Netsuite during a system migration using Netsuite's PHP Toolkit for 2019_2. I am able to create the purchase order and line items without a problem, but I cannot figure out how to change the item cost on the line item. Setting the line item extended total works, but setting the rate field does not. Can anyone shed any light on why the price is not being set?
I've tried both $poi->item->rate = "5.00"; and $poi->item->rate = 5.00; with no success. The documentation says that this field is a string.
$service = new NetSuiteService();
$po = new PurchaseOrder();
$po->tranId = 'PO111111';
$po->tranDate = '2019-03-27T00:00:00';
$po->approvalStatus = new RecordRef();
$po->approvalStatus->internalId = 2;
$po->entity = new RecordRef();
$po->entity->externalId = 'VENDORNAME';
// Create PO Item
$poi = new PurchaseOrderItem();
$poi->item = new RecordRef();
$poi->item->externalId = 'ITEMNUMBER';
$poi->item->rate = "5.00";
$poi->quantity = 10;
$po->itemList = new PurchaseOrderItemList();
$po->itemList->item = array($poi);
$request = new AddRequest();
$request->record = $po;
$addResponse = $service->add($request);
if (!$addResponse->writeResponse->status->isSuccess) {
echo "ADD ERROR";
} else {
echo "ADD SUCCESS, id " . $addResponse->writeResponse->baseRef->internalId;
Set the rate on the purchase order line instead of trying to do it on the item record.
$poi->rate = "5.00";

How to give data dynamically in a dialog box using visual c++

How can I send data to a dialog box dynamically?
In a previous project I used edit boxes (e.g for 3 conductors) and gave those data separately for each conductor. Now I have to give them dynamically and I don't have standard number of conductors and I can't use edit box again.
Could you please give me an idea or a good link describing step by step how to create a table in a dialog box dynamically?
I have created a dialog box in which I insert data about conductors (resistivity, permeability, diameter etc (electric power systems Smile | :) )) in edit boxes but I have done it only for 3 conductors. I have to insert-edit the number of conductors and then edit their characteristics. But I can't use again edit boxes because this is static. I want something like a dynamic table which will have rows=number of conductors and columns about is characteristic (resistivity, permeability, diameter)and edit them in dialog box. I don't know how to upload my executable to male clear what I have done but here is a part of my code for the static case of three conductors Smile | :) I want another dynamic way to edit data :/
void CInputView::OnLinefeaturesFeatures()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CInputDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CFeaturesDialog DialogWindow;
DialogWindow.m_DialogCon = m_NumCond;
DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers = m_Layers;
DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability = m_AirPermeability;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity = m_AirConductivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity = m_AirPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1 = m_EarthPermeability1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1 = m_EarthConductivity1;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1 = m_EarthPermittivity;
DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth = m_depth;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2 = m_EarthPermeability2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2 = m_EarthConductivity2;
DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2 = m_EarthPermittivity2;
DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency = m_frequency;
if (DialogWindow.DoModal() == IDOK)
m_NumCond = DialogWindow.m_DialogCon;
m_Layers = DialogWindow.m_DialogLayers;
m_AirPermeability = DialogWindow.m_DialogPermeability;
m_AirConductivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirConductivity;
m_AirPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogAirPermittivity;
m_EarthPermeability1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability1;
m_EarthConductivity1 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity1;
m_EarthPermittivity = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity1;
m_depth = DialogWindow.m_DialogDepth;
m_EarthPermeability2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermeability2;
m_EarthConductivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthConductivity2;
m_EarthPermittivity2 = DialogWindow.m_DialogEarthPermittivity2;
m_frequency = DialogWindow.m_Dialogfrequency;

DocuSign SOAP API - Custom Tab - Optional Text Field

We are setting up the document to have an optional text field. We are using DocuSign SOAP API.
We have added Tab configuration, with anchor string, to specify details of custom Text box. The text box appears in the document, but it's always mandatory. Here is the configuration which we setup.
I have gone through various DocuSign support tickets, and community but couldn't find a solution for the same. Please let us know if there is anything missing, or we have a workaround for the same.
I don't see the definition of CustomTabRequiredSpecified in wsdl.
Tab.RecipientID = "1"
Tab.DocumentID = "1"
Tab.Type = "Custom"
Tab.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTab.XOffset = 0
Tab.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTab.YOffset = 0
Tab.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTab.IgnoreIfNotPresent = True
Tab.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTab.AnchorTabString = "AnchorString"
Tab.CustomTabWidth = 100
**Tab.CustomTabRequired = False**
Tab.CustomTabType = "Text"
Tab.TabLabel = "UniqueNameField"
Tab.TemplateRequired = False
Tab.SharedTab = True
Tab.RequireAll = False
I was able to make the text tab optional with these 2 lines of code:
Tab.CustomTabRequired = false;
Tab.CustomTabRequiredSpecified = true;
Please make sure you are referencing this WSDL: https://www.docusign.net/api/3.0/dsapi.asmx?wsdl

Setting DisplayMemberPath of ComboBox in code

In my WPF program I have:
string queryString = "Select AccountID, ProjectName from Foo where IsEnabled = 1";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, sConn1);
DataSet dsAccounts = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(dsAccounts, "Accounts");
cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
When my program runs and I dropdown the ComboBox all the rows are there but they display as blanks. When I click on a row, my SelectionChanged event handler properly identifies the selected row and picks up the proper values.
I believe my problem is with the DisplayMemberPath.
What am I doing wrong?
This is not an answer but rather a workaround. This works:
cbAccount.DataContext = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"];
//cbAccount.ItemsSource = dsAccounts.Tables["Accounts"].AsEnumerable();
cbAccount.DisplayMemberPath = "ProjectName";
By setting the DataContext reather than the ItemSource then the DisplayMemberPath is being set properly.
The question remains open, there must be a way to properly set the DisplayMemberPath when one has an ItemSource rather than a DataContext.
I believe the problem is that your table accounts is not serialized to objects.
If you use a list of accounts instead of your tables then it works perfect with the ItemsSource and DisplayMemeberPath.

Why does calling the YUI Datatable showCellEditor not display the editor?

Clicking on the second cell (any row) in the datatable causes the cell editor to display. But, I am trying to display the cell editor from code. The code looks like the following:
var firstEl = oDataTable.getFirstTdEl(rowIndex);
var secondCell = oDataTable.getNextTdEl(firstEl);
When I debug into the datatable.js code (either with a click or from the code above) it follows the same path through the showCellEditor function but the above code will not display the editor.
I am using YUI version 2.8.0r4.
I think this is blur events issue.
So, for example, I have link that must add record to datatable, and show its editor.
var mymethod = function (e) {
var r = {};
r.id = 0;
r.value = 'hello world';
var cell = myDataTable.getLastTrEl().cells[0];
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener('mylink2addrecord_ID', 'click', mymethod);
Without stopEvent you will never see editor, because there is tableBlur event called when you click on yourlink....
You can try this - this is ONLY a snippet from a larger piece of an event handler set of code I have. EditNext is the function that moves over a cell and displays the editor, if the cell has one:
this.myDataTable.subscribe("editorKeydownEvent",function(oArgs) {
var self = this,
ed = this._oCellEditor, // Should be: oArgs.editor, see: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2513909
ev = oArgs.event,
KEY = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY,
Textbox = YAHOO.widget.TextboxCellEditor,
Textarea = YAHOO.widget.TextareaCellEditor,
DCE = YAHOO.widget.DateCellEditor,
cell = ed.getTdEl(),
col = ed.getColumn(),
editNext = function(cell) {
cell = self.getNextTdEl(cell);
while (cell && !self.getColumn(cell).editor) {
cell = self.getNextTdEl(cell);
if (cell) {
As mac said, you need to stop the previous event. For some reason it (the tableBlur event) conflicts with the showCellEditor function. This is the first place which had a resolution to the problem.
To sum it up, all I did was:
dt.showCellEditor(td); // dt = yui datatable obj, td = {record: yuirecord, column: yuicolumn}
Of course if you have the event object readily available as mac's post does, you can pass it to stopEvent(e) like he did.
