Gradle 'TestApp' project refresh failed - android-studio

I am new to android studio. I have installed android studio 2.1 and imported an eClipse project into it as my first project. After finishing import job, an error occurred with this title:
Gradle 'TestApp' project refresh failed
â–ºError:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
I notice that in Tools > Android > SDK manager > System Settings > Android SDK > SDK Update Sites there are errors with Android Repository and Legacy Android Repository.
Android Repository
Legacy Android Repository
I have reinstalled Android studio and then installed and updated all extra fields in SDK manager. I have Android 4.4.2 and 5.0.1 SDK platforms. I Have all tools items installed in SDK manager.
There are no errors in Standalone SDK Manager.
I tried creating a new project. But same error appears.
How can I resolve the issue and run this app?

I restarted the Android SDK Manager and at this time I noticed that I got Android SDK Platform-tools (upgrade) and Android SDK Build-tools (new).
After installing those, I was finally able to fully compile my project.
Note: The latest ADT (Version 23) should be installed.


How to upgrade to Android SDK Version 29.0.3?

I have spent over 5 hours following things from google, GitHub, and StackOverflow.
Still unable to upgrade the Android SDK Version to 29.0.3.
In flutter doctor, it shows the incomplete installation of Android SDK 29.0.3, but when I create a flutter project, it is automatically detecting the old version(28.0.3) and trying to install that, instead of a new version.
Here is the flutter doctor.
Flutter Doctor Command
Here is the flutter run command.
Flutter Run Command
These are Android SDK Manager details:
Android SDK Manager Details
Just to mention that I have deleted all folder files of 28.0.3 from the SDK folder, except the licenses file.
Please help.
Open project at android studio then follow this
Open 'SDK manager' and 'select android 10.0', and then press OK button
Find file android > app > build.gradle, and change compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion

Flutter Integration in android Studio issue

While integrating Flutter in Android studio getting error as * Error running Gradle: Unable to download needed Android SDK components, as the following licenses have not been accepted: Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2, Android SDK Platform 27 To resolve this, please run the following command in a Terminal: flutter doctor --android-licenses
Problem was with sdk path in By default its pointing to different location. It works for me when change android sdk home dir in sdk.dir

Android Studio 2.2 doesn't generate

I can't create new projects anymore with this problem now despite my version is the latest 2.2.
Whenever I create a new project I get this message from gradle build:
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugAidl'.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: aidl is missing
android studio was notifying me of new updates to be installed and i made sure to check all (android SDK build tools) in tools packages folder in SDK manager

Gradle issues in Android studio 2.1.1

I am new to android studio. I am using android studio version 2.1.1. I have to run an application from Github. The problem I am facing is that whenever I run the application , I get this error,
Error:The project is using an unsupported version of Gradle.
I have even installed android support repository after following some tutorial. This did not help. I have also tried to find the versions of gradle that are compatible with Android studio 2.1.1. I dont know how to solve this issue

Android Studio Java plugin error

I just upgraded my Android Studio to the very latest version 1.0rc4 and i am getting this error in gradle sync window
What is it I am supposed to do to make the build successful?
