Eclipse doesn't render menus or popups - linux

I can't view many windows in eclipse since they don't properly render. The window opens and has an outline, but the body appears transparent and just displays the window behind it. Is there a resolution to this bug? It makes Eclipse extremely frustrating to use. This is using Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse 4.5.2 Mars. Eclipse was installed from the latest version on the website.
Another, probably unrelated issue, is that autocomplete doesn't perform any kind of prefix matching. It only appears after a period (in Java) and takes 5-10 seconds to load. If I begin entering characters, it never provides options.
Another issue is that many plugins break emacs keybindings and emacs keybindings are completely inconsistent. In some windows that utilize some bindings, but in another window they different bindings or don't use emacs bindings at all.


Can I disable autocomplete with Alt+Tab on Qt Creator under Linux?

For the most part I very much like Qt Creator, but a few projects I'm working on require me to switch between my editor and my web browser for reference. Qt Creator is currently interpreting Alt+Tab to autocomplete, and then switching my window focus; this is a mild problem but it's really starting to get to me.
I've tried going to Tools→Options→Keyboard and searching for Alt+Tab, but found nothing. Is there a way to get it to selectively ignore the key combination without disabling autocomplete on the whole?
To complete the picture, I'm on Linux Mint 19.04 using XFCE desktop environment; or occasionally Maté. If I need to access something in system settings to do this I'm happy to; I just don't want to keep excessively second-guessing my code when I return to it.
Auto-complete is bound to Ctrl+Space by default, not Alt+Tab. In tools/options/keyboard, search for "CompleteThis" to see what it's bound to.
Maybe what you want is to disable auto-complete and use only manual-complete? That is, have the auto-complete list only show when you press ctrl+space, but never automatically. You can do that in options/text editor/completion.

macOS Sublime Text 3: How do I disable one window / tabbed windows?

Not to long ago (well, maybe months and months), Sublime 3 has started launching as a singular window with tabbed windows that have their own tabs. I despise this approach. See screen shot:
How do I disable this behavior?
Version 3.1.1 build 3176
The only Packages I have installed are:
A File Icon
Groovy Snippets
Material Theme
Package Control
Pretty JSON
This particular feature is something that's happening as a result of your using MacOS (i.e. it's not something that Sublime does natively; the OS is doing it on your behalf).
In the general case most MacOS applications should have native menu items to combine windows together like this at the user's request in combination with the Prefer tabs when opening documents setting in the Dock area of the system preferences.
Sublime doesn't support the native menu items for this (yet), so it relies solely on the setting; having it set to Always (and also In Full Screen Only, but this tends to cause problems with Sublime) makes MacOS automatically "tab" new windows. Setting that setting to Manually stops this from happening.
This is also somewhat controlled by the Theme that you're using in Sublime. For MacOS, a Sublime theme can theme the menu bar of the window to match the overall application theme. Behind the scenes, this makes Sublime declare to MacOS that it wants to be in charge of displaying it's own window, which stops the system from automatically combining windows together.
An example of a theme that does this is the Adaptive theme that ships with Sublime.

How to set up the apps key in conemu so it doesn't open the mintty menu

I use Conemu and Cygwin at home and at work, and I was trying to get the keyboard and highlighting to behave the same way in both places, so I imported my home Conemu settings file into my work Conemu, and now I've lost my ability to use Apps+PgDn/PgUp to scroll the backbuffer. Instead, when I press the Apps key, the mintty menu pops up.
How do I get that back?
I finally figured out that the problem is mintty.exe. I think they changed it in Windows 10 so the Apps/Menu key makes the context menu pop up, and there doesn't seem to be any way to disable that. I'm using Windows 8 at work and Windows 10 at home, hence the disparity.
If you just set your task to run bash.exe, everything seem to work fine.
Now that I figured it out, I can see why running mintty.exe in ConEmu doesn't make much sense, since they're kind of competing products, both designed to be better alternatives to cmd.exe.
There are only a couple of differences:
bash.exe has no way to specify an icon, but that easily fixed by putting /icon "C:\cygwin\Cygwin-Terminal.ico" (or whatever your cygwin icon path is) in ConEmu's task parameters.
The color scheme is also different, but appending -new_console:P:"<Standard VGA>" to the task command makes it the same as mintty.exe's (I want ConEmu to run Far Manager with the <Solarized> color scheme).

GVIM 6.4 has better GUI and options than GVIM 7

I wanted to use tab file feature of gvim, hence I moved to gvim 7.0 from gvim 6.4.6 since older one does not support it. However to my amazement I see much better GUI in my older gvim. Not only the appearance but options are also less. For example in the "Edit" menu there is no select font option which was there in GVIM 6.4.6.
Do I need to change something (.vimrc etc) to have GUI and features better than 6.4.6? Attach is the screenshot showing new vs old to give you an idea...
Thanks for the help
You're comparing apples and oranges. Vim can be compiled with different GUI toolkits, and your newer, less-appealing looking one was compiled without the modern GTK2 GUI.
You can check this via :version. Try to get a different Vim build.

gVim/Vim - how do I write vim buffer into a new (non vim) window?

This might not be strictly a vim question, but here goes.
I have a proprietary IDE I'm working in, without any vim characteristics. I do, however, have keybindings.
My "diabolical plan" is to create a keybinding in the IDE (say Windows + V) to select all in the current buffer window in the IDE, open a gVim window, and dump the file into the window (perhaps setting filetype as well, but let's not get too fancy)
So the keybinding works to get it INTO a vim buffer - but how can I set up vim (either with a plugin or 3rd party tool) to grab the buffer on a :write and update the file in the IDE I launched it from?
Doable? Fool's errand?
If it's just about the IDE editor: write a Visual Studio Addon.
If you want to make this transparently work for any application (like "It's all text!" that #xofon mentions)... World Domination!
As long as you can worry that this is a fool's errand, I already know you're not going to finish it. Geniuses go after their goals against all odds. Oh, and they reach them, of course. On-topic: I think you can manage this for selected standard controls only (and you'll run into walls especially as Windows is growing security awareness these days).
On WinNT/2000 and earlier it was as 'simple' as creating DLL injection, hooking window procs for the related controls and doing the grunt-work. Nowadays, I'm not so sure this is going to work without hitches. You'll run into process isolation issues, WOW isolation, clipboard sharing idiosyncrasies, Citrix/Terminal server sessions. So: I hope you are convinced you want to mount these kind of challenges. If so, I'm all for it. It would be great to have Vi support on windows surpassing that on any platform. <dreams/>
You might have a look at the docs for IME (Input-Method Editing). I'm afraid this won't let you achieve modal editing, really.
