There is no NDK plugin in Eclipse Juno - android-ndk

I have downloaded and extracted NDK and have set the location in "preferences-->Android-->NDK". Do I have to install NDK plugin from "install new software-->"?
The problem is that I have no NDK plugin in this link!
see the picture here

Eclipse ADT Plugin is no longer supported.
For more info, go to


Android Studio native library build - NDK clang permission problem on Mac

Trying to build a native C library in Android Studio 4.0 on a Mac. But getting this pop-up when I do:
"clang" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.
Of note: I downloaded NDK r21 and point to it in Android Studio. Also, in the Android SDK setup, I have NDK (side-by-side) installed. I have to admit I am not clear what NDK is pointed to when one checks NDK (side-by-side)? That is why I downloaded NDK r21 and pointed to it in Android Studio. But now, this NDK clang permission problem...
thanks for any advice.
OK - I went to, in Android Studio, File -> Project Structure, and removed the PATH I had for the Android NDK Location box. And kept the NDK (side-by-side) box checked in the SDK Manager, SDK Tools tab section. Now not seeing the clang issue.

Buildroot plugin for eclipse-mars and up

I have followed the instructions in for installing the plugin.
Buildroot's server for eclipse plugins ( does'nt contain plugin for eclipse MARS version (v4.5).
I tried to install the 'Luna' version (v4.4) plugin but I got my toolchain list corrupted.
I tried starting-up eclipse with the -clean flag in the 'eclipse.ini' file but it didnt help either.
How can I make eclipse "register" buildroot plugin for eclipse versions higher than 4.4 ?
The plugin supports at most Eclipse Luna at the moment. Work is on-going to support higher versions.

How to configure NDK for Android Studio

I've installed Android Studio 2.2.3 and created a "myApplication" with include C++ support.
I get this error:
Error:NDK not configured.
Download it with SDK manager.)
Is there any good way to solve it please?
Once you have downloaded the NDK, go to "File" menu, than "Project Structure->SDK Location" and set the Android NDK Location (it is at the bottom of the window).

Use NDK in android studio 1.5.1?

I am learning NDK but I can't use from that show me these errors:
"First, the Android NDK support only works with the new experimental Gradle plugin for Android (which in turn requires Gradle 2.5).
Check out - there are more info on how to set up Android Studio for NDK and for list of changes that need to be done when changing gradle plugin to experimental.

Cannot remove NDK support from Android project

I am unable to remove NDK support from my Android project. I have gone through all the workspace and project settings, including CDT builder, C/C++ build paths, etc. I have cleaned my workspace and relaunched Eclipse. However, my project will not build as Eclipse complains about this error:
Program "/home/eazyigz/adt-bundle-linux-x86/android-ndk-r8c/ndk-build" not found in PATH
I really don't know what to do, as I don't even have ndk-r8c downloaded, and it's an outdated version of ndk anyway! I am on Ubuntu Linux.
Anybody knows?
Well, I reinstalled Eclipse. Then I deleted my project and re-imported it into the workspace. Now I don't get that error anymore. Problem solved.
If you have a C/C++ aspect to your code which references the Android NDK plugin for Eclipse, you need to have the NDK location set in the NDK plugin preferences:
