Call functions with special prefix/suffix - string

I have a package named "seeder":
package seeder
import "fmt"
func MyFunc1() {
fmt.Println("I am Masood")
func MyFunc2() {
fmt.Println("I am a programmer")
func MyFunc3() {
fmt.Println("I want to buy a car")
Now I want to call all functions with MyFunc prefix
package main
import "./seeder"
func main() {
for k := 1; k <= 3; k++ {
seeder.MyFunc1() // This calls MyFunc1 three times
I want something like this:
for k := 1; k <= 3; k++ {
seeder.MyFunc + k ()
and this output:
I am Masood
I am a programmer
I want to buy a car
In this example, parentKey is a string variable which changed in a loop
for parentKey, _ := range uRLSjson{
pppp := seeder + "." + strings.ToUpper(parentKey)
gorilla.HandleFunc("/", pppp).Name(parentKey)
But GC said:
use of package seeder without selector

You can't get a function by its name, and that is what you're trying to do. The reason is that if the Go tool can detect that a function is not referred to explicitly (and thus unreachable), it may not even get compiled into the executable binary. For details see Splitting client/server code.
With a function registry
One way to do what you want is to build a "function registry" prior to calling them:
registry := map[string]func(){
"MyFunc1": MyFunc1,
"MyFunc2": MyFunc2,
"MyFunc3": MyFunc3,
for k := 1; k <= 3; k++ {
registry[fmt.Sprintf("MyFunc%d", k)]()
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Hello MyFunc1
Hello MyFunc2
Hello MyFunc3
Manual "routing"
Similar to the registry is inspecting the name and manually routing to the function, for example:
func callByName(name string) {
switch name {
case "MyFunc1":
case "MyFunc2":
case "MyFunc3":
panic("Unknown function name")
Using it:
for k := 1; k <= 3; k++ {
callByName(fmt.Sprintf("MyFunc%d", k))
Try this on the Go Playground.
Note: It's up to you if you want to call the function identified by its name in the callByName() helper function, or you may choose to return a function value (of type func()) and have it called in the caller's place.
Transforming functions to methods
Also note that if your functions would actually be methods of some type, you could do it without a registry. Using reflection, you can get a method by name: Value.MethodByName(). You can also get / enumerate all methods without knowing their names using Value.NumMethod() and Value.Method() (also see Type.NumMethod() and Type.Method() if you need the name of the method or its parameter types).
This is how it could be done:
type MyType int
func (m MyType) MyFunc1() {
fmt.Println("Hello MyFunc1")
func (m MyType) MyFunc2() {
fmt.Println("Hello MyFunc2")
func (m MyType) MyFunc3() {
fmt.Println("Hello MyFunc3")
func main() {
v := reflect.ValueOf(MyType(0))
for k := 1; k <= 3; k++ {
v.MethodByName(fmt.Sprintf("MyFunc%d", k)).Call(nil)
Output is the same. Try it on the Go Playground.

Another alternative would be to range over an array of your functions
package main
import (
func MyFunc1() {
fmt.Println("I am Masood")
func MyFunc2() {
fmt.Println("I am a programmer")
func MyFunc3() {
fmt.Println("I want to buy a car")
func main() {
for _, fn := range []func(){MyFunc1, MyFunc2, MyFunc3} {


String splitting before character

I'm new to go and have been using split to my advantage. Recently I came across a problem I wanted to split something, and keep the splitting char in my second slice rather than removing it, or leaving it in the first slice as with SplitAfter.
For example the following code:
strings.Split("", "#")
returned: ["email", ""]
strings.SplitAfter("", "#")
returned: ["email#", ""]
What's the best way to get ["email", ""]?
Use strings.Index to find the # and slice to get the two parts:
var part1, part2 string
if i := strings.Index(s, "#"); i >= 0 {
part1, part2 = s[:i], s[i:]
} else {
// handle case with no #
Run it on the playground.
Could this work for you?
s := strings.Split("", "#")
address, domain := s[0], "#"+s[1]
fmt.Println(address, domain)
// email
Then combing and creating a string
var buffer bytes.Buffer
result := buffer.String()
You can use bufio.Scanner:
package main
import (
func email(data []byte, eof bool) (int, []byte, error) {
for i, b := range data {
if b == '#' {
if i > 0 {
return i, data[:i], nil
return len(data), data, nil
return 0, nil, nil
func main() {
s := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(""))
for s.Scan() {

structure with nested maps golang

Hi I'm new to go and was trying to figure out how maps work.
I have made up a little test program and can't seem to get it to work.
What I'm doing wrong?
package main
import (
type Stats struct {
cnt int
category map[string]Events
type Events struct {
cnt int
event map[string]Event
type Event struct {
value int64
func main() {
stats := new(Stats)
stats.cnt = 33
stats.category["aa"].cnt = 66
stats.category["aa"].event["bb"].value = 99
fmt.Println(stats.cnt, stats.category["aa"].event["bb"].value)
There are couple of issues with the code:
Map needs to be initialized using make function. Currently they are nil
Return value from map is non-addressable, this because if map is growing it needs to relocated which will cause memory address to change. Hence we need to extract value explicitly from map to a variable, update it and assigning it back.
Use pointer
I have updated the solution to show both updated it value returned and assigning it back and pointer.
package main
import (
type Stats struct {
cnt int
category map[string]Events
type Events struct {
cnt int
event map[string]*Event
type Event struct {
value int64
func main() {
stats := new(Stats)
stats.cnt = 33
stats.category = make(map[string]Events)
e, f := stats.category["aa"]
if !f {
e = Events{}
e.cnt = 66
e.event = make(map[string]*Event)
stats.category["aa"] = e
stats.category["aa"].event["bb"] = &Event{}
stats.category["aa"].event["bb"].value = 99
fmt.Println(stats.cnt, stats.category["aa"].event["bb"].value)
Adding this as a different approach to the problem:
type Stats struct {
cnt int
categories map[string]*Events
func (s *Stats) Category(n string) (e *Events) {
if s.categories == nil {
s.categories = map[string]*Events{}
if e = s.categories[n]; e == nil {
e = &Events{}
s.categories[n] = e
type Events struct {
cnt int
events map[string]*Event
func (e *Events) Event(n string) (ev *Event) {
if == nil { = map[string]*Event{}
if ev =[n]; ev == nil {
ev = &Event{}[n] = ev
type Event struct {
value int64
func main() {
var stats Stats
stats.cnt = 33
stats.Category("aa").cnt = 66
stats.Category("aa").Event("bb").value = 99
fmt.Println(stats.cnt, stats.Category("aa").Event("bb").value)
There are a few issues with your approach.
You aren't initializing you maps. You need to create them first.
Maps return copies of their values. So when you pull out "aa" and modify it, you are getting a copy of "aa", changing it, then throwing it away. You need to put it back in the map, or use pointers.
Here's a working example (non-pointer version) on Play.
Notice the construction of the maps, and the re-assignment back to the map when modifying a value.
package main
import (
type Stats struct {
cnt int
category map[string]Events
type Events struct {
cnt int
event map[string]Event
type Event struct {
value int64
func main() {
stats := &Stats{category: map[string]Events{}}
stats.cnt = 33
tmpCat, ok := stats.category["aa"]
if !ok {
tmpCat = Events{event: map[string]Event{}}
tmpCat.cnt = 66
tmpEv := tmpCat.event["bb"]
tmpEv.value = 99
tmpCat.event["bb"] = tmpEv
stats.category["aa"] = tmpCat
fmt.Println(stats.cnt, stats.category["aa"].event["bb"].value)

Can you pass a struct fieldname in to a function in golang?

Say for example you have something like this, trying to make the example as simple as possible.
type Home struct {
Bedroom string
Bathroom string
How do you pass the field name, or can you, to a function?
func (this *Home) AddRoomName(fieldname, value string) {
this.fieldname = value
Obviously that does not work... The only way I can see to do this is to use two functions which adds a lot of extra code when the struct gets really big and has a lot of similar code.
func (this *Home) AddBedroomName(value string) {
this.Bedroom = value
func (this *Home) AddBathroomName(value string) {
this.Bathroom = value
The only way that I am aware of is to use reflection:
func (this *Home) AddRoomName(fieldname, value string) {
h := reflect.ValueOf(this).Elem()
One more idea that comes to my mind is like this, not sure if it makes sense in your case though:
func Set(field *string, value string) {
*field = value
home := &Home{"asd", "zxc"}
Set(&home.Bedroom, "bedroom")
Set(&home.Bathroom, "bathroom")
Use type assertions on an interface value:
package main
import "fmt"
type Test struct {
S string
I int
func (t *Test) setField(name string, value interface{}) {
switch name {
case "S":
t.S = value.(string)
case "I":
t.I = value.(int)
func main() {
t := &Test{"Hello", 0}
fmt.Println(t.S, t.I)
t.setField("S", "Goodbye")
t.setField("I", 1)
fmt.Println(t.S, t.I)

Returning interfaces in Golang

I am trying to write a method on a struct that takes in a interface type and returns that interface type but converted to the appropriate type.
type Model interface {
type TrueFalseQuestions struct {
//some stuff
func (q *TrueFalseQuestions) GetEntity() {
//some stuff
type MultiQuestions struct {
//some stuff
func (q *MultiQuestions) GetEntity() {
//some stuff
type Manager struct {
func (man *Manager) GetModel(mod Model) Model {
return mod
func main() {
var man Manager
q := TrueFalseQuestions {}
q = man.GetModel(&TrueFalseQuestions {})
So when I call GetModel() with type TrueFalseQuestions I want to automatically return a TrueFalseQuestions type. I figured that would mean that my GetModel() method should return a Model type. That way if I pass a MultiQuestion type a MultiQuestion struct is returned.
You can't directly return a TrueFalseQuestions when the return type is Model. It will always be implicitly wrapped in a Model interface.
To get the TrueFalseQuestions back, you need to use a type-assertion. (you also need watch out for pointers vs values)
// this should be a pointer, because the interface methods all have pointer receivers
q := &TrueFalseQuestions{}
q = man.GetModel(&TrueFalseQuestions{}).(*TrueFalseQuestions)
That of course can panic if you got a MultiQuestions, so you should check the ok value, or use a type switch
switch q := man.GetModel(&TrueFalseQuestions{}).(type) {
case *TrueFalseQuestions:
// q isTrueFalseQuestions
case *MultiQuestions:
// q is MultiQuestions
// unexpected type
You can't, however you can use type assertion on the returned value.
func main() {
var man Manager
tfq := &TrueFalseQuestions{}
q := man.GetModel(tfq)
if v, ok := q.(*TrueFalseQuestions); ok {
fmt.Println("v is true/false", v)
} else if v, ok := q.(*MultiQuestions); ok {
fmt.Println("v is mq", v)
} else {
fmt.Println("unknown", q)

How to find out element position in slice?

How does one determine the position of an element present in slice?
I need something like the following:
type intSlice []int
func (slice intSlice) pos(value int) int {
for p, v := range slice {
if (v == value) {
return p
return -1
Sorry, there's no generic library function to do this. Go doesn't have a straight forward way of writing a function that can operate on any slice.
Your function works, although it would be a little better if you wrote it using range.
If you happen to have a byte slice, there is bytes.IndexByte.
You can create generic function in idiomatic go way:
func SliceIndex(limit int, predicate func(i int) bool) int {
for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
if predicate(i) {
return i
return -1
And usage:
xs := []int{2, 4, 6, 8}
ys := []string{"C", "B", "K", "A"}
SliceIndex(len(xs), func(i int) bool { return xs[i] == 5 }),
SliceIndex(len(xs), func(i int) bool { return xs[i] == 6 }),
SliceIndex(len(ys), func(i int) bool { return ys[i] == "Z" }),
SliceIndex(len(ys), func(i int) bool { return ys[i] == "A" }))
You could write a function;
func indexOf(element string, data []string) (int) {
for k, v := range data {
if element == v {
return k
return -1 //not found.
This returns the index of a character/string if it matches the element. If its not found, returns a -1.
There is no library function for that. You have to code by your own.
Go supports generics as of version 1.18, which allows you to create a function like yours as follows:
func IndexOf[T comparable](collection []T, el T) int {
for i, x := range collection {
if x == el {
return i
return -1
If you want to be able to call IndexOf on your collection you can alternatively use #mh-cbon's technique from the comments.
You can just iterate of the slice and check if an element matches with your element of choice.
func index(slice []string, item string) int {
for i := range slice {
if slice[i] == item {
return i
return -1
Since Go 1.18 you can also use the experimental generic slices package from like this:
package main
import ""
func main() {
s := []int{1,2,3,4,5}
wanted := 3
idx := slices.Index(s, wanted)
fmt.Printf("the index of %v is %v", wanted, idx)
It will return -1, if wanted is not in the slice. Test it at the playground.
This is my preferred way, since this might become part of the standard library someday.
Another option is to sort the slice using the sort package, then search for the thing you are looking for:
package main
import (
var ints = [...]int{74, 59, 238, -784, 9845, 959, 905, 0, 0, 42, 7586, -5467984, 7586}
func main() {
data := ints
a := sort.IntSlice(data[0:])
pos := sort.SearchInts(a, -784)
log.Println("Sorted: ", a)
log.Println("Found at index ", pos)
2009/11/10 23:00:00 Sorted: [-5467984 -784 0 0 42 59 74 238 905 959 7586 7586 9845]
2009/11/10 23:00:00 Found at index 1
This works for the basic types and you can always implement the sort interface for your own type if you need to work on a slice of other things. See
Depends on what you are doing though.
I had the same issue few months ago and I solved in two ways:
First method:
func Find(slice interface{}, f func(value interface{}) bool) int {
s := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if s.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
for index := 0; index < s.Len(); index++ {
if f(s.Index(index).Interface()) {
return index
return -1
Use example:
type UserInfo struct {
UserId int
func main() {
var (
destinationList []UserInfo
userId int = 123
destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo {
UserId : 23,
destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo {
UserId : 12,
idx := Find(destinationList, func(value interface{}) bool {
return value.(UserInfo).UserId == userId
if idx < 0 {
fmt.Println("not found")
} else {
Second method with less computational cost:
func Search(length int, f func(index int) bool) int {
for index := 0; index < length; index++ {
if f(index) {
return index
return -1
Use example:
type UserInfo struct {
UserId int
func main() {
var (
destinationList []UserInfo
userId int = 123
destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo {
UserId : 23,
destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo {
UserId : 123,
idx := Search(len(destinationList), func(index int) bool {
return destinationList[index].UserId == userId
if idx < 0 {
fmt.Println("not found")
} else {
Another option if your slice is sorted is to use SearchInts(a []int, x int) int which returns the element index if it's found or the index the element should be inserted at in case it is not present.
s := []int{3,2,1}
fmt.Println(sort.SearchInts(s, 1)) // 0
fmt.Println(sort.SearchInts(s, 4)) // 3
