Why jetbrain's MPS does not follow package structure for java classes - mps

I am just curious to know why jetbrain's MPS does not follow package structure for java classes.
Even the editor available for java programs does not have a tag called package. Is there any specific reason?

You can create "virtual packages" in MPS: just select any file, open the context menu and select "set virtual package". They are mapped to Java packages.


eclipse and Java ME, "you must add at least one configuration"

I need to make an app for my cheap phone, and I downloaded eclipse, java sdk, and java me sdk for it. I can't create a simple Java ME project, because when I click File->New->Java ME Project and type name, it says
you must add at least one configuration
Tutorial like this http://www.wideskills.com/j2me/configure-java-me-in-eclipse says to go to Window->Preferences->Java ME->Device Management->Manual Install and provide the path to the Java ME sdk, C:\Program Files\Java_ME_platform_SDK_8.3 in my case. Except it finds nothing for me.
Try to install the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit and give its path to download! It worked for me. Or add the MTJ (Mobile Tools for Java) plugin and we will have an environment ready to create Java ME applications.
To do this, go to the menu Help > Install new software and add the URL: http://download.eclipse.org/mtj/updates/1.1.2/stable

MPS-based IDE: what are the best practices for embedding JRE/JDK?

MPS enables me to build standalone IDEs (see https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD34/Building+standalone+IDEs+for+your+languages), however Windows builds would definitely need a JDK/JRE. The users get confused with installing Java, etc.
Are there "pre-built" JDKs compatible with MPS (IntelliJ platform)?
What are the approaches to update the bundled Java? IntelliJ platform does have an updater, however does it support updating the Java runtime? The updater is Java-based, so I wonder how does it update Java runtime when using the same runtime.
Can something like JetBrains Toolbox to manage updates of the "third-party" MPS-based IDEs?
PS. I'm using for MPS 2017.3, mbeddr if that matters.
I'm not exactly sure if the are publicly available but you can check JBs teamcity at teamcity.jetbrain.com where all their open source stuff is available.
The updater for intellij performs incremental updates to the jar files. It is not open source and it usually only used to do small updates. If there is a major update like new platform with a bunch of API updates it is not used and the user has to download complete new installer. In MPS the incremental updater is not used. So each MPS updates is complete new IDE to be downloaded by the end user (or JB toolbox).
I don't know how the JB toolbox works but you can use MPS/IntelliJs normal update mechanics to notify users about updates to your custom IDE. In the branding you create for your custom IDE there is field where you can point it to a update location. Which then serves a xml file with the update information. The format is pretty straight forward. Here is a sample. Your IDE will check on start up or at least once a day if an update is available.

uml plugin for netbeans 6.5.1

i looked for uml plugin for netbeans 6.5.1 but i can not find the link,
where can i download UML plugin for 'Netbeans 6.5.1' ide ?
and is there any tutorial on how to use it?
Read this. The UML plugin can be found in this version of NetBeans by default.
The plugin was not moved from the main installer to the update center and can be installed via the Tools > Plugins menu in the IDE.
Five diagram types are supported: activity, class, sequence, state and use case diagrams.

New eclipse installation using old features and plugins

I want to use a different installation of the Eclipse IDE, and drop into it some plugins and features that I already downloaded and install on a different instance of Eclipse. How can I do that? AFAIK, it's not as plain as copying the jar files, because Eclipse keeps some meta-data somewhere.
If it matters, the OS is Ubuntu Linux.
The convention is for the meta-data for plugins to be kept in workspace/.metadata/.plugins/ So just copy those to the workspace for the new install. Or just copy the entire workspace if you like.
You can try adding the old eclipse as a repository for install new software. The directory you want is OLD_ECLIPSE/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/SDKProfile.profile/
If you uncheck "group items by category" you should see the list of features you installed in your OLD_ECLIPSE.

Easy way of installing Eclipse plugins on Ubuntu

I'm running Eclipse (versions 3.6 and 3.5) on Ubuntu and I'm having trouble installing Eclipse plugins.
There is an easy way to install eclipse plugins in Eclipse, but this doesn't work for me on Ubuntu! This way only works properly under Windows and Mac OSX.
Just like in the tutorial, I create a folder inside my eclipse SDK folder that is named Links.
In this folder, I create a file eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk.lnk or eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk.link that contains this line:
and save it, but when I start Eclipse doesn't recognize the plugin!
How can I resolve this problem?
With Eclipse Galileo (3.5) or Helios (3.6), I would rather recommend an external directory called 'mydropins' (for instance), which you can reference from your eclipse.ini, with the option:
This is called a shared dropins folder.
See in this SO answer an example of plugin deployment in this shared dropins folder.
(Your link refers to the previous provisioning mechanism, pre-p2.
P2 is the new provisioning system introduced late in Eclipse3.4, refined (debugged?) in eclipse 3.5 and 3.6.
See the supported dropins formats to check how you can organize your own personal dropins folder (that you can reuse between several eclipse installations)
You said you are using:
That means, under /home/taher/opt/eclipse/Third-party-eclipse-links, you:
won't have any .link file
will copy:
Note: the structure within eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk should be the one describe above, for p2 to pick it up.
